683 resultados para Musa cavendishii


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The objective of this research was to verify the effect of drying conditions on thermal properties and resistant starch content of green banana flour (Musa cavendishii). The green banana flour is a complex-carbohydrates source, mainly of resistant starch, and quantifying its gelatinization is important to understand how it affects food processing and the functional properties of the flour. The green banana flour was obtained by drying unripe peeled bananas (first stage of ripening) in a dryer tunnel at 52 degrees C, 55 degrees C and 58 degrees C and air velocity at 0.6 m s(-1), 1.0 m s(-1) and 1.4 m s(-1). The results obtained from differential scanning calorimetry, (DSC) curves show a single endothermic transition and a flow of maximum heating at peak temperatures from (67.95 +/- 0.31)degrees C to (68.63 +/- 0.28) degrees C. ANOVA shows that only drying temperature influenced significantly (P < 0.05) the gelatinization peak temperature (Tp). Gelatinization enthalpy (Delta H) varied from 9.04 J g(-1) to 11.63 J g(-1) and no significant difference was observed for either temperature or air velocity. The resistant starch content of the flour produced varied from (40.9 +/- 0.4) g/100 g to (58.5 +/- 5.4) g/100 g, on dry basis (d. b.), and was influenced by the combination of drying conditions: flour produced at 55 degrees C/1.4 m s(-1) and 55 degrees C/1.0 m s(-1) presented higher content of resistant starch. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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No presente trabalho foram feitos os tratamentos: planta matriz sem rebentos; planta matriz com rebentos de janeiro, março e maio e testemunha com todos os rebentos, sendo estudada sua influência no desenvolvimento e produção da planta matriz de bananeira. Os resultados mostraram diferença significativa entre os tratamentos, com relação ao número de dias do plantio ao florescimento, ciclo de produção, número de folhas na colheita e peso do cacho. Não houve diferença significativa em relação ao diâmetro do pseudo-caule no florescimento e colheita, número de pencas e frutos.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer as condições de processo térmico de purê de banana, variedade "nanica", em bolsas esterilizáveis porção individual (130 x 170mm). Os frutos foram selecionados, aquecidos a 98°C/5min. para inativação enzimática, separadas as sementes e fibras num despolpador com malha de 0,08cm de diâmetro e depois o purê foi embalado nas bolsas sob um vácuo de 25mmHg, resultando em média 2,7ml de ar residual por bolsa. Em seguida as bolsas foram processadas sem agitação e em posição horizontal numa autoclave horizontal, a 115°C/158KPa, com imersão total de água quente. O tempo de manutenção do processo foi de 7,5min. Inicialmente foi utilizado o Clostridium butyricum como microrganismo alvo do processo, entretanto, observou-se que esta bactéria apresentara uma resistência térmica em purê de banana (pH 4,6) um pouco menor que o valor estimado para o Clostridium botulinum, D115=0,183min. e D115=0,236min respectivamente, sendo assim, o C. botulinum foi escolhido como microrganismo alvo da esterilização do produto. O valor de F121,1°C aplicado foi de 0,64min. para causar 12 reduções decimais, calculado segundo PFLUG (1985) para um pH de 4,6, e verificado pelo método geral. Este valor somente foi considerado para a fase de aquecimento, deixando a letalidade do resfriamento (0,34min.), que foi realizada com água à temperatura ambiente, como segurança de processo. Nos testes de penetração de calor foram encontrados os valores médio de fh=6,8min; jh=0,48; fc=17,4min. e jc=1,3 demonstrando assim, que o produto é altamente condutivo. Nenhuma alteração no produto nem nas embalagens foi notada após a aplicação do ensaio de esterilidade comercial em 36 bolsas processadas contendo purê de banana, confirmando assim, a eficácia do tratamento térmico aplicado.


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This study had as objective the evaluation of mechanical damages occurred in banana Nanicão during the improvement process, packing and distribution, identifying the probable critical points. The mechanical damages caused by transport, first cleaning; cleanness and sorting; preservation in the packing, transport, and mature were evaluated. The studied packing had been: torito wooden packing (18 kg), wood type ½ box, (13 kg) and cardboard (18 kg). The stage of preservation and transport of the fruits to the distribution center duplicated the light defects and quintupled the serious defects, causing rottenness after the acclimatization. The cardboard packing did not support the piling up and presented deformations, that resulted in the kneading the fruits of the inferior packing, causing a significant increase of the serious defects. The fruits conditioned in the involved packing of plastic bubble had presented an inferior number of serious damages when compared with the others packing, without the plastic.


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The association of 0,03 % v/w pectinase (Clarex), 0,6 % v/w invertase (Invertase-S) and 0,5 % w/w glucose isomerase (Taka-sweet) in industrialized banana (Musa cavendishii) pulp, under conditions of hydrolysis 40oC, 15 minutes, was observed and compared to other three enzymatic treatements: 0,03 % v/w pectinase (Clarex); 0,03 % v/w pectinase (Clarex) associated to 0,6 % v/w invertase (Invertase-S); and 0,03 % v/w pectinase (Sigma) associated to 0,03 % cellulase (Sigma) to determine the quality using a group of physical, physico-chemical, chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of the banana juices obtained. These properties had not differ significantly in function of pectinases and celulase employed. The addition of invertase had increased sweetness and decreased viscosity in juice. On the other side, the addition of glucose isomerase in inverted juice was not able in increasing significantly fructose content.


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The effects that four pretreatments (blanching, chilling, freezing, and combined blanching and freezing), used prior to drying, had on the drying rate and quality of bananas were investigated. An untreated sample was used as a control. The bananas were dried at 50 degreesC in a heat pump dehumidifier dryer, using an air velocity of 3.1 m s(-1), until a final moisture content of approximately 25% dry weight basis was attained. While the initial drying rate was highest for the blanched treatment, the two pretreatments involving freezing resulted in the shortest drying times. The blanched sample was most preferred in terms of colour while the frozen samples exhibited extensive browning. The texture and flavour was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in all samples that involved blanching and/or freezing.


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Neste trabalho foi observado o efeito dos complexos enzimáticos clarificantes Clarex e CEC1-CTAA, adicionados na proporção de 0,03% v/p sobre purê de banana (Musa cavendishii), em condições amenas de hidrólise (40ºC, 15 minutos) visando determinar a qualidade, aqui representada pelos indicadores: rendimento; viscosidade; Brix; pH; composição centesimal; contagens de bolores e leveduras e de mesófilos, e propriedades sensoriais de cor, aroma, sabor e corpo dos sucos de banana clarificados. O suco clarificado com Clarex apresentou-se significativamente (p < 0,01) mais amarelo, menos cinza, menos opaco e menos viscoso do que o obtido com CEC1-CTAA. Não houve diferença significativa entre as médias de aroma de banana fresca e sabor nesses sucos. Além disso, os valores obtidos quanto a sabor, de ambos os sucos, foram considerados bons (6,72 e 6,05 com referência a sucos clarificados com Clarex e CEC1-CTAA, respectivamente), apresentando-se superiores ao centro da escala empregada, que variou de 0 a 10.


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This work aims determinate the evaluation of the quality of 'Nanicão' banana, submitted to two conditions of storage temperature and three different kinds of package, using the technique of the Analysis of Principal Components (ACP), as a basis for an Analysis of Variance. The fruits used were 'Nanicão' bananas, at ripening degree 3, that is, more green than yellow. The packages tested were: "Torito" wood boxes, load capacity: 18 kg; "½ box" wood boxes, load capacity: 13 kg; and cardboard boxes, load capacity: 18 kg. The temperatures assessed were: room temperature (control); and (13±1ºC), with humidity controlled to 90±2,5%. Fruits were discarded when a sensory analysis determined they had become unfit for consumption. Peel coloration, percentages of imperfection, fresh mass, total acidity, pH, total soluble solids and percentages of sucrose were assessed. A completely randomized design with a 2-factorial treatment structure (packing X temperature) was used. The obtained data were analyzed through a multivariate analysis known as Principal Components Analysis, using S-plus 4.2. The conclusion was that the best packages to preserve the fruit were the ½ box ones, which proves that it is necessary to reduce the number of fruits per package to allow better ventilation and decreases mechanical injuries and ensure quality for more time.


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Este trabalho propõe um método de projeto de embalagem para produtos hortícolas, buscando uma otimização integrada dos aspectos geométricos, estruturais e térmicos, ligados à facilitação do resfriamento e armazenamento refrigerado. Para o dimensionamento e otimização estrutural, foi utilizado o Método dos Elementos Finitos implementado pelo programa ANSYS, obtendo-se oito modelos virtuais de embalagens, com 10% e 14% de área efetiva de aberturas e geometria quadrada, retangular e circular. Para o desenvolvimento dos experimentos, que avaliaram a relação da área de aberturas com o tempo de sete-oitavos de resfriamento, foram construídos protótipos de tábuas de madeira (Pinnus elliotti) de reflorestamento. Nas embalagens, foram acondicionados aproximadamente 13 kg de banana variedade Nanica (Musa cavendishii, cultivar nanica), resfriada num túnel de ar forçado (vazão de ar de 0,32 m³ s-1, temperatura de 8,0±1,2ºC e umidade relativa de 84,5±2,6%). O tempo de resfriamento também foi comparado com aquele obtido quando a mesma quantidade de frutas foi resfriada em embalagens de papelão (2,5% de área efetiva de abertura) e madeira (18% de área efetiva de abertura). Os resultados demonstraram que, entre os protótipos propostos, não houve diferença significativa no tempo de resfriamento dos frutos acondicionados nas embalagens desenvolvidas, sendo o tempo médio de resfriamento de 40,71±2,81 min. Na comparação com as embalagens de papelão e madeira, houve diferenças significativas, sendo que as embalagens comerciais tiveram tempos de resfriamento de 1,25 e 2 vezes maiores. Concluiu-se que a simulação estrutural computacional, aliada a algoritmos de otimização, além de procedimentos experimentais ligados à cadeia do frio, são recursos promissores no auxílio de projetos para embalagens de transporte de produtos hortícolas.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo a avaliação de danos mecânicos ocorridos na banana "Nanicão" durante o processo de beneficiamento, transporte, embalagem e distribuição, identificando os prováveis pontos críticos. Avaliaram-se os danos mecânicos causados após o transporte, despistilagem e primeira despenca; limpeza e classificação; acondicionamento nas embalagens e transporte, e amadurecimento. As embalagens estudadas foram: embalagem de madeira torito (18 kg), madeira tipo ½ caixa (13 kg) e papelão (18 kg). Verificou-se que, na etapa de acondicionamento e transporte das frutas até o centro de distribuição, duplicaram os defeitos leves e os defeitos graves quintuplicaram, causando podridões após a climatização. A embalagem de papelão não suportou o empilhamento e apresentou deformações, que resultaram no amassamento das frutas que estavam nas embalagens inferiores e no aumento significativo dos defeitos graves. As frutas acondicionadas nas embalagens envolvidas pelo plástico bolha apresentaram menos danos graves quando comparadas às demais embalagens, sem o plástico.


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O efeito do tratamento em que se associou as enzimas comerciais: 0,03 % v/p de pectinase (Clarex) a 0,6 % v/p de invertase (Invertase-S) e 0,5 % p/p de glicose-isomerase (Taka-sweet) sobre purê de banana (Musa cavendishii), em condições amenas de hidrólise (40o C, 15 min.) foi observado e comparado com o efeito de outros três tratamentos enzimáticos: 0,03 % v/p de pectinase (Clarex); 0,03 % v/p de pectinase (Clarex) associada à 0,6 % v/p de invertase (Invertase-S); e 0,03 % v/p de pectinase (Sigma) associada a 0,03 % v/p de celulase (Sigma), visando determinar a qualidade representada por um conjunto de propriedades físicas, fisico-químicas, químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais dos sucos de banana obtidos. Essas propriedades não diferiram significativamente em função das pectinases e celulase empregadas. A adição de invertase provocou aumento de doçura e diminuição da viscosidade do suco. Por outro lado, a adição de glicose isomerase ao suco invertido não foi capaz de aumentar significativamente o teor de frutose.


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As an additive in in vitro culture media, fruits have a great potential for facilitating economical orchid production because of lower technology requirements and the ease of obtaining raw materials to formulate culture media. We studied the in vitro growth of Cattleya bicolor Lindl. grown in a simplified culture medium supplemented with different kinds of fruit pulp. The experimental design was completely randomised, with eight seedlings per replication and ten replications per treatment, for a total of 80 seedlings per treatment. The culture medium was made using 150 g L -1 of pulp (without peel or seed) from the following fruits: ripe Santa Cruz tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.), dwarf bananas (Musa cavendishii L.) of intermediate ripeness, light green chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw), ripe papaya (Carica papaya L.) or green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.).The treatment control was MS 50 %. The treatments and the control were kept in a growth chamber for seven months before evaluating seedling survival percentage, shoot height, number of leaves, rooting percentage, root number, root length and dry masses of shoot and roots. The highest percentages of seedling survival were obtained using MS 50 %, banana and coconut medium. The seedling survival and rooting percentages illustrate that it is possible to emphasise the culture medium MS 50% and the culture medium supplemented with coconut on the most traditional culture medium with banana or tomato pulp. For the in vitro development of Cattleya bicolor Lindl., a simplified culture medium supplemented with coconut pulp is the most suitable for use as an alternative to MS 50%. A simplified culture medium supplemented with papaya pulp is not recommended for the in vitro development of Cattleya bicolor Lindl.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Unripe banana flour (UBF) production employs bananas not submitted to maturation process, is an interesting alternative to minimize the fruit loss reduction related to inappropriate handling or fast ripening. The UBF is considered as a functional ingredient improving glycemic and plasma insulin levels in blood, have also shown efficacy on the control of satiety, insulin resistance. The aim of this work was to study the drying process of unripe banana slabs (Musa cavendishii, Nanicão) developing a transient drying model through mathematical modeling with simultaneous moisture and heat transfer. The raw material characterization was performed and afterwards the drying process was conducted at 40 ºC, 50 ºC e 60 ºC, the product temperature was recorded using thermocouples, the air velocity inside the chamber was 4 m·s-1. With the experimental data was possible to validate the diffusion model based on the Fick\'s second law and Fourier. For this purpose, the sorption isotherms were measured and fitted to the GAB model estimating the equilibrium moisture content (Xe), 1.76 [g H2O/100g d.b.] at 60 ºC and 10 % of relative humidity (RH), the thermophysical properties (k, Cp, ?) were also measured to be used in the model. Five cases were contemplated: i) Constant thermophysical properties; ii) Variable properties; iii) Mass (hm), heat transfer (h) coefficient and effective diffusivity (De) estimation 134 W·m-2·K-1, 4.91x10-5 m-2·s-1 and 3.278?10-10 m·s-2 at 60 ºC, respectively; iv) Variable De, it presented a third order polynomial behavior as function of moisture content; v) The shrinkage had an effect on the mathematical model, especially in the 3 first hours of process, the thickness experienced a contraction of about (30.34 ± 1.29) % out of the initial thickness, finding two decreasing drying rate periods (DDR I and DDR II), 3.28x10-10 m·s-2 and 1.77x10-10 m·s-2, respectively. COMSOL Multiphysics simulations were possible to perform through the heat and mass transfer coefficient estimated by the mathematical modeling.


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Considering that oral preparations made with peel green bananas (e.g. flour and extracts) demonstrated healing effects on mucous membranes and skin, this study evaluated the healing and the antimicrobial property of a topical preparation based on extract of Musa sapientum L., Musaceae, (apple banana) in surgically induced wounds in the skin of male Wistar rats, 100 g. The extract was obtained by decoction, the presence of tannins was detected by phytochemical screening and 10% of the extract was incorporated into the carbopol gel (CMS gel). The processes of healing and bacterial isolation were evaluated in the following experimental groups: control (no treatment), treatment with placebo or with the CMS gel. The healing of surgical wounds treated with the CMS gel was faster when compared with the control and placebo groups and the treatment with CMS gel also inhibited the growth of pyogenic bacteria and enterobacteria in the wounds. The results indicate that the extract of Musa sapientum epicarp has healing and antimicrobial properties (in vivo), probably, due to tannins.