410 resultados para NAC


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There are a lot of differences in the neural mechanisms underlying between drug reward and natural reward despite the common neual basis. Undoubtedly, revealing the common and the different mechanisms underlying drug reward and natural reward will promote the development of research on drug addiction. Among diversified natural rewards, sex is often compared to drug because sexual reward has more similarities to drug. The mesolimbic dopamine system (VTA-NAc pathway) is a common pathway activated by natural reinforcers and addictive drugs, mediating reward, emotion and motivation under physiological conditions. The neuroadaptations taking place in the central nervous system including the mesolimbic dopamine system after repeatedly drug taking leads to persistent drug craving, Orexin, a neuropeptide produced in the lateral hypothalamus, plays an important role in reward-associated, motivated behaviors. Orexin neurons have extensive projections to the mesolimbic dopamine system. In order to further investigate the roles of orexin A in drug reward, this study examined the regulatory roles of orexin A in the VTA and NAcSh on drug reinforcement (acqusition of morphine CPP) and drug-seeking behavior (expression of morphine CPP). Moreover, the roles of orexin A on drug reward were compared with sexual reward. The main results are as follows: 1. The expression of morphine CPP was inhibited by intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered OX1R antagonist SB334867; 2. The male unconditioned sexual motivation was not affected by i.c.v. administered SB334867. However, i.c.v. given orexin A inhibited unconditioned sexual motivation in sexually high-motivated rats but did not affect sexual motivation in low-motivated rats; 3. The acquisition and expression of morphine CPP was inhibited by SB334867 microinjected into the VTA. SB334867 or orexin A injected into the NAcSh did not influence the acquisition of morphine CPP, but orexin A increased the locomotor activity in rats treated with morphine (3mg/kg); 4. SB334867 microinjected into the VTA did not affect male copulatory behavior, neither affect the acqusition of copulatory CPP; 5. The expression of copulatory CPP was associated with increased Fos protein expression in hypothalamic orexin A neurons, and SB334867 microinjected into the VTA inhibited expression of copulatory CPP. These results suggest that, (1) endogenous orexin A is not involved in male unconditioned sexual motivation, but involved in drug craving; (2) orexin A in the VTA instead of in the NAc is involved in drug reinforcement; (3) orexin A in the VTA is critical for drug-seeking behavior, but it is still unclear for the role of orexin A in the NAcSh; (4) in contrast to drug reinforcement, orexin A in the VTA is not involved in reinforcing effect of sexual reward. Orexin A plays a role both in drug-seeking behavior and in sexual reward-seeking behavior, but the different orexin A neuron populations may be responsible for the roles of orexin A in two types of reward. In a word, the differential roles of orexin A in drug and sexual reward are found in the present study, which provides some evidence for further research on the mechanisms of drug addiction.


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The non-beta-amyloid (Aß) component of Alzheimer's disease amyloid (NAC) and its precursor a-synuclein have been linked to amyloidogenesis in several neurodegenerative diseases. NAC and a-synuclein both form ß-sheet structures upon ageing, aggregate to form fibrils, and are neurotoxic. We recently established that a peptide comprising residues 3±18 of NAC retains these properties. To pinpoint the exact region responsible we have carried out assays of toxicity and physicochemical properties on smaller fragments of NAC. Toxicity was measured by the ability of fresh and aged peptides to inhibit the reduction of the redox dye 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) by rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells and human neuroblastoma SHSY-5Y cells. On immediate dissolution, or after ageing, the fragments NAC(8±18) and NAC(8±16) are toxic, whereas NAC(12±18), NAC(9±16) and NAC(8±15) are not. Circular dichroism indicates that none of the peptides displays ß-sheet structure; rather all remain random coil throughout 24 h. However, in acetonitrile, an organic solvent known to induce ß sheet, fragments NAC(8±18) and NAC(8±16) both form ß-sheet structure. Only NAC(8±18) aggregates, as indicated by concentration of peptide remaining in solution after 3 days, and forms fibrils, as determined by electron microscopy. These findings indicate that residues 8±16 of NAC, equivalent to residues 68±76 in a-synuclein, comprise the region crucial for toxicity.


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Parkinson's disease (PD)-related dementia affects approximately 40% of PD patients and the severity of this dementia correlates significantly with the density of Lewy body (LB) deposition in the PD brain. Aggregated alpha-synuclein protein is the major component of LB's and the non-amyloid component (NAC) region of alpha-synuclein, residues 61-95, is essential for the aggregation and toxicity of this protein. The current study evaluated the effect of pre-aggregated NAC(61-95) injected into the CA3 area of the dorsal hippocampus of the brain on memory in the rat. Previous research has suggested that oxidative stress processes may play a role in the neuropathology of PD, therefore the effect of treatment with vitamin E, an antioxidant, was also evaluated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were trained in two-lever operant chambers under an alternating-lever cyclic-ratio (ALCR) schedule of food reinforcement. When responding showed no trends, subjects were divided into four groups. Two groups were injected bilaterally into the dorsal hippocampus with aggregated NAC(61-95) (5 mu l suspension), and two groups were injected bilaterally into the dorsal hippocampus with sterile water (5 mu l). Subgroups were treated with either vitamin E (150 mg/kg in Soya oil) or vehicle (Soya oil) daily. Injection of NAC(61-95) induced memory deficits and vitamin E treatment alleviated these. In addition, NAC(61-95) injections induced activated astrocytes and chronic treatment with vitamin E reduced the numbers of activated astrocytes. These results suggest that aggregated NAC(61-95) and associated oxidative stress, may play a role in the pathogenesis of cognitive deficits seen in PD-induced dementia. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objetivo: determinar qué factores de agravamiento pueden hallarse en pacientes hospitalizados por neumonía, y observar si dichos factores podrían predecir el ingreso de los pacientes a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos con horas e incluso días de anticipación; Metodos: estudio de casos y controles retrospectivo, tomando como casos los pacientes que terminaron en la UCI por neumonía entre enero de 2000 y junio de 2002; también se tomaron como controles pacientes con neumonía que estuvieron hospitalizados en el mismo hospital, atendidos por los mismos médicos, de los mismos grupos de edades y que se recuperaron sin mayores complicaciones. Resultado: encontramos asociación estadística significativa entre ingresar a UCI por neumonía y las siguientes variables de estudio: el nivel de pobreza, la alteración del estado de conciencia y la temperatura normal o baja, la tensión arterial media (TAM) por debajo de 65, Los hallazgos bilaterales en los Rx y el BUN>20. Estas otras variables no parecen ser predominantes a la hora de terminar en UCI por neumonía: Epoc, el tabaquismo, la edad avanzada y el sexo. Conclusión: Con una adecuada revisión clínica inicial del paciente y luego de un cuidadoso seguimiento de signos vitales, haciendo énfasis en la temperatura y la presión arterial, pero sin olvidar una evaluación periódica del estado de conciencia, se podría aumentar la vigilancia de los pacientes que demuestren desmejoramiento de los signos mencionados, y de esta manera intervenirlos adecuadamente para evitar su ingreso a UCI, o llevarlos tempranamente y así disminuir morbilidad. Tal vez no estemos diciendo nada novedoso, ya que la Sociedad Americana del Tórax ha estudiado todos los factores de riesgo para agravamiento de neumonía, pero también es cierto que la ATS no incluyó un solo paciente bogotano en alguno de sus estudios; por ello, consideramos de gran valor el estudio de la patología en nuestro medio, a pesar de que lo que encontremos coincida en gran manera con lo hallado por los americanos: lejos de restarle valor al trabajo, creemos que eleva su importancia.


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BACKGROUND: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disabling mental illness for which pharmacological and psychosocial interventions are all too often inadequate. Recent preclinical and clinical studies have implicated dysfunction of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the pathophysiology of OCD. The amino acid-based nutraceutical N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a safe and readily available agent that has been found to modify the synaptic release of glutamate in subcortical brain regions via modulation of the cysteine-glutamate antiporter. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of NAC in treating OCD. METHODS: A 16-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised trial using 3 g/day of NAC (1.5 g twice daily) in 44 participants (aged 18-70 years) with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5)-diagnosed OCD, during 2013-2015. The primary outcome measure was the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS), conducted every 4 weeks. RESULTS: Analysis of the full sample (intention-to-treat) with repeated measures mixed linear modelling revealed a nonsignificant time × treatment interaction for the YBOCS scale total score (p = 0.39). A per-protocol analysis removing protocol violators also failed to show a significant time × treatment interaction for YBOCS total score (p = 0.15). However, a significant time × treatment interaction was observed for the YBOCS 'Compulsions' subscale in favour of NAC (p = 0.013), with a significant reduction observed at week 12 (dissipating at week 16). At 16 weeks, only four (20 %) participants were considered 'responders' (YBOCS ≥35 % reduction at endpoint) versus four (27 %) in the placebo group. The NAC was well-tolerated, aside from more cases of heartburn occurring compared with placebo (p = 0.045). CONCLUSION: Further research involving NAC for OCD may require larger samples to detect moderate or small effect sizes, involve dosage or formulation differences, use in concert with exposure therapy, or an additional post-study observational period to mitigate study withdrawal. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ACTRN12613000310763.


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The flowering is a physiological process that it is vital for plants. This physiological process has been well studied in the plant model Arabidopsis, but in sugarcane this process is not well known. The transition of the shoot apical meristem from vegetative to flowering is a critical factor for plant development. At Brazil northeastern region, the transition to flowering in sugarcane has an important effect as it may reduce up to 60% its production. This is a consequence of the sugar translocation from stalks to the shoot apical meristem which is necessary during the flowering process. Therefore, the aim of this work was to explore and analyze cDNAs previously identified using subtractive cDNA libraries. The results showed that these cDNAs showed differential expression profile in varieties of sugarcane (early x late flowering). The in silico analysis suggested that these cDNAs had homology to calmodulin, NAC transcription factor and phosphatidylinositol, a SEC14, which were described in the literature as having a role in the process of floral development. To better understand the role of the cDNA homologous to calmodulin, tobacco plants were transformed with overexpression cassettes in sense and antissense orientation. Plants overexpressing the cassette in sense orientation did not flowered, while plants overexpressing the cassette in the antissense orientation produced flowers. The data obtained in this study suggested the possible role from CAM sequence, SEC14 and NAC in the induction/floral development pathway in sugarcane, this is the first study in order to analyze these genes in the sugarcane flowering process.


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Oxidative stress is related with physiopathology of diabetes mellitus type II and with its secondary complications, such as diabetic nephropathy. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of n-acetylcysteine NAC, an antioxidant from Allium cepa, on oxidative stress, morphometrical and nutritional parameters and basal metabolism and energetic substrate utilization, serum glucose and oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and renal function of high-sucrose intake rats. Animals were initially divided into three groups. Rats in the control group (C; n=10) were given free access to a standard chow and water; (S; n=10) group received standard chow and 30% sucrose in its drinking water; (SN; n=5) group received standard chow and 2g/L NAC and 30% sucrose in its drinking water. After 25 days of treatments, rats were submitted to indirect calorimetry in fasted and feed states. After 30 days of treatments, rats from C and S groups were divided into four groups of five rats each. The (CC) and (SS) groups were given an intra-gastric dose 0,6mL saline (0,9%NaCl) and the (CNAC) and (SNAC) groups were treated with a intra-gastric dose of 0,6mL NAC (160g/day), and then everybody received a intra-gastric dose of glucose solution (20%) for the OGTT. Animals of S and SN groups have higher liquid consumption and lower food consumption than C group. Calorimetric analyses confirm that despite of the final body weight had not statistical difference among groups, S group have lower resting metabolic rate when compared to C and SN animals. Besides, S group has higher respiratory quotient, higher carbohydrate oxidation and lower lipid oxidation, both in fasted and feed states, than C and SN groups, evidencing the beneficial effect of NAC. Fasting plasma glucose is increased in SS and SNAC animals when compared to CC and CNAC, however SN group has glicemic level at 30 min before OGTT decreased when ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Background. Acute kidney injury (AKI) following prolonged laparoscopy is a documented phenomenon. Carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum induces oxidative stress. Previous experimental studies have shown that the antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine, protects the rat from AKI following ischemia-reperfusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on rat renal function after prolonged pneumoperitoneum. Methods. Normal rats treated or not with NAC were submitted to abdominal CO2 insufflation of 10 mmHg, at short and long periods of time of 1 and 3 h, respectively, and evaluated at 24, 72 h, and 1 wk after deinsufflation. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was measured by inulin clearance and oxidative stress was evaluated by serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) Results. No significant alterations in GFR were observed in normal animals submitted to the pneumoperitoneum of 1 h and evaluated after 24 h desufflation. With 3 h of pneumoperitoneum, a significant and progressive decrease in GFR occurred 24 and 72 h after desufflation with an increase in serum TBARS. GFR returned to normal levels a week later. In the NAC-treated rats, a complete protection against GFR drops was observed 24 and 72 h following 3 h of pneumoperitoneum associated with a decrease in TBARS. Conclusion. These results suggest that NAC protects against acute kidney injury following prolonged pneumoperitoneum. These findings have significant clinical implications. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Methylphenidate (MPD) is a psychostimulant commonly prescribed for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The mode of action of the brain circuitry responsible for initiating the animals' behavior in response to psychostimulants is not well understood. There is some evidence that psychostimulants activate the ventral tegmental area (VTA), nucleus accumbens (NAc), and prefrontal cortex (PFC). METHODS: The present study was designed to investigate the acute dose-response of MPD (0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg) on locomotor behavior and sensory evoked potentials recorded from the VTA, NAc, and PFC in freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes. For locomotor behavior, adult male Wistar-Kyoto (WKY; n = 39) rats were given saline on experimental day 1 and either saline or an acute injection of MPD (0.6, 2.5, or 10.0 mg/kg, i.p.) on experimental day 2. Locomotor activity was recorded for 2-h post injection on both days using an automated, computerized activity monitoring system. Electrophysiological recordings were also performed in the adult male WKY rats (n = 10). Five to seven days after the rats had recovered from the implantation of electrodes, each rat was placed in a sound-insulated, electrophysiological test chamber where its sensory evoked field potentials were recorded before and after saline and 0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg MPD injection. Time interval between injections was 90 min. RESULTS: Results showed an increase in locomotion with dose-response characteristics, while a dose-response decrease in amplitude of the components of sensory evoked field responses of the VTA, NAc, and PFC neurons. For example, the P3 component of the sensory evoked field response of the VTA decreased by 19.8% +/- 7.4% from baseline after treatment of 0.6 mg/kg MPD, 37.8% +/- 5.9% after 2.5 mg/kg MPD, and 56.5% +/- 3.9% after 10 mg/kg MPD. Greater attenuation from baseline was observed in the NAc and PFC. Differences in the intensity of MPD-induced attenuation were also found among these brain areas. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that an acute treatment of MPD produces electrophysiologically detectable alterations at the neuronal level, as well as observable, behavioral responses. The present study is the first to investigate the acute dose-response effects of MPD on behavior in terms of locomotor activity and in the brain involving the sensory inputs of VTA, NAc, and PFC neurons in intact, non-anesthetized, freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes.


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Context. We interpret multicolor data from OSIRIS NAC for the remote-sensing exploration of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Aims. We determine the most meaningful definition of color maps for the characterization of surface variegation with filters available on OSIRIS NAC. Methods. We analyzed laboratory spectra of selected minerals and olivine-pyroxene mixtures seen through OSIRIS NAC filters, with spectral methods existing in the literature: reflectance ratios, minimum band wavelength, spectral slopes, band tilt, band curvature, and visible tilt. Results. We emphasize the importance of reflectance ratios and particularly the relation of visible tilt vs. band tilt. This technique provides a reliable diagnostic of the presence of silicates. Color maps constructed by red-green-blue colors defined with the green, orange, red, IR, and Fe2O3 filters let us define regions that may significantly differ in composition.


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Fil: Ares, Consuelo.