870 resultados para Muscle Metabolism


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Summary : Lipid metabolism disorders, leading to obesity and cardiovascular diseases, are a major public health issue worldwide. These diseases have been treated by drugs and surgery, leading to tremendous costs and secondary morbidity. The aim of this thesis work is to investigate the mechanisms of actions of a new, micronutrition-based, approach to prevent obesity and cardiovascular diseases. This specific combination of micronutrients, Lipistase, incorporated into any dietary ail can be used in the daily food. Micronutrients are substances used by the living organism in small quantities to maintain physiological homeostasis. However, the human body is not able to produce them and has to obtain them from dietary sources. The combination of micronutrients investigated here, is composed of 26 compounds including trace elements, vitamins, minerals, ails and plant extracts, known to have individually a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism regulation. These specific micronutrients are used for the first time in a combinatorial mode targeting several metabolic pathways for better homeostasis control as opposed to a single target treatment, either chemical or natural. Short and long term studies, in different mouse strains, showed a significant decrease in plasma triglycerides, body weight gain and body fat mass in animals that were fed with a standard diet containing Lipistase. Additionally, a greatly reduced fat accumulation was observed in adipose tissue and liver of Lipistase-treated animals, while lipid and glucose utilization by skeletal muscle was enhanced. Moreover, the size of atherosclerotic plaques was significantly reduced in mice whose masher was treated during pregnancy and suckling, without showing any adverse effect. Finally, Lipistase has been shown to increase longevity by 20%. The control mice that did not receive Lipistase in their diet did not show all these beneficial effects. These micronutrients are used at the lowest dosage ever reported for treating Lipid disorders, resulting in far much lower costs as well as probably a higher safety. This is the first approach being very suitable for an effective large scale prevention policy for obesity and cardiovascular diseases, like iodine in dietary salt has been for goiter. Résumé : Les dysrégulations du métabolisme des lipids, à l'origine d'obésité et de maladies cardiovasculaires, sont un problème de santé publique majeur et mondial. Ces maladies impliquent des traitements médicamenteux et chirurgicaux dont le coût la morbidité secondaire sont très important. Le but de ce travail de thèse est d'étudier les mécanismes d'action d'une nouvelle approche préventive, basée sur la micronutrition. Cette combinaison spécifique de micronutriments, Lipistase, peut être incorporée dans n'importe quelle huile alimentaire et utilisée dans l'alimentation quotidienne. Les micronutrirnents sont des substances essentielles, à très faibles doses, pour le maintien de l'homéostasie physiologique des organismes vivants. Cependant, étant incapable de les synthétiser, le corps humain est dépendant en cela de l'apport alimentaire. La combinaison de micronutriments que nous avons étudié contient 26 composants, incluant des extraits de plantes, des huiles, des vitamines, des métaux et des minéraux, tous connus pour avoir individuellement des effets bénéfiques sur la régulation du métabolisme des lipides. Ces micronutriments spécifiques sont utilisés pour la première fois en mode combinatoire, ciblant ainsi plusieurs voies métaboliques pour un meilleur control de l'homéostasie, par opposition monothérapies chimiques ou naturelles. Des expériences de court et long terme, avec divers modèles de souris, ont montré une diminution significative des taux de triglycérides plasmatiques, de la prise de poids et de la masse graisseuse corporelle chez les animaux qui ont reçu Lipistase dans la nourriture standard. Une accumulation significativement moins importante des graisses a été observée dans le tissu adipeux et hépatique des souris traitées, alors que l'utilisation des lipides et glucose a été favorisée dans le muscle. En outre, la taille des plaques d'athérosclérose aété significativement réduite chez les souris dont la mère a été traitée pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, sans montrer aucun effet indésirable. Enfin, les souris traitées par Lipistase ont vécu 20% plus longtèmps. Les souris contrôles qui n'ont pas reçu Lipistase dans la nourriture n'ont montré aucun de ces effets bénéfiques. Ces micronutriments sont utilisés au dosage le plus faible jamais rapporté pour le traitement des maladies du métabolisme lipidique, permettant ainsi un coût plus faible et surtout une meilleure sécurité. C'est une approche adéquate pour une politique de prévention de santé publique à large échelle de l'obésité et des maladies cardiovasculaires. C'est en cela et sous bien d'autres aspects, une première dans la prise en charge des maladies du métabolisme lipidique et pourrait même être pour ces dernières ce que l'iode du sel de cuisine a été pour le goitre.


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This study investigated the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and glucose uptake through changes in skeletal muscle cell volume. Using an established invitro isolated whole muscle model, soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were dissected from male rats and incubated in an organ bath containing Sigma medium-199 with 8 mM D-glucose altered to target osmolality (hypo-osmotic: HYPO, iso-osmotic: ISO, hyper-osmotic: HYPER; 190, 290, 400 mmol/kg). Muscles were divided into two groups; metabolite (MM) and uptake (MU). MM (N=48) were incubated for 60 minutes and were then immediately flash frozen. MU (N=24) were incubated for 30 minutes and then the extracellular fluid was exchanged for media containing ^H-glucose and ^'*C-mannitol and incubated for another 30 minutes. After the incubation, the muscles were freeze clamped. Results demonstrated a relative water decrease and increase in HYPER and HYPO, respectively. EDL and SOL glucose uptakes were found to be significantly greater in HYPER conditions. The HYPER condition resulted in significant alterations in muscle metabolite concentrations (lower glycogen, elevated lactate, and G-6-P) suggesting a catabolic cell state, and an increase in glycogen synthase transformation when compared to the HYPO group. In conclusion, skeletal muscle cell volume alters rates of glucose uptake with further alterations in muscle metabolites and glycogen synthase transformation.


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The purpose of the current investigation was to establish an in-l'itro skeletal muscle model to study acute alterations in resting skeletal muscle cell volume. Isolated. whole muscle (SOL and EDL) was dissected from Long Evans rats and incubated for 60 min in Sigma Medium-199 (resting tension (lg). bubbled with 95:5% 02:C02, 30 ± 2°C, and pH 7.4). Media osmolality was altered to simulate hypo-osmotic (190 ± 10 Osm) (HYPO) or hyper-osmotic conditions (400 ± 10 Osm) (HYPER) while an iso-osmotic condition (290± 1 0 Osm) (CON) served as a control (n= 17.19.17). Following incubation, relative muscle water content decreased with HYPER and increased with HYPO in both muscle types (p<0.05). The cross-sectional area of HYPO SOL type I and type II fibres increased (p<0.05) while the EDL type 11 fibre area decreased in HYPER and increascd from HYPO exposure. Furthermore, HYPER exposure in both muscles lead to decreased ATP and phosphocreatine (p<0.05) and increased creatine and lactate (p<0.05) compared to CON. This isolated skeletal muscle model proved viable and demonstrated that altering extracellular osmolality could cause acutc alterations in muscle water content and resting muscle metabolism.


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Animals are imbued with adaptive mechanisms spanning from the tissue/organ to the cellular scale which insure that processes of homeostasis are preserved in the landscape of size change. However we and others have postulated that the degree of adaptation is limited and that once outside the normal levels of size fluctuations, cells and tissues function in an aberant manner. In this study we examine the function of muscle in the myostatin null mouse which is an excellent model for hypertrophy beyond levels of normal growth and consequeces of acute starvation to restore mass. We show that muscle growth is sustained through protein synthesis driven by Serum/Glucocorticoid Kinase 1 (SGK1) rather than Akt1. Furthermore our metabonomic profiling of hypertrophic muscle shows that carbon from nutrient sources is being channelled for the production of biomass rather than ATP production. However the muscle displays elevated levels of autophagy and decreased levels of muscle tension. We demonstrate the myostatin null muscle is acutely sensitive to changes in diet and activates both the proteolytic and autophagy programmes and shutting down protein synthesis more extensively than is the case for wild-types. Poignantly we show that acute starvation which is detrimental to wild-type animals is beneficial in terms of metabolism and muscle function in the myostatin null mice by normalising tension production.


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The function of myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) during adult life is not well understood. The requirement of one of these MRFs, myogenin (Myog), during embryonic muscle development suggests an equally important role in adult muscle. In this study, we have determined the function of myogenin during adult life using a conditional allele of Myog. In contrast to embryonic development, myogenin is not required for adult viability, and Myog-deleted mice exhibited no remarkable phenotypic changes during sedentary life. Remarkably, sedentary Myog-deleted mice demonstrated enhanced exercise endurance during involuntary treadmill running. Altered blood glucose and lactate levels in sedentary Myog-deleted mice after exhaustion suggest an enhanced glycolytic metabolism and an ability to excessively deplete muscle and liver glycogen stores. Traditional changes associated with enhanced exercise endurance, such as fiber type switching, and increased oxidative potential, were not detected in sedentary Myog-deleted mice. After long-term voluntary exercise, trained Myog-deleted mice demonstrated an enhanced adaptive response to exercise. Trained Myog-deleted mice exhibited superior exercise endurance associated with an increased proportion of slow-twitch fibers and increased oxidative capacity. In a parallel experiment, dystrophin-deficient young adult mice showed attenuated muscle fatigue following the deletion of Myog. These results demonstrate a novel and unexpected role for myogenin in modulating skeletal muscle metabolism.


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The four basic helix-loop-helix myogenic transcription factors, myogenin, Myf5, MRF4, and MyoD are critical for embryonic skeletal muscle development. Myogenin is necessary for the terminal differentiation of myoblasts into myofibers during embryogenesis, but little is known about the roles played by myogenin in adult skeletal muscle function and metabolism. Furthermore, while metabolism is a well-studied physiological process, how it is regulated at the transcriptional level remains poorly understood. In this study, my aim was to determine the function of myogenin in adult skeletal muscle metabolism, exercise capacity, and regeneration. To investigate this, I utilized a mouse strain harboring the Myogflox allele and a Cre recombinase transgene, enabling the efficient deletion of myogenin in the adult mouse. Myogflox/flox mice were stressed physically through involuntary treadmill running and by breeding them with a strain harboring the Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (DMDmdx) allele. Surprisingly, Myog-deleted animals exhibited an enhanced capacity for exercise, running farther and faster than their wild-type counterparts. Increased lactate production and utilization of glucose as a fuel source indicated that Myog-deleted animals exhibited an increased glycolytic flux. Hypoglycemic Myog-deleted mice no longer possessed the ability to outrun their wild-type counterparts, implying the ability of these animals to further deplete their glucose reserves confers their enhanced exercise capacity. Moreover, Myog-deleted mice exhibited an enhanced response to long-term exercise training. The mice developed a greater proportion of type 1 oxidative muscle fibers, and displayed increased levels of succinate dehydrogenase activity, indicative of increased oxidative metabolism. Mdx:Myog-deleted mice exhibited a similar phenotype, outperforming their mdx counterparts, although lagging behind wild-type animals. The morphology of muscle tissue from mdx:Myog-deleted mice appears to mimic that of mdx animals, indicating that myogenin is dispensable for adult skeletal muscle regeneration. Through global gene expression profiling and quantitative (q)RT-PCR, I identified a unique set of putative myogenin-dependent genes involved in regulating metabolic processes. These data suggest myogenin’s functions during adulthood are distinctly different than those during embryogenesis, and myogenin acts as a high-level transcription factor regulating metabolic activity in adult skeletal muscle.


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Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) provide metabolic information on the musculoskeletal system, thus helping to understand the biochemical and pathophysiological nature of numerous diseases. In particular, MRS has been used to study the energy metabolism of muscular tissue since the very beginning of magnetic resonance examinations in humans when small-bore magnets for studies of the limbs became available. Even more than in other organs, the observation of non-proton-nuclei was important in muscle tissue. Spatial localization was less demanding in these studies, however, high temporal resolution was necessary to follow metabolism during exercise and recovery. The observation of high-energy phosphates during and after the application of workload gives insight into oxidative phosphorylation, a process that takes place in the mitochondria and characterizes impaired mitochondrial function. New applications in insulin-resistant patients followed the development of volume-selective 1H-MRS in whole-body magnets. Nowadays, multinuclear MRS and MRSI of the musculoskeletal system provide several windows to vital biochemical pathways noninvasively. It is shown how MRS and MRSI have been used in numerous diseases to characterize an involvement of the muscular metabolism.


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In order to examine the influence of sprint training on metabolism and exercise performance during sprint exercise, 16 recreationally-active, untrained, men (TO2peak= 3.8+/-0.1 1.min(-1)) were randomly assigned to either a training (n=8) or control group (n=8). Each subject performed a 30-sec cycle sprint and a test to measure VO2peak before and after eight weeks of sprint training. The training group completed a series of sprints three times per week which progressed from three 30-sec cycle sprints in weeks 1 and 2, to six 30-sec sprints in weeks 7 and 8. Three mins of passive recovery separated each sprint throughout the training period. Muscle samples were obtained at rest and immediately following the pre- and post-training sprints and analysed for high energy phosphagens, glycogen and lactate; the activities of both phosphofructokinase (PFK) and citrate synthase (CS) were also measured and muscle fibre types were quantified, Training resulted in a 7.1% increase in mean power output (p


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Few studies have focused on the metabolic responses to alternating high- and low-intensity exercise and, specifically, compared these responses to those seen during constant-load exercise performed at the same average power output. This study compared muscle metabolic responses between two patterns of exercise during which the intensity was either constant and just below critical power (CP) or that oscillated above and below CP. Six trained males (mean +/- SD age 23.6 +/- 2.6 y) completed two 30-minute bouts of cycling (alternating and constant) at an average intensity equal to 90% of CR The intensity during alternating exercise varied between 158% CP and 73% CP. Biopsy samples from the vastus lateralis muscle were taken before (PRE), at the midpoint and end (POST) of exercise and analysed for glycogen, lactate, PCr and pH. Although these metabolic variables in muscle changed significantly during both patterns of exercise, there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between constant and alternating exercise for glycogen (PRE: 418.8 +/- 85 vs. 444.3 +/- 70; POST: 220.5 +/- 59 vs. 259.5 +/- 126mmol.kg(-1) dw), lactate (PRE: 8.5 +/- 7.7 vs. 8.5 +/- 8.3; POST: 49.9 +/- 19.0 vs. 42.6 +/- 26.6 mmol.kg(-1)dw), phosphocreatine (PRE: 77.9 +/- 11.6 vs. 75.7 +/- 16.9; POST: 65.8 +/- 12.1 vs. 61.2 +/- 12.7mmol.kg(-1)dw) or pH (PRE: 6.99 +/- 0.12 vs. 6.99 +/- 0.08; POST: 6.86 +/- 0.13 vs. 6.85 +/- 0.06), respectively. There were also no significant differences in blood lactate responses to the two patterns of exercise. These data suggest that, when the average power output is similar, large variations in exercise intensity exert no significant effect on muscle metabolism.


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Deficiency in the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) favors leanness and a healthy metabolic profile in mice largely attributed to activation of oxidative metabolism in white and brown adipose tissues. Less is known about Rb modulation of skeletal muscle metabolism. This was studied here by transiently knocking down Rb expression in differentiated C2C12 myotubes using small interfering RNAs. Compared with control cells transfected with non-targeting RNAs, myotubes silenced for Rb (by 80-90%) had increased expression of genes related to fatty acid uptake and oxidation such as Cd36 and Cpt1b (by 61% and 42%, respectively), increased Mitofusin 2 protein content (∼2.5-fold increase), increased mitochondrial to nuclear DNA ratio (by 48%), increased oxygen consumption (by 65%) and decreased intracellular lipid accumulation. Rb silenced myotubes also displayed up-regulated levels of glucose transporter type 4 expression (∼5-fold increase), increased basal glucose uptake, and enhanced insulin-induced Akt phosphorylation. Interestingly, exercise in mice led to increased Rb phosphorylation (inactivation) in skeletal muscle as evidenced by immunohistochemistry analysis. In conclusion, the silencing of Rb enhances mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and fatty acid and glucose disposal in skeletal myotubes, and changes in Rb status may contribute to muscle physiological adaptation to exercise. J. Cell. Physiol. 231: 708-718, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Myostatin (Mstn) participates in the regulation of skeletal muscle size and has emerged as a regulator of muscle metabolism. Here, we hypothesized that lack of myostatin profoundly depresses oxidative phosphorylation-dependent muscle function. Toward this end, we explored Mstn/ mice as a model for the constitutive absence of myostatin and AAV-mediated overexpression of myostatin propeptide as a model of myostatin blockade in adult wild-type mice. We show that muscles from Mstn/ mice, although larger and stronger, fatigue extremely rapidly. Myostatin deficiency shifts muscle from aerobic toward anaerobic energy metabolism, as evidenced by decreased mitochondrial respiration, reduced expression of PPAR transcriptional regulators, increased enolase activity, and exercise-induced lactic acidosis. As a consequence, constitutively reduced myostatin signaling diminishes exercise capacity, while the hypermuscular state of Mstn/ mice increases oxygen consumption and the energy cost of running. We wondered whether these results are the mere consequence of the congenital fiber-type switch toward a glycolytic phenotype of constitutive Mstn/ mice. Hence, we overexpressed myostatin propeptide in adult mice, which did not affect fiber-type distribution, while nonetheless causing increased muscle fatigability, diminished exercise capacity, and decreased Pparb/d and Pgc1a expression. In conclusion, our results suggest that myostatin endows skeletal muscle with high oxidative capacity and low fatigability, thus regulating the delicate balance between muscle mass, muscle force, energy metabolism, and endurance capacity.


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1H-MR spectroscopy (MRS) of intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) became particularly important when it was recognized that IMCL levels are related to insulin sensitivity. While this relation is rather complex and depends on the training status of the subjects, various other influences such as exercise and diet also influence IMCL concentrations. This may open insight into many metabolic interactions; however, it also requires careful planning of studies in order to control all these confounding influences. This review summarizes various historical, methodological, and practical aspects of 1H-MR spectroscopy (MRS) of muscular lipids. That includes a differentiation of bulk magnetic susceptibility effects and residual dipolar coupling that can both be observed in MRS of skeletal muscle, yet affecting different metabolites in a specific way. Fitting of the intra- (IMCL) and extramyocellular (EMCL) signals with complex line shapes and the transformation into absolute concentrations is discussed. Since the determination of IMCL in muscle groups with oblique fiber orientation or in obese subjects is still difficult, potential improvement with high-resolution spectroscopic imaging or at higher field strength is considered. Fat selective imaging is presented as a possible alternative to MRS and the potential of multinuclear MRS is discussed. 1H-MRS of muscle lipids allows non-invasive and repeated studies of muscle metabolism that lead to highly relevant findings in clinics and patho-physiology.


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Abstract: Background: Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) is a neurodegenerative disease leading to sensory and motor polyneuropathies, and functional limitations. Liver transplantation is the only treatment for FAP, requiring medication that negatively affects bone and muscle metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare body composition, levels of specific strength, level of physical disability risk, and functional capacity of transplanted FAP patients (FAPTx) with a group of healthy individuals (CON). Methods: A group of patients with 48 FAPTx (28 men, 20 women) was compared with 24 CON individuals (14 men, 10 women). Body composition was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and total skeletal muscle mass (TBSMM) and skeletal muscle index (SMI) were calculated. Handgrip strength was measured for both hands as was isometric strength of quadriceps. Muscle quality (MQ) was ascertained by the ratio of strength to muscle mass. Functional capacity was assessed by the six-minute walk test. Results: Patients with FAPTx had significantly lower functional capacity, weight, body mass index, total fat mass, TBSMM, SMI, lean mass, muscle strength, MQ, and bone mineral density. Conclusion: Patients with FAPTx appear to be at particularly high risk of functional disability, suggesting an important role for an early and appropriately designed rehabilitation program.


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Liver transplantation is the unique treatment for several end-stage diseases. Familial Amiloidotic Polineuropathy (FAP) is a neurodegenerative disease related with systemic deposition of amyloidal fiber mainly on peripheral nervous system, clinically translated by an autonomous sensitive-motor neuropathy with severe functional limitations in some cases. The unique treatment for FAP disease is a liver transplant with a very aggressive medication to muscle metabolism and force production. To our knowledge there are no quantitative characterizations of body composition, strength or functional capacity in this population.