128 resultados para Multiheme cytochromes
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica, ramo de Biotecnologia
The bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens (Gs) is capable of oxidizing a large variety of compounds relaying electrons out of the cytoplasm and across the membrane in a process designated as extracellular electron transfer. The Gs genome was fully sequenced and a family composed by five periplasmic triheme cytochromes c7 (designated PpcA-E) was identified. These cytochromes play an important role in the reduction of extracellular acceptors. They contain approximately 70 amino acids, three heme groups with bis-histidinyl axial coordination, and share between 57 and 77% sequence identity. The triheme cytochrome PpcA is highly abundant in Gs and is most likely the reservoir of electrons destined for outer surface. In addition to its role in electron transfer pathways this protein can perform e-/H+ energy transduction, a process that is disrupted when the strictly conserved aromatic residue phenylalanine 15 is replaced by a leucine (PpcAF15L). This Thesis focuses on the expression, purification and characterization of these proteins using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The orientations of the heme axial histidine ring planes and the orientation of the heme magnetic axis were determined for each Gs triheme cytochrome. The comparison of the orientations obtained in solution with the crystal structures available showed significant differences. The results obtained provide the paramagnetic constraints to include in the future refinement of the solution structure in the oxidized state. In this work was also determined the solution structure and the pH-dependent conformational changes of the PpcAF15L allowing infer the structural origin for e-/H+ energy transduction mechanism as shown by PpcA. Finally, the backbone and side chain NH signals of PpcA were used to map interactions between this protein and the putative redox partner 9,10-anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS). In this work a molecular interaction was identified for the first time between PpcA and AQDS, constituting the first step toward the rationalization of the Gs respiratory chain.
The polymorphisms of the important xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2E1 have been studied extensively in a large number of populations and show significant heterogeneity in the frequency of different alleles/genotypes and in the prevalence of the extensive and poor metabolizer phenotypes, Understanding of inter-ethnic differences in genotypes is important in prediction of either beneficial or adverse effects from therapeutic agents and other xenobiotics. Since no data were available for Australian Aborigines, we investigated the frequencies of alleles and genotypes for CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2E1 in a population living in the far north of Western Australia. Because of its geographical isolation, this population can serve as a model to study the impact of evolutionary forces on the distribution of different alleles for xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes. Twelve CYP2D6 alleles were analysed, The wild-type allele *1 was the most frequent (85.8%) and the non-functional alleles (*4, *5, *16) had an overall frequency of less than 10%. Only one subject (0.4%) was a poor metabolizer for CYP2D6 because of the genotype *5/*5, For CYP2C19, the frequencies of the *1 (wild-type) and the non-functional (*2 and *3) alleles were 50.2%, 35.5% and 14.3%, respectively. The combined CYP2C19 genotypes (*2/*2, *2/*3 or *3/*3) correspond to a predicted frequency of 25.6% for the CYP2C19 poor metabolizer phenotype, For CYP2E1, only one subject had the rare c2 allele giving an overall allele frequency of 0.2%. For CYP2D6 and CYP2C19, allele frequencies and predicted phenotypes differed significantly from those for Caucasians but were similar to those for Orientals indicating a close relationship to East Asian populations. Differences between Aborigines and Orientals in allele frequencies for CYP2D6*10 and CYP2E1 c2 may have arisen through natural selection, or genetic drift, respectively, Pharmacogenetics 11:69-76 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
A variety of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their dihydrodiol derivatives, arylamines, heterocyclic amines, and nitroarenes, were incubated with cDNA-based recombinant (Escherichia coli or Trichoplusia ni) systems expressing different forms of human cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) and NADPH-P450 reductase using Salmonella typhimurium, tester strain NM2009, and the resultant DNA damage caused by the reactive metabolites was detected by measuring expression of umu gene in the cells. Recombinant (bacterial) CYP1A1 was slightly more active than any of four CYP1B1 allelic variants, CYP1B1*1, CYP1B1*2, CYP1B1*3, and CYP1B1*6, in catalyzing activation of chrysene-1,2-diol, benz[a]anthracene-trans-1,2-, 3,4-, 5,6-, and 8,9-diol, fluoranthene-2,3-diol, dibenzo[a]pyrene, benzo[c]phenanthrene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene and several arylamines and heterocyclic amines, whereas CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 enzymes had essentially similar catalytic specificities toward other procarcinogens, such as (+)-, (-)-, and (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol, 5-methylchrysene-1,2-diol, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-3,4-diol, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene-11,12-diol, benzo[b]fluoranthene-9,10-diol, benzo[c]chrysene, 5,6-dimethylchrysene-1,2-diol, benzo[c]phenanthrene-3,4-diol, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, 5-methylchrysene, and benz[a]anthracene. We also determined activation of these procarcinogens by recombinant (T. ni) human P450 enzymes in S. typhimurium NM2009. There were good correlations between activities of procarcinogen activation by CYP1A1 preparations expressed in E. coli and T. ni cells, although basal activities with three lots of CYP1B1 in T. ni cells were very high without substrates and NADPH in our assay system. Using 14 forms of human P450S (but not CYP1B1) (in T. ni cells), we found that CY1P1A2, 2C9, 3A4, and 2C19 catalyzed activation of several of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at much slower rates than those catalyzed by CYP1A1 and that other enzymes, including CYP2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C18, 2D6, 2E1, 3A5, 3A7, and 4A11, were almost inactive in the activation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons examined here.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Bioquímica,especialidade Bioquímica-Física, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry
We demonstrate that the cccB gene, identified in the Bacillus subtilis genome sequence project, is the structural gene for a 10-kDa membrane-bound cytochrome c(551) lipoprotein described for the first time in B. subtilis. Apparently, CccB corresponds to cytochrome c(551) of the thermophilic bacterium Bacillus PS3. The heme domain of B. subtilis cytochrome c(551) is very similar to that of cytochrome c(550), a protein encoded by the cccA gene and anchored to the membrane by a single transmembrane polypeptide segment. Thus, B. subtilis contains two small, very similar, c-type cytochromes with different types of membrane anchors. The cccB gene is cotranscribed with the yvjA gene, and transcription is repressed by glucose. Mutants deleted for cccB or yvjA-cccB show no apparent growth, sporulation, or germination defect. YvjA is not required for the synthesis of cytochrome c(551), and its function remains unknown.
Cytochromes P450: génotypage et /ou phénotypage pour l'individualisation du traitement médicamenteux
La réponse aux traitements médicamenteux est affectée par de nombreux facteurs environnementaux et génétiques, dont une part importante est causée par les polymorphismes des cytochromes P450 (CYP). Ces derniers sont responsables, principalement au niveau du foie, du métabolisme de nombreux médicaments. Pour certains CYP, notamment les CYP2D6 et CYP2C19, des phénotypes de mauvais métaboliseurs et de métaboliseurs ultrarapides ont été décrits avec une influence sur la toxicité et/ou la réponse thérapeutique induites par certains médicaments tels que la codéine, le tramadol, le tamoxifen et le clopidogrel. Quelques exemples parmi les plus significatifs sont décrits ici, démontrant que le génotypage et/ou phénotypage des différents CYPs permet d'individualiser et d'améliorer la prescription médicamenteuse par sélection du principe actif et des doses les plus appropriés.
L’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) est associée à une réduction du métabolisme de plusieurs médicaments, due à une diminution du cytochrome P450 (CYP450) hépatique. Nos études précédentes ont montré que l’IRC affecte l’activité in vivo et in vitro, de même que l’expression protéique et génique des différents isoformes du CYP450, via la présence du sérum urémique et de l’hormone parathyroïdienne (PTH). Ce projet de doctorat se divise en quatre parties. Premièrement, nous avons développé une méthode d’analyse de l’activité du CYP450, à l’aide de la production du 3-hydroxy-5,5-dimethyl-4-[4-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl] furan-2(5H)-one (DFH) à partir du 3-[(3,4-difluorobenzyl)oxy]-5,5-dimethyl-4-[4-methylsulfonyl)phenyl] furan-2(5H)-one (DFB). Cette méthode nous a permis de mieux quantifier l’activité dans les études subséquentes. Deuxièmement, l’activité du CYP450 3A est diminuée chez les patients atteints d’IRC. De plus, il a déjà été démontré que des toxines urémiques dialysables seraient impliquées puisque l’hémodialyse prévient cette inhibition du CYP450. Par contre, le mécanisme expliquant l’amélioration transitoire la composition du sérum de patients atteints d’IRC par l’hémodialyse n’est pas connu. L’objectif du projet est d’évaluer l’effet de l’hémodialyse sur l’expression protéique et génique, de même que sur l’activité du CYP450 3A2 dans un modèle d’hépatocytes de rat en culture. Troisièmement, la déficience en calcidiol est fréquente dans les cas d’IRC et l’étiologie est peu connue. Nous avons récemment montré que l’IRC est associée à une diminution du métabolisme des médicaments par le foie suite à une réduction des différents isoformes du CYP450 en partie médiée par l’hormone parathyroïdienne (PTH). La 25-hydroxylation de la vitamine D, au niveau du foie, permet la formation du calcidiol par différents isoformes du CYP450 (CYP2C11, 27A1, 2R1, 3A2 et 2J3) et pourrait être ainsi altérée en présence d’IRC. Les objectifs de cette étude sont de a) confirmer la diminution de synthèse de calcidiol en présence d’IRC et b) évaluer le rôle de la PTH dans la déficience en calcidiol. Finalement, afin de mieux comprendre les inhibitions du CYP450, nous avons étudié les voies de signalisation impliquées dans la régulation du CYP450 en présence d’IRC et avec la PTH puisque les mécanismes d’action demeurent imprécis. La contribution des facteurs de transcription et des récepteurs nucléaires suivants est étudiée ; le récepteur pregnane X (PXR), le récepteur constitutif androstane (CAR) et le facteur nucléaire kappa B (NF-κB), puisqu’ils sont potentiellement activés par le récepteur de la PTH et ces molécules ont été précédemment impliqués dans la régulation du CYP450. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’hémodialyse des patients atteints d’IRC améliore transitoirement l’expression du CYP450 lorsque des hépatocytes sont mis en culture avec du sérum provenant de ces patients. Aussi, la 25-hydroxylation de la vitamine D est affectée par l’IRC. Les voies de signalisation du NF-κB et les facteurs nucléaires PXR et CAR sont impliqués dans l’inhibition du CYP450. En conclusion, l’IRC affecte, non seulement le métabolisme des médicaments mais aussi l’hydroxylation de la vitamine D, un des rôles endogènes effectués par le CYP450. Ces études nous permettent de mieux comprendre les effets de l’IRC afin de mieux cibler les traitements de choix pour les patients qui en sont atteints.
The aim of the present study is understanding the properties of a new group of redox proteins having in common a DOMON-type domain with characteristics of cytochromes b. The superfamily of proteins containing a DOMON of this type includes a few protein families. With the aim of better characterizing this new protein family, the present work addresses both a CyDOM protein (a cytochrome b561) and a protein only comprised of DOMON(AIR12), both of plant origin. Apoplastic ascorbate can be regenerated from monodehydroascorbate by a trans-plasma membrane redox system which uses cytosolic ascorbate as a reductant and comprises a high potential cytochrome b. We identified the major plasma membrane (PM) ascorbate-reducible b-type cytochrome of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max) hypocotyls as orthologs of Arabidopsis auxin-responsive gene air12. The protein, which is glycosylated and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored to the external side of the PM in vivo, was expressed in Pichia pastoris in a recombinant form, lacking the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-modification signal, and purified from the culture medium. Recombinant AIR12 is a soluble protein predicted to fold into a β-sandwich domain and belonging to the DOMON superfamily. It is shown to be a b-type cytochrome with a symmetrical α-band at 561 nm, to be fully reduced by ascorbate and fully oxidized by monodehydroascorbate. Redox potentiometry suggests that AIR12 binds two high-potential hemes (Em,7 +135 and +236 mV). Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the auxin-responsive genes AIR12 constitute a new family of plasma membrane b-type cytochromes specific to flowering plants. Although AIR12 is one of the few redox proteins of the PM characterized to date, the role of AIR12 in trans-PM electron transfer would imply interaction with other partners which are still to be identified. Another part of the present project was aimed at understanding of a soybean protein comprised of a DOMON fused with a well-defined b561 cytochrome domain (CyDOM). Various bioinformatic approaches show this protein to be composed of an N-terminal DOMON followed by b561 domain. The latter contains five transmembrane helices featuring highly conserved histidines, which might bind haem groups. The CyDOM has been cloned and expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris, and spectroscopic analyses have been accomplished on solubilized yeast membranes. CyDOM clearly reveal the properties of b-type cytochrome. The results highlight the fact that CyDOM is clearly able to lead an electron flux through the plasmamembrane. Voltage clamp experiments demonstrate that Xenopus laevis oocytes transformed with CyDOM of soybean exhibit negative electrical currents in presence of an external electron acceptor. Analogous investigations were carried out with SDR2, a CyDOM of Drosophila melanogaster which shows an electron transport capacity even higher than plant CyDOM. As quoted above, these data reinforce those obtained in plant CyDOM on the one hand, and on the other hand allow to attribute to SDR2-like proteins the properties assigned to CyDOM. Was expressed in Regenerated tobacco roots, transiently transformed with infected a with chimeral construct GFP: CyDOM (by A. rhizogenes infection) reveals a plasmamembrane localization of CyDOM both in epidermal cells of the elongation zone of roots and in root hairs. In conclusion. Although the data presented here await to be expanded and in part clarified, it is safe to say they open a new perspective about the role of this group of proteins. The biological relevance of the functional and physiological implications of DOMON redox domains seems noteworthy, and it can but increase with future advances in research. Beyond the very finding, however interesting in itself, of DOMON domains as extracellular cytochromes, the present study testifies to the fact that cytochrome proteins containing DOMON domains of the type of “CyDOM” can transfer electrons through membranes and may represent the most important redox component of the plasmamembrane as yet discovered.
The DOMON domain is a domain widespread in nature, predicted to fold in a β-sandwich structure. In plants, AIR12 is constituted by a single DOMON domain located in the apoplastic space and is GPI-modified for anchoring to the plasma membrane. Arabidopsis thaliana AIR12 has been heterologously expressed as a recombinant protein (recAtAIR12) in Pichia pastoris. Spectrophotometrical analysis of the purified protein showed that recAtAir12 is a cytochrome b. RecAtAIR12 is highly glycosylated, it is reduced by ascorbate, superoxide and naftoquinones, oxidised by monodehydroascorbate and oxygen and insensitive to hydrogen peroxide. The addition of recAtAIR12 to permeabilized plasma membranes containing NADH, FeEDTA and menadione, caused a statistically significant increase in hydroxyl radicals as detected by electron paramagnetic resonance. In these conditions, recAtAIR12 has thus a pro-oxidant role. Interestingly, AIR12 is related to the cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase which is involved in lignin degradation, possibly via reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. In Arabidopsis the Air12 promoter is specifically activated at sites where cell separations occur and ROS, including •OH, are involved in cell wall modifications. air12 knock-out plants infected with Botrytis cinerea are more resistant than wild-type and air12 complemented plants. Also during B. cinerea infection, cell wall modifications and ROS are involved. Our results thus suggest that AIR12 could be involved in cell wall modifying reactions by interacting with ROS and ascorbate. CyDOMs are plasma membrane redox proteins of plants that are predicted to contain an apoplastic DOMON fused with a transmembrane cytochrome b561 domain. CyDOMs have never been purified nor characterised. The trans-membrane portion of a soybean CyDOM was expressed in E. coli but purification could not be achieved. The DOMON domain was expressed in P. pastoris and shown to be itself a cytochrome b that could be reduced by ascorbate.
Chemical modification of cytochrome P-450 reductase was used to determine the involvement of charged amino acids in the interaction between the reductase and two forms of cytochrome P-450. Acetylation of 11 lysine residues of the reductase with acetic anhydride yielded a 20-40% decrease in the K$\sb{\rm m}$ of the reductase for cytochrome P-450b or cytochrome P-450c. Modification of carboxyl groups on the reductase with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) and methylamine, glycine methyl ester, or taurine as nucleophiles inhibited the interaction with the cytochromes P-450. We were able to modify 4.0, 7.9, and 5.9 carboxyl groups using methylamine, glycine methyl ester, and taurine, respectively. The apparent K$\sb{\rm m}$ for cytochrome P-450c or cytochrome P-450b was increased 1.3 to 5.2 fold. There were varied effects on the V$\sb{\rm max}$. There was no significant change in the conformation of the reductase upon chemical modification. These results strongly suggest that electrostatic interactions as well as steric constraints play a role in the binding and electron transfer step(s) between the reductase and cytochrome P-450. Cytochrome P-450 protected 0.8 moles of carboxyl residues on the reductase from being modified with EDC. These protected amino acids on the reductase are presumably involved in binding to cytochrome P-450. The specific peptide containing these amino acids has been identified. ^
Sulphonated anthraquinones are precursors of many synthetic dyes and pigments, recalcitrant to biodegradation and thus not eliminated by classical wastewater treatments. In the development of a phytotreatment to remove sulphonated aromatic compounds from dye and textile industrial effluents, it has been shown that rhubarb (Rheum rabarbarum) and common sorrel (Rumex acetosa) are the most efficient plants. Both species, producing natural anthraquinones, not only accumulate, but also transform these xenobiotic chemicals. Even if the precise biochemical mechanisms involved in the detoxification of sulphonated anthraquinones are not yet understood, they probably have cross talks with secondary metabolism, redox processes and plant energy metabolism. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible roles of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases and peroxidases in the detoxification of several sulphonated anthraquinones. Both plant species were cultivated in a greenhouse under hydroponic conditions, with or without sulphonated anthraquinones. Plants were harvested at different times and either microsomal or cytosolic fractions were prepared. The monooxygenase activity of cytochromes P450 toward several sulphonated anthraquinones was tested using a new method based on the fluorimetric detection of oxygen consumed during cytochromes P450-catalysed reactions. The activity of cytosolic peroxidases was measured by spectrophotometry, using guaiacol as a substrate. A significant activity of cytochromes P450 was detected in rhubarb leaves, while no (rhizome) or low (petioles and roots) activity was found in other parts of the plants. An induction of this enzyme was observed at the beginning of the exposition to sulphonated anthraquinones. The results also indicated that cytochromes P450 were able to accept as substrate the five sulphonated anthraquinones, with a higher activity toward AQ-2,6-SS (0.706 nkat/mg protein) and AQ-2-S (0.720 nkat/mg protein). An activity of the cytochromes P450 was also found in the leaves of common sorrel (1.212 nkat/mg protein (AQ-2,6-SS)), but no induction of the activity occurred after the exposition to the pollutant. The activity of peroxidases increased when rhubarb was cultivated in the presence of the five sulphonated anthraquinones (0.857 nkat/mg protein). Peroxidase activity was also detected in the leaves of the common sorrel (0.055 nkat/mg protein), but in this plant, no significant difference was found between plants cultivated with and without sulphonated anthraquinones. Results indicated that the activity of cytochromes P450 and peroxidases increased in rhubarb in the presence of sulphonated anthraquinones and were involved in their detoxification mechanisms. These results suggest the existence in rhubarb and common sorrel of specific mechanisms involved in the metabolism of sulphonated anthraquinones. Further investigation should be performed to find the next steps of this detoxification pathway. Besides these promising results for the phytotreatment of sulphonated anthraquinones, it will be of high interest to develop and test, at small scale, an experimental wastewater treatment system to determine its efficiency. On the other hand, these results reinforce the idea that natural biodiversity should be better studied to use the most appropriate species for the phytotreatment of a specific pollutant.
Sulphonated anthraquinones are precursors of many synthetic dyes and pigments, recalcitrant to biodegradation, and thus contaminating many industrial effluents and rivers. In the development of a phytotreatment to remove sulphonated aromatic compounds, rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum), a plant producing natural anthraquinones, as well as maize (Zea mays) and celery (Apium graveolens), plants not producing anthraquinones, were tested for their ability to metabolise these xenobiotics. Plants were cultivated under hydroponic conditions, with or without sulphonated anthraquinones, and were harvested at different times. Either microsomal or cytosolic fractions were prepared. The monooxygenase activity of cytochromes P450 towards several sulphonated anthraquinones was tested using a new method based on the fluorimetric detection of oxygen consumed during cytochromes P450-catalysed reactions. The activity of cytosolic peroxidases was measured by spectrophotometry, using guaiacol as a substrate. Results indicated that the activity of cytochromes P450 and peroxidases significantly increased in rhubarb plants cultivated in the presence of sulphonated anthraquinones. A higher activity of cytochromes P450 was also detected in maize and celery exposed to the pollutants. In these two plants, a peroxidase activity was also detected, but without a clear difference between the control plants and the plants exposed to the organic contaminants. This research demonstrated the existence in rhubarb, maize and celery of biochemical mechanisms involved in the metabolism and detoxification of sulphonated anthraquinones. Taken together, results confirmed that rhubarb might be the most appropriate plant for the phytotreatment of these organic pollutants.