983 resultados para Multiple uses
The jatropha plant produces seeds containing 25–40% oil by weight. This oil can be made into biodiesel. During the recent global fuel crisis, the price of crude oil peaked at over USD 130 per barrel. Jatropha attracted huge interest – it was touted as a wonder crop that could generate biodiesel oil on “marginal lands” in semi-arid areas. Its promise appeared especially great in East Africa. Today, however, jatropha’s value in East Africa appears to lie primarily in its multipurpose use by small-scale farmers, not in large-scale biofuel production.
This article aims to study the uses of print, especially the Letters on Dancing and Ballets by Jean-Georges Noverre, throughout the emergence of pantomime ballet in the late eighteenth century. Noverre’s discourse is directly associated with a project to revitalize the art of dance. In this sense, books as an object are not only a support for the new aesthetic discourse, but a tool with multiple uses. It simultaneously seeks to modify the spectator’s view of the scene, legitimize the success of the new theatrical genre and value the ballet master profession.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica
Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Sciences
This study investigates the role of human agency in the gene flow and geographical distribution of the Australian baobab, Adansonia gregorii. The genus Adansonia is a charismatic tree endemic to Africa, Madagascar, and northwest Australia that has long been valued by humans for its multiple uses. The distribution of genetic variation in baobabs in Africa has been partially attributed to human-mediated dispersal over millennia, but this relationship has never been investigated for the Australian species. We combined genetic and linguistic data to analyse geographic patterns of gene flow and movement of word-forms for A. gregorii in the Aboriginal languages of northwest Australia. Comprehensive assessment of genetic diversity showed weak geographic structure and high gene flow. Of potential dispersal vectors, humans were identified as most likely to have enabled gene flow across biogeographic barriers in northwest Australia. Genetic-linguistic analysis demonstrated congruence of gene flow patterns and directional movement of Aboriginal loanwords for A. gregorii. These findings, along with previous archaeobotanical evidence from the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, suggest that ancient humans significantly influenced the geographic distribution of Adansonia in northwest Australia.
This is a description of the new species Mycovellosiella robsii, a cercosporoidal hyphomycete, associated with leaf spots on Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, an important hedge plant with multiple uses in Brazil. The new species was compared to other cercosporoid species associated with plants of the genus Mimosa and other species of the genus Mycovellosiella described on legumes, and is recognized as a distinct taxon. Koch's postulates were carried out and the disease was reproduced by inoculating healthy plants with mycelial suspension or disk, confirming the pathogenicity. This is the first report of a fungal disease on this host.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Currency is something people deal with every day in their lives. The contemporary society is very much revolving around currencies. Even though technological development has been rapid, the principle of currency has stayed relatively unchanged for a long time. Bitcoin is a digital currency that introduced an alternative to other digital currencies, and to the traditional physical currencies. Bitcoin is peer-to-peer, open source, and it erases the need of a third party in transactions. Bitcoin has since inception gained certain fame, but it has not established itself as a common currency in the world. The purpose of this study was to analyse what kind of potential does Bitcoin have to become a widely accepted currency in day-to-day transactions. The main research question was divided into three sub questions: • What kind of a process is the diffusion of new innovations? • What kinds of factors speak for the wider adoption of Bitcoin? • What kinds of factors speak against the wider adoption of Bitcoin? The purpose of the study was approached by having diffusion of innovations as the theoretical framework. The four elements in diffusion of innovations are, innovation, communication, time, and social system. The theoretical framework is applied to Bitcoin, and the research questions answered by analysing Bitcoin’s potential diffusion prospects. The body of research data consisted of media texts and statistics. In this study, content analysis was the research method. The main findings of the study are that Bitcoin has clear strengths, but it faces a large amount of uncertainty. Bitcoin’s strong areas are the transactions. They are fast, easy, and cheap. From the innovation diffusion perspective Bitcoin is still relatively unknown, and the general public’s attitudes towards it are sceptical. The research findings purport that Bitcoin has potential demand especially when the financial system of a region is dysfunctional, or when there is a financial crisis. Bitcoin is not very trusted, and the majority of people do not see a reason to start using Bitcoin in the future. A large number of people associate it with illegal activities. In general people are largely unaware of what Bitcoin is or what are the strengths and weaknesses. Bitcoin is an innovative alternative currency. However, unless people see a major need for Bitcoin due to a financial crisis, or dysfunctionality in the financial system, Bitcoin will not become much more widespread as it is today. Bitcoin’s underlying technology can be harnessed to multiple uses. Developments in that field in the future are something that future researchers could look into.
Ciblant la réduction des inégalités sociales de santé, le Québec a établi une stratégie de soutien au développement des communautés en santé publique. Or, un usage ambigu du terme de « communauté » est identifiable dans les documents officiels de santé publique au Québec, ce qui pose des questions d’équité et de justice sociale. D'abord, cette imprécision permet mal l’application du soutien au développement des communautés et laisse présager la même difficulté quant à l’objectif de réduction des inégalités sociales de santé qui s’y rattache. Aussi, cette situation pose un problème d’équité, puisqu’elle mène difficilement à la justification des choix des communautés qui seront soutenues pour leur développement. Le premier Chapitre de ce mémoire confirme alors l’hypothèse selon laquelle on ne s’efforce pas suffisamment pour rendre compréhensible la notion de « communauté » en santé publique, à l’aide d’une analyse de contenu des documents de santé publique québécois. Le deuxième chapitre explore diverses compréhensions du terme à travers les sciences sociales. On propose alors la typologie de Vibert pour démontrer la richesse sociohistorique du concept de « communauté » et ses enjeux et pour permettre d’éclairer les professionnels de santé quant aux choix des communautés qu’ils soutiendront dans leur pratique. Enfin, si plusieurs acceptations du terme de « communauté » sont justifiables en santé publique, alors sous quels critères sont sélectionnées les communautés soutenues? Le troisième chapitre y réfléchit, en s’appuyant sur le modèle de justice procédurale développé par Daniels et Sabin pour répondre équitablement aux désaccords liés aux rationnements en santé.
This study was conducted in 2010 in Eastern Nuba Mountains, Sudan to investigate ethnobotanical food and non-food uses of 16 wild edible fruit producing trees. Quantitative and qualitative information was collected from 105 individuals distributed in 7 villages using a semi-structured questionnaire. Also gathering of data was done using a number of rapid rural appraisal techniques, including key informant interviews, group discussion, secondary data sources and direct observations. Data was analysed using fidelity level and informant consensus factor methods to reveal the cultural importance of species and use category. Utilizations for timber products were found of most community importance than food usages, especially during cultivated food abundance. Balanites aegyptiaca, Ziziphus spina-christi and Tamarindus indica fruits were asserted as most preferable over the others and of high marketability in most of the study sites. Harvesting for timber-based utilizations in addition to agricultural expansion and overgrazing were the principal threats to wild edible food producing trees in the area. The on and off prevailing armed conflict in the area make it crucial to conserve wild food trees which usually play a more significant role in securing food supply during emergency times, especially in times of famine and wars. Increasing the awareness of population on importance of wild food trees and securing alternative income sources, other than wood products, is necessary in any rural development programme aiming at securing food and sustaining its resources in the area.
Pinheiros River (Brazil) plays a pivotal role in supplying water to Billings Reservoir, which presents multiple uses (human drinking, energy generation, irrigation, navigation, fishing and leisure) An intense monitoring program was performed during the years 2007 and 2008 to find out whether on site flotation is a feasible solution or not for improving the water quality of this urban river, attenuating the pollutants load caused by the water pumping to the reservoir (approximately 10 m(3)s(-1)) The monitoring of 18 variables (13,429 laboratorial analysis during the period of 490 days), suggested that despite the convenience of the on site approach for water treatment, especially for rivers located in fully urbanized areas, the flotation system is not enough itself to recover Pinheiros River water quality, given the several constraints that apply Total phosphorus removal was high in percentage terms (about 90%), although the remaining concentrations were not so low (mean of 0 05 mg L(-1)) The removal efficiency of some variables was insufficient, leading to high final mean concentrations of metals [e g aluminium (0 29 mg L(-1)), chromium (0 02 mg L(-1)) and iron (1 1 mg L(-1))] as well as nitrogen-ammonia (25 8 mg L(-1)) and total suspended solids (18 mg L(-1)) in the treated water
Background, aim and scope Although many recent studies have focused on sediment potential toxicity, few of them were performed in tropical shallow aquatic environments. Those places can suffer short-time variations, especially due to water column circulations generated by changes in temperature and wind. Rio Grande reservoir is such an example; aside from that, it suffers various anthropogenic impacts, despite its multiple uses. Materials and methods This work presents the first screening step for understanding sediment quality from Rio Grande reservoir by comparing metal content using three different sediment quality guidelines. We also aimed at verifying any possible spatial heterogeneity. Results and discussion We found spatial heterogeneity varying according to the specific metal. Results showed a tendency for metals to remain as insoluble as metal sulfide (potentially not bioavailable), since sulfide was in excess and sediment physical-chemical characteristics contribute to sulfide maintenance (low redox potential, neutral pH, low dissolved oxygen, and high organic matter content). On the other hand, metal concentrations were much higher than suggested by Canadian guidelines and regional background values, especially Cu, which raises the risk of metal remobilization in cases of water circulation. Further study steps include the temporal evaluation of AVS/SEM, a battery of bioassays and the characterization of organic compounds.
A água é um bem escasso, com demanda crescente tanto pelo crescimento das populações como pelo maior uso da água pelos novos processos e produtos impostos pelos padrões de conforto e bem estar da vida moderna e na produção de alimentos. Ao mesmo tempo em que aumenta a demanda de água,com seus usos múltiplos, a sua qualidade vem diminuindo pela degradação ambiental. Ouso racional da água deve ser tratado comointeresse público que se traduz na busca sistemática de diminuição dos desperdícios de água. No Brasil existem políticas públicasfederais que incluem esta preocupação, mas que devem ser aprimoradas, pois não exigem uma gestão por desempenho dos operadores dos sistemas de água. O governo local, municipal, tem dupla responsabilidade: como produtor de água, via sistemas públicos de águaecomo grande consumidor, através da rede de sistemas prediais públicos. A gestão dos desperdícios de água é focadono incentivo à cultura da medição, na prática do Balanço Hídrico dos sistemas de água, na gestão do consumo descentralizado nas unidades públicas consumidoras, e incentivos motivacionais para o melhor uso, com ênfase na transparência das informações.
MATOS FILHO, João. A descentralização das Políticas de desenvolvimento rural - uma análise da experiência do Rio Grande do Norte. 2002. 259f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Econômicas)– Instituto de Economia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2002.
The dams are limnic ecosystems of great importance for its multiple uses, among them, water supply for the public and to culture of artisanal fish are most relevant. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the physical-chemical characteristics and the phytoplankton community in two chosen sites (Point 1 littoral zone of point source; Point 2 pelagic zone of non-point source) of the Minister João Alves dam, which is also known as Boqueirão de Parelhas/RN. This represents the spatial distribution of the phytoplankton species in order to understand any possible alterations of the water quality and the phytoplankton composition in relation to the water quality originating from the impact of the tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, culture. The study period also encompasses temporal variations exhibited in two seasons of an annual cycle, one during the dry season (Oct, Nov and Dec of 2008 and Jan of 2009), and the other rainy season (Mar, Apr, May and June of 2008) to extend the observation. The physicalchemical parameters, such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, concentration of dissolved oxygen were measured in situ and the values of the inorganic nutrients (nitrate, ammonium and orto-phosfato) and chlorophyll in the laboratory. The quali-quantitative analyses of the phytoplankton had been carried through sedimentation technique and the enumeration of the random of 400 cells, colonies and filaments counted using Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber. The results of pH varied widely from the acidic to alkaline range with the minimum of 5.8 (± 0.8) and the maximum of 9.2 (± 0.7-0.8), at point 1 and 2. The dissolved oxygen content was higher in the rainy period than that in the dry period. The maximum electrical conductivity was of 1409 μScm-1 in point 1 and 431 minim of μScm-1, in point 2. There was a considerable alteration in the levels of inorganic nutrients such as nitrate-nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen and orthophosphate during the two cycles of study period. Phytoplankton assemblages presented a picture of alternate dominance among species Cyanobacteria, Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The trophic state index diagnosed to the category of mesotrophic, which is based on the values of chlorophyll, total phosphorus and Secchi-disc measurements. The wind driven turbulence of the water column and the fresh inflow of water (flushing and dilution) during rainy season acted as constraint and did-not allow an exaggerated growth of the species of cyanobacteria. On the basis of the present we conclude that the culture of tilapias in cage-culture fails to produce pollution load that could compromise the quality of the water of the dam, probably be due to small dimension of the culture in relation to the size, volume of the water and the reservoir capacity support its own environment