25 resultados para Myf5


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MyoD and Myf5 belong to the family of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors that are key operators in skeletal muscle differentiation. MyoD and Myf5 genes are selectively activated during development in a time and region-specific manner and in response to different stimuli. However, molecules that specifically regulate the expression of these two genes and the pathways involved remain to be determined. We have recently shown that the serum response factor (SRF), a transcription factor involved in activation of both mitogenic response and muscle differentiation, is required for MyoD gene expression. We have investigated here whether SRF is also involved in the control of Myf5 gene expression, and the potential role of upstream regulators of SRF activity, the Rho family G-proteins including Rho, Rac, and CDC42, in the regulation of MyoD and Myf5. We show that inactivation of SRF does not alter Myf5 gene expression, whereas it causes a rapid extinction of MyoD gene expression. Furthermore, we show that RhoA, but not Rac or CDC42, is also required for the expression of MyoD. Indeed, blocking the activity of G-proteins using the general inhibitor lovastatin, or more specific antagonists of Rho proteins such as C3-transferase or dominant negative RhoA protein, resulted in a dramatic decrease of MyoD protein levels and promoter activity without any effects on Myf5 expression. We further show that RhoA-dependent transcriptional activation required functional SRF in C2 muscle cells. These data illustrate that MyoD and Myf5 are regulated by different upstream activation pathways in which MyoD expression is specifically modulated by a RhoA/SRF signaling cascade. In addition, our results establish the first link between RhoA protein activity and the expression of a key muscle regulator.


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Specification and differentiation of skeletal muscle cells are driven by the activity of genes encoding members of the myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs). In vertebrates, the MRF family includes MyoD, Myf5, myogenin, and MRF4. The MRFs are capable of converting a variety of nonmuscle cells into myoblasts and myotubes. To better understand their roles in fish muscle development, we isolated the MyoD gene from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and analyzed its structure and patterns of expression. Sequence analysis showed that flounder MyoD shared a structure similar to that of vertebrate MRFs with three exons and two introns, and its protein contained a highly conserved basic helix-loop-helix domain (bHLH). Comparison of sequences revealed that flounder MyoD was highly conserved with other fish MyoD genes. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis indicated that flounder MyoD, seabream (Sparus aurata) MyoD1, takifugu (Takifugu rubripes) MyoD, and tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) MyoD were more likely to be homologous genes. Flounder MyoD expression was first detected as two rows of presomitic cells in the segmental plate. From somitogenesis, MyoD transcripts were present in the adaxial cells that give rise to slow muscles and the lateral somitic cells that give rise to fast muscles. After 30 somites formed, MyoD expression decreased in the somites except the caudal somites, coincident with somite maturation. In the hatching stage, MyoD was expressed in other muscle cells and caudal somites. It was detected only in muscle in the growing fish.


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本文克隆了牙鲆的成肌因子MyoD和Myf5,以及牙鲆的Forkhead基因FoxD1、 FoxD3和FoxD5,并对其在牙鲆肌肉发育中的功能进行了分析。 牙鲆MyoD和Myf5基因都具有三个外显子,两个内含子。其编码的氨基酸序列都含有保守的bHLH;牙鲆FoxD1,FoxD3,FoxD5基因都只有一个外显子,编码的氨基酸序列都含有保守的翼状螺旋DNA结合结构域。 在胚胎发育早期,Myf5在近轴中胚层中表达,体节发生过程中,Myf5在体节中表达,MyoD基因最早在分节板的体节前细胞中表达,随后在近轴细胞、体节中表达;随着胚胎的发育,Myf5在成熟体节中表达量降低,在新生体节中表达较强;MyoD自30个体节时期后只在新生的尾部体节中表达,在成熟的体节中表达量降低;在孵化期,MyoD和 Myf5在头部及鳍的肌肉、尾部的体节中表达;生长期的牙鲆中,Myf5在骨骼肌和肠中表达,成体牙鲆中,Myf5只在肌肉中表达;生长期的牙鲆及成体牙鲆中,MyoD只在肌肉组织中表达。 牙鲆MyoD和Myf5的启动子可以驱动绿色荧光蛋白在斑马鱼肌肉纤维中表达,其包含了这两个基因正常表达所需的核心区域,并可以跨物种行使功能。 在胚胎发育早期,FoxD3在未迁移神经嵴前体细胞、体节、耳后的基板、头部和躯干的神经嵴细胞、松果体中表达。牙鲆FoxD1主要在脑,体节,肾脏及肠中表达。牙鲆FoxD5主要在体节、尾芽、前脑、耳泡中表达。 在斑马鱼中过量表达牙鲆FoxD3,并与斑马鱼的同源基因进行比较,结果表明注射牙鲆和斑马鱼FoxD3的斑马鱼胚胎表型一致,它们在中轴两侧的发育出现了不同步现象,MyoD和Myf5在近轴中胚层中的表达受到不同程度抑制。因此,FoxD3在不同物种之间保守,并且FoxD3在肌肉发育的调控通路中可能通过与MyoD和Myf5相互作用而行使功能。 在斑马鱼中过量表达FoxD1后,MyoD在一侧体节中的表达受到了严重抑制,而在近轴细胞中的表达未受影响,Myf5在体节前中胚层,近轴细胞,及体节中的表达都受到了抑制。FoxD1在胚胎发育的早期可能通过调控MyoD和Myf5的表达而参与肌肉发育的调控。 将牙鲆FoxD5在斑马鱼中过量表达,MyoD在一侧体节中的表达量有所升高,而在近轴细胞中的表达未受影响;Myf5在一侧体节和体节前中胚层中的表达也有所升高,表明牙鲆FoxD5可以调控肌肉调节因子MyoD和Myf5的表达而参与早期肌肉发育的调控。


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本文从牙鲆中克隆到其肌肉调节因子myogenin和MRF4的基因,并对它们的表达、启动子活性及功能进行分析。 研究结果表明牙鲆myogenin和MRF4都由三个外显子和两个内含子组成,其cDNA编码的氨基酸序列分别与几种鱼类的同源基因亲缘关系较近。 原位杂交显示最早在胚胎5-6个体节时体节中部的细胞检测到myogenin的表达,随着发育的进行,它的表达向体节两侧和体后延伸,最后在整个体节表达。当发育到30个体节的时候,在躯干的表达迅速下降,只在胚胎的尾部能检测到信号。 RT-PCR的结果显示,MyoD和Myf5的表达要早于myogenin,而MRF4的表达晚于myogenin,并且myogenin、MRF4只在成鱼的肌肉中表达,这进一步证明其在肌肉发育过程中的作用。 myogenin和MRF4的启动子中含有保守的肌肉特异调控序列,瞬时表达分析的结果证实两段启动子序列足以驱动GFP在斑马鱼胚胎肌肉中的特异表达。首次对鱼类MRF4启动子进行了调控序列的分析,发现在启动子的-181到-506的序列中含有调节MRF4表达的必需位点。 首次应用原核表达系统对MRF4蛋白进行重组表达,并利用纯化的重组蛋白制备多克隆抗体,通过western杂交分析显示所得到的MRF4多克隆抗体能够识别牙鲆内源性的MRF4蛋白。


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本文主要研究在斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中参与肌肉发育的相关基因,克隆了四个在体节和肌肉中表达的基因全长,分析了基因的时空表达特征,并对其中两个基因进行了过表达,分析其在体节形成和肌肉发生过程中的功能。 从斑马鱼中克隆到甲状腺激素受体相关蛋白基因TRAP150。原位杂交分析TRAP150表达在近轴细胞的慢肌和体节的快肌,表达模式与MyoD的模式相近;并表现出肌肉特异性表达,TRAP150在体节形成和肌肉发生早期高水平说明TRAP150在肌肉分化过程发挥着重要的作用。此外,在胚胎的心脏中也检测到TRAP150的表达。在斑马鱼胚胎过量表达TRAP150造成MyoD在近轴中胚层的过量表达,而对MyoD在近轴细胞的表达影响不明显;由于MyoD在近轴中胚层的表达将诱导快肌的形成,因此过量表达TRAP150将可能导致快肌的增多;从过量表达的结果分析,TRAP150在MyoD的上游正向调控MyoD的表达,是诱导快肌的分化的重要基因。 从斑马鱼中克隆到双特性酪氨酸调控激酶新基因DYRK2。RT-PCR结果表明DYRK2具有母源性表达的特点,并且在36小时前各个时期都有表达。DYRK2在体节形成后表达在体节的近轴细胞中,大约在15个体节时检测到在快肌部位表达,18小时后在胚胎肌肉组织、脑部以及眼睛表达。DYRK2在斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中与体节和肌肉发生相关的基因之一,并可能参与脑和眼睛的发生。在斑马鱼胚胎中过量表达DYRK2导致肌肉标记基因MyoD的表达出现了很大的变化,注射侧MyoD在近轴细胞和近轴中胚层过量表达,尤其是在未形成体节的体节前体中胚层,注射侧的MyoD有大范围的高表达,而在正常一侧没有表达。MyoD的过量表达说明斑马鱼胚胎早期DYRK2通过调控MyoD的表达影响慢肌的分化。 克隆得到斑马鱼的血细胞生成的PBX1互作蛋白基因HPIP1。RT-PCR结果表明HPIP1在斑马鱼胚胎表达具有母源性,但是原位杂交的检测一直到10个体节时才检测到,说明HPIP1一直到肌肉分化后才大量表达,可能在肌肉的成熟阶段起作用。当胚胎发育到18小时,HPIP1表达在所有体节中,前端的较早形成的体节中表达量比晚形成的体节表达量高,也符合HPIP1参与肌肉成熟过程的判断。HPIP1还表达在胚胎的眼部周围,说明HPIP1可能参与到眼部肌肉的形成。 在斑马鱼中克隆的Chp-1相似蛋白基因CHORDC1。在3个体节时,CHORDC1表达在脊索两侧的近轴细胞中,而在5个体节时CHORDC1在表达在体节中,这个特点与MyoD的表达很相似,与MyoD在体节中表达不同的是,CHORDC1也在体节前体中胚层中表达,这与Myf5的表达特点相似,CHORDC1紧随着MyoD,Myf5的高表达说明CHORDC1在肌肉细胞的分化的早期即参与肌肉的发育,而其高表达量也说明CHORDC1在这个过程中可能起到非常重要的作用。CHORDC1在近轴中胚层的表达与MyoD,Myf5有不同的特点,这种不同表现在其在近轴中胚层的表达不仅仅限于快肌和慢肌,而且由后到前的逐渐扩展。而且,CHORDC1在心肌中也表达说明其不仅在骨骼肌中发挥作用。综合CHORDC1的表达特点可以认为其对肌肉的作用不限于特定肌肉类型,广泛参与到各种肌肉的发育过程


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Satellite cells, originating in the embryonic dermamyotome, reside beneath the myofibre of mature adult skeletal muscle and constitute the tissue-specific stem cell population. Recent advances following the identification of markers for these cells (including Pax7, Myf5, c-Met and CD34) (CD, cluster of differentiation; c-Met, mesenchymal epithelial transition factor) have led to a greater understanding of the role played by satellite cells in the regeneration of new skeletal muscle during growth and following injury. In response to muscle damage, satellite cells harbour the ability both to form myogenic precursors and to self-renew to repopulate the stem cell niche following myofibre damage. More recently, other stem cell populations including bone marrow stem cells, skeletal muscle side population cells and mesoangioblasts have also been shown to have myogenic potential in culture, and to be able to form skeletal muscle myofibres in vivo and engraft into the satellite cell niche. These cell types, along with satellite cells, have shown potential when used as a therapy for skeletal muscle wasting disorders where the intrinsic stem cell population is genetically unable to repair non-functioning muscle tissue. Accurate understanding of the mechanisms controlling satellite cell lineage progression and self-renewal as well as the recruitment of other stem cell types towards the myogenic lineage is crucial if we are to exploit the power of these cells in combating myopathic conditions. Here we highlight the origin, molecular regulation and therapeutic potential of all the major cell types capable of undergoing myogenic differentiation and discuss their potential therapeutic application.


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Proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-{alpha}, contribute to muscle wasting in inflammatory disorders, where TNF{alpha} acts to regulate myogenic genes. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has shown promise as an antiproliferative and antiinflammatory agent, leading to its potential as a therapeutic agent in muscle-wasting disorders. To evaluate the effect of CLA on myogenesis during inflammation, human primary muscle cells were grown in culture and exposed to varying concentrations of TNF{alpha} and the cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomers. Expression of myogenic genes (Myf5, MyoD, myogenin, and myostatin) and the functional genes creatine kinase (CK) and myosin heavy chain (MHC IIx) were measured by real-time PCR. TNF{alpha} significantly downregulated MyoD and myogenin expression, whereas it increased Myf5 expression. These changes corresponded with a decrease in both CK and MHC IIx expression. Both isomers of CLA mimicked the inhibitory effect of TNF{alpha} treatment on MyoD and myogenin expression, whereas myostatin expression was diminished in the presence of both isomers of CLA either alone or in combination with TNF{alpha}. Both isomers of CLA decreased CK and MHC IIx expression. These findings demonstrate that TNF{alpha} can have specific regulatory effects on myogenic genes in primary human muscle cells. A postulated antiinflammatory role of CLA in myogenesis appears more complex, with an indication that CLA may have a negative effect on this process.


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The antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory properties of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) make it a potentially novel treatment in chronic inflammatory muscle wasting disease, particularly cancer cachexia. Human primary muscle cells were grown in coculture with MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic tumor cells and exposed to varying concentrations of c9,t11 and t10,c12 CLA. Expression of myogenic (Myf5, MyoD, myogenin, and myostatin) and inflammatory genes (CCL-2, COX-2, IL-8, and TNF-) were measured by real-time PCR. The t10,c12 CLA isomer, but not the c9,t11 isomer, significantly decreased MIA PaCa-2 proliferation by between 15% and 19%. There was a marked decrease in muscle MyoD and myogenin expression (78% and 62%, respectively), but no change in either Myf5 or myostatin, in myotubes grown in coculture with MIA PaCa-2 cells. CLA had limited influence on these responses. A similar pattern of myogenic gene expression changes was observed in myotubes treated with TNF- alone. Several-fold significant increases in CCL-2, COX-2, IL-8, and TNF- expression in myotubes were observed with MIA PaCa-2 coculture. The c9,t11 CLA isomer significantly decreased basal expression of TNF- in myotubes and could ameliorate its tumor-induced rise. The study provides insight into the anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative actions of CLA and its application as a therapeutic agent in inflammatory disease states.


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Mice lacking the Jak tyrosine kinase member Tyk2 become progressively obese due to aberrant development of Myf5+ brown adipose tissue (BAT). Tyk2 RNA levels in BAT and skeletal muscle, which shares a common progenitor with BAT, are dramatically decreased in mice placed on a high-fat diet and in obese humans. Expression of Tyk2 or the constitutively active form of the transcription factor Stat3 (CAStat3) restores differentiation in Tyk2−/− brown preadipocytes. Furthermore, Tyk2−/− mice expressing CAStat3 transgene in BAT also show improved BAT development, normal levels of insulin, and significantly lower body weights. Stat3 binds to PRDM16, a master regulator of BAT differentiation, and enhances the stability of PRDM16 protein. These results define Tyk2 and Stat3 as critical determinants of brown fat lineage and suggest that altered levels of Tyk2 are associated with obesity in both rodents and humans.


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BACKGROUND: In small mammals brown adipose tissue (BAT) plays a predominant role in regulating energy expenditure (EE) via adaptive thermogenesis. New-born babies require BAT to control their body temperature, however its relevance in adults has been questioned. Active BAT has recently been observed in adult humans, albeit in much lower relative quantities than small mammals. Comparing and contrasting the molecular mechanisms controlling BAT growth and development in mice and humans will increase our understanding or how human BAT is developed and may identify potential therapeutic targets to increase EE. MicroRNAs are molecular mechanisms involved in mouse BAT development however, little is known about the miRNA profile in human BAT. The aims of this study were to establish a mouse BAT-enriched miRNA profile and compare this with miRNAs measured in human BAT. To achieve this we firstly established a mouse BAT enriched-miRNA profile by comparing miRNAs expressed in mouse BAT, white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Following this the BAT-enriched miRNAs predicted to target genes potentially involved in growth and development were identified.

METHODS: MiRNA levels were measured using PCR-based miRNA arrays. Results were analysed using ExpressionSuite software with the global mean expression value of all expressed miRNAs in a givensample used as the normalisation factor. Bio-informatic analyses was used to predict gene targets followed by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis.

RESULTS: We identified 35 mouse BAT-enriched miRNAs that were predicted to target genes potentially involved in growth and development. We also identified 145 miRNAs expressed in both mouse and human BAT, of which 25 were enriched in mouse BAT. Of these 25 miRNAs, miR-20a was predicted to target MYF5 and PPARγ, two important genes involved in brown adipogenesis, as well as BMP2 and BMPR2, genes involved in white adipogenesis. For the first time, 69 miRNAs were identified in human BAT but absent in mouse BAT, and 181 miRNAs were expressed in mouse but not in human BAT.

CONCLUSION: The present study has identified a small sub-set of miRNAs common to both mouse and human BAT. From this sub-set bioinformatics analysis suggested a potential role of miR-20a in the control of cell fate and this warrants further investigation. The large number of miRNAs found only in mouse BAT or only in human BAT highlights the differing molecular profile between species that is likely to influence the functional role of BAT across species. Nevertheless the BAT-enriched miRNA profiles established in the present study suggest targets to investigate in the control BAT development and EE.


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The function of the stress-responsive N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2 (NDRG2) in the control of myoblast growth, and the amino acids contributing to its function, are not well characterized. Here, we investigated the effect of increased NDRG2 levels on the proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in skeletal muscle cells under basal and stress conditions. NDRG2 overexpression increased C2C12 myoblast proliferation and the expression of positive cell cycle regulators, cdk2, cyclin B and cyclin D, and phosphorylation of Rb, while the serine/threonine-deficient NDRG2, 3A-NDRG2, had less effect. The onset of differentiation was enhanced by NDRG2 as determined through the myogenic regulatory factor expression profiles and myocyte fusion index. However, the overall level of differentiation in myotubes was not different. While NDRG2 up-regulated caspase 3/7 activities during differentiation, no increase in apoptosis was measured by TUNEL assay or through cleavage of caspase 3 and PARP proteins. During H2O2 treatment to induce oxidative stress, NDRG2 helped protect against the loss of proliferation and ER stress as measured by GRP78 expression with 3A-NDRG2 displaying less protection. NDRG2 also attenuated apoptosis by reducing cleavage of PARP and caspase 3 and expression of pro-apoptotic Bax while enhancing the pro-survival Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL levels. In contrast, Mcl-1 was not altered, and NDRG2 did not protect against palmitate-induced lipotoxicity. Our findings show that NDRG2 overexpression increases myoblast proliferation and caspase 3/7 activities without increasing overall differentiation. Furthermore, NDRG2 attenuates H2O2-induced oxidative stress and specific serine and threonine amino acid residues appear to contribute to its function in muscle cells.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O músculo estriado esquelético é formado pela associação de fibras musculares com a matriz extracelular. Esse tecido possui alta plasticidade e o conhecimento das características morfológicas, da miogênese, e da dinâmica do crescimento é importante para o entendimento da morfofisiologia bem como para a seleção de animais visando a melhoria na produção de carne. A maioria dos músculos estriados originam-se de células precursoras do mesoderma a partir dos somitos do embrião e o controle da diferenciação ocorre pela ação de fatores indutores ou inibidores. Um grupo de fatores transcricionais, pertencentes à família MyoD tem um papel central na diferenciação muscular. Coletivamente chamados de Fatores de Regulação Miogênica (MRFs), são conhecidos quatro tipos: MyoD, myf-5, miogenina e MRF4. Esses fatores ligam-se à seqüências de DNA conhecidas como Ebox (CANNTG) na região promotora de vários genes músculo-específicos, levando à expressão dos mesmos. As células embrionárias com potencial para diferenciação em células musculares (células precursoras miogênicas) expressam MyoD e Myf-5 e são denominadas de mioblastos. Essas células proliferam, saem do ciclo celular, expressam miogenina e MRF4, que regulam a fusão e a diferenciação da fibra muscular. Uma população de mioblastos que se diferencia mais tardiamente, as células miossatélites, são responsáveis pelo crescimento muscular no período pós natal, que pode ocorrer por hiperplasia e hipertrofia das fibras. As células satélites quiescentes não expressam os MRFs, porém, sob a ação de estímulos como fatores de crescimento ou citocinas, ocorre a ativação desse tipo celular que prolifera e expressa os MRFs de maneira similar ao que ocorre com as células precursoras miogênicas durante a miogênese. Os mecanismos de crescimento muscular são regulados pela expressão temporal dos (MRFs), que controlam a expressão dos genes relacionados com o crescimento muscular.