8 resultados para Muscicapidae
中国棕头鸦雀的分类,有过几次较为系统的研究,但对种级阶元和部分种下阶元的判定一直存在争议。究其原因是棕头鸦雀分布资料尚嫌不足,所获标本亦觉不够。作者在前人工作基础上,根据近年新增加的标本资料,从分布、形态加以分析,并用骨骼比较的方法,寻找新的分类性状,对中国棕头鸦雀的分类进行了全面整理。依据侍者研究工作结果:棕头鸦雀红翅缘类型的红胸和灰胸两类群在中国西南部云、贵、川省的亚种均发现彼此混交并有居间个体,二者形态上由新发现的ganluoensis(李桂垣、张清茂1980)密切联系。红翅缘与褐翅缘两大类型尚未见有重叠分布,形态明显有别,迄今未发现中间类型。两大类群在头骨的泪骨突起和方骨形态存在明显差异,可作为分类标准。因此作者将中国棕头鸦雀分为Paradoxornis brunneus和Paradoxornis Webbianus两种,后者复分为红胸、灰胸两亚种组。对有争议的种下阶元的分类地位提出作者的处理意见。整理后,中国棕头鸦雀计2种,2亚种组和12亚种。最后,对棕头雀的起源地和演化作了初步探讨。棕头鸦雀Paradoxornis webbianus隶属公司鶲科(Muscicapidae),画眉亚科(Timaliinae),鸦雀属(Paradoxornis)。其形态特征是体形小,尾长,嘴峰呈园拱形,嘴厚与嘴长基本相等。棕头鸦雀除春、夏繁殖季节成对活动外,常数十只、百余只结群活动及匿栖于矮林、灌丛、芦苇和高草间,有时也到地上或耕地里觅食。活动时,常一鸟在前鸣叫,余鸟跟随其后窜飞跳跃。受尺时整群鸟鸣叫急促,甚为嘈杂,迅速隐匿安全之处后,却无声无息,难于发现。棕头鸦雀在中国分布甚广,除新疆、内蒙高原和青藏高原尚未见有记录外,广见于各地。其分布与中国三大基本自然区的东南季风区范围(中国自然地理、动物地理1979)大致相符。中国以上仅见于苏联乌苏里边区、朝鲜半岛、越南北部和缅甸东北部。
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fruits have been considered an important feeding resource used not only by frugivorous birds, but also by omnivore and some insectivore species. In the present paper we are reporting the behavior of birds consuming fruits of Davilla rugosa (Dilleniaceae). Handling behavior and visits frequency were analyzed in order to infer about the potential ornithochoric seed dispersal. Focal observations were carried out from October to December 1999 in a cerrado fragment located in São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil (21°58′S, 47°52′W). In 60 h of field work we recorded 241 visits of 13 passerine bird species consuming the fruits. The mean number of visits per hour and the standard deviation were 4.01 ± 4.88. All of the species were considered potential seed dispersers, since no pulp mashers or seed predators were observed. No temporal difference in visit frequency was found when all of the species were analyzed together or when they were individually considered. Generalist species were responsible for 68.5% of the visits, followed by frugivorous (22.82%) and insectivorous (8.71%). The main potential seed dispersers were Elaenia spp. (Tyrannidae), Tangara cayana (Emberizidae), Empidonomus varius (Tyrannidae), Turdus leucomelas (Muscicapidae) and Vireo chivi (Vireonidae). The high visit frequency observed suggests that D. rugosa fruits may be an important feeding resource for birds in the cerrado ecosystem, in the manner that this plant can be considered in management plans which intent to maintain or rescue bird communities.
Isolated trees in pastures are now often, due to increasing devastation of forested areas, important feeding places for migratory or generalist birds. These trees serve both as food sources and as deposition sites for seeds from fruits consumed in neighboring areas. The objective of this study was to identify the avian consumers of the fruits of Cytharexyllum myrianthum trees in open pastures and describe their feeding behavior and how it influences seed dispersion. Forty two hours of observations included 198 feeding bouts of nine bird species. Turdus leucomelas (Muscicapidae) was the main consumer (28% of fruit consumption), swallowing the entire fruit. Next, was Tyrannus melancholicus (Tyrannidae, 23%), which may be the most efficient seed disperser of C. myrianthum because it regurgitates the seeds on sites far from the parent tree.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)