996 resultados para Multilayered structure


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A novel 10-period SiC/AlN multilayered structure with a SiC cap layer is prepared by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD). The structure with total film thickness of about 1.45 mu m is deposited on a Si (111) substrate and shows good surface morphology with a smaller rms surface roughness of 5.3 nm. According to the secondary ion mass spectroscopy results, good interface of the 10 period SiC/AlN structure and periodic changes of depth profiles of C, Si, Al, N components are obtained by controlling the growth procedure. The structure exhibits the peak reflectivity close to 30% near the wavelength of 322 nm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of growth of the SiC/AlN periodic structure using the home-made LPCVD system.


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The combinatorial frequency generation by a Fibonacci type quasi-periodic dielectric multilayered structure illuminated by two plane waves has been analysed. The effects of the layer parameters and Fibonacci sequence order on the properties of the combinatorial frequency waves emitted from the stacked nonlinear layers are discussed.


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series of a donor-acceptor-donor type of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent chromophores based on [1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-g]quinoxaline (TQ) as an electron acceptor and triphenylamine as an electron donor are synthesized and characterized. By introducing pendent phenyl groups or changing the pi-conjugation length in the TQ core, we tuned tile energy levels of these chromophores, resulting in the NIR emission in a range from 784 to 868 nm. High thermal stability and glass transition temperatures allow these chromophores to be used as dopant emitters, which can be processed by vapor deposition for the fabrication of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) having the multilayered structure of ITO/MoO3/NPB/Alq(3):dopant emitter/BCP/Alq(3)/LiF/Al. The electroluminescence spectra of the devices based on these new chromophores cover a range from 748 to 870 nm. With 2 wt % of dopant 1, the LED device shows an exclusive NIR emission at 752 nm with the external quantum efficiency (EQE) as high as 1.12% over a wide range of current density (e.g., around 200 mA cm(-2)).


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The pulse mixing and scattering by finite nonlinear Thue-Morse quasi-periodic dielectric multilayered structure illuminated by two Gaussian pulses with different centre frequencies and lengths are investigated. The three-wave mixing technique is applied to study the nonlinear processes. The properties of the scattered waveforms and the effects of the structure and the incident pulses' parameters on the mixing process are discussed.


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Le virus Herpès simplex de type 1 (HSV-1), agent étiologique des feux sauvages, possède une structure multicouche comprenant une capside icosaédrale qui protège le génome viral d’ADN, une couche protéique très structurée appelée tégument et une enveloppe lipidique dérivant de la cellule hôte et parsemée de glycoprotéines virales. Tous ces constituants sont acquis séquentiellement à partir du noyau, du cytoplasme et du réseau trans-golgien. Cette structure multicouche confère à HSV-1 un potentiel considérable pour incorporer des protéines virales et cellulaires. Toutefois, l’ensemble des protéines qui composent ce virus n’a pas encore été élucidé. De plus, malgré son rôle critique à différentes étapes de l’infection, le tégument demeure encore mal défini et ce, tant dans sa composition que dans la séquence d’addition des protéines qui le composent. Toutes ces incertitudes quant aux mécanismes impliqués dans la morphogenèse du virus nous amènent à l’objectif de ce projet, soit la caractérisation du processus de maturation d’HSV-1. Le premier article présenté dans cette thèse et publié dans Journal of Virology s’attarde à la caractérisation protéique des virus extracellulaires matures. Grâce à l’élaboration d’un protocole d’isolation et de purification de ces virions, une étude protéomique a pu être effectuée. Celle-ci nous a permis de réaliser une cartographie de la composition globale en protéines virales des virus matures (8 protéines de la capside, 23 protéines du tégument et 13 glycoprotéines) qui a fait la page couverture de Journal of Virology. De plus, l’incorporation potentielle de 49 protéines cellulaires différentes a été révélée. Lors de cette étude protéomique, nous avons aussi relevé la présence de nouveaux composants du virion dont UL7, UL23, ICP0 et ICP4. Le deuxième article publié dans Journal of General Virology focalise sur ces protéines via une analyse biochimique afin de mieux comprendre les interactions et la dynamique du tégument. Ces résultats nous révèlent que, contrairement aux protéines ICP0 et ICP4, UL7 et UL23 peuvent être relâchées de la capside en présence de sels et que les cystéines libres jouent un rôle dans cette relâche. De plus, cet article met en évidence la présence d’ICP0 et d’ICP4 sur les capsides nucléaires suggérant une acquisition possible du tégument au noyau. La complexité du processus de morphogenèse du virus ainsi que la mise en évidence d’acquisition de protéines du tégument au noyau nous ont incités à poursuivre nos recherches sur la composition du virus à un stade précoce de son cycle viral. Les capsides C matures, prémisses des virus extracellulaires, ont donc été isolées et purifiées grâce à un protocole innovateur basé sur le tri par cytométrie en flux. L’analyse préliminaire de ces capsides par protéomique a permis d’identifier 28 protéines virales et 39 protéines cellulaires. Les données recueilles, comparées à celles obtenues avec les virus extracellulaires, suggèrent clairement un processus séquentiel d’acquisition des protéines du tégument débutant dans le noyau, site d’assemblage des capsides. Finalement, tous ces résultats contribuent à une meilleure compréhension du processus complexe de maturation d’HSV-1 via l’utilisation de techniques variées et innovatrices, telles que la protéomique et la cytométrie en flux, pouvant être appliquées à d’autres virus mais aussi permettre le développement de meilleurs traitements pour vaincre l’HSV-1.


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This research has developed an improved understanding of the structure-property relationships, fabrication technology and deformation mechanism of light bulk ultrafine grained materials and metallic multilayered structure.


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The paper presents the results of an experimental study of interfacial failure in a multilayered structure consisting of a dentin/resin cement/quartz-fiber reinforced composite (FRC). Slices of dentin close to the pulp chamber were sandwiched by two half-circle discs made of a quartz-fiber reinforced composite, bonded with bonding agent (All-bond 2, BISCO, Schaumburg) and resin cement (Duo-link. BISCO, Schaumburg) to make Brazil-nut sandwich specimens for interfacial toughness testing. Interfacial fracture toughness (strain energy release rate, G) was measured as a function of mode mixity by changing loading angles from 0 degrees to 15 degrees. The interfacial fracture surfaces were then examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) to determine the failure modes when loading angles changed. A computational model was also developed to calculate the driving forces, stress intensity factors and mode mixities. Interfacial toughness increased from approximate to 1.5 to 3.2 J/m(2) when the loading angle increases from approximate to 0, 0 to 15 degrees. The hybridized dentin/cement interface appeared to be tougher than the resin cement/quartz-fiber reinforced epoxy. The Brazil-nut sandwich specimen was a suitable method to investigate the mechanical integrity of dentin/cement/FRC interfaces. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study describes the synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic potential of Ti oxide nanostructures of various morphologies and crystalline phases that were synthesized from 4 different precursors by the alkaline hydrothermal method. The materials were characterized by mainly X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Also, photocatalytic potential was assessed by rhodamine B photodegradation. The materials obtained from peroxytitanium complexes (PTCs) exhibited a strong dependence on the concentration of KOH ([KOH]) used for synthesis. The pre-formed sheets of the PTCs were critical to the formation of nanostructures such as nanoribbons, and they were also compatible with the rolling up process, which can be utilized to form structures such as nanorods, nanowires or nanotubes. In the rhodamine photodegradation tests, TiO2 anatase nanostructures with six-coor inated Ti were more effective than the titanate ones (five-coordinated), despite having a smaller surface area and fewer OH groups. The lower photoactivity of the titanates was attributed to the presence of five-coordinated titanium species (TiO5), which may act as electron-hole recombination centers. Furthermore, the material with a mixture of TiO2/titanate was shown to be promising for photocatalytic applications. © 2013 by American Scientific Publishers.


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Neuronal growth is a complex process involving many intra- and extracellular mechanisms which are collaborating conjointly to participate to the development of the nervous system. More particularly, the early neocortical development involves the creation of a multilayered structure constituted by neuronal growth (driven by axonal or dendritic guidance cues) as well as cell migration. The underlying mechanisms of such structural lamination not only implies important biochemical changes at the intracellular level through axonal microtubule (de)polymerization and growth cone advance, but also through the directly dependent stress/stretch coupling mechanisms driving them. Efforts have recently focused on modeling approaches aimed at accounting for the effect of mechanical tension or compression on the axonal growth and subsequent soma migration. However, the reciprocal influence of the biochemical structural evolution on the mechanical properties has been mostly disregarded. We thus propose a new model aimed at providing the spatially dependent mechanical properties of the axon during its growth. Our in-house finite difference solver Neurite is used to describe the guanosine triphosphate (GTP) transport through the axon, its dephosphorylation in guanosine diphosphate (GDP), and thus the microtubules polymerization. The model is calibrated against experimental results and the tensile and bending mechanical stiffnesses are ultimately inferred from the spatially dependent microtubule occupancy. Such additional information is believed to be of drastic relevance in the growth cone vicinity, where biomechanical mechanisms are driving axonal growth and pathfinding. More specifically, the confirmation of a lower stiffness in the distal axon ultimately participates in explaining the controversy associated to the tensile role of the growth cone.


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El diseño de una antena reflectarray bajo la aproximación de periodicidad local requiere la determinación de la matriz de scattering de estructuras multicapa con metalizaciones periódicas para un gran número de geometrías diferentes. Por lo tanto, a la hora de diseñar antenas reflectarray en tiempos de CPU razonables, se necesitan herramientas númericas rápidas y precisas para el análisis de las estructuras periódicas multicapa. En esta tesis se aplica la versión Galerkin del Método de los Momentos (MDM) en el dominio espectral al análisis de las estructuras periódicas multicapa necesarias para el diseño de antenas reflectarray basadas en parches apilados o en dipolos paralelos coplanares. Desgraciadamente, la aplicación de este método numérico involucra el cálculo de series dobles infinitas, y mientras que algunas series convergen muy rápidamente, otras lo hacen muy lentamente. Para aliviar este problema, en esta tesis se propone un novedoso MDM espectral-espacial para el análisis de las estructuras periódicas multicapa, en el cual las series rápidamente convergente se calculan en el dominio espectral, y las series lentamente convergentes se calculan en el dominio espacial mediante una versión mejorada de la formulación de ecuaciones integrales de potenciales mixtos (EIPM) del MDM. Esta versión mejorada se basa en la interpolación eficiente de las funciones de Green multicapa periódicas, y en el cálculo eficiente de las integrales singulares que conducen a los elementos de la matriz del MDM. El novedoso método híbrido espectral-espacial y el tradicional MDM en el dominio espectral se han comparado en el caso de los elementos reflectarray basado en parches apilados. Las simulaciones numéricas han demostrado que el tiempo de CPU requerido por el MDM híbrido es alrededor de unas 60 veces más rápido que el requerido por el tradicional MDM en el dominio espectral para una precisión de dos cifras significativas. El uso combinado de elementos reflectarray con parches apilados y técnicas de optimización de banda ancha ha hecho posible diseñar antenas reflectarray de transmisiónrecepción (Tx-Rx) y polarización dual para aplicaciones de espacio con requisitos muy restrictivos. Desgraciadamente, el nivel de aislamiento entre las polarizaciones ortogonales en antenas DBS (típicamente 30 dB) es demasiado exigente para ser conseguido con las antenas basadas en parches apilados. Además, el uso de elementos reflectarray con parches apilados conlleva procesos de fabricación complejos y costosos. En esta tesis se investigan varias configuraciones de elementos reflectarray basadas en conjuntos de dipolos paralelos con el fin de superar los inconvenientes que presenta el elemento basado en parches apilados. Primeramente, se propone un elemento consistente en dos conjuntos apilados ortogonales de tres dipolos paralelos para aplicaciones de polarización dual. Se ha diseñado, fabricado y medido una antena basada en este elemento, y los resultados obtenidos para la antena indican que tiene unas altas prestaciones en términos de ancho de banda, pérdidas, eficiencia y discriminación contrapolar, además de requerir un proceso de fabricación mucho más sencillo que el de las antenas basadas en tres parches apilados. Desgraciadamente, el elemento basado en dos conjuntos ortogonales de tres dipolos paralelos no proporciona suficientes grados de libertad para diseñar antenas reflectarray de transmisión-recepción (Tx-Rx) de polarización dual para aplicaciones de espacio por medio de técnicas de optimización de banda ancha. Por este motivo, en la tesis se propone un nuevo elemento reflectarray que proporciona los grados de libertad suficientes para cada polarización. El nuevo elemento consiste en dos conjuntos ortogonales de cuatro dipolos paralelos. Cada conjunto contiene tres dipolos coplanares y un dipolo apilado. Para poder acomodar los dos conjuntos de dipolos en una sola celda de la antena reflectarray, el conjunto de dipolos de una polarización está desplazado medio período con respecto al conjunto de dipolos de la otra polarización. Este hecho permite usar solamente dos niveles de metalización para cada elemento de la antena, lo cual simplifica el proceso de fabricación como en el caso del elemento basados en dos conjuntos de tres dipolos paralelos coplanares. Una antena de doble polarización y doble banda (Tx-Rx) basada en el nuevo elemento ha sido diseñada, fabricada y medida. La antena muestra muy buenas presentaciones en las dos bandas de frecuencia con muy bajos niveles de polarización cruzada. Simulaciones numéricas presentadas en la tesis muestran que estos bajos de niveles de polarización cruzada se pueden reducir todavía más si se llevan a cabo pequeñas rotaciones de los dos conjuntos de dipolos asociados a cada polarización. ABSTRACT The design of a reflectarray antenna under the local periodicity assumption requires the determination of the scattering matrix of a multilayered structure with periodic metallizations for quite a large number of different geometries. Therefore, in order to design reflectarray antennas within reasonable CPU times, fast and accurate numerical tools for the analysis of the periodic multilayered structures are required. In this thesis the Galerkin’s version of the Method of Moments (MoM) in the spectral domain is applied to the analysis of the periodic multilayered structures involved in the design of reflectarray antennas made of either stacked patches or coplanar parallel dipoles. Unfortunately, this numerical approach involves the computation of double infinite summations, and whereas some of these summations converge very fast, some others converge very slowly. In order to alleviate this problem, in the thesis a novel hybrid MoM spectral-spatial domain approach is proposed for the analysis of the periodic multilayered structures. In the novel approach, whereas the fast convergent summations are computed in the spectral domain, the slowly convergent summations are computed by means of an enhanced Mixed Potential Integral Equation (MPIE) formulation of the MoM in the spatial domain. This enhanced formulation is based on the efficient interpolation of the multilayered periodic Green’s functions, and on the efficient computation of the singular integrals leading to the MoM matrix entries. The novel hybrid spectral-spatial MoM code and the standard spectral domain MoM code have both been compared in the case of reflectarray elements based on multilayered stacked patches. Numerical simulations have shown that the CPU time required by the hybrid MoM is around 60 times smaller than that required by the standard spectral MoM for an accuracy of two significant figures. The combined use of reflectarray elements based on stacked patches and wideband optimization techniques has made it possible to design dual polarization transmit-receive (Tx-Rx) reflectarrays for space applications with stringent requirements. Unfortunately, the required level of isolation between orthogonal polarizations in DBS antennas (typically 30 dB) is hard to achieve with the configuration of stacked patches. Moreover, the use of reflectarrays based on stacked patches leads to a complex and expensive manufacturing process. In this thesis, we investigate several configurations of reflectarray elements based on sets of parallel dipoles that try to overcome the drawbacks introduced by the element based on stacked patches. First, an element based on two stacked orthogonal sets of three coplanar parallel dipoles is proposed for dual polarization applications. An antenna made of this element has been designed, manufactured and measured, and the results obtained show that the antenna presents a high performance in terms of bandwidth, losses, efficiency and cross-polarization discrimination, while the manufacturing process is cheaper and simpler than that of the antennas made of stacked patches. Unfortunately, the element based on two sets of three coplanar parallel dipoles does not provide enough degrees of freedom to design dual-polarization transmit-receive (Tx-Rx) reflectarray antennas for space applications by means of wideband optimization techniques. For this reason, in the thesis a new reflectarray element is proposed which does provide enough degrees of freedom for each polarization. This new element consists of two orthogonal sets of four parallel dipoles, each set containing three coplanar dipoles and one stacked dipole. In order to accommodate the two sets of dipoles in each reflectarray cell, the set of dipoles for one polarization is shifted half a period from the set of dipoles for the other polarization. This also makes it possible to use only two levels of metallization for the reflectarray element, which simplifies the manufacturing process as in the case of the reflectarray element based on two sets of three parallel dipoles. A dual polarization dual-band (Tx-Rx) reflectarray antenna based on the new element has been designed, manufactured and measured. The antenna shows a very good performance in both Tx and Rx frequency bands with very low levels of cross-polarization. Numerical simulations carried out in the thesis have shown that the low levels of cross-polarization can be even made smaller by means of small rotations of the two sets of dipoles associated to each polarization.


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In yeast, microtubules are organized by the spindle pole body (SPB). The SPB is a disk-like multilayered structure that is embedded in the nuclear envelope via its central plaque, whereas the outer and inner plaques are exposed to the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm, respectively. How the SPB assembles is poorly understood. We show that the inner/central plaque is composed of a stable SPB subcomplex, containing the γ-tubulin complex-binding protein Spc110p, calmodulin, Spc42p, and Spc29p. Spc29p acts as a linker between the central plaque component Spc42p and the inner plaque protein Spc110p. Evidence is provided that the calmodulin-binding site of Spc110p influences the binding of Spc29p to Spc110p. Spc42p also was identified as a component of a cytoplasmic SPB subcomplex containing Spc94p/Nud1p, Cnm67p, and Spc42p. Spc29p and Spc42p may be part of a critical interface of nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic assembled SPB subcomplexes that form during SPB duplication. In agreement with this, overexpressed Spc29p was found to be a nuclear protein, whereas Spc42p is cytoplasmic. In addition, an essential function of SPC29 during SPB assembly is indicated by the SPB duplication defect of conditional lethal spc29(ts) cells and by the genetic interaction of SPC29 with CDC31 and KAR1, two genes that are involved in SPB duplication.


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej


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The multiphase morphology of high impact polypropylene (hiPP), which is a reactor blend of polypropylene (PP) with ethylene-propylene copolymer, was investigated by transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and field-emission scanning electron microscopy techniques in conjunction with an analysis of the hiPP composition and chain structure based on solvent fractionation, C-13-NMR, and differential scanning calorimetry measurements.


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In this work we present a permeable base transistor consisting of a 60 nm thick N,N'diphenyl-N,N'-bis(1-naphthylphenyl)-1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine layer or a 40 nm thick 2,6-diphenyl-indenofluorene layer as the emitter, a CalAl/Ca multilayer as the metal base, and p-Si as collector. In the base, the Ca layers are 5 nm thick and the Al layer was varied between 10 and 40 nm. the best results obtained with a 20 nm thick layer. The devices present common-base current gain with both organic layer and silicon acting as emitter, but there is only observable common-emitter current gain when the organic semiconductor acts as emitter. The obtained common-emitter current gain, similar to 2, is independent on collector-emitter voltage, base current and organic emitter in a reasonable wide interval. Air exposure or annealing of the base is necessary to achieve these characteristics, indicating that an oxide layer is beneficial to proper device operation.