992 resultados para Multiple probability vectors


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Understanding the molecular mechanism of gene condensation is a key component to rationalizing gene delivery phenomena, including functional properties such as the stability of the gene-vector complex and the intracellular release of the gene. In this work, we adopt an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation approach to study the complexation of short strand duplex RNA with four cationic carrier systems of varying charge and surface topology at different charge ratios. At lower charge ratios, polymers bind quite effectively to siRNA, while at high charge ratios, the complexes are saturated and there are free polymers that are unable to associate with RNA. We also observed reduced fluctuations in RNA structures when complexed with multiple polymers in solution as compared to both free siRNA in water and the single polymer complexes. These novel simulations provide a much better understanding of key mechanistic aspects of gene-polycation complexation and thereby advance progress toward rational design of nonviral gene delivery systems.


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To enhance the global search ability of population based incremental learning (PBIL) methods, it is proposed that multiple probability vectors are to be included on available PBIL algorithms. The strategy for updating those probability vectors and the negative learning and mutation operators are thus re-defined correspondingly. Moreover, to strike the best tradeoff between exploration and exploitation searches, an adaptive updating strategy for the learning rate is designed. Numerical examples are reported to demonstrate the pros and cons of the newly implemented algorithm.


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To enhance the global search ability of Population Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) methods, It Is proposed that multiple probability vectors are to be Included on available PBIL algorithms. As a result, the strategy for updating those probability vectors and the negative learning and mutation operators are redefined as reported. Numerical examples are reported to demonstrate the pros and cons of the newly Implemented algorithm. ©2006 IEEE.


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Reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency promises to boost cellular therapy. Most instances of direct reprogramming have been achieved by forced expression of defined exogenous factors using multiple viral vectors. The most used 4 transcription factors, octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4), (sex determining region Y)-box 2 (SOX2), Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4), and v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (C-MYC), can induce pluripotency in mouse and human fibroblasts. Here, we report that forced expression of a new combination of transcription factors (T-cell leukemia/lymphoma protein 1A [TCL-1A], C-MYC, and SOX2) is sufficient to promote the reprogramming of human fibroblasts into pluripotent cells. These 3-factor pluripotent cells are similar to human embryonic stem cells in morphology, in the ability to differentiate into cells of the 3 embryonic layers, and at the level of global gene expression. Induced pluripotent human cells generated by a combination of other factors will be of great help for the understanding of reprogramming pathways. This, in turn, will allow us to better control cell-fate and apply this knowledge to cell therapy.


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Exam questions and solutions in LaTex. Diagrams for the questions are all together in the support.zip file, as .eps files


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Exam questions and solutions in PDF


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Exam questions and solutions in LaTex. Diagrams for the questions are all together in the support.zip file, as .eps files


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Exam questions and solutions in PDF


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Aquesta tesi estudia com estimar la distribució de les variables regionalitzades l'espai mostral i l'escala de les quals admeten una estructura d'espai Euclidià. Apliquem el principi del treball en coordenades: triem una base ortonormal, fem estadística sobre les coordenades de les dades, i apliquem els output a la base per tal de recuperar un resultat en el mateix espai original. Aplicant-ho a les variables regionalitzades, obtenim una aproximació única consistent, que generalitza les conegudes propietats de les tècniques de kriging a diversos espais mostrals: dades reals, positives o composicionals (vectors de components positives amb suma constant) són tractades com casos particulars. D'aquesta manera, es generalitza la geostadística lineal, i s'ofereix solucions a coneguts problemes de la no-lineal, tot adaptant la mesura i els criteris de representativitat (i.e., mitjanes) a les dades tractades. L'estimador per a dades positives coincideix amb una mitjana geomètrica ponderada, equivalent a l'estimació de la mediana, sense cap dels problemes del clàssic kriging lognormal. El cas composicional ofereix solucions equivalents, però a més permet estimar vectors de probabilitat multinomial. Amb una aproximació bayesiana preliminar, el kriging de composicions esdevé també una alternativa consistent al kriging indicador. Aquesta tècnica s'empra per estimar funcions de probabilitat de variables qualsevol, malgrat que sovint ofereix estimacions negatives, cosa que s'evita amb l'alternativa proposada. La utilitat d'aquest conjunt de tècniques es comprova estudiant la contaminació per amoníac a una estació de control automàtic de la qualitat de l'aigua de la conca de la Tordera, i es conclou que només fent servir les tècniques proposades hom pot detectar en quins instants l'amoni es transforma en amoníac en una concentració superior a la legalment permesa.


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This work aims at combining the Chaos theory postulates and Artificial Neural Networks classification and predictive capability, in the field of financial time series prediction. Chaos theory, provides valuable qualitative and quantitative tools to decide on the predictability of a chaotic system. Quantitative measurements based on Chaos theory, are used, to decide a-priori whether a time series, or a portion of a time series is predictable, while Chaos theory based qualitative tools are used to provide further observations and analysis on the predictability, in cases where measurements provide negative answers. Phase space reconstruction is achieved by time delay embedding resulting in multiple embedded vectors. The cognitive approach suggested, is inspired by the capability of some chartists to predict the direction of an index by looking at the price time series. Thus, in this work, the calculation of the embedding dimension and the separation, in Takens‘ embedding theorem for phase space reconstruction, is not limited to False Nearest Neighbor, Differential Entropy or other specific method, rather, this work is interested in all embedding dimensions and separations that are regarded as different ways of looking at a time series by different chartists, based on their expectations. Prior to the prediction, the embedded vectors of the phase space are classified with Fuzzy-ART, then, for each class a back propagation Neural Network is trained to predict the last element of each vector, whereas all previous elements of a vector are used as features.


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La costante ricerca e lo sviluppo nel campo degli azionamenti e dei motori elettrici hanno portato ad una loro sempre maggiore applicazione ed utilizzo. Tuttavia, la crescente esigenza di sistemi ad alta potenza sempre più performanti da una parte ha evidenziato i limiti di certe soluzioni, dall’altra l’affermarsi di altre. In questi sistemi, infatti, la macchina elettrica trifase non rappresenta più l’unica soluzione possibile: negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad una sempre maggiore diffusione di macchine elettriche multifase. Grazie alle maggiori potenzialità che sono in grado di offrire, per quanto alcune di queste siano ancora sconosciute, risultano già essere una valida alternativa rispetto alla tradizionale controparte trifase. Sicuramente però, fra le varie architetture multifase, quelle multi-trifase (ovvero quelle con un numero di fasi multiplo di tre) rappresentano una soluzione particolarmente vantaggiosa in ambito industriale. Infatti, se impiegate all’interno di architetture multifase, la profonda conoscenza dei tradizionali sistemi trifase consente di ridurre i costi ed i tempi legati alla loro progettazione. In questo elaborato la macchina elettrica multi-trifase analizzata è una macchina sincrona esafase con rotore a magneti permanenti superficiali. Questa particolare tipologia di macchina elettrica può essere modellizzata attraverso due approcci completamente differenti: uno esafase ed uno doppio trifase. Queste possibilità hanno portato molti ricercatori alla ricerca della migliore strategia di controllo per questa macchina. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di effettuare un’analisi comparativa tra tre diverse strategie di controllo applicate alla stessa macchina elettrica multi-trifase, analizzandone la risposta dinamica in diverse condizioni di funzionamento.


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Relative to their pre-engorgement weights, nulliparous Anopheles nuneztovari consumed significantly smaller blood meals than A. marajoara, A. triannulatus or A. aquasalis. When females were deprived of sugar before blood feeding, only one-quarter of A. nuneztovari, but more than two-thirds of A. marajoara, A. triannulatus and A. aquasalis matured eggs. Sugar feeding before blood, or two sucessive blood meals by sugar-deprived females, increased the proportion of nulliparous a. nuneztovari which developed eggs, but not significantly so. Nearly all individuals of nulliparous, sugar-fed A. marajoara, A. triannulatus and A. aquasalis matured eggs after one blood feeding. Among A. nuneztovari, A. marajoara and A. aquasalis that matured some eggs in the laboratory, there were no positive correlations between the number of eggs developed and relative vlood mealsize. However, blood meals larger than the mean size significantly increased the chance that A. nuneztovari would develop some eggs. Mean fecundities of gravid A. nuneztovari and A. marajoara reared in the laboratory were significantly lower than those of the same species captured at human bait in nature. Post-engorgement access to sugar by A. nuneztovari (captured at human bait) did not influence fecundity, but significantly enhanced survivorship and the proporticon of individuals which retained eggs. Release-recapture experiments revealed that relatively small blood meals are typical of A. nuneztovari only during the first gonotrophic cycle. We suggest that multiple blood feeding, seemingly necessary for most A. nuneztovari to develop a first clutch of eggs, may increase the probability of infection with Plasmodium vivax where this mosquito species is a primary vector.


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The effect of multiple immersions on Haemagogus janthinomys , Haemagogus leucocelaenus , Aedes albopictus and Ochlerotatus terrens eggs was studied. Eggs were collected in April, June, October and December of 2011 in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Most of the Aedes and Ochlerotatus eggs hatched upon the first immersion, while Haemagogus eggs showed a varied instalment hatching response. The number of immersions required for hatching increased for eggs collected closer to the dry winter season.


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Abstract The adult rat brain subventricular zone (SVZ) contains proliferative precursors that migrate to the olfactory bulb (OB) and differentiate into mature neurons. Recruitment of precursors constitutes a potential avenue for brain repair. We have investigated the kinetics and cellular specificity of transgene expression mediated by AAV2/1 vectors (i.e., adeno-associated virus type 2 pseudotyped with AAV1 capsid) in the SVZ. Self-complementary (sc) and single-stranded (ss) AAV2/1 vectors mediated efficient GFP expression, respectively, at 17 and 24 hr postinjection. Transgene expression was efficient in all the rapidly proliferating cells types, that is, Mash1(+) precursors (30% of the GFP(+) cells), Dlx2(+) neuronal progenitors (55%), Olig2(+) oligodendrocyte progenitors (35%), and doublecortin-positive (Dcx(+)) migrating cells (40%), but not in the slowly proliferating glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive (GFAP(+)) neural stem cell pool (5%). Because cell cycle arrest by wild-type and recombinant AAV has been described in primary cultures, we examined SVZ proliferative activity after vector injection. Indeed, cell proliferation was reduced immediately after vector injection but was normal after 1 month. In contrast, migration and differentiation of GFP(+) precursors were unaltered. Indeed, the proportion of Dcx(+) cells was similar in the injected and contralateral hemispheres. Furthermore, 1 month after vector injection into the SVZ, GFP(+) cells, found, as expected, in the OB granular cell layer, were mature GABAergic neurons. In conclusion, the rapid and efficient transgene expression in SVZ neural precursors mediated by scAAV2/1 vectors underlines their potential usefulness for brain repair via recruitment of immature cells. The observed transient precursor proliferation inhibition, not affecting their migration and differentiation, will likely not compromise this strategy.


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The resurgence of malaria in highland regions of Africa, Oceania and recently in South America underlines the importance of the study of the ecology of highland mosquito vectors of malaria. Since the incidence of malaria is limited by the distribution of its vectors, the purpose of this PhD thesis was to examine aspects of the ecology of Anopheles mosquitoes in the Andes of Ecuador, South America. A historical literature and archival data review (Chapter 2) indicated that Anopheles pseudopunctipennis transmitted malaria in highland valleys of Ecuador prior to 1950, although it was eliminated through habitat removal and the use of chemical insecticides. Other anopheline species were previously limited to low-altitude regions, except in a few unconfirmed cases. A thorough larval collection effort (n=438 attempted collection sites) in all road-accessible parts of Ecuador except for the lowland Amazon basin was undertaken between 2008 - 2010 (Chapter 3). Larvae were identified morphologically and using molecular techniques (mitochondrial COl gene), and distribution maps indicated that all five species collected (Anopheles albimanus, An. pseudopunctipennis, Anopheles punctimacula, Anopheles oswaldoi s.l. and Anopheles eiseni) were more widespread throughout highland regions than previously recorded during the 1940s, with higher maximum altitudes for all except An. pseudopunctipennis (1541 m, 1930 m, 1906 m, 1233 m and 1873 m, respectively). During larval collections, to characterize species-specific larval habitat, a variety of abiotic and biotic habitat parameters were measured and compared between species-present and species-absent sites using chi-square tests and stepwise binary logistic regression analyses (Chapter 4). An. albimanus was significantly associated with permanent pools with sand substrates and An. pseudopunctipennis with gravel and boulder substrates. Both species were significantly associated with floating cyanobacterial mats and warmer temperatures, which may limit their presence in cooler highland regions. Anopheles punctimacula was collected more often than expected from algae-free, shaded pools with higher-than-average calculated dissolved oxygen. Anopheles oswaldoi s.l., the species occurring on the Amazonian side of the Andes, was associated with permanent, anthropogenic habitats such as roadside ditches and ponds. To address the hypothesis that human land use change is responsible for the emergence of multiple highland Anopheles species by creating larval habitat, common land uses in the western Andes were surveyed for standing water and potential larval habitat suitability (Chapter 5). Rivers and road edges provided large amounts of potentially suitable anopheline habitat in the western Andes, while cattle pasture also created potentially suitable habitat in irrigation canals and watering ponds. Other common land uses surveyed (banana farms, sugarcane plantations, mixed tree plantations, and empty lots) were usually established on steep slopes and had very little standing water present. Using distribution and larval habitat data, a GIS-based larval habitat distribution model for the common western species was constructed in ArcGIS v.l 0 (ESRI 2010) using derived data layers from field measurements and other sources (Chapter 6). The additive model predicted 76.4 - 97.9% of the field-observed collection localities of An. albimanus, An. pseudopunctipennis and An. punctimacula, although it could not accurately distinguish between species-absent and speciespresent sites due to its coarse scale. The model predicted distributional expansion and/or shift of one or more anopheline species into the following highland valleys with climate warming: Mira/Chota, Imbabura province, Tumbaco, Pichincha province, Pallatanga and Sibambe, Chimborazo province, and Yungilla, Azuay province. These valleys may serve as targeted sites of future monitoring to prevent highland epidemics of malaria. The human perceptions of malaria and mosquitoes in relation to land management practices were assessed through an interview-based survey (n=262) in both highlands and lowlands, of male and female land owners and managers of five property types (Chapter 7). Although respondents had a strong understanding of where the disease occurs in their own country and of the basic relationship among standing water, mosquitoes and malaria, about half of respondents in potential risk areas denied the current possibility of malaria infection on their own property. As well, about half of respondents with potential anopheline larval habitat did not report its presence, likely due to a highly specific definition of suitable mosquito habitat. Most respondents who are considered at risk of malaria currently use at least one type of mosquito bite prevention, most commonly bed nets. In conclusion, this interdisciplinary thesis examines the occurrence of Anopheles species in the lowland transition area and highlands in Ecuador, from a historic, geographic, ecological and sociological perspective.