792 resultados para Muscle shortening
Traditionally, studies dealing with muscle shortening have concentrated on assessing its impact on conduction velocity, and to this end, electrodes have been located between the end-plate and tendon regions. Possible morphologic changes in surface motor unit potentials (MUPs) as a result of muscle shortening have not, as yet, been evaluated or characterized. Using a convolutional MUP model, we investigated the effects of muscle shortening on the shape, amplitude, and duration characteristics of MUPs for different electrode positions relative to the fibre-tendon junction and for different depths of the MU in the muscle (MU-to-electrode distance). It was found that the effects of muscle shortening on MUP morphology depended not only on whether the electrodes were between the end-plate and the tendon junction or beyond the tendon junction, but also on the specific distance to this junction. When the electrodes lie between the end-plate and tendon junction, it was found that (1) the muscle shortening effect is not important for superficial MUs, (2) the sensitivity of MUP amplitude to muscle shortening increases with MU-to-electrode distance, and (3) the amplitude of the MUP negative phase is not affected by muscle shortening. This study provides a basis for the interpretation of the changes in MUP characteristics in experiments where both physiological and geometrical aspects of the muscle are varied.
Modulations in the excitability of spinal reflex pathways during passive rhythmic movements of the lower limb have been demonstrated by a number of previous studies [4]. Less emphasis has been placed on the role of supraspinal pathways during passive movement, and on tasks involving the upper limb. In the present study, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to subjects while undergoing passive flexion-extension movements of the contralateral wrist. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) of flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and abductor pollicus brevis (APB) muscles were recorded. Stimuli were delivered in eight phases of the movement cycle during three different frequencies of movement. Evidence of marked modulations in pathway excitability was found in the MEP amplitudes of the FCR muscle, with responses inhibited and facilitated from static values in the extension and flexion phases, respectively. The results indicated that at higher frequencies of movement there was greater modulation in pathway excitability. Paired-pulse TMS (sub-threshold conditioning) at short interstimulus intervals revealed modulations in the extent of inhibition in MEP amplitude at high movement frequencies. In the APE muscle, there was some evidence of phasic modulations of response amplitude, although the effects were less marked than those observed in FCR. It is speculated that these modulatory effects are mediated via Ia afferent pathways and arise as a consequence of the induced forearm muscle shortening and lengthening. Although the level at which this input influences the corticomotoneuronal pathway is difficult to discern, a contribution from cortical regions is suggested. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of stretching applied every 3 days to the soleus muscle immobilized in the shortened position on muscle fiber morphology. Eighteen 16-week-old Wistar rats were used and divided into three groups of 6 animals each: a) the left soleus muscle was immobilized in the shortened position for 3 weeks; b) during immobilization, the soleus was stretched for 40 min every 3 days; c) the non-immobilized soleus was only stretched. Left and right soleus muscles were examined. One portion of the soleus was frozen for histology and muscle fiber area evaluation, while the other portion was used to identify the number and length of serial sarcomeres. Immobilized muscles (group A) showed a significant decrease in weight (44 ± 6%), length (19 ± 7%), serial sarcomere number (23 ± 15%), and fiber area (37 ± 31%) compared to the contralateral muscles (P < 0.05, paired Student t-test). The immobilized and stretched soleus (group B) showed a similar reduction but milder muscle fiber atrophy compared to the only immobilized group (22 ± 40 vs 37 ± 31%, respectively; P < 0.001, ANOVA test). Muscles submitted only to stretching (group C) significantly increased the length (5 ± 2%), serial sarcomere number (4 ± 4%), and fiber area (16 ± 44%) compared to the contralateral muscles (P < 0.05, paired Student t-test). In conclusion, stretching applied every 3 days to immobilized muscles did not prevent the muscle shortening, but reduced muscle atrophy. Stretching sessions induced hypertrophic effects in the control muscles. These results support the use of muscle stretching in sports and rehabilitation.
This thesis investigated the modulation of dynamic contractile function and energetics of work by posttetanic potentiation (PTP). Mechanical experiments were conducted in vitro using software-controlled protocols to stimulate/determine contractile function during ramp shortening, and muscles were frozen during parallel incubations for biochemical analysis. The central feature of this research was the comparison of fast hindlimb muscles from wildtype and skeletal myosin light chain kinase knockout (skMLCK-/-) mice that does not express the primary mechanism for PTP: myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) phosphorylation. In contrast to smooth/cardiac muscles where RLC phosphorylation is indispensable, its precise physiological role in skeletal muscle is unclear. It was initially determined that tetanic potentiation was shortening speed dependent, and this sensitivity of the PTP mechanism to muscle shortening extended the stimulation frequency domain over which PTP was manifest. Thus, the physiological utility of RLC phosphorylation to augment contractile function in vivo may be more extensive than previously considered. Subsequent experiments studied the contraction-type dependence for PTP and demonstrated that the enhancement of contractile function was dependent on force level. Surprisingly, in the absence of RLC phosphorylation, skMLCK-/- muscles exhibited significant concentric PTP; consequently, up to ~50% of the dynamic PTP response in wildtype muscle may be attributed to an alternate mechanism. When the interaction of PTP and the catchlike property (CLP) was examined, we determined that unlike the acute augmentation of peak force by the CLP, RLC phosphorylation produced a longer-lasting enhancement of force and work in the potentiated state. Nevertheless, despite the apparent interference between these mechanisms, both offer physiological utility and may be complementary in achieving optimal contractile function in vivo. Finally, when the energetic implications of PTP were explored, we determined that during a brief period of repetitive concentric activation, total work performed was ~60% greater in wildtype vs. skMLCK-/- muscles but there was no genotype difference in High-Energy Phosphate Consumption or Economy (i.e. HEPC: work). In summary, this thesis provides novel insight into the modulatory effects of PTP and RLC phosphorylation, and through the observation of alternative mechanisms for PTP we further develop our understanding of the history-dependence of fast skeletal muscle function.
Background. The mechanical alterations related to the overload of respiratory muscles observed in adults with persistent asthma might lead to the development of chronic alterations in posture, musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain; however, these changes remain poorly understood. Objective. This study aimed to assess postural alignment, muscle shortening and chronic pain in adults with persistent asthma. Methods. This cross-sectional and controlled study enrolled 30 patients with mild (n = 17) and severe ( n = 13) persistent asthma. Fifteen non-asthmatic volunteers were also assessed. Asthma was classified by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guidelines. Postural alignment and muscle shortening were evaluated by head and shoulder positions, chest wall mobility, and posterior ( trunk and lower limb) muscle flexibility. In addition, the measures used were previously tested for their reproducibility. Pain complaints were also assessed. Results. In comparison with non-asthmatic subjects, patients with mild or severe persistent asthma held their head and shoulders more forward and had lower chest wall expansion, decreased shoulder internal rotation, and decreased thoracic spine flexibility. Chronic lower thoracic, cervical, and shoulder pain was significantly increased in patients with mild or severe asthma compared with non-asthmatic subjects (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Adults with persistent asthma have musculoskeletal dysfunction and chronic pain that is independent of the severity of their disease but that might be related to their age at the onset of disease symptoms.
An alternative device for the immobilization of the hind limb of the rat was developed to study the effects of chronic disuse on the soleus and tibialis anterior muscles, maintained for 3 weeks in the shortening and the stretching positions, respectively. The proposed device is made of steel mesh and cotton materials, and has some advantages when compared to cast or plaster cast: it is cheaper, lighter (12 g or 4% of the body weight of the rat) and the same unit can be easily adjusted and used several times in the same animal or in animals of similar size. Immobilization is also useful to restrain the movements of the hip, knee, and ankle joints. Male rats (291 ± 35 g and aged 14 ± 2 weeks) were used to develop and test the model. The soleus muscle of 18 rats was maintained in a shortened position for 21 consecutive days and lost 19 ± 7% of its length (P = 0.008) and 44 ± 6% of its weight (P = 0.002) compared to the contralateral intact muscle. No difference (P = 0.67) was found in the stretched tibialis anterior of the same hind limb when compared to the contralateral muscle. No ulcer, sore or foot swelling was observed in the animals. Immobilization was effective in producing chronic muscle disuse in the hind limbs of rats and is an acceptable alternative to the traditional methods of immobilization such as cast or plaster cast.
Chez les personnes post-AVC (Accident Vasculaire Cérébral), spasticité, faiblesse et toute autre coactivation anormale proviennent de limitations dans la régulation de la gamme des seuils des réflexes d'étirement. Nous avons voulu savoir si les déficits dans les influences corticospinales résiduelles contribuaient à la limitation de la gamme des seuils et au développement de la spasticité chez les patients post-AVC. La stimulation magnétique transcranienne (SMT) a été appliquée à un site du cortex moteur où se trouvent les motoneurones agissant sur les fléchisseurs et extenseurs du coude. Des potentiels évoqués moteurs (PEM) ont été enregistrés en position de flexion et d'extension du coude. Afin d'exclure l'influence provenant de l'excitabilité motoneuronale sur l'évaluation des influences corticospinales, les PEM ont été suscités lors de la période silencieuse des signaux électromyographiques (EMG) correspondant à un bref raccourcissement musculaire juste avant l'enclenchement de la SMT. Chez les sujets contrôles, il y avait un patron réciproque d'influences corticospinales (PEM supérieurs en position d'extension dans les extenseurs et vice-versa pour les fléchisseurs). Quant à la plupart des sujets post-AVC ayant un niveau clinique élevé de spasticité, la facilitation corticospinale dans les motoneurones des fléchisseurs et extenseurs était supérieure en position de flexion (patron de co-facilitation). Les résultats démontrent que la spasticité est associée à des changements substantiels des influences corticospinales sur les motoneurones des fléchisseurs et des extenseurs du coude.
Il existe plusieurs théories du contrôle moteur, chacune présumant qu’une différente variable du mouvement est réglée par le cortex moteur. On trouve parmi elles la théorie du modèle interne qui a émis l’hypothèse que le cortex moteur programme la trajectoire du mouvement et l’activité électromyographique (EMG) d’une action motrice. Une autre, appelée l’hypothèse du point d’équilibre, suggère que le cortex moteur établisse et rétablisse des seuils spatiaux; les positions des segments du corps auxquelles les muscles et les réflexes commencent à s’activer. Selon ce dernier, les paramètres du mouvement sont dérivés sans pré-programmation, en fonction de la différence entre la position actuelle et la position seuil des segments du corps. Pour examiner de plus près ces deux théories, nous avons examiné l’effet d’un changement volontaire de l’angle du coude sur les influences cortico-spinales chez des sujets sains en employant la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (TMS) par-dessus le site du cortex moteur projetant aux motoneurones des muscles du coude. L’état de cette aire du cerveau a été évalué à un angle de flexion du coude activement établi par les sujets, ainsi qu’à un angle d’extension, représentant un déplacement dans le plan horizontal de 100°. L’EMG de deux fléchisseurs du coude (le biceps et le muscle brachio-radial) et de deux extenseurs (les chefs médial et latéral du triceps) a été enregistrée. L’état d’excitabilité des motoneurones peut influer sur les amplitudes des potentiels évoqués moteurs (MEPs) élicitées par la TMS. Deux techniques ont été entreprises dans le but de réduire l’effet de cette variable. La première était une perturbation mécanique qui raccourcissait les muscles à l'étude, produisant ainsi une période de silence EMG. La TMS a été envoyée avec un retard après la perturbation qui entraînait la production du MEP pendant la période de silence. La deuxième technique avait également le but d’équilibrer l’EMG des muscles aux deux angles du coude. Des forces assistantes ont été appliquées au bras par un moteur externe afin de compenser les forces produites par les muscles lorsqu’ils étaient actifs comme agonistes d’un mouvement. Les résultats des deux séries étaient analogues. Un muscle était facilité quand il prenait le rôle d’agoniste d’un mouvement, de manière à ce que les MEPs observés dans le biceps fussent de plus grandes amplitudes quand le coude était à la position de flexion, et ceux obtenus des deux extenseurs étaient plus grands à l’angle d’extension. Les MEPs examinés dans le muscle brachio-radial n'étaient pas significativement différents aux deux emplacements de l’articulation. Ces résultats démontrent que les influences cortico-spinales et l’activité EMG peuvent être dissociées, ce qui permet de conclure que la voie cortico-spinale ne programme pas l’EMG à être générée par les muscles. Ils suggèrent aussi que le système cortico-spinal établit les seuils spatiaux d’activation des muscles lorsqu’un segment se déplace d’une position à une autre. Cette idée suggère que des déficiences dans le contrôle des seuils spatiaux soient à la base de certains troubles moteurs d’origines neurologiques tels que l’hypotonie et la spasticité.
Objective: To evaluate the acute effects of static stretching before and after isokinetic exercise, neuromuscular and biomechanical properties of muscles Biceps Femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST). Methods: Eighty-nine volunteers of both genders, healthy and physically active, with a mean age of 22.52 ± 2.6 years and mean BMI 23.86 ± 3.2 kg/m² were randomized into 4 groups: Control Group (CG) made only one Protocol Exercise (PE) without performing the stretching, the Experimental Group 1 (EG1) did stretching before PE; EG2 did the stretching after PE and EG3 did stretching before and after PE. The volunteers were evaluated on the following variables: Range of motion (ROM), soreness, dynamometric variables concentric and eccentric, Neuromuscular Latency Time (NLT) and electromyographic. In the data analysis was assigned a significance level of 5%. Results: ADM and TLNM reported significant reduction in CG, but remained unchanged in GE with p<0,05 and p<0,01, respectively. As for the soreness, no differences between the groups. The electromyographic activity of the BF and ST, in the concentric phase, showed a significant decrease in all groups (p<0,01). However, in the eccentric phase, ST revealed reduction in all groups (p <0.01), except for the CG, while the BF remained unchanged in all groups. The PT showed significant reduction in both conditions (concentric and eccentric) for all groups, with no difference between them (p<0,01). Conclusion: The results of this study do not favor the use of static stretching, even of short duration, before physical activity. However, after exercise or at times unrelated to the sport, he should be given with the aim of avoiding muscle shortening
Mucopolysaccharidoses are lysosomal storage disorders that are caused by a deficiency in the enzymes that degrade glycosaminoglycans. The accumulation of glycosaminoglycans affects multiple systems, resulting in coarse facial features, short stature, organomegaly, and variable neurological changes from normal intelligence to severe mental retardation and spasticity. Effects on the musculoskeletal system include dysostosis multiplex, joint stiffness, and muscle shortening. This article reports 2 patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type II (Hunter syndrome) who showed progressive equinus deformity of the feet. Both patients were treated with intramuscular botulinum toxin type A injections in the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles, followed by serial casting. In both patients, passive range of motion, muscle tone, and gait performance were significantly improved. Botulinum toxin type A injections followed by serial casting are a therapeutic option for contractures in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis. However, the long-term effects and the effect of application in other muscles remain unknown.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia
In the present study we investigated tension regulation in the human soleus (SOL) muscle during controlled lengthening and shortening actions. Eleven subjects performed plantar flexor efforts on an ankle torque motor through 30 degrees of ankle displacement (75 degrees-105 degrees internal ankle angle) at lengthening and shortening velocities of 5, 15 and 30 degrees s(-1). To isolate the SOL from the remainder of the triceps surae, the subject's knee was flexed to 60 degrees during all trials. Voluntary plantar flexor efforts were performed under two test conditions: (1) maximal voluntary activation (MVA) of the SOL, and (2) constant submaximal voluntary activation (SVA) of the SOL. SVA trials were performed with direct visual feedback of the SOL electromyogram (EMG) at a level resulting in a torque output of 30% of isometric maximum. Angle-specific (90 degrees ankle angle) torque and EMG of the SOL, medial gastrocnemius (MG) and tibialis anterior (TA) were recorded. In seven subjects from the initial group, the test protocol was repeated under submaximal percutaneous electrical activation (SEA) of SOL (to 30% isometric maximal effort). Lengthening torques were significantly greater than shortening torques in all test conditions. Lengthening torques in MVA and SVA were independent of velocity and remained at the isometric level, whereas SEA torques were greater than isometric torques and increased at higher lengthening velocities. Shortening torques were lower than the isometric level for all conditions. However, whereas SVA and SEA torques decreased at higher velocities of shortening, MVA torques were independent of velocity. These results indicate velocity- and activation-type-specific tension regulation in the human SOL muscle.
The net mechanical efficiency of positive work (eta(pos)) has been shown to increase if it is immediately preceded by negative work. This phenomenon is explained by the storage of elastic energy during the negative phase and its release during the subsequent positive phase. If a transition time (T) takes place, the elastic energy is dissipated into heat. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between eta(pos) and T, and to determine the minimal T required so that eta(pos) reached its minimal value. Seven healthy male subjects were tested during four series of lowering-raising of the body mass. In the first series (S (0)), the negative and positive phases were executed without any transition time. In the three other series, T was varied by a timer (0.12, 0.24 and 0.56 s for series S (1), S (2) and S (3), respectively). These exercises were performed on a force platform sensitive to vertical forces to measure the mechanical work and a gas analyser was used to determine the energy expenditure. The results indicated that eta(pos) was the highest (31.1%) for the series without any transition time (S (0)). The efficiencies observed with transition times (S (1), S (2) and S (3)) were 27.7, 26.0 and 23.8%, respectively, demonstrating that T plays an important role for mechanical efficiency. The investigation of the relationship between eta(pos) and T revealed that the minimal T required so that eta(pos) reached its minimal value is 0.59 s.
Obese insulin resistant animals and humans have shown reduced GLUT4 gene expression. Yet, in skeletal muscle, discrepancy between mRNA and protein regulation has been frequently observed, suggesting a post-transcriptional modulation. We investigated the GLUT4 expression in adipose tissue and muscle of obese 12-month-old (12-mo) rats, comparing with lean 2-month-old (2-mo) animals. Obesity was accompanied by insulin resistance, and 65% reduction (P < 0.01) in GLUT4 mRNA and protein in adipose tissue. However, in muscle, despite increased (P < 0.05) mRNA content, GLUT4 protein was unchanged. RNase H and poly(A) test assays showed a reduction (P < 0.01) of ∼80 adenines in the GLUT4 mRNA poly(A) tail of muscle from 12-mo rats, recognizing that the poly(A) tail length correlates with translation efficiency. Concluding, age related obesity of 12-mo rats involves suppression of GLUT4 expression in adipose tissue; however, in muscle, GLUT4 mRNA content increases, but with a shorter poly(A) tail, thus unchanging the protein content. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study analyzed the effects of the unilateral removal and dissection of the masseter muscle on the facial growth of young rats. A total of 30 one-month-old Wistar rats were used. Unilateral complete removal of the masseter muscle was performed in the removal group, and detachment followed by repositioning of the masseter muscle was performed in the dissection group, while only surgical access was performed in the sham-operated group. The animals were sacrificed at three months of age. Axial radiographic projections of the skulls and lateral projections of the hemimandibles were taken. Cephalometric evaluations were made and the values obtained were submitted to statistical analyses. In the removal group, there were contour alterations of the angular process, and a significant homolateral difference in the length of the maxilla and a significant bilateral difference in the height of the mandibular body and the length of the mandible were observed. Comparison among groups revealed significance only in the removal group. It was concluded that the experimental removal of the masseter muscle during the growing period in rats induced atrophic changes in the angular process, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and shortening of the whole mandible.