197 resultados para Multistep Phosphorelay


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Virulence of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves the coordinate expression of a wide range of virulence factors including type IV pili which are required for colonization of host tissues and are associated with a form of surface translocation termed twitching motility. Twitching motility in P. aeruginosa is controlled by a complex signal transduction pathway which shares many modules in common with chemosensory systems controlling flagella rotation in bacteria and which is composed, in part, of the previously described proteins PilG, PilH, PilI, PilJ and PilK. Here we describe another three components of this pathway: ChpA, ChpB and ChpC, as well as two downstream genes, ChpD and ChpE, which may also be involved. The central component of the pathway, ChpA, possesses nine potential sites of phosphorylation: six histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domains, two novel serine- and threonine-containing phosphotransfer (SPt, TPt) domains and a CheY-like receiver domain at its C-terminus, and as such represents one of the most complex signalling proteins yet described in nature. We show that the Chp chemosensory system controls twitching motility and type IV pili biogenesis through control of pili assembly and/or retraction as well as expression of the pilin subunit gene pilA. The Chp system is also required for full virulence in a mouse model of acute pneumonia.


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In this paper, we introduce the Stochastic Adams-Bashforth (SAB) and Stochastic Adams-Moulton (SAM) methods as an extension of the tau-leaping framework to past information. Using the theta-trapezoidal tau-leap method of weak order two as a starting procedure, we show that the k-step SAB method with k >= 3 is order three in the mean and correlation, while a predictor-corrector implementation of the SAM method is weak order three in the mean but only order one in the correlation. These convergence results have been derived analytically for linear problems and successfully tested numerically for both linear and non-linear systems. A series of additional examples have been implemented in order to demonstrate the efficacy of this approach.


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A new form of a multi-step transversal linearization (MTL) method is developed and numerically explored in this study for a numeric-analytical integration of non-linear dynamical systems under deterministic excitations. As with other transversal linearization methods, the present version also requires that the linearized solution manifold transversally intersects the non-linear solution manifold at a chosen set of points or cross-section in the state space. However, a major point of departure of the present method is that it has the flexibility of treating non-linear damping and stiffness terms of the original system as damping and stiffness terms in the transversally linearized system, even though these linearized terms become explicit functions of time. From this perspective, the present development is closely related to the popular practice of tangent-space linearization adopted in finite element (FE) based solutions of non-linear problems in structural dynamics. The only difference is that the MTL method would require construction of transversal system matrices in lieu of the tangent system matrices needed within an FE framework. The resulting time-varying linearized system matrix is then treated as a Lie element using Magnus’ characterization [W. Magnus, On the exponential solution of differential equations for a linear operator, Commun. Pure Appl. Math., VII (1954) 649–673] and the associated fundamental solution matrix (FSM) is obtained through repeated Lie-bracket operations (or nested commutators). An advantage of this approach is that the underlying exponential transformation could preserve certain intrinsic structural properties of the solution of the non-linear problem. Yet another advantage of the transversal linearization lies in the non-unique representation of the linearized vector field – an aspect that has been specifically exploited in this study to enhance the spectral stability of the proposed family of methods and thus contain the temporal propagation of local errors. A simple analysis of the formal orders of accuracy is provided within a finite dimensional framework. Only a limited numerical exploration of the method is presently provided for a couple of popularly known non-linear oscillators, viz. a hardening Duffing oscillator, which has a non-linear stiffness term, and the van der Pol oscillator, which is self-excited and has a non-linear damping term.


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A variety of N-alkyl-beta-aminodiselenides have been synthesized in high yield from sulfamidates under mild reaction conditions using potassium selenocyanate and benzyltriethylammonium tetrathiomolybdate ([BnNEt3](2)MoS4) in a sequential, one-pot, multistep reaction. The tolerance of multifarious protecting groups under the reaction conditions is discussed. The methodology was successfully extended to the synthesis of selenocystine,3,3'-dialkylselenocystine, and 3,3'-diphenylisoselenocystine and their direct incorporation into peptides.


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In this paper we give a generalized predictor-corrector algorithm for solving ordinary differential equations with specified initial values. The method uses multiple correction steps which can be carried out in parallel with a prediction step. The proposed method gives a larger stability interval compared to the existing parallel predictor-corrector methods. A method has been suggested to implement the algorithm in multiple processor systems with efficient utilization of all the processors.


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Sequential transformation in a family of metal-organic framework compounds has been investigated employing both a solid-state as well as a solution mediated route. The compounds, cobalt oxy-bis(benzoate) and manganese oxybis(benzoate) having a two-dimensional structure, were reacted with bipyridine forming cobalt oxy-bis(benzoate)-4,4'-bipyridine and manganese oxy-bis(benzoate)-4,4'-bipyridine, respectively. The bipyridine containing compounds appear to form sequentially through stable intermediates. For the cobalt system, the transformation from a two-dimensional compound, Co(H2O)(2)(OBA)] (OBA = 4,4'-oxy-bis(benzoate)), I, to two different three-dimensional compounds, Co(bpy)(OBA)]center dot bpy, II, (bpy = 4,4'-bipyridine) and Co(bpy)(0.5)(OBA)], III, and reversibility between II and III have been investigated. In the manganese system, transformation from a two-dimensional compound, Mn(H2O)(2)(OBA)], Ia, to two different three-dimensional compounds, Mn (bpy)(OBA)]center dot bpy, Ha and Ha to Mn(bpy)(0.5)(OBA)], Ilia, has been investigated. It has also been possible to identify intermediate products during these transformation reactions. The possible pathways for the formation of the compounds were postulated.


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Low-power requirements of contemporary sensing technology attract research on alternate power sources that can replace batteries. Energy harvesters absorb ambient energy and function as power sources for sensors and other low-power devices. Piezoelectric bimorphs have been demonstrating the preeminence in converting the mechanical energy in ambient vibrations into electrical energy. Improving the performance of these harvesters is pivotal as the energy in ambient vibrations is innately low. In this paper, we focus on enhancing the performance of piezoelectric harvesters through a multilayer and, in particular, a multistep configuration. Partial coverage of piezoelectric material in steps along the length of a cantilever beam results in a multistep piezoelectric energy harvester. We also discuss obtaining an approximate deformation curve for the beam with multiple steps in a computationally efficient manner. We find that the power generated by a multistep beam is almost 90% more than that by a multilayer harvester made out of the same volume of polyvinylidinefluoride ( PVDF), further corroborated experimentally. Improvements observed in the power generated prove to be a boon for weakly coupled low profile piezoelectric materials. Thus, in spite of the weak piezoelectric coupling observed in PVDF, its energy harvesting capability can be improved significantly using it in a multistep piezoelectric beam configuration.


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Macroporous functionalized. polymer beads of poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-1,4-divinylbenzene) [P(VPy-co-DVB)] were prepared by a multistep polymerization, including a polystyrene (PS) shape template by emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization, linear PS seeds by staged template suspension polymerization, and macroporous functionalized polymer beads of P(VPy-co-DVB) by multistep seeded polymerization. The polymer beads, having a cellular texture, were made of many small, spherical particles. The bead size was 10-50 mum, and the pore size was 0.1-1.5 mum. The polymer beads were used as supports for zirconocene catalysts in ethylene polymerization. They were very different from traditional polymer supports. The polymer beads could be exfoliated to yield many spherical particles dispersed in the resulting polyethylene particles during ethylene polymerization. The influence of the polymer beads on the catalytic behavior of the supported catalyst and morphology of the resulting polyethylene was investigated.


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High order multistep methods, run at constant stepsize, are very effective for integrating the Newtonian solar system for extended periods of time. I have studied the stability and error growth of these methods when applied to harmonic oscillators and two-body systems like the Sun-Jupiter pair. I have also tried to design better multistep integrators than the traditional Stormer and Cowell methods, and I have found a few interesting ones.


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The one-pot synthesis of the fungicide fenpropimorph has been achieved using two different synthetic strategies in an ionic liquid. The first pathway consists of a Heck coupling followed by reductive amination; the second pathway consists of an aldol condensation followed by hydrogenation/reductive amination. Homogeneous and heterogeneous palladium catalysts have been utilised in the ionic liquid to provide a catalyst/solvent system that is suitable for recycling and process optimisation.


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Multistep surface processes involving a number of association reactions and desorption processes may be considered as hypothetical one-step desorption processes. Thus, heterogeneous catalytic reactions can be treated kinetically as consisting of two steps: adsorption and desorption. It is also illustrated that the hypothetical one-step desorption process follows the BEP relation. A volcano curve can be obtained from kinetic analysis by including both adsorption and desorption processes.


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AtsR is a membrane-bound hybrid sensor kinase of Burkholderia cenocepacia that negatively regulates quorum sensing and virulence factors such as biofilm production, type 6-secretion and protease secretion. Here, we elucidate the mechanism of AtsR phosphorelay by site-directed mutagenesis of predicted histidine and aspartic acid phosphoacceptor residues. We demonstrate by in vitro phosphorylation that histidine-245 and aspartic acid-536 are conserved sites of phosphorylation in AtsR, and we also identify the cytosolic response regulator AtsT (BCAM0381) as a key component of the AtsR phosphorelay pathway. Monitoring the function of AtsR and its derivatives in vivo by measuring extracellular protease activity and swarming motility confirmed the in vitro phosphorylation results. Together, we find that the AtsR receiver domain plays a fine-tuning role in determining the levels of phosphotransfer from its sensor kinase domain to the AtsT response regulator.