988 resultados para Mutació ADN i mRNA


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Els organismes responen a la temperatura i a molts altres estressos sintetitzant un grup de proteïnes anomenat proteïnes de xoc de calor (HSPs). En plantes les sHsps, d'entre 15 i 30 kDa formen el grup més abundant i divers, classificat en funció de la seva localització subcel.lular i homologia en: mitocondrials, cloroplàstiques, de reticle endoplasmàtic i citoplàsmiques de classe I i II. Les sHsps-CI s'ha descrit que s'indueixen per estrès tèrmic, hídric i oxidatiu (peròxid d'hidrògen, llum UV, ozó) i en resposta a algunes hormones. També s'expressen durant el desenvolupament, per exemple durant l'embriogènesi, on es creu que podrien tenir un paper protector de l'embrió enfront la dessecació. Tot i que hi ha abundants treballs que correlacionen la resistència a l'estrès i l'acumulació de sHsps-CI, els mecanismes moleculars d'aquesta activitat són poc conguts. Tot i això, per diverses sHsps-CI ha estat descrita una activitat xaperona in vitro i, més recentment, que la seva sobreexpressió augmenta la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E.coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic. L'estudi de l'acumulació de sHsps-CI en surera (Quercus suber) mitjançant immunodetecció en electroforesi bidimensional mostra uns patrons d'acumulació complexos i formats per dos grups d'espècies proteiques principals, a l'entorn dels 10 i 17 kDa respectivament, que mostren una inducció diferencial en funció del teixit i l'estrès. Mentre que les espècies proteiques de 17 kDa s'indueixen per temperatura però no per estrès oxidatiu, les de ca. 10 kDa ho fan per estrès oxidatiu i no per temperatura. Ambdós grups d'espècies proteiques s'acumulen conjuntament en fel.lema. Assajos de PCR i RT-PCR han permès clonar parcialment tres noves sHsps-CI en surera: Qshsp10-CI, QshspC-CI i QshspD-CI. Aquest fet confirma la multigeneïcitat de les sHsps-CI en surera que apuntava el patró bidimensional. Dels nous clons obtinguts destaca especialment Qshsp10-CI, un gen que presenta un codó stop enmig del domini -cristal.lí que fa que a la proteïna que se'n dedueix li manqui un 55% del domini -cristal.lí i tota l'extensió C-terminal. Es tractaria de la sHsp més petita i més truncada descrita fins al moment. L'anàlisi de l'expressió de Qshsp10-CI mitjançant RT-PCR mostra expressió en plantes tractades amb H2O2 però no en les que han estat sotmeses a un xoc de calor. Aprofitant l'oportunitat que oferia aquesta sHsp-CI de ser utilitzada com a model per l'estudi de la importància del domini -cristal.lí i l'extensió C-terminal en l'activitat protectora enfront l'estrès, es va voler determinar la capacitat que tenia d'augmentar la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i oxidatiu. Els resultats mostren que la proteïna recombinant QsHsp10-CI, tot i la important truncació que té, és capaç de protegir cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i, remarcablement, en condicions d'estrès oxidatiu. Tots aquests resultats indiquen que les espècies proteiques de ca. 10 kDa podrien correspondre a Qshsp10-CI i tenir un paper en les cèl.lules del fel.lema en la protecció enfront l'estrès oxidatiu. L'estrès oxidatiu provoca lesions al DNA que poden produir errors en la replicació, transcripció o traducció i generar proteïnes aberrants. Donades les condicions d'estrès oxidatiu a les quals es troben sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema, s'ha volgut estudiar la variabilitat dels seus àcids nucleics. La determinació de la taxa de mutació de la regió codificant del gen Qshsp17.4-CI en mRNA i DNA de fel.lema i àpex radicular, un teixit jove i en creixement actiu va mostrar unes taxes sorprenentment elevades en l'mRNA (1/1784 pb) i el DNA genòmic (1/1520 pb) del fel.lema. Aquestes taxes són les més altes descrites en un genoma nuclear eucariota i són similars a les dels virus d'RNA d'evolució ràpida com el virus de l'Hepatitis C. Amb aquestes taxes de mutació, un terç dels mRNAs del fel.lema de la surera contindrien missatges aberrants i la supervivència de les cel.lules es veuria compromesa. Aiimplica que el fel.lema hauria de ser considerat com un mosaic de cèl.lules genèticament heterogènies i, per tant, una sola seqüència no defineix en tota la seva amplitud un gen en aquest teixit. No es va detectar cap mutació en àpex de rel. Amb l'objectiu d'aprofundir en el coneixement de les mutacions que es donen en aquests dos teixits i per tal de poder fer una anàlisi qualitativa més completa que permetés especular sobre el seu origen, es va aplicar un mètode de selecció de seqüències mutants en base a la utilització d'enzims de restricció. Les mutacions detectades en fel.lema es corresponen amb les relacionades, en altres sistemes no nuclears (plasmidis, fags i DNA bacterià), amb l'estrès oxidatiu. En conseqüència, l'estrès oxidatiu al qual estan sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema podria ser el causant de l'elevada taxa de mutació detectada. D'acord amb això, el tipus majoritari de productes d'oxidació de les bases del DNA que s'acumulen en brots de plàntules de surera en resposta al peròxid d'hidrògen produeixen el mateix tipus de mutacions detectades en l'mRNA del fel.lema de la surera. La major sensibilitat d'aquest nou mètode ha permès, a més, detectar mutacions en molècules d'mRNA de rel, un teixit en el qual no s'havia trobat cap mutació utilitzant el mètode de clonatge i seqüenciació directa. Tot i això, el tipus de mutacions predominants no estan relacionades amb l'estrès oxidatiu sinó amb erros en la reparació dels àcids nucleics.


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Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) plays a key role in the complex system that regulates bony fish growth, differentiation, and reproduction. The major source of circulating IGF-I is liver, but IGF-I-producing cells also occur in other organs, including the gonads. Because no data are available on the potential production sites of IGF-I in gonad development, developmental stages of monosex breedings of male and female tilapia from 0 day postfertilization (DPF) to 90 DPF were investigated for the production sites of IGF-I at the peptide (immunohistochemistry) and mRNA (in situ hybridization) level. IGF-I mRNA first appeared in somatic cells of the male and female gonad anlage at 7 DPF followed by IGF-I peptide around 9-10 DPF. Gonad anlagen were detected from 7 DPF. Starting at 7 DPF, IGF-I peptide but no IGF-I mRNA was observed in male and female primordial germ cells (PGCs) provided that IGF-I mRNA was not under the detection level, this observation may suggest that IGF-I originates from the somatic cells and is transferred to the PGCs or is of maternal origin. While in female germ cells IGF-I mRNA and peptide appeared at 29 DPF, in male germ cells both were detected as late as at 51-53 DPF. It is assumed that the production of IGF-I in the germ cells is linked to the onset of meiosis that in tilapia ovary starts at around 28 DPF and in testes at around 52-53 DPF. In adult testis, IGF-I mRNA and peptide occurred in the majority of spermatogonia and spermatocytes as well as in Leydig cells, the latter indicating a role of IGF-I in the synthesis of male sex steroids. In adult ovary, IGF-I mRNA and IGF-I peptide were always present in small and previtellogenic oocytes but only IGF-I peptide infrequently occurred in oocytes at the later stages. IGF-I expression appeared in numerous granulosa and some theca cells of follicles at the lipid stage and persisted in follicles with mature oocytes. The results suggest a crucial role of local IGF-I in the formation, differentiation and function of tilapia gonads.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Endogenous yolk nutrients are crucial for embryo and larval development in fish, but developmental behavior of the genes that control yolk utilization remains unknown. Apolipoproteins have been shown to play important roles in lipid transport and uptake through the circulation system. In this study, EcApoC-I, the first cloned ApoC-I in teleosts, has been screened from pituitary cDNA library of female orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), and the deduced amino acid sequence shows 43.5% identity to one zebrafish (Danio rerio) hypothetical protein similar to ApoC-I, and 21.2%, 21.7%, 22.5%, 20%, and 22.5% identities to Apo C-I of human (Homo sapiens), house mouse (Mus musculus), common tree shrew (Tupaia glis), dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas), respectively. Although the sequence identity is low, amphipathic alpha-helices with the potential to bind to lipid were predicted to exist in the EcApoC-I. RT-PCR analysis revealed that it was first transcribed in gastrula embryos and maintained a relatively stable expression level during the following embryogenesis. During embryonic and early larval development, a very high level of EcApoC-I expression was in the yolk syncytial layer, indicating that it plays a significant role in yolk degradation and transfers nutrition to the embryo and early larva. By the day 7 after hatching, EcApoC-I transcripts were observed in brain. In adult, EcApoC-I mRNA was detected abundantly in brain and gonad. In transitional gonads, the EcApoC-I expression is restricted to the germ cells. The data suggested that EcApoC-I might play an important role in brain and gonad morphogenesis and growth.


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Objective: Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HM beta) is a metabolite of leucine widely used for improving sports performance. Although limp is recognized to promote anabolic or anti-catabolic effects on protein metabolism, the impact of its long-term use on skeletal muscle and/or genes that control the skeletal protein balance is not fully known. This study aimed to investigate whether chronic HM beta treatment affects the activity of GH/IGF-I axis and skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. Design: Rats were treated with HK beta (320 mg/kg BW) or vehicle, by gavage, for 4 weeks, and killed by decapitation. Blood was collected for evaluation of serum insulin, glucose and IGF-I concentrations. Samples of pituitary, liver, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles were collected for total RNA or protein extraction to evaluate the expression of pituitary growth hormone (GH) gene (mRNA and protein), hepatic insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNA, skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA by Northern blotting/real time-PCR, or Western blotting. Results: Chronic HM beta treatment increased the content of pituitary GH mRNA and GH, hepatic IGF-I mRNA and serum IGF-I concentration. No changes were detected on skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. However, the HIM-treated rats although normoglycemic, exhibited hyperinsulinemia. Conclusions: The data presented herein extend the body of evidence on the potential role of HM beta-treatment in stimulating GH/IGF-I axis activity. In spite of this effect, HM beta supplementation also induces an apparent insulin resistance state which might limit the beneficial aspects of the former results, at least in rats under normal nutritional status and health conditions. (C) 2010 Growth Hormone Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that skeletal muscle adaptations induced by long-term resistance training (RT) are associated with increased myogenic regulatory factors (MRF) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) mRNA expression in rats skeletal muscle. Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: 8-week control (C8), 8-week trained (T8), 12-week control (C12) and 12-week trained (T12). Trained rats were submitted to a progressive RT program (4 sets of 10-12 repetitions at 65-75% of the 1RM, 3 day/week), using a squat-training apparatus with electric stimulation. Muscle hypertrophy was determined by measurement of muscle fiber cross-sectional area (CSA) of the muscle fibers, and myogenin, MyoD and IGF-I mRNA expression were measured by RT-qPCR. A hypertrophic stabilization occurred between 8 and 12 weeks of RT (control-relative % area increase, T8: 29% vs. T12: 35%; p>0.05) and was accompanied by the stabilization of myogenin (control-relative % increase, T8: 44.8% vs. T12: 37.7%, p>0.05) and MyoD (control-relative % increase, T8: 22.9% vs. T12: 22.3%, p>0.05) mRNA expression and the return of IGF-I mRNA levels to the baseline (control-relative % increase, T8: 30.1% vs. T12: 1.5%, p<0.05). Moreover, there were significant positive correlations between the muscle fiber CSA and mRNA expression for MyoD (r=0.85, p=0.0001), myogenin (r=0.87, p=0.0001), and IGF-I (r=0.88, p=0.0001). The significant (p<0.05) increase in myogenin, MyoD and IGF-I mRNA expression after 8 weeks was not associated with changes in the fiber-type frequency. In addition, there was a type IIX/D-to-IIA fiber conversion at 12 weeks, even with the stabilization of MyoD and myogenin expression and the return of IGF-I levels to baseline. These results indicate a possible interaction between MRFs and IGF-I in the control of muscle hypertrophy during long-term RT and suggest that these factors are involved more in the regulation of muscle mass than in fiber-type conversion. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.


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Growth and sexual development are closely interlinked in fish; however, no reports exist on potential effects of estrogen on the GH/IGF-I-axis in developing fish. We investigate whether estrogen exposure during early development affects growth and the IGF-I system, both at the systemic and tissue level. Tilapia were fed from 10 to 40 days post fertilization (DPF) with 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE(2)). At 50, 75, 90, and 165 DPF, length, weight, sex ratio, serum IGF-I (RIA), pituitary GH mRNA and IGF-I, and estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) mRNA in liver, gonads, brain, and gills (real-time PCR) were determined and the results correlated to those of in situ hybridization for IGF-I. Developmental exposure to EE(2) had persistent effects on sex ratio and growth. Serum IGF-I, hepatic IGF-I mRNA, and the number of IGF-I mRNA-containing hepatocytes were significantly decreased at 75 DPF, while liver ERalpha mRNA was significantly induced. At 75 DPF, a transient decline of IGF-I mRNA and a largely reduced number of IGF-I mRNA-containing neurons were observed in the female brain. In both sexes, pituitary GH mRNA was significantly suppressed. A transient downregulation of IGF-I mRNA occurred in ovaries (75 DPF) and testes (90 DPF). In agreement, in situ hybridization revealed less IGF-I mRNA signals in granulosa and germ cells. Our results show for the first time that developmental estrogen treatment impairs GH/IGF-I expression in fish, and that the effects persist. These long-lasting effects both seem to be exerted indirectly via inhibition of pituitary GH and directly by suppression of local IGF-I in organ-specific cells.


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Hereditary tyrosinemia type I (HT1) is an autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism caused by the deficiency of fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase, the last enzyme in the tyrosine catabolism pathway. This defect results in accumulation of succinylacetone (SA) that reacts with amino acids and proteins to form stable adducts via Schiff base formation, lysine being the most reactive amino acid. HT1 patients surviving beyond infancy are at considerable risk for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, and a high level of chromosomal breakage is observed in HT1 cells, suggesting a defect in the processing of DNA. In this paper we show that the overall DNA-ligase activity is low in HT1 cells (about 20% of the normal value) and that Okazaki fragments are rejoined at a reduced rate compared with normal fibroblasts. No mutation was found by sequencing the ligase I cDNA from HT1 cells, and the level of expression of the ligase I mRNA was similar in normal and HT1 fibroblasts, suggesting the presence of a ligase inhibitor. SA was shown to inhibit in vitro the overall DNA-ligase activity present in normal cell extracts. The activity of purified T4 DNA-ligase, whose active site is also a lysine residue, was inhibited by SA in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that accumulation of SA reduces the overall ligase activity in HT1 cells and indicate that metabolism errors may play a role in regulating enzymatic activities involved in DNA replication and repair.


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Pre-mRNA splicing is among the last known nuclear events before export of mature mRNA to the cytoplasm. At present, it is not known whether splicing and mRNA export are biochemically coupled processes. In this study, we have injected pre-mRNAs containing a single intron or the same mRNAs lacking an intron (Δi-mRNAs) into Xenopus oocyte nuclei. We find that the spliced mRNAs are exported much more rapidly and efficiently than the identical Δi-mRNAs. Moreover, competition studies using excess Δi-mRNA indicate that different factor(s) are involved in the inefficient export of Δi-mRNA vs. the efficient export of spliced mRNA. Consistent with this conclusion, spliced mRNA and Δi-mRNA, though identical in sequence, are assembled into different messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNP) in vitro. Strikingly, the mRNA in the spliced mRNP, but not in the Δi-mRNP, is exported rapidly and efficiently. We conclude that splicing generates a specific nucleoprotein complex that targets mRNA for export. Our results, revealing a link between splicing and efficient mRNA export, may explain the reports that an intron is required for efficient expression of many protein-coding genes in metazoans.


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Neuropeptides are implicated in many tumors, breast cancer (BC) included. Preprotachykinin-I (PPT-I) encodes multiple neuropeptides with pleiotropic functions such as neurotransmission, immune/hematopoietic modulation, angiogenesis, and mitogenesis. PPT-I is constitutively expressed in some tumors. In this study, we investigated a role for PPT-I and its receptors, neurokinin-1 (NK-1) and NK-2, in BC by using quantitative reverse transcription–PCR, ELISA, and in situ hybridization. Compared with normal mammary epithelial cells (n = 2) and benign breast biopsies (n = 21), BC cell lines (n = 7) and malignant breast biopsies (n = 25) showed increased expression of PPT-I and NK-1. NK-2 levels were high in normal and malignant cells. Specific NK-1 and NK-2 antagonists inhibited BC cell proliferation, suggesting autocrine and/or intercrine stimulation of BC cells by PPT-I peptides. NK-2 showed no effect on the proliferation of normal cells but mediated the proliferation of BC cells. Cytosolic extracts from malignant BC cells enhanced PPT-I translation whereas extracts from normal mammary epithelial cells caused no change. These enhancing effects may be protein-specific because a similar increase was observed for IL-6 translation and no effect was observed for IL-1α and stem cell factor. The data suggest that PPT-I peptides and their receptors may be important in BC development. Considering that PPT-I peptides are hematopoietic modulators, these results could be extended to understand early integration of BC cells in the bone marrow, a preferred site of metastasis. Molecular signaling transduced by PPT-I peptides and the mechanism that enhances translation of PPT-I mRNA could lead to innovative strategies for BC treatments and metastasis.


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Metallothioneins (MT) are involved in the scavenging of the toxic heavy metals and protection of cells from reactive oxygen intermediates. To investigate the potential role of the protein Ku in the expression of MT, we measured the level of MT-I mRNA in the parental rat fibroblast cell line (Rat 1) and the cell lines that stably and constitutively overexpress the small subunit, the large subunit, and the heterodimer of Ku. Treatment with CdS04 or ZnS04 elevated the MT-I mRNA level 20- to 30-fold in the parental cells and the cells (Ku-70) that overproduce the small subunit or those (Ku-7080) overexpressing the heterodimer. By contrast, the cells (Ku-80) overexpressing the large subunit of Ku failed to induce MT-I. In vitro transcription assay showed that the MT-I promoter activity was suppressed selectively in the nuclear extracts from Ku-80 cells. The specificity of the repressor function was shown by the induction of hsp 70, another Cd-inducible gene, in Ku-80 cells. Addition of the nuclear extract from Ku-80 cells at the start of the transcription reaction abolished the MT-l promoter activity in the Rat 1 cell extract. The transcript once formed in Rat 1 nuclear extract was not degraded by further incubation with the extract from Ku-80 cells. The repressor was sensitive to heat. The DNA-binding activities of at least four transcription factors that control the MT-I promoter activity were not affected in Ku-80 cells. These observations have set the stage for further exploration of the mechanisms by which the Ku subunit mediates suppression of MT induction.


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Augmentation of vertebrate growth by growth hormone (GH) is primarily due to its regulation of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF I) and IGF II levels. To characterize the effect of GH on the levels of IGF I and IGF II mRNA in a teleost, 10 micrograms of bovine GH (bGH) per g of body weight was administered to juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) through i.p. injection. The levels of IGF I and IGF II mRNA were determined simultaneously, by using RNase protection assays, in the liver, pyloric ceca, kidney, and gill at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hr after injection. In the liver, IGF I mRNA levels were significantly elevated at 6 and 12 hr (approximately 2- to 3-fold, P < or = 0.01), while IGF II mRNA levels were significantly elevated at 3 and 6 hr (approximately 3-fold, P < or = 0.01). In the pyloric ceca, IGF II mRNA levels were significantly elevated at 12, 24, and 48 hr (approximately 3-fold, P < or = 0.01), while IGF I mRNA was below the limits of assay accuracy. GH-dependent IGF mRNA appearance was not detected in the gill and kidney. Serum bGH levels, determined by using a radioimmunoassay, were significantly elevated at 3 and 6 hr (P < 0.005). In primary hepatocyte culture, IGF I and IGF II mRNA levels increased in a bGH dose-dependent fashion, with ED50 values of approximately 45 and approximately 6 ng of bGH per ml, respectively. The GH-dependent appearance of IGF II mRNA in the liver and pyloric ceca suggests important roles for this peptide hormone exclusive of IGF I.


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Background: Increased levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and oxidative stress have been implicated as factors contributing to hepatic injury in fatty liver diseases. As steatosis is associated with an accelerated progression of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C (HCV), we hypothesized that the messenger (m)RNA expression of genes involved with the production of reactive oxygen species, inflammation and cellular injury would be increased in liver tissue from subjects with steatosis and chronic HCV. Methods: Real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed to determine relative mRNA expression levels of collagen I, TNF-alpha, cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP 2E1), transforming growth factor-beta1 and CD14 in liver biopsies from 38 patients with chronic HCV. The mRNA expression levels were compared between subjects with and without steatosis, fibrosis, and inflammation. Results: Multivariate analysis demonstrated that collagen I mRNA expression was increased by 199% in steatosis (P = 0.02), 85% in moderate to severe fibrosis (P = 0.02) and 157% in inflammation (P = 0.03). Livers of patients with steatosis also had an increase in TNF-alpha mRNA expression by 50% (P = 0.03) and CYP 2E1 expression by 37% (P = 0.04) compared with non-steatotic livers. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha protein was localized to Kupffer cells, bile ducts and portal inflammatory cells by immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: Increased expression of TNF-alpha may be involved in the pathogenesis of liver injury and progression of fibrosis in individuals who have steatosis in association with chronic HCV. (C) 2003 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.


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Aims: An important consideration in the design of a tumour vaccine is the ability of tumour-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to recognise unmanipulated tumour cells in vivo. To determine whether B-CLL might use an escape strategy, the current studies compared B-CLL and normal B cell MHC class I expression. Methods: Flow cytometry, TAP allele PCR and MHC class I PCR were used. Results: While baseline expression of MHC class I did not differ, upregulation of MHC class I expression by B-CLL cells in response to IFN-gamma was reduced. No deletions or mutations of TAP 1 or 2 genes were detected. B-CLL cells upregulated TAP protein expression in response to IFN-gamma. Responsiveness of B-CLL MHC class I mRNA to IFN-gamma was not impaired. Conclusions: The data suggest that MHC class I molecules might be less stable at the cell surface in B-CLL than normal B cells, as a result of the described release of beta(2)m and beta(2)m-free class I heavy chains from the membrane. This relative MHC class I expression defect of B-CLL cells may reduce their susceptibility to CTL lysis in response to immunotherapeutic approaches.


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Somatic growth in fishes is regulated by a variety of hormones. A central step in this hormonal network is the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) axis. Studies conducted evaluated the relationship of hepatic IGF-I (hIGF-1) mRNA with growth as affected by feeding regimes (satiation or restricted level; daily or alternate-day feeding), temperatures (high, ambient, low) and by social stress. To develop a cellular means for the quantification of hIGF-I mRNA levels in O. niloticus, hIGF-I cDNA was isolated and cloned. The partial sequence of IGF-I cDNA encodes for signal peptide, mature protein and a portion of the E-domain. A sensitive TaqMan quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) assay was developed based on the mature IGF-I. Using the developed qRT-PCR assay a significant positive correlation was observed between hIGF-I mRNA levels and growth rate of fish reared under different feeding regimes (r = 0.64) and temperature conditions (r = 0.64). On the dynamics of hIGF-I gene expression in response to elevated temperature, hIGF-I mRNA levels were significantly elevated after at least 2 days of exposure to warm temperature. This validates the concept that hIGF-I gene expressions are sufficiently sensitive to be used as a rapid growth rate indicator for O. niloticus. The hIGF-I levels have a significant positive correlation with specific growth rate (length; r = 0.92), and with condition factor (r = 0.55). On the effect of social stress, differential alterations in growth rates between the dominant and subordinates were observed which was attributed more to behavioral changes as transduced by physiological regulators. The fish's relative position in the social hierarchy was consistently reflected in the levels of hIGF-I mRNA and the eye color pattern. Subordination depressed hIGF-I levels while dominance stimulated it. These findings have shown that hGF-I level remained positively correlated to growth rate as affected by feeding regime, temperature and social stress. This suggests that hIGF-I plays a key role in controlling growth in O. niloticus and indicates that IGF-I mRNA quantification could prove useful for the rapid assessment of growth rate in this species of fish.