996 resultados para Mutação do gene p53
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
CONTEXTO: Alterações do gene supressor de tumor p53, como mutações e deleções, são lesões genéticas encontradas com maior freqüência nas neoplasias humanas, incluindo câncer de mama, pulmão e cólon. Entre as malignidades hematológicas, o gene 53 é freqüentemente mutado no linfoma de Burkitt, sendo detectadas mutações em 30-40% das amostras tumorais e em 70% das linhagens celulares. OBJETIVO: Analisar as alterações do gene p53 em crianças com linfoma não-Hodgkin de origem B. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo descritivo. LOCAL: Centro de Oncologia Terciário. PARTICIPANTES: O estudo analisou 12 pacientes com linfoma não-Hodgkin B classificados como linfoma de Burkitt. A análise de possíveis mutações do gene p53 foi realizada pela técnica de PCR-SSCP dos exons 5, 6 ,7 e 8/9 do gene. RESULTADOS: Um padrão anormal de migração foi observado em quatro pacientes (33.3%), em um paciente no exon 6 e em três no exon 7. Os casos positivos incluíam dois pacientes que evoluíram para o óbito por progressão da doença. CONCLUSÃO: Esses resultados preliminares sugerem que as alterações do gene p53 são freqüentes em crianças com linfoma de Burkitt e podem contribuir para patogênese ou progressão da doença.
A acidose tubular renal distal é uma doença rara, caracterizada pela incapacidade na acidificação da urina, condicionando acidose metabólica hiperclorémica, hipocaliémia, hipercalciúria e nefrocalcinose, o que poderá causar atraso de crescimento, alteração do metabolismo ósseo e insuficiência renal crónica. A acidose tubular renal distal associada a surdez neurossensorial é uma doença de herança autossómica recessiva, causada por mutações do gene que codifica a subunidade B1 da H+ -ATPase (ATP6V1B1). Os autores relatam os casos de duas irmãs que apresentaram má progressão ponderal, alterações iónicas, do equilíbrio ácido base e surdez neurossensorial. Foi detectada em ambas as crianças a mutação homozigótica no gene ATP6V1B1. Com estes dois casos pretende -se destacar a importância de um diagnóstico precoce nesta patologia rara.
A cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) é a principal cardiopatia dos felinos e é caracterizada por hipertrofia miocárdica concêntrica, sem dilatação ventricular. Disfunções miocárdicas ocorrem em gatos com CMH, mas pouco se conhece a respeito destas alterações nos estágios iniciais da afecção. Em gatos da raça Maine Coon, a mutação no gene MyBPC-A31P está relacionada com a CMH de origem familial, porém, a correlação exata entre o genótipo e o fenótipo ainda é inconclusiva. A ecocardiografia tecidual é uma modalidade não invasiva que permite avaliação da função miocárdica e é mais sensível que a ecocardiografia convencional. Para avaliar as funções sistólica e diastólica, antes ou após a ocorrência de hipertrofia ventricular, gatos da raça Maine Coon (n=57), geneticamente testados para a mutação, foram avaliados por meio de ecocardiografias convencional e tecidual (nas modalidades Doppler tecidual pulsado e Doppler tecidual colorido). Posteriormente, foram fenotipicamente classificados em: normais (n=45), suspeitos (n=7) e acometidos pela CMH (n=5); e genotipicamente classificados em: negativos (n=28), heterozigotos (n=26) e homozigotos para a mutação (n=3). Valores de velocidades miocárdicas (Doppler tecidual pulsado e colorido) medidos na região basal e média do septo interventricular (SIV), da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo (PVE), da parede anterior do ventrículo esquerdo (PAVE), da parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo (PPVE) e do segmento radial da PVE, foram comparados nos diferentes grupos. Observou-se que as velocidades longitudinais Em (Doppler tecidual pulsado) na região média da PVE foram menores nos gatos com CMH quando comparados com suspeitos e normais. Os valores de Em/Am (Doppler tecidual colorido), na região basal do SIV, foram inferiores nos gatos com CMH quando comparados com suspeitos e normais. A relação E/Em (Doppler tecidual colorido), na região basal do SIV, foi maior nos gatos com CMH em relação aos suspeitos e normais, enquanto que os valores de Sm (Doppler tecidual colorido), em região basal da PVE, foram menores nos gatos heterozigotos quando comparados com os negativos, ambos sem hipertrofia ventricular. Observou-se correlação positiva entre a ocorrência de fusão das ondas Em e Am e a frequência cardíaca, assim como correlação positiva entre valores de Sm e Em e a frequência cardíaca (Doppler tecidual pulsado e colorido). A ecocardiografia tecidual é uma nova modalidade ecocardiográfica reprodutível em gatos que, isoladamente, não permite diferenciar gatos portadores da mutação antes do desenvolvimento de hipertrofia ventricular. Apresenta utilidade como auxílio no diagnóstico em fases iniciais, mas, apesar da expectativa para a identificação precoce de indivíduos portadores da CMH, ainda há necessidade de estudos mais extensos e com maior número de indivíduos.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
p53 plays a role in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. p53 has also been shown to be involved in DNA replication. To study the effect of p53 on DNA replication, we utilized a SV40 based shuttle vector system. The pZ402 shuttle vector, was constructed with a mutated T-antigen unable to interact with p53 but able to support replication of the shuttle vector. When a transcriptional activation domain p53 mutant was tested for its ability to inhibit DNA replication no inhibition was observed. Competition assays with the DNA binding domain of p53 was also able to block the inhibition of DNA replication by p53 suggesting that p53 can inhibit DNA replication through the transcriptional activation of a target gene. One likely target gene, p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ was tested to determine whether p53 inhibited DNA replication by transcriptionally activating p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$. Two independent approaches utilizing p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ null cells or the expression of an anti-sense p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ expression vector were utilized. p53 was able to inhibit pZ402 replication independently of p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$. p53 was also able to inhibit DNA replication independent of the p53 target genes Gadd45 and the replication processivity factor PCNA. The inhibition of DNA replication by p53 was also independent of direct DNA binding to a consensus site on the replicating plasmid. p53 mutants can be classified into two categories: conformational and DNA contact mutants. The two types of p53 mutants were tested for their effects on DNA replication. While all conformational mutants were unable to inhibit DNA replication three out of three DNA contact mutants tested were able to inhibit DNA replication. The work here studies the effect wild-type and mutant p53 has on DNA replication and demonstrated a possible mechanism by which wild-type p53 could inhibit DNA replication through the transcriptional activation of a target gene. ^
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A hiper-homocisteinemia, resultante da deficiência na conversão da homocisteína em cistationina, constitui em fator de risco isolado para doenças vasculares. A mutação 844ins68 do gene da cistationina beta-sintetase é um fator adicional de risco para a trombose venosa profunda. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a freqüência da mutação 844ins68 do gene da cistationina beta-sintetase em pacientes com trombose venosa profunda. Foram avaliados em estudo caso-controle 95 pacientes com trombose venosa profunda, a presença da mutação 844ins68 no éxon 8 do gene da cistationina beta-sintetase. Como critério de inclusão foi adotada a presença de trombose venosa profunda confirmada pelo dúplex ou flebografia. O grupo controle constituiu-se de 95 doadores de sangue, sem história familiar prévia de trombose venosa, com sexo, grupo étnico e idades pareados aos do grupo de estudo. Foram coletados 5 mL de sangue venoso com o uso de anticoagulante EDTA de cada participante. O DNA foi extraído dos leucócitos pelo método DTAB e CTAB. A detecção da mutação do gene foi realizada por amplificação de um segmento gênico por PCR, com iniciadores que flanqueiam a região de inserção e com revelação em gel de agarose a 2%, corado com brometo de etídio, sob luz UV. O fragmento correspondente ao alelo normal contém 184 pares de base e o correspondente ao alelo mutante, 252 pares de base. O teste exato de Fisher foi utilizado na análise dos resultados. A condição heterozigota para a mutação foi encontrada em 14,73% dos pacientes e em 3,1% dos indivíduos do grupo controle (p = 0,009). A freqüência do alelo mutante mostrou diferença significativa (p = 0,01), sendo 0,074 para os pacientes versus 0,016 para o grupo controle. Não foram encontrados casos de homozigose.
Purpose: To detect the occurrence and expression of the suppressor gene p53 and of the oncogene c-Myc in eyelid tumors of dogs using the PCR, RT-PCR, PCR-ELISA and RT-PCR-ELISA techniques. These genes have not been described in dog eyelid tumors before. Methods: Nine samples of eyelid or third eyelid epithelial tumors were obtained from the archives of the Department of Veterinary Pathology. Tumor diagnosis was confirmed by evaluation of hematoxylin-eosin stained sections, and immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and vimentin V9. A canine mammary tumor was used for positive control. Agarose gel electrophoresis, PCR-ELISA and RT-PCR-ELISA were used to detect p53 and c-Myc genes. Results: The occurrence of p53 was detected in most of the eyelid tumors and third eyelid tumors studied (88.8%, n = 8) and was expressed in 75% of the positive samples, as indicated by ELISA. The c-Myc gene was found in 77.7% (n = 7) of the samples and was expressed in eight samples. Conclusions: Eyelid and third eyelid tumors of dogs express both the p53 and the c-Myc genes as shown by PCR and RT-PCR. However, PCR ELISA and RT-PCR ELISA were more efficient in assessing occurrence and expression of these genes because they identified amplified products that were not detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. © 2010 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an important type of cancer etiologically related to some viruses, chemical carcinogens and other host or environmental factors associated to chronic liver injury in humans. The tumor suppressor gene p53 is mutated in highly variable levels (0-52%) of HCC in different countries. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to compare the frequency of aberrant immunohistochemical expression of p53 in HCC occurring in cirrhotic or in non-cirrhotic patients as well as in liver cell dysplasia and in adenomatous hyperplasia. We studied 84 patients with HCC or cirrhosis. RESULTS: We detected p53 altered immuno-expression in 58.3% of patients in Grade III-IV contrasting to 22.2% of patients in Grade I-II (p = 0.02). Nontumorous areas either in the vicinity of HCC or in the 30 purely cirrhotic cases showed no nuclear p53 altered expression, even in foci of dysplasia or adenomatous hyperplasia. No significant difference was found among cases related to HBV, HCV or alcohol. CONCLUSION: The high frequency of p53 immunoexpression in this population is closer to those reported in China and Africa, demanding further studies to explain the differences with European and North American reports.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most malignant variant of human glial tumors. A prominent feature of this tumor is the occurrence of necrosis and vascular proliferation. The regulation of glial neovascularization is still poorly understood and the characterization of factors involved in this process is of major clinical interest. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pleiotropic cytokine released by leukocytes and by a variety of cells outside of the immune system. Recent work has shown that MIF may function to regulate cellular differentiation and proliferation in normal and tumor-derived cell lines, and may also contribute to the neovascularization of tumors. Our immunohistological analysis of MIF distribution in GBM tissues revealed the strong MIF protein accumulation in close association with necrotic areas and in tumor cells surrounding blood vessels. In addition, MIF expression was frequently associated with the presence of the tumor-suppressor gene p53. To substantiate the concept that MIF might be involved in the regulation of angiogenesis in GBM, we analyzed the MIF gene and protein expression under hypoxic and hypoglycemic stress conditions in vitro. Northern blot analysis showed a clear increase of MIF mRNA after hypoxia and hypoglycemia. We could also demonstrate that the increase of MIF transcripts on hypoxic stress can be explained by a profound transcriptional activation of the MIF gene. In parallel to the increase of MIF transcripts, we observed a significant rise in extracellular MIF protein on angiogenic stimulation. The data of our preliminary study suggest that the up-regulation of MIF expression during hypoxic and hypoglycemic stress might play a critical role for the neovascularization of glial tumors.
Purpose: To investigate the molecular involvement of PTEN, a tumor suppressor gene, in a case of cellular pigmented choroidal Schwannoma in a patient with hamartomatous syndrome due to heterozygous PTEN germline mutation. Methods: Histopathological, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopy analyses were performed by standard procedures. Paraffin-embedded samples of normal and tumor eye tissues were collected and DNA was extracted. A 145 bp region flanking the heterozygous c.406T>C mutation in exon 5 of PTEN was amplified by PCR and sequenced. To evaluate the allelic status of PTEN in the tumor sample, we cloned different PCR products in E. coli using a TA cloning procedure. Results: Histopathology demonstrated a posterior choroidal mass measuring 1.3 x 1.6 x 1.4 cm. The tumor was composed by fascicles of spindle cells with wavy cytoplasm. No Verrocay bodies could be identified. Scattered histiocytes with clear cytoplasm were present. By immunohistochemistry, the cells were expressing S100 and focally Melan A proteins. Pericellular type IV collagen could be demonstrated. Interlacing cytoplasmic processes covered by thick basement membrane could be found by electron microscopy as well as few premelanosomes. Moderate PTEN expression by immunohistochemistry was identified in some cells. As expected, the germline mutation could be detected by DNA sequencing in both the paraffin-embedded normal and tumor eye tissues. Analysis of 33 E. coli colonies bearing clones from the tumor eye tissue DNA surprisingly revealed that most of them contained the PTEN wild-type allele (29 vs. 4, Fisher's test p-value = 0.002). Conclusions: This is the first reported case of choroidal cellular Schwannoma arising in the context of a PTEN hamartomatous syndrome. Allelic analysis of PTEN in the tumor suggests a statistically-significant partial loss of heterozygozity in favor of the wild-type allele. Our findings are in clear contrast with what is usually observed in cancer tissues, for which mutated alleles of tumor suppressor genes are usually brought to homozygosity. Similar results were previously reported in human non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, displaying an overexpression of the wild-type form of the tumor suppressor gene p53. We are in the process of investigating additional DNA derived from other fresh and paraffin-embedded tissues from the patient, in order to gain insights on the molecular bases of PTEN involvement in this rare choroidal Schwannoma.
There are few data evaluating biological markers for men with breast cancer. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the expression of the oncogenes c-erbB-2 and c-myc and of the suppressor gene p53 by immunohistochemical techniques in archival paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of 48 male breast cancer patients, treated at the A.C. Camargo Cancer Hospital, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. The results were compared with clinicopathological prognostic features. Immunopositivity of c-erbB-2, p53 and c-myc was detected in 62.5, 16.7 and 20.8% of the cases analyzed, respectively. Estrogen and progesterone receptors were positive in 75 and 69% of the cases, respectively. Increasing staging was statistically associated with c-erbB-2 (P = 0.04) and weakly related to p53 positivity (P = 0.06). No significant correlation between specific survival rate (determined by the log rank test) and the molecular markers analyzed was found, whereas the number of compromised lymph nodes and advanced TNM (tumor, node, metastasis) staging were associated with diminished survival.