808 resultados para Muscle imbalance
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Objectivos: Avaliar a força muscular bilateralmente ao nível dos músculos quadricípite e isquiotibiais em atletas da equipa nacional Portuguesa de Taekwondo. Amostra: Foi constituída por 6 dos 10 elementos que constituem a população de Taekwondistas do sexo masculino inscritos na Federação Portuguesa de Taekwondo, com presença regular nas selecções nacionais todos com um mínimo de 6 anos de prática. Os atletas apresentaram uma idade média 17,5 (+ 1,9) anos, com uma altura de 181,2 (+ 2,8) cm e com uma massa corporal total de 74,1 (+ 11,6) kg Metodologia: Procedeu-se à avaliação da força muscular dos participantes ao nível da musculatura flexora e extensora do joelho, no dinamómetro Biodex System 4, a uma velocidade de execução de 60º/s (4 repetições) e de 180º/s (10 repetições) com 60 segundos de intervalo, numa amplitude de movimento compreendida entre os 90 e os 0 graus. Todos os dados foram tratados no programa SPSS, versão 18.0, com um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: Verificou-se a existência de diferenças estatísticas significativas na análise do Peak Torque (p=0,023) aos 180º/seg para os flexores do joelho e do Peak Torque 30º (p=0,023) aos 180º/seg na acção dos extensores e flexores (p=0,037) do joelho, entre o membro dominante e não dominante. Constatou-se ainda a existência de um rácio Isquiotibiais/Quadricípite (55%) dentro dos valores normais do equilíbrio muscular do joelho. Discussão/Conclusão: Concluiu-se que foram encontradas diferenças nos níveis de força obtidos entre o membro dominante e não dominante, no entanto não foram encontrados desequilíbrios musculares clinicamente significativos. Assim como na relação Isquiotibiais/Quadricípite do próprio membro, não apontando por isso risco de lesão articular do joelho.
Background: The use of botulinum toxin A (BT-A) for the treatment of lower limb spasticity is common in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Following the administration of BT-A, physical therapy plays a fundamental role in potentiating the functionality of the child. The balance deficit found in children with CP is mainly caused by muscle imbalance (spastic agonist and weak antagonist). Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a promising therapeutic modality for muscle strengthening in this population. The aim of the present study is to describe a protocol for a study aimed at analyzing the effects of NMES on dorsiflexors combined with physical therapy on static and functional balance in children with CP submitted to BT-A.Methods/Design: Protocol for a prospective, randomized, controlled trial with a blinded evaluator. Eligible participants will be children with cerebral palsy (Levels I, II and III of the Gross Motor Function Classification System) between five and 12 years of age, with independent gait with or without a gait-assistance device. All participants will receive BT-A in the lower limbs (triceps surae). The children will then be randomly allocated for either treatment with motor physical therapy combined with NMES on the tibialis anterior or motor physical therapy alone. The participants will be evaluated on three occasions: 1) one week prior to the administration of BT-A; 2) one week after the administration of BT-A; and 3) four months after the administration of BT-A (end of intervention). Spasticity will be assessed by the Modified Ashworth Scale and Modified Tardieu Scale. Static balance will be assessed using the Medicapteurs Fusyo pressure platform and functional balance will be assessed using the Berg Balance Scale.Discussion: The aim of this protocol study is to describe the methodology of a randomized, controlled, clinical trial comparing the effect of motor physical therapy combined with NMES on the tibialis anterior muscle or motor physical therapy alone on static and functional balance in children with CP submitted to BT-A in the lower limbs. This study describes the background, hypotheses, methodology of the procedures and measurement of the results.
Volleyball is a sport in which the laterality dominant limb shows superior strength and coordination because of its preferential use. Asymmetrical tendencies during the landing after the jump when striking or blocking actions are predominant for most part of game (ARRUDA; EDUARDO, 2008). Adaptations include imbalance of forces in static and dynamic motions at the knee joint, which increases risk for injury. Also, asymmetries in balance control during jumping and landing associate with a general postural instability that can be observed during static balance tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between unequal lower limb strength (muscle imbalance) and postural stability levels in volleyball athletes and non-athletes. Nine female volleyball athletes and 10 active non-athletes participated in this study. Four encouters with participants were scheduled: three encounters in the bodybuilding gymnasium to collect anthropometric measures (weight, height for BMI, thigh circumference, which provided an initial diagnosis about asymmetry), and to perform the isometric strength test (i.e., leg press using a load cell and a force transducer to calculate uni an bilateral strength). The last encounter was in the laboratory where a balance test on a force platform was administered under five test conditions, with three repetitions each: baseline (natural standing position), one-leg standing, right side, with full vision (D_CV), and blindfolded (D_SV), one-leg standing, left side, with full vision (E_CV), and blindfolded (E_SV). The stability levels were evaluated using the path length parameters which was based on the total displacement of the center of pressure (DTCP). . Both groups shows asymmetric strength levels between legs, with better performance for the right leg. An ANOVA three way using the DTCP for the CV condition, legs (D x E), trials (3) with repeated measures for the first two factors and with a between (three)...
Muscle imbalance from numerous underlying neurologic disorders can cause dynamic and static hindfoot varus deformity. Most etiologies are congenital, and therefore affect bone morphology and the shape of the foot during growth. Weak and strong muscle groups, bone deformity, and soft-tissue contractures have to be carefully assessed and considered for successful management. Because of the variety of the etiologies and the differences in presentation, treatment decisions in varus hindfoot caused by neurologic disorders must be individualized. Deformity correction includes release of soft tissue contractures, osteotomies and arthrodeses, and tenotomies or tendon transfers to balance muscle strength and prevent recurrence. To decrease elevated anteromedial ankle joint contact stress and provide lateral hindfoot stability during the entire gait cycle, the goal of static and dynamic hindfoot varus realignment is to fully correct all components of the deformity, but particularly the varus tilt of the talus.
Differential muscle weakness can cause a cavus foot deformity. Presenting complaints in the hindfoot may include ankle instability, secondary arthritis, or peroneal tendonitis. Presenting complaints in the forefoot may include stress fractures, callus formation over the lateral border of the foot, claw toes, first ray overload, and metatarsalgia. More general presenting complaints can include a drop-foot gait, decreased walking tolerance, and difficulty with shoe or orthotic fitting. To surgically correct the foot shape, soft tissue contractures need to be released, bone deformity corrected, and muscles balanced to optimize their strength and prevent recurrence of the deformity. This article reviews the diagnosis and management of the cavovarus foot secondary to longstanding muscle imbalance.
Structural vascular changes in two-kidney, one-clip (2K-1C) hypertension may result from increased matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 activity. MMP-2 activation is regulated by other MMPs, including transmembrane-MMPs, and by tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs). We have investigated the localization of MMP-2, -9, -14, and TIMPs 1-4 in hypertensive aortas and measured their levels by zymography/Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Gelatinolytic activity was assayed in tissues by in situ zymography. Sham-operated and 2K-1C hypertensive rats were treated with doxycycline (or vehicle) for 8 weeks, and the systolic blood pressure was monitored weekly. Doxycycline attenuated 2K-1C hypertension (165 +/- 11.7 mmHg versus 213 +/- 7.9 mm Hg in hypertensive controls, P<0.01), and completely prevented increase in the thicknesses of the media and the intima in 2K-1C animals (P<0.01). Increased amounts of MMP-2, -9, and -14 were found in hypertensive aortas, as well as enhanced gelatinolytic activity. A gradient in the localization of MMP-2, -9, and -14 was found, with increased amounts detected in the intima, at sites with higher gelatinolytic activity. Doxycycline attenuated hypertension induced increases in all the 3 investigated MMPs in both the media and the intima (all P<0.05). but it did not change the amounts of TIMPs 1-4 (P>0.05). Therefore, an imbalance between increased amounts of MMPs at the tissue level without a corresponding increase in the quantities of TIMPs, particularly in the intima and inner media layers, appears to account for the increased proteolytic activity found in 2K-1C hypertension-induced maladaptive vascular remodeling. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: The activation of the beta-adrenergic system promotes G protein stimulation that, via cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), alters the structure of protein kinase A (PKA) and leads to phospholamban (PLB) phosphorylation. This protein participates in the system that controls intracellular calcium in muscle cells, and it is the primary regulator of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump activity. In obesity, the beta-adrenergic system is activated by the influence of increased leptin, therefore, resulting in higher myocardial phospholamban phosphorylation via cAMP-PKA. Objective: To investigate the involvement of proteins which regulate the degree of PLB phosphorylation due to beta-adrenergic activation in obesity. In the present study, we hypothesized that there is an imbalance between phospholamban phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, with prevalence of protein phosphorylation. Methods: Male Wistar rats were randomly distributed into two groups: control (n = 14), fed with normocaloric diet; and obese (n = 13), fed with a cycle of four unsaturated high-fat diets. Obesity was determined by the adiposity index, and protein expressions of phosphatase 1 (PP-1), PKA, PLB, phosphorylated phospholamban at serine16 (PPLB-Ser16) were assessed by Western blot. Results: Obesity caused glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperleptinemia and did not alter the protein expression of PKA, PP-1, PLB, PPLB-Ser16. Conclusion: Obesity does not promote an imbalance between myocardial PLB phosphorylation and dephosphorylation via beta-adrenergic system.
Muscle dysfunction often occurs in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and may involve both respiratory and locomotor (peripheral) muscles. The loss of strength and/or endurance in the former can lead to ventilatory insufficiency, whereas in the latter it limits exercise capacity and activities of daily life. Muscle dysfunction is the consequence of complex interactions between local and systemic factors, frequently coexisting in COPD patients. Pulmonary hyperinflation along with the increase in work of breathing that occur in COPD appear as the main contributing factors to respiratory muscle dysfunction. By contrast, deconditioning seems to play a key role in peripheral muscle dysfunction. However, additional systemic factors, including tobacco smoking, systemic inflammation, exercise, exacerbations, nutritional and gas exchange abnormalities, anabolic insufficiency, comorbidities and drugs, can also influence the function of both respiratory and peripheral muscles, by inducing modifications in their local microenvironment. Under all these circumstances, protein metabolism imbalance, oxidative stress, inflammatory events, as well as muscle injury may occur, determining the final structure and modulating the function of different muscle groups. Respiratory muscles show signs of injury as well as an increase in several elements involved in aerobic metabolism (proportion of type I fibers, capillary density, and aerobic enzyme activity) whereas limb muscles exhibit a loss of the same elements, injury, and a reduction in fiber size. In the present review we examine the current state of the art of the pathophysiology of muscle dysfunction in COPD.
Acid-base homeostasis maintains systemic arterial pH within a narrow range. Whereas the normal range of pH for clinical laboratories is 7.35-7.45, in vivo pH is maintained within a much narrower range. In clinical and experimental settings, blood pH can vary in response to respiratory or renal impairment. This altered pH promotes changes in vascular smooth muscle tone with impact on circulation and blood pressure control. Changes in pH can be divided into those occurring in the extracellular space (pHo) and those occurring within the intracellular space (pHi), although, extracellular and intracellular compartments influence each other. Consistent with the multiple events involved in the changes in tone produced by altered pHo, including type of vascular bed, several factors and mechanisms, in addition to hydrogen ion concentration, have been suggested to be involved. The scientific literature has many reports concerning acid-base balance and endothelium function, but these concepts are not clear about acid-base disorders and their relations with the three known mechanisms of endothelium-dependent vascular reactivity: nitric oxide (NO/cGMP-dependent), prostacyclin (PGI2/cAMP-dependent) and hyperpolarization. During the last decades, many studies have been published and have given rise to confronting data on acid-base disorder and endothelial function. Therefore, the main proposal of this review is to provide a critical analysis of the state of art and incentivate researchers to develop more studies about these issues.
This study investigated the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism through changes in skeletal muscle cell volume immediately post contraction and during recovery. Using an established in vitro isolated muscle strip model, soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) were dissected from male rats and incubated in an organ bath (perfused with 95% O2; 5% CO2, pH 7.4, temperature 25°C) containing medium- 199 altered to a target osmotic condition (iso-, hypo- or hyper-osmotic; 290, 1 80, 400 mmol/kg). Muscles were stimulated for 10 minutes (40 Hz SOL; 30 Hz EDL) and then either immediately flash frozen or allowed to recover for 20 minutes before subsequent metabolite and enzyme analysis. Results demonstrated a relative water decrease in HYPER vs. HYPOosmotic condition (n=8/group; p<0.05) regardless of muscle type. Specifically, the SOL HYPER condition had elevated metabolite concentrations after 10 minutes of stimulation in comparison to both HYPO and ISO (p<0.05), while EDL muscle did not show any significant difTerences between the HYPER or HYPO conditions. After 20 minutes of recovery, metabolic changes occurred in both SOL and EDL with the SOL HYPER condition showing greater relative changes in metabolite concentrations versus HYPO. The results of the current study have demonstrated that osmotic imbalance induces metabolic change within the skeletal muscle cell and muscle type may influence the mechanisms utilized for cell volume regulation.
Calorie restriction is a dietary intervention known to improve redox state, glucose tolerance, and animal life span. Other interventions have been adopted as study models for caloric restriction, including nonsupplemented food restriction and intermittent, every-other-day feedings. We compared the short- and long-term effects of these interventions to ad libitum protocols and found that, although all restricted diets decrease body weight, intermittent feeding did not decrease intra-abdominal adiposity. Short-term calorie restriction and intermittent feeding presented similar results relative to glucose tolerance. Surprisingly, long-term intermittent feeding promoted glucose intolerance, without a loss in insulin receptor phosphorylation. Intermittent feeding substantially increased insulin receptor nitration in both intra-abdominal adipose tissue and muscle, a modification associated with receptor inactivation. All restricted diets enhanced nitric oxide synthase levels in the insulin-responsive adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. However, whereas calorie restriction improved tissue redox state, food restriction and intermittent feedings did not. In fact, long-term intermittent feeding resulted in largely enhanced tissue release of oxidants. Overall, our results show that restricted diets are significantly different in their effects on glucose tolerance and redox state when adopted long-term. Furthermore, we show that intermittent feeding can lead to oxidative insulin receptor inactivation and glucose intolerance. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Prostatic differentiation during embryogenesis and its further homeostatic state maintenance during adult life depend on androgens. Dihydrotestosterone, which is synthesized from testosterone by 5alpha-reductase (5alpha-r), is the active molecule triggering androgen action within the prostate. In the present work, we examined the effects of 5alpha-reductase inhibition by finasteride in the ventral prostate (VP) of the adult gerbil, employing histochemical and electron microscopy techniques to demonstrate the morphological and organizational changes of the organ. After 10 days of finasteride treatment at a dose of 100 mg/kg/day, the prostatic complex (VP and dorsolateral prostate) absolute weight was reduced to about 18%. The epithelial cells became short and cuboidal, with less secretory blebs and reduced acid phosphatase activity. The luminal sectional area diminished, suggestive of decreased secretory activity. The stromal/epithelial ratio increased, the stroma becoming thicker but less cellular. There was a striking accumulation of collagen fibrils, which was accompanied by an increase in deposits of amorphous granular material adjacent to the basal lamina and in the clefts between smooth muscle cells (SMC). Additionally, the periacinar smooth muscle became loosely packed. Some SMC were atrophic and showed a denser array of the cytoskeleton, whereas other SMC had a highly irregular outline with numerous spine-like projections. The present data indicate that 5alpha-r inhibition causes epithelial and stromal changes by affecting intra-prostatic hormone levels. These alterations are probably the result of an imbalance of the homeostatic interaction between the epithelium and the underlying stroma.