417 resultados para Muriel


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Resumen basado parcialmente en el de la autora


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The human body occupies a central place in Rukeyser’s poetry. Her characters’ physical experiences inspire their search for an artistic form and a holistic vision that reconciles the corporeal and conceptual aspects of their life. My thesis deals with Rukeyser’s reconciliation of disparate aspects of existence through the image of the human body and the practical experiences she underwent in her personal life and incorporated in her poetry. I discuss her poetry of the 1940s, where a tension is observed between the artist’s personal life and her art, which she attempts to resolve by adopting an artistic form that accommodates her quotidian experiences. I study, mainly through her poetry of the 1950s, Rukeyser’s poetic technique in the light of her organicist poetics and the combination of tendencies to coercion and suggestiveness distinguishing her style. I examine her portrayal of the suffering body in her poetry of the 1960s and 1970s. By means of their physical experiences, the ill, her despised and the imprisoned protagonists undergo a process of development whereby they perceive the different aspects of their identity and attempt to broaden perspectives on their situation by reconciling them. I argue that Rukeyser’s engagement with physical encounters and with the poem as an inclusive, organic body enables her to reconcile disparate elements in her poetry, such as her personal life and her art, her individual existence and the public world, as well as the distinct aspects of her characters’ identity. Her vatic outlook, which integrates distinct aspects of experience, is consistent with Merleau-Ponty’s idea of human perception as characterised by the two interdependent positions of immanence and transcendence. Rukeyser’s poetry depicts her physical engagement with quotidian events of her life as a factor of artistic inspiration. These situations constitute shared human experiences that enable her to imagine the links binding her to other people and the world at large. The poet’s personal experiences inspire her search for an artistic form that accommodates them. Her perception of the concrete aspect of her individual existence gains significance when it is linked to social and political issues. Both the private and public are thus seen as interconnected, and they affect the existence of each other while retaining their distinctness.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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O objetivo da autora aqui é discutir como se dá, no trabalho da romancista e contista escocesa Muriel Spark (1918-2006), a constituição das personagens femininas e a forma como estas veem a si mesmas e aos outros. A análise tem como base a coletânea composta de 41 contos publicada em 2001 sob o título de All the Stories of Muriel Spark (inédita no Brasil), cujas narrativas, em sua maioria, já haviam sido publicadas anteriormente em outras coletâneas ou em outros meios, como jornais e revistas. A autora também estuda nos contos o modo como os textos da escritora revelam sua visão peculiar do mundo e dos indivíduos, que foi se tornando mais amarga, embora mais compreensiva, com o passar do tempo. As narrativas curtas sparkianas se distinguem por refletir os diferentes contextos históricos vividos pela escritora: há contos que têm como ambiente a África, onde ela viveu nos anos 1930 e 1940, outros que se passam na Europa do pós-guerra e ainda os contos escritos mais recentemente. De passagem, a pesquisadora também analisa o engajamento político e ideológico de Muriel Spark, cuja vida conflituosa não a impediu de alcançar considerável sucesso de crítica e público nos países de língua inglesa. Sua obra-prima, o romance Primavera de Miss Jean Brodie (1961), foi adaptada para o cinema - o filme foi exibido no Brasil sob o título Primavera de uma Solteirona


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F03758


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08575


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F11545


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Female satirists have long been treated by critics as anomalies within an androcentric genre because of the reticence to acknowledge women's right to express aggression through their writing. In Pride and Prejudice (1813), A House and Its Head (1935), and The Girls of Slender Means (1963), Jane Austen (1775-1817), Ivy Compton-Burnett (1884-1969), and Muriel Spark (1918-2006) all combine elements of realism and satire within the vehicle of the domestic novel to target institutions of their patriarchal societies, including marriage and family dynamics, as well as the evolving conceptions of domesticity and femininity, with a subtle feminism. These female satirists illuminate the problems they have with society more through presentation than judgment in their satire, which places them on the fringes of a society they wish to educate, distinguishing their satire from that written by male satirists who are judging from a privileged height above the society they are attempting to correct. All three women create heroines and secondary female characters who find ways to survive, and occasionally thrive, within the confines of a polite society that has a streak of savagery running just beneath its polished surface.