872 resultados para Muscular contraction


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A multiscale approach that bridges the biophysics of the actin molecules at nanoscale and the biomechanics of actin filament at microscale level is developed and used to evaluate the mechanical performances of actin filament bundles. In order to investigate the contractile properties of skeletal muscle which is induced by the protein motor of myosin, a molecular model is proposed in the prediction of the dynamic behaviors of skeletal muscle based on classic sliding filament model. Randomly distributed myosin motors are applied on a 2.2 μm long sarcomere, whose principal components include actin and myosin filaments. It can be found that, the more myosin motors on the sarcomere, the faster the sarcomere contracts. The result demonstrates that the sarcomere shortening speed cannot increase infinitely by the modulation of myosin, thus providing insight into the self-protective properties of skeletal muscles. This molecular filament sliding model provides a theoretical way to evaluate the properties of skeletal muscles, and contributes to the understandings of the molecular mechanisms in the physiological phenomenon of muscular contraction.


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"A chronological list of important contributions to the physiology of muscle": p. 53-55.


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Gurjao, ALD, Goncalves, R, de Moura, RF, and Gobbi, S. Acute effect of static stretching on rate of force development and maximal voluntary contraction in older women. J Strength Cond Res 23(7): 2149-2154, 2009-The purpose of this study was to investigate, in older women, the acute effect of static stretching (SS) on both muscle activation and force output. Twenty-three older women (64.6 +/- 7.1 yr) participated in the study. The maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), rate of force development (RFD) (50, 100, 150, and 200 ms relative to onset of muscular contraction), and peak RFD (PRFD) (the steepest slope of the curve during the first 200 ms) were tested under 2 randomly separate conditions: SS and control (C). Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and biceps femoris (BF) muscles also was assessed. The MVC was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the 3 trials of SS when compared with the C condition (control: 925.0 +/- 50.9 N; trial 1 : 854.3 +/- 55.3 N; trial 2 : 863.1 +/- 52.2 N; and trial 3 : 877.5 +/- 49.9 N). PRFD showed a significant decrease only for the first 2 trials of SS when compared with the C condition (control: 2672.3 +/- 259.1 N/s; trial 1 : 2296.6 +/- 300.7 N/s; and trial 2 : 2197.9 +/- 246.3 N/s). However, no difference was found for RFD (50, 100, 150, and 200 ms relative to onset of muscular contraction). The EMG activity for VM, VL, and BF was not significantly different between the C and SS conditions. In conclusion, the older women's capacity to produce muscular force decreased after their performance of SS exercises. The mechanisms responsible for this effect do not appear to be related to muscle activation. Thus, if flexibility is to be trained, it is recommended that SS does not occur just before the performance of activities that require high levels of muscular force.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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A maioria dos instrumentistas de cordas friccionadas apresentam problemas ou dificuldades ao longo de toda a sua aprendizagem musical. Como professora e violetista, realizei este relatório de estágio com o intuito de pesquisar onde se focam a maioria desses problemas. Este relatório de estágio está dividido em duas diferentes secções, a primeira apresenta todo o trabalho pedagógico efectuado com três diferentes alunos, de diferentes níveis ao longo do ano lectivo de 2012/13 na Fundação Musical dos Amigos das Crianças (FMAC), e a segunda apresenta toda a investigação que realizei para concluir quais as principais dificuldades que os alunos de viola de arco apresentam quando ingressam no Ensino Superior. A investigação apresenta uma vasta pesquisa literária e o testemunho dos professores de várias instituições, como a Universidade do Minho, Escola Superior de Música e Artes de Espectáculo, Universidade de Aveiro, Escola Superior das Artes Aplicadas de Castelo Branco e Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa que ajudaram à profunda análise deste tema. Os resultados revelaram que os principais problemas apresentados nos estudantes de viola de arco são de origem técnica, ou seja, postura (posição do corpo, distribuição do peso correcto pelas pernas e escolha adequada do instrumento de acordo com a fisionomia do aluno); mão direita (pega correcta dos dedos no arco, distribuição de arco e contracção muscular); mão esquerda (posição do polegar, ombro e braço que afectam a afinação, flexibilidade, mudanças de posição e vibrato); influência da escolha do repertório por parte de um professor e autonomia do aluno.


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The objective of this paper is to analyze the forearm muscular contraction levels associated to the use of anti-vibration gloves, by comparing the contraction levels with gloves and without gloves. Two different vibration tools were used in a simulated work environment: (1) A compact Duty Multi-Cutter Bosch and (2) and a Percussion Drill with a drill bit Ø20 mm. Standard operations were performed by each subject in the following materials: (1) Performing cross- sectional cuts in 80x40 mm pine section and (2) performing 20 mm diameter holes in a concrete slab 2 x 2 m, 70 mm thick. The forearm contraction level were measured by surface electromyography in four different muscles: Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS), Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU), Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL) e Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU). For the flexor muscles (FDS, FCU), an increase tendency in muscular contraction was observed when the operations are performed without gloves (2-5% MVE increase in the FDS and 3-9% MVE increase in the FCU). For the extensor muscles ECU a decrease tendency in muscular contraction was observed when the operations are performed without gloves (1-10% MVE decrease). Any tendency was found in the ECRL muscle. ECU was the muscle with the highest contraction level for 79% and 71% of the operators, during the operations respectively with the multi-cutter (P50= 27-30%MVE) and with the percussion drill (P50=46-55%MVE). As a final conclusion from this study, anti- vibration gloves may increase the forearm fatigue in the posterior region of the forearm (ECU muscle) during operations with the mentioned tools


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Introducción: La Paniculopatía Edematofibroesclerosa (PEFE) es una de las mayores causas de consulta estética. Presentándose 85% en mujeres, careciendo de un método de medición de la severidad reproducible y confiable. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la confiabilidad y la reproducibilidad de una escala fotográfica que permita clasificar los grados de severidad de la PEFE en glúteos en un grupo de mujeres colombianas. Materiales y Métodos: Se tomaron 182 fotografías estandarizadas de los glúteos en reposo y contracción muscular. Se establecieron por consenso de expertos los criterios para la calificación de las fotografías. Se realizaron dos sesiones con seis evaluadores ciegos a datos clínicos. Se utilizó la siguiente escala 0= Ningún, 1= Leve, 2= Moderado, 3= Severo. Se tomaron para el álbum las fotografías en las que los seis evaluadores concordaron. Resultados: La concordancia entre los evaluadores en reposo y contracción se dio en 23 (25.27%) de las 182 fotografías. Los evaluadores concordaron en 5/91 (5.49%) de las fotografías en reposo y en 18/91 (19.78%) de las fotografías en contracción. No hubo concordancia para los grados 0 y 3 en contracción. La concordancia intraevaluador en reposo como en contracción fue 0.443(p<0.0001). La concordancia Interevaluador en reposo y contracción fue 0.398 (p<0.0001) Discusión: En la construcción de la escala fotográfica, no se encontró concordancia en la calificación de todos los grados de severidad, en los grados en los que si hubo concordancia intra e interevaluador, esta fue aceptable. Se hace necesario continuar con el estudio hasta obtener datos completos.


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OBJETIVO: investigar as diferenças entre os achados eletromiográficos dos músculos supra-hióideos direito e esquerdo durante a deglutição de um líquido e um pastoso fino, em sujeitos idosos com doença de Parkinson e idosos sem doença neurológica. MÉTODOS: 30 sujeitos de ambos os sexos participaram deste estudo, 15 idosos sem doença neurológica e os demais com doença de Parkinson. Todos foram submetidos a um protocolo de avaliação clínica e avaliação eletromiográfica de superfície. RESULTADOS: foram constatadas diferenças significantes nos valores entre os sujeitos (f=14.4 e p= 0.000) e entre os lados (f=4.4 e p=0.0037). em relação ao tempo de duração da contração muscular durante a deglutição as diferenças foram significantes apenas entre as consistências (f=8.2 e p=0.005). CONCLUSÃO: a amplitude eletromiográfica foi menor nos sujeitos com doença de Parkinson e maior nos músculos supra-hiódeos do lado direito em ambos os grupos. A duração da contração muscular não diferiu significativamente entre os sujeitos com doença de Parkinson e idosos sem doença neurológica e foi menor para a consistência líquida.


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Background: The literature reports that the eccentric muscular action produces greater force and lower myoelectric activity than the concentric muscular action, while the heart rate (HR) responses are bigger during concentric contraction. Objectives: To investigate the maximum average torque (MAT), surface electromyographic (SEMG) and the heart rate (HR) responses during different types of muscular contraction and angular velocities in older men. Methods: Twelve healthy men (61.7 +/- 1.6years) performed concentric (C) and eccentric (E) isokinetic knee extension-flexion at 60 degrees/s and 120 degrees/s. SEMG activity was recorded from vastus lateralis muscle and normalized by Root Mean Square-RMS (mu V) of maximal isometric knee extension at 60 degrees. HR (beats/min) and was recorded at rest and throughout each contraction. The data were analyzed by the Friedman test for repeated measures with post hoc Dunn's test (p<0.05). Results: The median values of MAT (N.m/kg) was smaller and the RMS (mu V) was larger during concentric contraction (C60 degrees/s=2.80 and 0.99; C120 degrees/s=2.46 and 1.0) than eccentric (E60 degrees/s=3.94 and 0.85; E120 degrees/s=4.08 and 0.89), respectively. The HR variation was similar in the four conditions studied. Conclusion: The magnitude of MAT and RMS responses in older men were dependent of the nature of the muscular action and independent of the angular velocity, whereas HR response was not influenced by these factors.


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The aim of this study was to assess pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength and perception and its correlation with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). One hundred and one women were divided into two groups according to the presence (G1=51 patients) or absence (G2=50 patients) of SUI. Subjective [urine stream interruption test (UST), visual survey of perineal contraction and transvaginal digital palpation to assess pelvic muscle contraction] and objective evaluations of pelvic floor muscles in all patients were performed (vaginal manometry). During the UST, 25.5% of G1 patients and 80% of G2 patients were able to interrupt the urine stream (p<0.05). Digital evaluation of pelvic muscular contraction showed higher strength in G2 than in G1 patients (p<0.0001). Perineometer evaluation of PFM strength was significantly higher in the continent group (p<0.001). Pelvic floor muscle weakness in incontinent patients demonstrates the importance of functional and objective evaluation of this group of muscles.


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Absence of enteric neurons is associated with thickening of the intestinal muscularis externa in Chagas' disease. The thickening is due to hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the smooth muscle cells and increased extracellular matrix components. The influence of the nervous system on the structure of the smooth muscle cells and its associated matrix has been poorly investigated. An experimental model of denervation of the ileum in rats was performed by application of the surfactant agent benzalkonium chloride that selectively destroys the myenteric plexus. Three months later, ileal tissue samples were obtained and studied by histochemistry and transmission electron microsocopy. Sham operated rats were used as controls. The diameter of collagen fibrils was evaluated in electron micrographs. The histopathological analysis showed thickening of the muscular layer. The thin and weakly arranged collagen and reticulin fibers surrounding the smooth muscle cells, observed in control cases by Picrosirius polarization (PSP) stain method, corresponded to a population of loosely packed thin collagen fibrils of uniform diameters (mean = 29.16 nm) at the ultrastructural level. In contrast, the thick and strongly birefringent fibers around the muscle cells, observed in the treated group, stained by PSP, corresponded to densely packed thicker fibrils with large variation in diameter (mean = 39.41 nm). Comparison of the data demonstrated statistically significant difference between the groups suggesting that the replacement of loosely arranged reticulin fibers by fibrous tissue (with typical collagen fiber), may alter the biomechanical function resulting in impairment of muscular contraction. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC