941 resultados para Multispectral imaging
Identifying QTLs linked to malting and protein levels in barley using multispectral image data.
Understanding tumor vascular dynamics through parameters such as blood flow and oxygenation can yield insight into tumor biology and therapeutic response. Hyperspectral microscopy enables optical detection of hemoglobin saturation or blood velocity by either acquiring multiple images that are spectrally distinct or by rapid acquisition at a single wavelength over time. However, the serial acquisition of spectral images over time prevents the ability to monitor rapid changes in vascular dynamics and cannot monitor concurrent changes in oxygenation and flow rate. Here, we introduce snap shot-multispectral imaging (SS-MSI) for use in imaging the microvasculature in mouse dorsal-window chambers. By spatially multiplexing spectral information into a single-image capture, simultaneous acquisition of dynamic hemoglobin saturation and blood flow over time is achieved down to the capillary level and provides an improved optical tool for monitoring rapid in vivo vascular dynamics.
In current industrial environments there is an increasing need for practical and inexpensive quality control systems to detect the foreign food materials in powder food processing lines. This demand is especially important for the detection of product adulteration with traces of highly allergenic products, such as peanuts and tree nuts. Manufacturing industries dealing with the processing of multiple powder food products present a substantial risk for the contamination of powder foods with traces of tree nuts and other adulterants, which might result in unintentional ingestion of nuts by the sensitised population. Hence, the need for an in-line system to detect nut traces at the early stages of food manufacturing is of crucial importance. In this present work, a feasibility study of a spectral index for revealing adulteration of tree nut and peanut traces in wheat flour samples with hyperspectral images is reported. The main nuts responsible for allergenic reactions considered in this work were peanut, hazelnut and walnut. Enhanced contrast between nuts and wheat flour was obtained after the application of the index. Furthermore, the segmentation of these images by selecting different thresholds for different nut and flour mixtures allowed the identification of nut traces in the samples. Pixels identified as nuts were counted and compared with the actual percentage of peanut adulteration. As a result, the multispectral system was able to detect and provide good visualisation of tree nut and peanut trace levels down to 0.01% by weight. In this context, multispectral imaging could operate in conjuction with chemical procedures, such as Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay to save time, money and skilled labour on product quality control. This approach could enable not only a few selected samples to be assessed but also to extensively incorporate quality control surveyance on product processing lines.
In current industrial environments there is an increasing need for practical and inexpensive quality control systems to detect the foreign food materials in powder food processing lines. This demand is especially important for the detection of product adulteration with traces of highly allergenic products, such as peanuts and tree nuts. Manufacturing industries dealing with the processing of multiple powder food products present a substantial risk for the contamination of powder foods with traces of tree nuts and other adulterants, which might result in unintentional ingestion of nuts by the sensitised population. Hence, the need for an in-line system to detect nut traces at the early stages of food manufacturing is of crucial importance. In this present work, a feasibility study of a spectral index for revealing adulteration of tree nut and peanut traces in wheat flour samples with hyperspectral images is reported. The main nuts responsible for allergenic reactions considered in this work were peanut, hazelnut and walnut. Enhanced contrast between nuts and wheat flour was obtained after the application of the index. Furthermore, the segmentation of these images by selecting different thresholds for different nut and flour mixtures allowed the identification of nut traces in the samples. Pixels identified as nuts were counted and with the actual percentage of peanut adulteration. As a result, the multispectral system was able to detect and provide good visualisation of tree nut and peanut trace levels down to 0.01% by weight. In this context, multispectral imaging could operate in conjuction with chemical procedures, such as Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay to save time, money and skilled labour on product quality control. This approach could enable not only a few selected samples to be assessed but also to extensively incorporate quality control surveyance on product processing lines.
We present an imaging system based on light emitting diode (LED) illumination that produces multispectral optical images of the human ocular fundus. It uses a conventional fundus camera equipped with a high power LED light source and a highly sensitive electron-multiplying charge coupled device camera. It is able to take pictures at a series of wavelengths in rapid succession at short exposure times, thereby eliminating the image shift introduced by natural eye movements (saccades). In contrast with snapshot systems the images retain full spatial resolution. The system is not suitable for applications where the full spectral resolution is required as it uses discrete wavebands for illumination. This is not a problem in retinal imaging where the use of selected wavelengths is common. The modular nature of the light source allows new wavelengths to be introduced easily and at low cost. The use of wavelength-specific LEDs as a source is preferable to white light illumination and subsequent filtering of the remitted light as it minimizes the total light exposure of the subject. The system is controlled via a graphical user interface that enables flexible control of intensity, duration, and sequencing of sources in synchrony with the camera. Our initial experiments indicate that the system can acquire multispectral image sequences of the human retina at exposure times of 0.05 s in the range of 500-620 nm with mean signal to noise ratio of 17 dB (min 11, std 4.5), making it suitable for quantitative analysis with application to the diagnosis and screening of eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.
This thesis describes the application of multispectral imaging to several novel oximetry applications. Chapter 1 motivates optical microvascular oximetry, outlines oxygen transport in the body, describes the theory of oximetry, and describes the challenges associated with in vivo oximetry, in particular imaging through tissue. Chapter 2 reviews various imaging techniques for quantitative in vivo oximetry of the microvasculature, including multispectral and hyperspectral imaging, photoacoustic imaging, optical coherence tomography, and laser speckle techniques. Chapter 3 describes a two-wavelength oximetry study of two microvascular beds in the anterior segment of the eye: the bulbar conjunctival and episcleral microvasculature. This study reveals previously unseen oxygen diffusion from ambient air into the bulbar conjunctival microvasculature, altering the oxygen saturation of the bulbar conjunctiva. The response of the bulbar conjunctival and episcleral microvascular beds to acute mild hypoxia is quantified and the rate at which oxygen diffuses into bulbar conjunctival vessels is measured. Chapter 4 describes the development and application of a highly novel non-invasive retinal angiography technique: Oximetric Ratio Contrast Angiography (ORCA). ORCA requires only multispectral imaging and a small perturbation of blood oxygen saturation to produce angiographic sequences. A pilot study of ORCA in human subjects was conducted. This study demonstrates that ORCA can produce angiographic sequences with features such as sequential vessel filling and laminar flow. The application and challenges of ORCA are discussed, with emphasis on comparison with other angiography techniques, such as fluorescein angiography. Chapter 5 describes the development of a multispectral microscope for oximetry in the spinal cord dorsal vein of rats. Measurements of blood oxygen saturation are made in the dorsal vein of both healthy rats, and in rats with the Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) disease model of multiple sclerosis. The venous blood oxygen saturation of EAE disease model rats was found to be significantly lower than that of healthy controls, indicating increased oxygen uptake from blood in the EAE disease model of multiple sclerosis. Chapter 6 describes the development of video-rate red eye oximetry; a technique which could enable stand-off oximetry of the blood-supply of the eye with high temporal resolution. The various challenges associated with video-rate red eye oximetry are investigated and their influence quantified. The eventual aim of this research is to track circulating deoxygenation perturbations as they arrive in both eyes, which could provide a screening method for carotid artery stenosis, which is major risk-factor for stroke. However, due to time constraints, it was not possible to thoroughly investigate if video-rate red eye can detect such perturbations. Directions and recommendations for future research are outlined.
Development of multi-rotor localised surveillance using multi-spectral sensors for plant biosecurity
This report describes a proof of concept for multi-rotor localised surveillance using a multi-spectral sensor for plant biosecurity applications. A literature review was conducted on previous applications using airborne multispectral imaging for plant biosecurity purposes. A ready built platform was purchased and modified in order to fit and provide suitable clearance for a Tetracam Mini-MCA multispectral camera. The appropriate risk management documents were developed allowing the platform and the multi-spectral camera to be tested extensively. However, due to technical difficulties with the platform the Mini- MCA was not mounted to the platform. Once a suitable platform is developed, future extensions can be conducted into the suitability of the Mini-MCA for airborne surveillance of Australian crops.
Somente no ano de 2011 foram adquiridos mais de 1.000TB de novos registros digitais de imagem advindos de Sensoriamento Remoto orbital. Tal gama de registros, que possui uma progressão geométrica crescente, é adicionada, anualmente, a incrível e extraordinária massa de dados de imagens orbitais já existentes da superfície da Terra (adquiridos desde a década de 70 do século passado). Esta quantidade maciça de registros, onde a grande maioria sequer foi processada, requer ferramentas computacionais que permitam o reconhecimento automático de padrões de imagem desejados, de modo a permitir a extração dos objetos geográficos e de alvos de interesse, de forma mais rápida e concisa. A proposta de tal reconhecimento ser realizado automaticamente por meio da integração de técnicas de Análise Espectral e de Inteligência Computacional com base no Conhecimento adquirido por especialista em imagem foi implementada na forma de um integrador com base nas técnicas de Redes Neurais Computacionais (ou Artificiais) (através do Mapa de Características Auto- Organizáveis de Kohonen SOFM) e de Lógica Difusa ou Fuzzy (através de Mamdani). Estas foram aplicadas às assinaturas espectrais de cada padrão de interesse, formadas pelos níveis de quantização ou níveis de cinza do respectivo padrão em cada uma das bandas espectrais, de forma que a classificação dos padrões irá depender, de forma indissociável, da correlação das assinaturas espectrais nas seis bandas do sensor, tal qual o trabalho dos especialistas em imagens. Foram utilizadas as bandas 1 a 5 e 7 do satélite LANDSAT-5 para a determinação de cinco classes/alvos de interesse da cobertura e ocupação terrestre em três recortes da área-teste, situados no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Guaratiba, Mangaratiba e Magé) nesta integração, com confrontação dos resultados obtidos com aqueles derivados da interpretação da especialista em imagens, a qual foi corroborada através de verificação da verdade terrestre. Houve também a comparação dos resultados obtidos no integrador com dois sistemas computacionais comerciais (IDRISI Taiga e ENVI 4.8), no que tange a qualidade da classificação (índice Kappa) e tempo de resposta. O integrador, com classificações híbridas (supervisionadas e não supervisionadas) em sua implementação, provou ser eficaz no reconhecimento automático (não supervisionado) de padrões multiespectrais e no aprendizado destes padrões, pois para cada uma das entradas dos recortes da área-teste, menor foi o aprendizado necessário para sua classificação alcançar um acerto médio final de 87%, frente às classificações da especialista em imagem. A sua eficácia também foi comprovada frente aos sistemas computacionais testados, com índice Kappa médio de 0,86.
La texture est un élément clé pour l’interprétation des images de télédétection à fine résolution spatiale. L’intégration de l’information texturale dans un processus de classification automatisée des images se fait habituellement via des images de texture, souvent créées par le calcul de matrices de co-occurrences (MCO) des niveaux de gris. Une MCO est un histogramme des fréquences d’occurrence des paires de valeurs de pixels présentes dans les fenêtres locales, associées à tous les pixels de l’image utilisée; une paire de pixels étant définie selon un pas et une orientation donnés. Les MCO permettent le calcul de plus d’une dizaine de paramètres décrivant, de diverses manières, la distribution des fréquences, créant ainsi autant d’images texturales distinctes. L’approche de mesure des textures par MCO a été appliquée principalement sur des images de télédétection monochromes (ex. images panchromatiques, images radar monofréquence et monopolarisation). En imagerie multispectrale, une unique bande spectrale, parmi celles disponibles, est habituellement choisie pour générer des images de texture. La question que nous avons posée dans cette recherche concerne justement cette utilisation restreinte de l’information texturale dans le cas des images multispectrales. En fait, l’effet visuel d’une texture est créé, non seulement par l’agencement particulier d’objets/pixels de brillance différente, mais aussi de couleur différente. Plusieurs façons sont proposées dans la littérature pour introduire cette idée de la texture à plusieurs dimensions. Parmi celles-ci, deux en particulier nous ont intéressés dans cette recherche. La première façon fait appel aux MCO calculées bande par bande spectrale et la seconde utilise les MCO généralisées impliquant deux bandes spectrales à la fois. Dans ce dernier cas, le procédé consiste en le calcul des fréquences d’occurrence des paires de valeurs dans deux bandes spectrales différentes. Cela permet, en un seul traitement, la prise en compte dans une large mesure de la « couleur » des éléments de texture. Ces deux approches font partie des techniques dites intégratives. Pour les distinguer, nous les avons appelées dans cet ouvrage respectivement « textures grises » et « textures couleurs ». Notre recherche se présente donc comme une analyse comparative des possibilités offertes par l’application de ces deux types de signatures texturales dans le cas spécifique d’une cartographie automatisée des occupations de sol à partir d’une image multispectrale. Une signature texturale d’un objet ou d’une classe d’objets, par analogie aux signatures spectrales, est constituée d’une série de paramètres de texture mesurés sur une bande spectrale à la fois (textures grises) ou une paire de bandes spectrales à la fois (textures couleurs). Cette recherche visait non seulement à comparer les deux approches intégratives, mais aussi à identifier la composition des signatures texturales des classes d’occupation du sol favorisant leur différentiation : type de paramètres de texture / taille de la fenêtre de calcul / bandes spectrales ou combinaisons de bandes spectrales. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi un site à l’intérieur du territoire de la Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal (Longueuil) composé d’une mosaïque d’occupations du sol, caractéristique d’une zone semi urbaine (résidentiel, industriel/commercial, boisés, agriculture, plans d’eau…). Une image du satellite SPOT-5 (4 bandes spectrales) de 10 m de résolution spatiale a été utilisée dans cette recherche. Puisqu’une infinité d’images de texture peuvent être créées en faisant varier les paramètres de calcul des MCO et afin de mieux circonscrire notre problème nous avons décidé, en tenant compte des études publiées dans ce domaine : a) de faire varier la fenêtre de calcul de 3*3 pixels à 21*21 pixels tout en fixant le pas et l’orientation pour former les paires de pixels à (1,1), c'est-à-dire à un pas d’un pixel et une orientation de 135°; b) de limiter les analyses des MCO à huit paramètres de texture (contraste, corrélation, écart-type, énergie, entropie, homogénéité, moyenne, probabilité maximale), qui sont tous calculables par la méthode rapide de Unser, une approximation des matrices de co-occurrences, c) de former les deux signatures texturales par le même nombre d’éléments choisis d’après une analyse de la séparabilité (distance de Bhattacharya) des classes d’occupation du sol; et d) d’analyser les résultats de classification (matrices de confusion, exactitudes, coefficients Kappa) par maximum de vraisemblance pour conclure sur le potentiel des deux approches intégratives; les classes d’occupation du sol à reconnaître étaient : résidentielle basse et haute densité, commerciale/industrielle, agricole, boisés, surfaces gazonnées (incluant les golfs) et plans d’eau. Nos principales conclusions sont les suivantes a) à l’exception de la probabilité maximale, tous les autres paramètres de texture sont utiles dans la formation des signatures texturales; moyenne et écart type sont les plus utiles dans la formation des textures grises tandis que contraste et corrélation, dans le cas des textures couleurs, b) l’exactitude globale de la classification atteint un score acceptable (85%) seulement dans le cas des signatures texturales couleurs; c’est une amélioration importante par rapport aux classifications basées uniquement sur les signatures spectrales des classes d’occupation du sol dont le score est souvent situé aux alentours de 75%; ce score est atteint avec des fenêtres de calcul aux alentours de11*11 à 15*15 pixels; c) Les signatures texturales couleurs offrant des scores supérieurs à ceux obtenus avec les signatures grises de 5% à 10%; et ce avec des petites fenêtres de calcul (5*5, 7*7 et occasionnellement 9*9) d) Pour plusieurs classes d’occupation du sol prises individuellement, l’exactitude dépasse les 90% pour les deux types de signatures texturales; e) une seule classe est mieux séparable du reste par les textures grises, celle de l’agricole; f) les classes créant beaucoup de confusions, ce qui explique en grande partie le score global de la classification de 85%, sont les deux classes du résidentiel (haute et basse densité). En conclusion, nous pouvons dire que l’approche intégrative par textures couleurs d’une image multispectrale de 10 m de résolution spatiale offre un plus grand potentiel pour la cartographie des occupations du sol que l’approche intégrative par textures grises. Pour plusieurs classes d’occupations du sol un gain appréciable en temps de calcul des paramètres de texture peut être obtenu par l’utilisation des petites fenêtres de traitement. Des améliorations importantes sont escomptées pour atteindre des exactitudes de classification de 90% et plus par l’utilisation des fenêtres de calcul de taille variable adaptées à chaque type d’occupation du sol. Une méthode de classification hiérarchique pourrait être alors utilisée afin de séparer les classes recherchées une à la fois par rapport au reste au lieu d’une classification globale où l’intégration des paramètres calculés avec des fenêtres de taille variable conduirait inévitablement à des confusions entre classes.
The resolution of remotely sensed data is becoming increasingly fine, and there are now many sources of data with a pixel size of 1 m x 1 m. This produces huge amounts of data that have to be stored, processed and transmitted. For environmental applications this resolution possibly provides far more data than are needed: data overload. This poses the question: how much is too much? We have explored two resolutions of data-20 in pixel SPOT data and I in pixel Computerized Airborne Multispectral Imaging System (CAMIS) data from Fort A. P. Hill (Virginia, USA), using the variogram of geostatistics. For both we used the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Three scales of spatial variation were identified in both the SPOT and 1 in data: there was some overlap at the intermediate spatial scales of about 150 in and of 500 m-600 in. We subsampled the I in data and scales of variation of about 30 in and of 300 in were identified consistently until the separation between pixel centroids was 15 in (or 1 in 225pixels). At this stage, spatial scales of about 100m and 600m were described, which suggested that only now was there a real difference in the amount of spatial information available from an environmental perspective. These latter were similar spatial scales to those identified from the SPOT image. We have also analysed I in CAMIS data from Fort Story (Virginia, USA) for comparison and the outcome is similar.:From these analyses it seems that a pixel size of 20m is adequate for many environmental applications, and that if more detail is required the higher resolution data could be sub-sampled to a 10m separation between pixel centroids without any serious loss of information. This reduces significantly the amount of data that needs to be stored, transmitted and analysed and has important implications for data compression.
Increasing consumer dissatisfaction related with lack of ripeness in peach has been repeatedly reported since 1990 to the present day. There is thus, a great interest in improving the assessment of peach maturity, currently based on Magness Taylor firmness (destructive, highly variable, and time consuming) and colour (not reliable for highly coloured varieties). The present research studies as an alternative several non-destructive (ND) measurements, based on multispectral imaging, visible spectra, and low mass impact response. Their relationship with maturity, as well as the potential of their combination was studied. As a result, two rather independent (R2 = 0.3) groups of non-destructive measurements, chlorophyll related optical indexes and low mass impact (LMI) measurements, were identified. Optical measurements showed the best behaviour for assessing maturity at harvest, while LMI measurements reflected handling incidences, showing a promising potential to be used to control transport and postharvest handling.
Mode of access: Internet.
Purpose: To quantify the uncertainties of carotid plaque morphology reconstruction based on patient-specific multispectral in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and their impacts on the plaque stress analysis. Materials and Methods: In this study, three independent investigators were invited to reconstruct the carotid bifurcation with plaque based on MR images from two subjects to study the geometry reconstruction reproducibility. Finite element stress analyses were performed on the carotid bifurcations, as well as the models with artificially modified plaque geometries to mimic the image segmentation uncertainties, to study the impacts of the uncertainties to the stress prediction. Results: Plaque reconstruction reproducibility was generally high in the study. The uncertainties among interobservers are around one or the subpixel level. It also shows that the predicted stress is relatively less sensitive to the arterial wall segmentation uncertainties, and more affected by the accuracy of lipid region definition. For a model with lipid core region artificially increased by adding one pixel on the lipid region boundary, it will significantly increase the maximum Von Mises Stress in fibrous cap (>100%) compared with the baseline model for all subjects. Conclusion: The current in vivo MRI in the carotid plaque could provide useful and reliable information for plaque morphology. The accuracy of stress analysis based on plaque geometry is subject to MRI quality. The improved resolution/quality in plaque imaging with newly developed MRI protocols would generate more realistic stress predictions.
Purpose-To develop a non-invasive method for quantification of blood and pigment distributions across the posterior pole of the fundus from multispectral images using a computer-generated reflectance model of the fundus. Methods - A computer model was developed to simulate light interaction with the fundus at different wavelengths. The distribution of macular pigment (MP) and retinal haemoglobins in the fundus was obtained by comparing the model predictions with multispectral image data at each pixel. Fundus images were acquired from 16 healthy subjects from various ethnic backgrounds and parametric maps showing the distribution of MP and of retinal haemoglobins throughout the posterior pole were computed. Results - The relative distributions of MP and retinal haemoglobins in the subjects were successfully derived from multispectral images acquired at wavelengths 507, 525, 552, 585, 596, and 611?nm, providing certain conditions were met and eye movement between exposures was minimal. Recovery of other fundus pigments was not feasible and further development of the imaging technique and refinement of the software are necessary to understand the full potential of multispectral retinal image analysis. Conclusion - The distributions of MP and retinal haemoglobins obtained in this preliminary investigation are in good agreement with published data on normal subjects. The ongoing development of the imaging system should allow for absolute parameter values to be computed. A further study will investigate subjects with known pathologies to determine the effectiveness of the method as a screening and diagnostic tool.
We have developed a real-time imaging method for two-color wide-field fluorescence microscopy using a combined approach that integrates multi-spectral imaging and Bayesian image reconstruction technique. To enable simultaneous observation of two dyes (primary and secondary), we exploit their spectral properties that allow parallel recording in both the channels. The key advantage of this technique is the use of a single wavelength of light to excite both the primary dye and the secondary dye. The primary and secondary dyes respectively give rise to fluorescence and bleed-through signal, which after normalization were merged to obtain two-color 3D images. To realize real-time imaging, we employed maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum a posteriori (MAP) techniques on a high-performance computing platform (GPU). The results show two-fold improvement in contrast while the signal-to-background ratio (SBR) is improved by a factor of 4. We report a speed boost of 52 and 350 for 2D and 3D images respectively. Using this system, we have studied the real-time protein aggregation in yeast cells and HeLa cells that exhibits dot-like protein distribution. The proposed technique has the ability to temporally resolve rapidly occurring biological events.