995 resultados para Musica - Interpretação (Fraseado, dinamica, etc.)
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
A presente tese problematiza a ideia defendida por Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) da perda da aura dos objetos artísticos na modernidade técnica, em sua reprodutibilidade, e defende que os cancionistas são neo-sereias modernas que carregam na performance vocal a gaia ciência nutrida pelo instinto caraíba de nossa cultura brasileira. Para tanto, numa metodologia majoritariamente interpretativa de canções populares, aliada ao método comparatista confrontando W. Benjamin, T. Adorno e Oswald de Andrade, entre outros pensadores , investiga: (1) a aplicação prática do conceito de mitopoética na re-criação e permanência do mito sirênico do mito como fonte de saber, a partir do arquétipo da sereia-mãe Iemanjá e suas derivações; (2) o conceito de metacanção, da canção como produto da neo-sereia e como subjetivação da linguagem; e (3) a distinção entre sujeito cancional e sujeito da canção, como artifícios artísticos neo-sirênicos assentados no Brasil
Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar processos cognitivos na Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), presentes em duas interpretações da música Aquarela. Os processos cognitivos foram investigados à luz da corporificação, da metáfora conceptual (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002), da metonímia conceptual (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2003; EVANS; GREEN, 2006; KÖVECSES, 2010) e da iconicidade cognitiva (WILCOX, 2000; QUADROS, 2004; WILCOX, 2004). Além desses processos de construção de sentidos, analisam-se os esquemas imagéticos (EVANS; GREEN, 2006; GIBBS; COLSTON apud GEERAERTS, 2006) que lhes fundamentam. A partir dessa fundamentação, foram encontrados nas intepretações sinais categorizados icônico-metonímicos, icônico-metonímico-corporificados, de acordo com Nunes (2014), e icônicos-corporificados. Verificaram-se os esquemas imagéticos subjacentes aos sinais e classificadores. Considerando-se que esses sinais e classificadores estão presentes em interpretações de uma música, analisam-se também procedimentos e técnicas utilizados em traduções e interpretações em Libras. A partir da análise, constatou-se, entre os processos cognitivos subjacentes às interpretações da música, que as principais metáforas conceptuais subjacentes à letra de Aquarela em português mantêm-se nas interpretações em Libras. Contudo, na versão em Libras, uma nova metáfora foi postulada. Assim, buscou-se, com esta pesquisa, fornecer questionamentos sobre processos cognitivos em sinais e classificadores em interpretações na Libras
Bach’s Suites for unaccompanied cello are a masterpiece of the Classical Western canon for their singularity and their creator’s mastery. A myriad of transcriptions were made throughout the centuries with bigger or lesser freedom. This thesis aims at revealing insights from the art of linear polyphony and its performance on a monophonic instrument such as the baritone saxophone. The study of the musical structure is supported by examples from the visual domain that help us to understand the notion of linear polyphony as a third-dimension object. The particularity of this study, in relation to the multiple existing literature about Bach’s music, is its focus on a wind player’s point of view, a saxophonist, which, given the restriction of the polyphonic possibilities of the instrument, reveals some discerning solutions on the performance, analysis and elaboration of the polyphonic thinking in Bach’s Suites. Similar to the relative novelty of the cello at Bach’s time, my work aims at giving as close as possible the same perspective of the music through a new vision and instrument. I analysed the art of linear polyphony and the techniques of elaboration of the melody in the Cello Suites, notably as a means to support the interpretation (e.g. articulation, phrasing, dynamics, vibrato, fingerings, etc.) and to devise a transcription of the Suites for the baritone saxophone. My choice felled on a transcription for baritone saxophone based on the manuscript from Anna Magdalena Bach, wishing to provide detailed guidelines for saxophonists who want to create a more informed interpretation. I hope to offer a better understanding of these works and to provide a reference to build and develop an individual interpretation, especially on the baritone saxophone.
Palaeogeographic and tectono-sedimentary interpretation of northern Portugal, in which previous studies (geomorphology, lithostratigraphy, mineralogy, sedimentology, palaeontology, etc.) were considered, is here proposed. Cenozoic shows different features according to its morphotectonic setting in the eestern region (Trás-os-Montes) or near to the Atlantic coast (western region, Minho and Douro Litoral areas). Although in the eastern region the sedimentary record is considered late Neogene, in some places Paleogene (?) was identified. This oldest record, represented by alluvial deposits, was preserved from complete erosion because of its position inside Bragança-Vilariça-Manteigas fault zone grabens. Later sedimentary episodes (upper Tortonian-Zanclean ?), represented by two allostratigraphical units, were interpreted as proximal fluvial braided systems of an endorheic hydrographic network, draining to the Spanish Duero Basin (eastwards); nowadays, they still remained in tectonic depressions and incised-valleys. Later on, eastern sedimentation becomes scarcer because Atlantic fluvial systems (e.g. the pre-Douro), successively, captured previous endorheic drainages. The proximal reaches of the allostratigraphic unit considered Placencian is recorded in Mirandela (western Trás-os-Montes) but the following fluvial episode (Gelasian-early Pleistocene ?) was already documented in east Trás-os-Montes, preserved in high platforms and in tectonic depressions. Placencian and Quaternary sedimentary records in the western coastal zone, mainly represented by terraces, are located in the Minho, Lima, Alverães, Cávado and Ave large fluvial valleys and in the Oporto littoral platform. In conclusion, northern Portugal Tertiary sedimentary episodes were mainly controlled by tectonics, but later on (Placencian-Quaternary) also by eustasy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This article has as object of study the Concerto for Viola and Orquestra by Antonio Borges-Cunha. We investigated the work by observing its formal structure. This resulted in data which were relevant to the understanding of the work itself and to decisive procedures in its interpretation. These data were then applied to specific issues in the area of performance, by means of a process whereby the sensations of movement and direction were delineated. This investigation discusses interpretation and the queries regarding the paths which performers can choose in their quest for positive results in expressivity. It is a study specifically geared to the area of performance and, in a broader sense, serves composers that are interested in the performer's contribution to the creative process of a work.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA