974 resultados para Mycobacterium marinum


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As micobacterioses afetam várias espécies de peixes, tanto comerciais como ornamentais. É uma enfermidade sistêmica com formação de granulomas, conhecida como micobacteriose de peixes. O desenvolvimento da aquicultura tem aumentado o número de casos com essa enfermidade que muitas vezes é de difícil diagnóstico. Neste trabalho apresentamos dois casos de micobacterioses em Paralichthys orbignyanus e Elacatinus figaro provenientes do Laboratório de Piscicultura Estuarina e Marinha da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG). As micobactérias de peixes possuem menos ácidos graxos que as de mamíferos, por isso foi utilizado o protocolo de coloração de Fite-Faraco, uma vez que o protocolo de coloração clássico de Ziehl Neelsen pode resultar em falsos negativos. Para determinar o tipo de micobactéria foi utilizada a imuno-histoquímica com a qual se pode diagnosticar a presença de Mycobacterium marinum. A enfermidade pode ser transmitida para o homem e com esse trabalho ressalta-se a necessidade de fazer o diagnóstico correto e implantar medidas de proteção para as pessoas que estão em contato com os peixes infectados.


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The infection by Mycobacterium marinum in humans is relatively uncommon. When it occurs, it mainly affects the skin, usually with a chronic, indolent and benign evolution. The diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion, and a significant delay may be observed between the first symptoms to the final diagnosis. This present case reports a M. marinum infection in an immunocompetent patient that had a chronic undiagnosed injury on the dominant hand for at least five years. The patient had several medical consultations, without proper suspicion, hampering adequate diagnostic investigation. Histopathology detected tuberculoid granulomas, but showed no acid-fast bacilli. The culture in appropriate medium and the polymerase chain reaction-restriction enzyme analysis (PRA)-hsp65 confirmed the diagnosis. Treatment with clarithromycin (1 g/day) for three months was effective. Although uncommon, this infection is a contact zoonosis. Therefore, it is important for clinicians to be aware of this diagnosis and properly guide preventable measures to professionals that are in risk group.


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Mycobacterium marinum can cause fish tank granuloma (or swimming pool or aquarium granuloma) in immunocompetent patients. Dissemination of Mycobacterium marinum-infection is a rare condition which occurs mainly in immunocompromised patients and can be life-threatening. We report the case of an 87-year-old woman who was treated with oral corticosteroids for polymyalgia rheumatica for many years and developed erythema nodosum-like lesions on the right forearm and arthritis of the right wrist. By increasing the steroid dosage and adding methotrexate only short-term remission was achieved. Seven months later painful erythematous nodules occurred on all extremities which became necrotic, ulcerative and suppurative. Ziehl-Neelsen staining revealed acid-fast bacilli and Mycobacterium marinum was cultured from skin biopsies, blood, and urine. The critically ill patient was treated with clarithromycin and ethambutol resulting in a dramatic improvement of the general condition. After four months, doxycycline had to be added because of new skin lesions. This case illustrates the impact of Mycobacterium marinum infection in immunocompromised patients.


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As infecções nosocomiais têm aumentado ao longo dos anos, resultando num aumento do tempo de permanência do doente no hospital, e permanecem como elevada causa de elevada morbilidade e mortalidade. As micobactérias são organismos que se encontram amplamente distribuídos no meio ambiente (M. mucogenicum, M. obuense e M. gordonae), incluindo, habitats marinhos (Mycobacterium marinum), sendo muitos deles patogénicos de mamíferos, e causadores de diferentes patologias, como a Lepra e a Tuberculose. M. marinum causa uma doença sistémica tal como tuberculose em peixes e pode causar infecções da pele em seres humanos (Granuloma de Aquário) que se podem propagar para estruturas mais profundas como ossos (osteomielite). Enquanto que M. obuense é causador de infecções do tracto respiratório, M. mucogenicum e M. gordonae promovem bacteremias. Este estudo teve como principal objectivo a identificação das populações bacterianas e o seu isolamento, em particular micobactérias ambientais em dois hospitais, que sabe serem responsáveis, cada vez mais por infecções atípicas como bacteremias (M. mucogenicum e M. gordonae), infecções pulmonares (M. obuense) e infecções cutâneas (M. marinum). Pretendeu-se também avaliar a resistência aos antibióticos e desinfectantes comummente utilizados no tratamento de infecções causadas por micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNT) através do cálculo da Concentração Mínima Inibitória (CMI) para aferir os perfis de resistência. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram a identificação de 186 espécies de bactérias em dois hospitais amostrados das quais se identificaram 5 estirpes de micobactérias – “M. gardonae” (10AIII, 29AIII e 35AIII), “M. obuense” (22DIII) e “M. mucogenicum” (24AIII). Das 5 estirpes de micobactérias identificadas “M. gardonae” 10AIII apresenta perfil de resistência ao imipenemo (CMI = 16 mg/L); “M. gardonae” 29AIII apresenta perfil de resistência à claritromicina (CMI = 8 mg/L) e “M. gardonae” 35AIII apresenta, por sua vez, apenas perfil de susceptibilidade intermédia ao imipenem (CMI = 8 mg/L). M. obuense 22DIII apresenta perfil de resistência ao imipenem (CMI = 32 mg/L), à tobramicina (CMI=32 mg/L) e à ciprofloxacina (CMI = 8 mg/L). “M. mucogenicum” apresenta perfil de resistência ao sulfametoxazol (CMI > 128 mg/L), à doxiciclina (CMI>64 mg/L), à tobramicina (CMI=16 mg/L) e à ciprofloxacina (CMI=4 mg/L).Em conclusão pôde-se verificar que além da presença de um grande leque de bactérias capazes de causar infecções nosocomiais nos hospitais, MNT também existem na forma multirresistente, o que revela uma problemática a ter em atenção. Esta requer mais estudo dos mecanismos de resistência e da sua disseminação, e obtenção de novos medicamentos com novos alvos, mais eficazes para combater as estirpes multirresistentes que ao longo dos anos tem aumentado.


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A zebrafish genetic screen for determinants of susceptibility to Mycobacterium marinum identified a hypersusceptible mutant deficient in lysosomal cysteine cathepsins that manifests hallmarks of human lysosomal storage diseases. Under homeostatic conditions, mutant macrophages accumulate undigested lysosomal material, which disrupts endocytic recycling and impairs their migration to, and thus engulfment of, dying cells. This causes a buildup of unengulfed cell debris. During mycobacterial infection, macrophages with lysosomal storage cannot migrate toward infected macrophages undergoing apoptosis in the tuberculous granuloma. The unengulfed apoptotic macrophages undergo secondary necrosis, causing granuloma breakdown and increased mycobacterial growth. Macrophage lysosomal storage similarly impairs migration to newly infecting mycobacteria. This phenotype is recapitulated in human smokers, who are at increased risk for tuberculosis. A majority of their alveolar macrophages exhibit lysosomal accumulations of tobacco smoke particulates and do not migrate to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The incapacitation of highly microbicidal first-responding macrophages may contribute to smokers' susceptibility to tuberculosis.


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Buruli ulcer (BU), a neglected tropical disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, is caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans and is the third most common mycobacterial disease after tuberculosis and leprosy. While there is a strong association of the occurrence of the disease with stagnant or slow flowing water bodies, the exact mode of transmission of BU is not clear. M. ulcerans has emerged from the environmental fish pathogen M. marinum by acquisition of a virulence plasmid encoding the enzymes required for the production of the cytotoxic macrolide toxin mycolactone, which is a key factor in the pathogenesis of BU. Comparative genomic studies have further shown extensive pseudogene formation and downsizing of the M. ulcerans genome, indicative for an adaptation to a more stable ecological niche. This has raised the question whether this pathogen is still present in water-associated environmental reservoirs. Here we show persistence of M. ulcerans specific DNA sequences over a period of more than two years at a water contact location of BU patients in an endemic village of Cameroon. At defined positions in a shallow water hole used by the villagers for washing and bathing, detritus remained consistently positive for M. ulcerans DNA. The observed mean real-time PCR Ct difference of 1.45 between the insertion sequences IS2606 and IS2404 indicated that lineage 3 M. ulcerans, which cause human disease, persisted in this environment after successful treatment of all local patients. Underwater decaying organic matter may therefore represent a reservoir of M. ulcerans for direct infection of skin lesions or vector-associated transmission.


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Two waterbucks from São Paulo Zoo Foundation exhibited respiratory symptoms in July 2004. After euthanasia, granulommas in lungs and mediastinic lymph nodes were observed. Acid-fast bacilli isolated were identified as Mycobacterium bovis spoligotype SB0121 by PRA and spoligotyping. They were born and kept in the same enclosure with the same group, without any contact to other species housed in the zoo. This is the first detailed description of M. bovis infection in Kobus ellipsiprymnus.


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Sixty samples of tissue fragments with lesions suggestive of tuberculosis from bovine abattoirs, kept in saturated solution of sodium borate, were subjected to four treatments: 4% NaOH (Petroff Method), 12 % H2SO4 and 1.5% HPC (1-Hexadecylpyridinium Chloride) decontamination, and physiological saline solution (control). The HPC method showed the lowest contamination rate (3%) when compared to control (88%, p<0.001), NaOH (33%, p<0.001) and H2SO4 (21.7%, p<0.002). Regarding the isolation success, the HPC method was better (40%) than the control (3%, p<0.001), NaOH (13%, p=0.001) and H2SO4 (1.7%, p<0.001) methods. These results indicate that HPC is an alternative to the Petroff method.


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The present study is a report on the presence of Mycobacterium avium in four birds of the psittaciform order kept as pets. Anatomopathological diagnosis showed lesions suggestive of the agent and presence of alcohol-acid resistant bacilli (AARB) shown by the Ziehl-Neelsen staining. The identification of Mycobacterium avium was performed by means of PRA (PCR Restriction Analysis). DNA was directly extracted from tissue of the lesions and blocked in paraffin. The role of this agent in pet bird infection is discussed, as well as its zoonotic potential.


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An adult female red-faced black spider monkey (Ateles paniscus), housed for 2 years in the Parque Estoril Zoo in Sao Paulo, Brazil, showed apathy. Clinical examination revealed discrete emaciation, swelling and induration of lymph nodes, and presence of a mass in the abdominal cavity. Therapies with enrofloxacin, azithromycin, and ceftiofur were ineffective. The animal died after 6 months. Necropsy and histopathology confirmed granulommas in lymph nodes, parietal and visceral pleura, lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys. Acid-fast bacilli were isolated and identified as Mycobacterium tuberculosis by polymerase chain reaction restriction analysis and Spoligotyping techniques. The zoo personnel and other animals that had had contact with the infected primate were negative to tuberculosis diagnostic procedures, such as sputum exam (baciloscopy) and thorax radiography. It was impossible to determine whether the infection occurred before or after the arrival of the animal to the Parque Estoril Zoo. This is the first report of M. tuberculosis infection in Ateles paniscus, a neotropical primate.


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The 60kDa heat shock protein family, Hsp60, constitutes an abundant and highly conserved class of molecules that are highly expressed in chronic-inflammatory and autoimmune processes. Experimental autoimmune uveitis [EAU] is a T cell mediated intraocular inflammatory disease that resembles human uveitis. Mycobacterial and homologous Hsp60 peptides induces uveitis in rats, however their participation in aggravating the disease is poorly known. We here evaluate the effects of the Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 in the development/progression of EAU and the autoimmune response against the eye through the induction of the endogenous disequilibrium by enhancing the entropy of the immunobiological system with the addition of homologous Hsp. B10. RIII mice were immunized subcutaneously with interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein [IRBP], followed by intraperitoneally inoculation of M. leprae recombinant Hsp65 [rHsp65]. We evaluated the proliferative response, cytokine production and the percentage of CD4(+)IL-17(+), CD4(+)IFN-gamma(+) and CD4(+)Foxp3(+) cells ex vivo, by flow cytometry. Disease severity was determined by eye histological examination and serum levels of anti-IRBP and anti-Hsp60/65 measured by ELISA. EAU scores increased in the Hsp65 group and were associated with an expansion of CD4(+)IFN-gamma(+) and CD4(+)IL-17(+) T cells, corroborating with higher levels of IFN-gamma. Our data indicate that rHsp65 is one of the managers with a significant impact over the immune response during autoimmunity, skewing it to a pathogenic state, promoting both Th1 and Th17 commitment. It seems comprehensible that the specificity and primary function of Hsp60 molecules can be considered as a potential pathogenic factor acting as a whistleblower announcing chronic-inflammatory diseases progression.


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Searching lead compounds for new antituberculosis drugs, the activity of synthetic sulfonamides and sulfonyl-hydrazones were assayed for their potential inhibitory activity towards a protein tyrosine phosphatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis - PtpB. Four sulfonyl-hydrazones N-phenylmaleimide derivatives were active (compounds 14, 15, 19 and 21), and the inhibition of PtpB was found to be competitive with respect to the substrate p-nitrophenyl phosphate. Structure-based molecular docking simulations were performed and indicated that the new inhibitor candidates showed similar binding modes, filling the hydrophobic pocket of the protein by the establishment of van der Waals contacts, thereby contributing significantly to the complex stability.


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Objectives: The resazurin microtitre plate assay (REMA) was evaluated to determine the susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to pyrazinamide, and was compared with the broth microdilution method (BMM), the absolute concentration method (ACM) and pyrazinamidase (PZase) determination. Methods: Thirty-four M. tuberculosis clinical isolates (26 susceptible and 8 resistant to pyrazinamide) and reference strains M. tuberculosis H37Rv ATCC 27294 and Mycobacterium bovis AN5 were tested. Results: REMA and BMM showed 100% specificity and sensitivity when compared with ACM; BMM, however, demanded more reading time. The PZase determination assay showed 87.50% and 100% sensitivity and specificity, respectively. Conclusions: All tested methods in this preliminary study showed excellent sensitivity and specificity for the determination of pyrazinamide susceptibility of M. tuberculosis, but REMA was faster, low-cost and easy to perform and interpret. Additional studies evaluating REMA for differentiating pyrazinamide-resistant and-susceptible M. tuberculosis should be conducted on an extended panel of clinical isolates.


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P>Thirty-five lymph node samples were taken from animals with macroscopic lesions consistent with Mycobacterium bovis infection. The animals were identified by postmortem examination in an abattoir in the northwestern region of state of Parana, Brazil. Twenty-two of the animals had previously been found to be tuberculin skin test positive. Tissue samples were decontaminated by Petroff`s method and processed for acid-fast bacilli staining, culture in Stonebrink and Lowenstein-Jensen media and DNA extraction. Lymph node DNA samples were amplified by PCR in the absence and presence (inhibitor controls) of DNA extracted from M. bovis culture. Mycobacterium bovis was identified in 14 (42.4%) lymph node samples by both PCR and by culture. The frequency of PCR-positive results (54.5%) was similar to that of culture-positive results (51.5%, P > 0.05). The percentage of PCR-positive lymph nodes increased from 39.4% (13/33) to 54.5% (18/33) when samples that were initially PCR-negative were reanalysed using 2.5 mu l DNA (two samples) and 1 : 2 diluted DNA (three samples). PCR sensitivity was affected by inhibitors and by the amount of DNA in the clinical samples. Our results indicate that direct detection of M. bovis in lymph nodes by PCR may be a fast and useful tool for bovine tuberculosis epidemic management in the region.