998 resultados para Museum attendance - Victoria


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The study was conducted over 3 years and explored beyond what visitors to museum exhibitions learnt from written labels, to what they learnt and knew about the museum as an institution, its staff and their knowledge and understanding of the subliminal messages of exhibitions. The site used as the Victorian historical mansion, Werribee Park. Visitors to the 1880s Costume Exhibition were surveyed.


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Estudi sobre els públics que visiten els museus de les comarques gironines des de 1980 i fins 1996. Es parla de l’anàlisi quantitativa de les visites, però també de la importància de l’anàlisi qualitativa, proposant que es vagi estandarditzant cada vegada més i que s’aprofundeixi en aquest àmbit. També parla de la importància dels mitjans de comunicació en la difusió dels museus, i del fet que en aquest període la relació entre nombre d’habitants i quantitat de museus va créixer molt considerablement. Apunta el fet que els museus es fan més familiars amb la població i s’apunten en general les tendències en el sector


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Recorregut per la història del Museu d’Olot, des de la seva inauguració fins a convertir-se en el Museu Comarcal de la Garrotxa


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B. K. Nadeau in 1955 identified as Thaumatocypris ostracodes from the middle Miocene Glenample Clay of Victoria, southeastern Australia. Nadeau's collection of Ostracoda from the Glenample Clay was located in the collections of the Museum of Victoria, Melbourne. Examination of that material indicates that the Glenample Clay specimens attributed by Nadeau to Thaumatocypris belong to Polycope sanctacatherinae Whatley & Downing 1983. As a result, it is concluded that Thaumatocypris has not been collected in the Miocene of Australia. Furthermore, in a broader  biostratigraphic/palaeobiogeographic context, the result confirms that no member of the Suborder Halocypridina has been reported so far from the Tertiary Period.


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This thesis aims to test various forms of methodology for visitor development with particular reference to the Art Gallery of South Australia.


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Highlights the existence of other factors in the local museum context that can be proactively addressed to help ensure local museums are not under-utilised resources in under-resourced communities. The potential benefits of more constructive relationships between museums and communities are established, via a case study of a specific relationship - the Museum of Victoria and the Victorian Pacific migrant community(ies).


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 Much of the focus of scholarship around cultural diversity and museums has taken the advent of multiculturalism in 1973 as a starting point. However, public museums also collected and exhibited items relating to culturally diverse communities from the time they were set up from the 1850s onwards, and my research seeks to produce a pre-history of contact between museums, governments and culturally diverse communities and individuals. By using objects and collections life histories from the time they enter the museum for collection and/ or exhibition purposes, I will analyse the way that these relationships have changed over time. One case study is of the gamelan Digul, parts of which are currently on display in the Australian Journeys gallery at the National Museum of Australia. The gamelan Digul first entered the collection of the National Museum of Victoria in 1946 when the museum accepted the donation of these musical instruments from Indonesians who were being deported after World War II. The gamelan remained in this collection until 1976 when it was deacessioned to Monash University who restored and exhibited it in 1999. The National Museum of Australia borrowed some instruments from the gamelan in 2009. Some of the questions I will explore are: What were the motivations behind the former political prisoners/ Indonesian citizens in donating the gamelan Digul to the National Museum of Victoria and why did the museum accept it? Why was the gamelan Digul deaccessioned to Monash University?  How does the display of these instruments at the NMA represent the historical Indonesian communities in Australia which was deported? 


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En numerosas ocasiones a lo largo de la historia la imaginación de los creadores ha ido por delante de las posibilidades técnicas de cada momento. Así, muchas de estas nuevas ideas han requerido largos periodos de tiempo para materializarse como realidad construida, hasta que el desarrollo tecnológico e industrial hubo alcanzado un grado de madurez suficiente. En el campo de la arquitectura, estas limitaciones técnicas se han ido acotando paulatinamente hasta desembocar en la situación actual en la que cualquier planteamiento formal puede ser representado gráficamente y analizado desde un punto de vista estructural, superádose de este modo la barrera existente históricamente en el tratamiento de las formas. A lo largo del presente tesis doctoral se analiza cómo la formulación del Método de los Elementos Finitos en la década de los cincuenta y las curvas de Bézier en la década de los sesenta del siglo pasado y la posterior generalización de los ordenadores personales y de los programas informáticos asociados (C.A.D. y F.E.M. principalmente) en los estudios de arquitectura e ingeniería a partir de la década de los noventa, posibilitó el desarrollo de cualquier propuesta arquitectónica, por compleja que ésta fuese, provocando una verdadera revolución a nivel formal en el mundo de la arquitectura, especialmente en el campo de la edificación singular o icónica. Se estudia este proceso a través de ocho edificios; cuatro anteriores y otros tantos posteriores a la desaparición de la barrera anteriormente referida, establecida de forma simbólica en la década de los años ochenta del siglo XX: Frontón de Recoletos en Madrid, Edificio Seagram en Nueva York, Habitat ’67 en Montreal, Ópera de Sídney, museo Guggenheim de Bilbao, ampliación del Victoria & Albert Museum en Londres, tanatorio “Meiso no Mori” en Gifu y nueva sede de la CCTV en Pekín. De entre ellos, la Ópera de Sídney, obra del arquitecto danés Jørn Utzon, condensa gran parte de los aspectos relevantes investigados en relación a la influencia que los métodos de representación y análisis estructural ejercen en la concepción y construcción de las obras de arquitectura. Por este motivo y por considerarse un hito de la arquitectura a nivel global se toma como caso de estudio. La idea general del edificio, que data de 1956, se enmarca en una época inmediatamente anterior a la del desarrollo científico y tecnológico anteriormente referido. Esta ausencia de herramientas de diseño disponibles acordes a la complejidad formal de la propuesta planteada condicionó enormente la marcha del proyecto, dilatándose dramáticamente en el tiempo y disparándose su coste hasta el punto de que el propio arquitecto danés fue separado de las obras antes de su conclusión. Además, la solución estructural finalmente construida de las cubiertas dista mucho de la prevista por Utzon inicialmente. Donde él había imaginado unas finas láminas de hormigón flotando sobre el paisaje se materializó una estructura más pesada, formada por costillas pretensadas de hormigón con unas secciones notablemente mayores. La forma también debió ser modificada de modo ostensible respecto a la propuesta inicial. Si este edificio se pretendiese construir en la actualidad, con toda seguridad el curso de los acontecimientos se desarrollaría por senderos muy diferentes. Ante este supuesto, se plantean las siguientes cuestiones: ¿sería posible realizar un análisis estructural de la cubierta laminar planteada por Utzon inicialmente en el concurso con las herramientas disponibles en la actualidad?; ¿sería dicha propuesta viable estructuralmente?. A lo largo de las siguientes páginas se pretende dar respuesta a estas cuestiones, poniendo de relieve el impacto que los ordenadores personales y los programas informáticos asociados han tenido en la manera de concebir y construir edificios. También se han analizado variantes a la solución laminar planteada en la fase de concurso, a través de las cuales, tratando en la medida de lo posible de ajustarse a las sugerencias que Ove Arup y su equipo realizaron a Jørn Utzon a lo largo del dilatado proceso de proyecto, mejorar el comportamiento general de la estructura del edificio. Por último, se ha pretendido partir de cero y plantear, desde una perspectiva contemporánea, posibles enfoques metodológicos aplicables a la búsqueda de soluciones estructurales compatibles con la forma propuesta originalmente por Utzon para las cubiertas de la Ópera de Sídney y que nunca llegó a ser construida (ni analizada), considerando para ello los medios tecnológicos, científicos e industriales disponibles en la actualidad. Abstract On numerous occasions throughout history the imagination of creators has gone well beyond of the technical possibilities of their time. Many new ideas have required a long period to materialize, until the technological and industrial development had time to catch up. In the architecture field, these technical limitations have gradually tightened leading to the current situation in which any formal approach can be represented and analyzed from a structural point of view, thus concluding that the structural analysis and the graphical representation’s barrier in the development of architectural projects has dissappeared. Throughout the following pages it is examined how the development of the Finite Element Method in the fifties and the Bezier curves in the sixties of the last century and the subsequent spread of personal computers and specialized software in the architectural and engineering offices from the nineties, enabled the development of any architectural proposal independently of its complexity. This has caused a revolution at a formal level in architecture, especially in the field of iconic building. This process is analyzed through eight buildings, four of them before and another four after the disappearance of the above mentioned barrier, roughly established in the eighties of the last century: Fronton Recoletos in Madrid, Seagram Building in New York Habitat '67 in Montreal, Sydney Opera House, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Victoria & Albert Museum extension in London, Crematorium “Meiso no Mori” in Gifu and the new CCTV headquarters in Beijing. Among them, the Sydney Opera House, designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, condenses many of the main aspects previously investigated regarding the impact of representation methods and structural analysis on the design and construction of architectural projects. For this reason and also because it is considered a global architecture milestone, it is selected as a case study. The building’s general idea, which dates from 1956, is framed at a time immediately preceding the above mentioned scientific and technological development. This lack of available design tools in accordance with the proposal’s formal complexity conditioned enormously the project’s progress, leading to a dramatic delay and multiplying the final budget disproportionately to the point that the Danish architect himself was separated from the works before completion. Furthermore, the built structure differs dramatically from the architect’s initial vision. Where Utzon saw a thin concrete shell floating over the landscape a heavier structure was built, consisting of prestressed concrete ribs with a significantly greater size. The geometry also had to be modified. If this building were to built today, the course of events surely would walk very different paths. Given this assumption, a number of questions could then be formulated: Would it be possible to perform a structural analysis of Utzon’s initially proposed competition-free-ways roof’s geometry with the tools available nowadays?; Would this proposal be structurally feasable?. Throughout the following pages it is intended to clarify this issues, highlighting personal computers and associated software’s impact in building design and construction procedures, especially in the field of iconic building. Variants have also been analyzed for the laminar solution proposed in the competition phase, through which, trying as far as possible to comply with the suggestions that Ove Arup and his team did to Jørn Utzon along the lengthy process project, improving the overall performance of the building structure. Finally, we have started from scratch and analyzed, from a contemporary perspective, possible structural solutions compatible with Utzon’s Opera House’s original geometry and vision –proposal that was never built (nor even analyzed)-, taking into consideration the technological, scientific and industrial means currently available.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Background : The benefits of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs are well established. Despite these benefits their utilisation remains sub-optimal, with an average of 24% of eligible cardiac patients attending outpatient CR programs across Victoria.
Aims & rationale/Objectives : The objectives of this study were to (a) identify local barriers and enablers to the uptake of hospital-based CR programs, and (b) identify preferred alternatives for the delivery of CR.
Methods : Six hospital-based CR programs within the region agreed to participate in this study. A consecutive series of patients referred to the programs were surveyed by the CR coordinators to identify the local barriers and enablers influencing CR program attendance. In addition, focus groups with CR participants and health professionals were conducted at two hospitals in order to ascertain their views on current programs, suggestions for improvements and alternative methods of CR delivery.
Principal findings : Survey data was obtained from a total of 97 patients referred to the CR programs during the study period, 27 (28%) females and 70 (72%) males. Main reasons given for CR non-attendance were related to distance to travel, cost of petrol, reliance on others for transport and lack of interest or motivation to attend. For CR attenders, main enablers included encouragement by family, medical and other health professionals, and having someone else to drive them. Suggestions for alternative methods of CR delivery included more programs in outlying communities, home and GP based programs, telephone support and a patient manual or workbook.
Discussion : The results of this study provide valuable information for designing strategies to increase utilisation of existing CR programs as well as pilot testing alternative modes of CR program delivery for cardiac patients in rural areas unable to access hospital-based CR.
Implications : These findings suggest that many of the barriers identified could be addressed by a more creative use of existing resources and the provision of CR services in primary care settings.
Presentation type : Poster


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This report has been prepared on commission for the Museum Victoria to provide cultural and ethno-ecological advice in proposing theoretical principles to enable the design of a section of the Climate-Seasons zone of the Gallery of Life in the new Melbourne Museum complex


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"This catalogue has been compiled by Mr. E.F. Strange".