585 resultados para N16
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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57956
Ficha técnica: Diretor: Fernando de Almeida; Editores:Carlos Matias Dias, Elvira Silvestre; Conselho Editorial Científico: Carlos Matias Dias, Manuela Cano, Jorge Machado, Manuela Caniça, Peter Jordan, Sílvia Viegas, Luciana Costa.
Trabalho apresentado para obtenção do Título de Professor-Adjunto para a Área Científica de Contabilidade Financeira do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa, do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
Glauconite K-Ar ages (6.88±0.4; 7.03±0.4 MY) confirm earlier reports to Upper Tortonian of silt beds near Morgadinho, Luz de Tavira and Tavira. Taking stratigraphical position and age into account it is possible now to correlate these beds with similar ones at Quelfes and Cacela (Formação de Cacela, lower member, ascribed to the upper part of N16 or to NI7 Blow's zone, Globorotalia humerosa - G. dutertrei; Tortonian to Messinian, according to the ostracod fauna). Limit between the above quoted zones is thus placed at about 7 MY. New K-Ar ages greatly improve the knowledge about Upper Miocene in eastern Algarve, and on regional tectonic evolution. This is particulary so in what concerns an intra-Tortonian phase.
Ciências da Terra(UNL) Nº 15, pp. 199-208
New data on the planktonic foraminifera from the Upper Miocene Cacela Formation and Mem Moniz spongoliths are presented. The coiling type of Globorotalia menardii from Cacela and Quelfes and the occurrence at Quelfes of G. miotumida allow correlation with the bio-events I to 3 (7,512 to 7,24 Ma; Sierro et al., 1993; 2001) that have been recognized in the Guadalquivir Basin (Spain). The presence of Neogloboquadrina acostaensis and N. humerosa at Mem Moniz points out to the Upper Miocene (Tortonian, upper N16, or even NI7). Mem Moniz spongoliths are correlated with the Cacela Formation. Some 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ages of mollusc or foraminifera shells don't fit well with finer biostratigraphic record and present wide error margins.
Construção Magazine nº16, Abril 2006, p. 38-45
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Estudio del embarque experimental en escala industrial y experimentos realizados entre noviembre de 1962 y abril de 1963.
Revela información sobre avistamientos del recurso Tiburón-Ballena frente al litoral peruano (Paita), el cual es una especie pelágica de mares temperados y de lento desplazamiento.