991 resultados para Multilevel governance


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The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops in the EU is highly harmonised, but with persisting conflicts over authority. The Commission responded to internal and external pressures with a more flexible approach to coexistence, a proposed opt-out clause and a promise to review the existing EU GM regime, providing an opportunity to consider and suggest paths of development. This article considers the post-authorisation policy-making powers of Member States and subnational regions, in light of subsidiarity-based multilevel governance. It considers the different approaches to risk-centred issues and more general policy choices. Overall, the developments occurring at the EU level are strengthening subsidiarity-based multilevel governance within the GM cultivation regime, but with significant opportunities to improve it further through focussing on the complementary powers, coordination and the regional levels in particular.


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Food policy is one the most regulated policy fields at the EU level. ‘Unholy alliances’ are collaborative patterns that temporarily bring together antagonistic stakeholders behind a common cause. This paper deals with such ‘transversal’ co-operations between citizens’ groups (NGOs, consumers associations…) and economic stakeholders (food industries, retailers…), focusing on their ambitions and consequences. This paper builds on two case studies that enable a more nuanced view on the perspectives for the development of transversal networks at the EU level. The main findings are that (i) the rationale behind the adoption of collaborative partnerships actually comes from a case-by-case cost/benefit analysis leading to hopes of improved access to institutions; (ii) membership of a collaborative network leads to a learning process closely linked to the network’s performance; and (iii) coalitions can have a better reception — rather than an automatic better access — depending on several factors independent of the stakeholders themselves.


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Today, the trend towards decentralization is far-reaching. Proponents of decentralization have argued that decentralization promotes responsive and accountable local government by shortening the distance between local representatives and their constituency. However, in this paper, I focus on the countervailing effect of decentralization on the accountability mechanism, arguing that decentralization, which increases the number of actors eligible for policy making and implementation in governance as a whole, may blur lines of responsibility, thus weakening citizens’ ability to sanction government in election. By using the ordinary least squares (OLS) interaction model based on historical panel data for 78 countries in the 2002 – 2010 period, I test the hypothesis that as the number of government tiers increases, there will be a negative interaction between the number of government tiers and decentralization policies. The regression results show empirical evidence that decentralization policies, having a positive impact on governance under a relatively simple form of multilevel governance, have no more statistically significant effects as the complexity of government structure exceeds a certain degree. In particular, this paper found that the presence of intergovernmental meeting with legally binding authority have a negative impact on governance when the complexity of government structure reaches to the highest level.


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The role of the European Union in global politics has been of growing interest over the past decade. The EU is a key player in global institutions such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and NATO. It continues to construct an emerging identity and project its values and interests throughout contemporary international relations. The capacity of the EU to both formulate and realise its goals, however, remains contested. Some scholars claim the EU’s `soft power’ attitude rivals that of the USA’s `hard power’ approach to international relations. Others view the EU as insufficiently able to produce a co-ordinated position to project upon global politics. Regardless of the position taken within this debate, the EU’s relationship with its external partners has an increasingly important impact upon economic, political and security concerns on an international level. Trade negotiations, military interventions, democracy promotion, international development and responses to the global economic crisis have all witnessed the EU playing a central role. This has seen the EU become both a major force in contemporary institutions of global governance and a template for supranational governance that might influence other attempts to construct regional and global institutions. This volume brings together a collection of leading EU scholars to provide a state-of-the-art overview covering these and other debates relating to the EU’s role in contemporary global governance. The Handbook is divided into four main sections: Part I: European studies and global governance – provides an overview and critical assessment of the leading theoretical approaches through which the EU’s role in global governance has been addressed within the literature. Part II: Institutions – examines the role played by the key EU institutions in pursuing a role for the EU in contemporary international relations. Part III: Policy and issue areas – explores developments within particular policy sectors, assessing the different impact that the EU has had in different issue areas, including foreign and security policy, environmental policy, common commercial policy, the Common Agricultural Policy, development policy, accession policy, the Neighbourhood Policy and conflict transformation. Part IV: The global multilevel governance complex and the EU – focuses on the relationship between the EU and the institutions, regions and countries with which it forms a global multilevel governance complex, including chapters on the EU’s relationship with the WTO, United Nations, East Asia, Africa and the USA.


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International Relations theory would predict that central governments, with their considerable material resources, would be unlikely to face a challenge from a substate government. However, substate governments, and particularly Indigenous governments, are pushing back against central government control in both domestic and international spheres. Indigenous governments are leveraging their local mining sectors to realize their interests and express local identities—interests and identities that may not be congruent with those of the central government. Applying the case study of the resource extraction sector in Canada, this thesis asks: under what conditions are substate governments able to challenge the authority of central governments in the international arena? Canada’s reliance on the global extractive resource sector is a major driver of its international policy preferences, but the increased engagement of Indigenous governments in the sector challenges the control of the federal government. Focusing on the resource extraction sectors in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Ontario, this thesis argues that there is a mutually reinforcing relationship between Indigenous governments’ international engagement and their domestic autonomy; both challenge the parameters of state authority. Both force the state to respond to claims of control from multiple sites and to clarify convoluted policy environments. A confluence of factors—including increased Indigenous connections to the globalized economy, new Canadian regulatory frameworks, and recent Supreme Court of Canada cases regarding Indigenous lands—have all altered the space in which Indigenous governments in Canada participate in the resource extraction sector and produce overlapping or multilevel governance structures. This thesis demonstrates that Indigenous international engagement entrenches the authority and political legitimacy manifest in Indigenous governments’ insistence on equitable and horizontal negotiations in Canada’s lucrative resource extraction sector. A cumulative process occurs in which domestic and international expressions of political autonomy reinforce each other, produce further opportunities to express authority in both environments, and trouble the state’s capacity to fully realize its international policy preferences.


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The development of cultural policy analysis by social science has been produced a theorization about cultural policy models from sociology and political science. This analysis shows the influence of the national model of cultural policy on the forms of governance and management of cultural facilities. However, in this paper we will defend that currently the local model of cultural policy decisively influences the model of cultural institutions. This is explained by the growing importance of culture in local development strategies. In order to demonstrate this we will analyze the case of the Barcelona Model of local development and cultural policy, that is characterized for the level of local government leadership, multilevel governance, the use of culture in urban planning processes and a tendency to use public-private partnership in public management. This Model influences the genesis and development of the cultural facilities and it produces a singular and relatively successful model.


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This article investigates the concept of regionalism in the EU and its relationship to changing conceptions of the nation-statehood in Ireland and Britain. More specifically, it examines how the notion of regionalism has developed in official discourse during states' adaptation to both internal challenges and the process of European integration. I explore this question through an analysis of the British and Irish state elites approaches to the Northern Ireland conflict and their perceptions of European regionalism in this context. In identifying the differences and, indeed, similarities between these states' approaches to European and regional dynamics, I develop new perspective on post-Agreement Northern Ireland and the concept of multilevel governance.


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The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops in the EU is highly harmonised, involving a central authorisation procedure that aims to ensure a high level of environmental and human health protection. However conflicts over authority persist and the Commission has responded to a combination of internal and external pressures with a more flexible approach to coexistence, a proposed opt-out clause and recently a promise by the head of the Commission to review the existing EU GM legislative regime, providing an opportunity to consider and suggest paths of development. In light of the significance of multilevel governance and subsidiarity for GM cultivation, this paper considers the policy-making powers of the Member States and subnational regions in this regime, focussing upon post-authorisation options in particular. A number of core mechanisms exist, including voluntary measures, safeguard clauses, coexistence measures, a proposed express opt-out and Article 4(2) TEU on ‘national identity. These mechanisms are examined in light of the goals and challenges of multilevel governance, in order to consider whether the relevant powers are located at the appropriate level. Overall, it is apparent that the developments occurring at the EU level are strengthening multilevel governance, but with significant opportunities to improve it further through focussing on the supporting roles and the regional levels in particular.


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A incompreensão sobre como funcionam os processos que conduzem às decisões na União Europeia (UE) e que representam hoje, principalmente, uma panóplia legislativa com impacto significativo no dia-a-dia dos cidadãos, das empresas e dos governos, é reconhecida pela própria Comissão Europeia a par duma existente desconfiança das pessoas na política, e o seu consequente distanciamento entre elas e as instituições. Para esta situação muito contribui o complexo xadrez de instituições da UE (Comissão Europeia, Parlamento Europeu, Conselho Europeu, Conselho da União Europeia, Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia, Banco Central Europeu, Comité das Regiões, agências da União Europeia, etc.) com fronteiras pouco claras entre si no que respeita às áreas de intervenção, responsabilidades e competências, assim como a forma como são nomeados e/ou eleitos os seus representantes. Todas estas dúvidas por parte dos cidadãos acentuam não só um legítimo desconhecimento pelos mecanismos de decisão, pois variam de instituição para instituição e a informação e regras de funcionamento encontram-se dispersas por vários documentos, bem como enraízam uma desconfiança sobre os verdadeiros interesses nas decisões tomadas e, ainda, sobre os actores que nelas estão envolvidos. Procurámos no nosso estudo, em primeiro lugar, estabelecer a relação entre os processos de decisão na UE e a forma como com ele interagem redes de partes interessadas – stakeholders. Em segundo lugar, à luz dum quadro teórico desenvolvido em torno do estudo do ciclo político das decisões no quadro comunitário, tentámos fazer a correlação deste com um processo de decisão específico. Foi nossa intenção perceber se o decurso e o envolvimento dos stakeholders no processo de decisão estudado se coaduna com a bibliografia que aponta os processos de decisão da UE como sendo abertos e inclusivos.


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L'intégration européenne occasionne de multiples dilemmes pour les organisations syndicales, habitués à exercer leurs répertoires d'action dans un espace d'État-nation. Parmi les dilemmes spécifiquement liés à la gouvernance multiniveaux européenne, nous comptons la mobilité de la main-d'œuvre et la création d'un marché unique pour les services. Cette thèse examine les stratégies des organisations syndicales danoises et suédoises de trois secteurs pour s'attaquer à ces deux dilemmes. Des approches néo-institutionnalistes, notamment celle concernant les « variétés du capitalisme », s'attendraient à des réponses relativement uniformes, axées sur les fortes complémentarités institutionnelles nationales, tenant compte de la nature coordonnée des relations industrielles scandinaves. Notre thèse confirme que les institutions nationales jouent un rôle important pour atténuer les impacts de l'intégration économique, au fur et à mesure que l'intégration progresse. L'analyse de nos cas, basée sur plus de soixante entretiens semi-dirigés effectués en Europe, nous permet cependant d'affirmer un rôle également important pour des facteurs endogènes, notamment l'entrepreneuriat institutionnel et les capacités stratégiques.


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Comment s’adaptent des organisations lorsqu’elles font face à des changements qui les dépassent? De cette question a émergé une recherche voulant comprendre comment et pourquoi des organisations de santé décident d’adapter (ou non) leurs services aux besoins et aux caractéristiques des populations migrantes accueillies sur leur territoire. Pour y répondre, cette thèse s’est intéressée à la gouvernance multiniveaux appliquée aux organisations de santé fournissant des services à des populations migrantes. Dans un contexte de régionalisation de l’immigration, la dynamique du processus migratoire est de mieux en mieux documentée, mais les capacités organisationnelles d’adaptation le sont beaucoup moins. Nous avons réalisé une étude de cas multiples à l’aide d’entrevues semi-directives auprès d’acteurs provenant de deux CSSS montéregiens (région au sud de Montréal, Québec) et des paliers locaux, régionaux et nationaux. Les résultats de cette étude ont permis (1) de mettre en évidence les différents acteurs impliqués dans ce processus d’adaptation, dont des acteurs de connectivité; (2) de cerner huit leviers d’action, divisés en trois catégories de leviers : administratif, émergent et d’habilitation. La possible imbrication de ces trois catégories de leviers facilite l’apparition de structures de connectivité, légitimant ainsi l’adaptation de l’organisation; et (3) de montrer l’ambigüité de l’adaptation à travers des facteurs d’influence qui favorisent ou entravent le processus d’adaptation à plusieurs niveaux de la gouvernance. Cette thèse est construite autour de quatre articles. Le premier, de nature conceptuelle, permet de circonscrire les concepts d’adaptation et de gouvernance multiniveaux à travers la lentille des théories de la complexité. Nous campons ainsi notre sujet dans une problématique liée à la vulnérabilité et la migration tout en appréhendant l’adaptation du système et son opérationnalisation au niveau local. Il en ressort un cadre conceptuel avec six propositions de recherches. Le second article permet quant à lui de comprendre les jeux des acteurs au sein d’une organisation de santé et à travers son Environnement. Le rôle spécifique d’acteurs de connectivité y est révélé. C’est dans un troisième article que nous nous intéressons davantage aux différents leviers d’action, analysés selon trois catégories : administrative, émergente et d’habilitation. Les acteurs peuvent les solliciter afin de d’adapter leurs pratiques au contexte particulier de la prise en charge de patients migrants. Un passage des acteurs aux structures de connectivité est alors rendu possible via un espace : la gouvernance multiniveaux. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier article s’articule autour de l’analyse des différents facteurs pouvant influencer l’adaptation d’une organisation de santé, en lien avec son Environnement. Il en ressort principalement que les facteurs identifiés sont pour beaucoup des leviers d’action (cf. article3) qui à travers le temps, et par récursivité, deviennent des facteurs d’influence. De plus, le type d’interdépendance développé par les acteurs a tendance soit à façonner un Environnement « stable », laissant reposer les besoins d’adaptation sur les acteurs opérationnels; soit à façonner un Environnement plus « accidenté », reposant davantage sur des interactions diversifiées entre les acteurs d’une gouvernance multiniveaux. De cette adéquation avec l’Environnement à façonner découle l’ambigüité de s’adapter ou non pour une organisation.


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El análisis de las relaciones Euro-Mediterráneas surge en su momento como un elemento indispensable para comprender los diferentes procesos que empiezan a desarrollarse en la Unión Europea y sus relaciones con sus vecinos. Esta monografía de grado busca analizar en materia de seguridad cuales son los intereses de la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones Euro-Mediterráneas en materia de seguridad partiendo del Proceso de Barcelona y sustentado en los principios de seguridad, mantenimiento de la paz e integración político – económica a través de la teoría de la gobernanza multinivel.


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El propósito de la presente monografía es evaluar el papel de las ONG internacionales en la apertura de espacios de participación política para la sociedad civil en Egipto. En ese sentido, se analiza el contexto de oportunidades políticas locales y transnacionales del país, así como los procesos de articulación entre la política local e internacional a través de los niveles de integración entre sus actores. Mediante una investigación de tipo cualitativa basada en los desarrollos sobre teorías de la acción colectiva planteados por Sidney Tarrow, Charles Tilly, Robert Benford y David Snow, y las teorías sobre redes transnacionales de defensa desarrolladas por Margaret Keck y Kathryn Sikkink, se avanza hacia la identificación del desarrollo de procesos de externalización como medio para el fortalecimiento de organizaciones locales como alternativa de oposición política.