102 resultados para Multiferroic


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Magnetic and dielectric measurements confirm the multiferroic nature of LuMnO3. Raman spectra of LuMnO3 have been recorded in the 77-800 K range covering both the antiferromagnetic transition at 90 K and the ferroelectric-paraelectric transition at 750 K. The changes in the phonon modes frequencies and band-widths indicate the presence of phonon-spin coupling in the antiferromagnetically ordered phase. The ferroelectric-paraelectric transition is accompanied by the broadening and disappearance of many of the phonon modes. Some of the phonon modes also show anomalies at the ferroelectric transition.


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Measurements of magnetic and dielectric properties of single crystalline ErMnO3 establish the Neel and ferroelectric transition temperatures to be 77 K and 588 K respectively. The dielectric constant of ErMnO3 shows an anomalous jump at T-N. At higher temperatures, the dielectric constant undergoes a significant decrease on application of magnetic fields. The study clearly exhibits multiferroic and magnetoelectric nature of ErMnO3.


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Dielectric measurements on the charge-ordered insulators, Y1-xCaxMnO3 (x = 0.4. 0.45 and 0.5), show maxima in the dielectric constant around the charge ordering transition temperature while magnetic measurements show the presence of weak ferromagnetic interactions at low temperatures. Besides the magnetic field dependence of the dielectric constant, these manganites also exhibit second harmonic generation. Thus, the charge-ordered Y1-xCaxMnO3 compositions are multiferroic and magnetoelectric, in accordance with theoretical predictions. Magnetoelectric properties are retained in small particles of Y0.5Ca0.5MnO3. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies and magnetic measurements were carried out on single crystals of multiferroic DyMnO3 in hexagonal as well as orthorhombic structures. The interesting effect of strontium dilution on the frustrated antiferromagnetism of DyMnO3 is also probed using EPR. The line shapes are fitted to broad Lorentzian in the case of pure DyMnO3 and to modified Dysonian in the case of Dy0.5Sr0.5MnO3. The linewidth, integrated intensity, and geff derived from the signals are analyzed as a function of temperature. The results of magnetization measurements corroborate with EPR results. Our study clearly reveals the signature of frustrated magnetism in pure DyMnO3 systems. It is found that antiferromagnetic correlations in these systems persist even above the transition. Moreover, a spin-glass-like behavior in Dy0.5Sr0.5MnO3 is indicated by a steplike feature in the EPR signals at low fields.


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We have measured near normal incidence far-infrared (FIR) reflectivity spectra of a single crystal of TbMnO3 from 10 K to 300 K in the spectral range of 50 cm(-1)-700 cm(-1). Fifteen transverse optic (TO) and longitudinal optic (LO) modes are identified in the imaginary part of the dielectric function epsilon(2)(omega) and energy loss function Im(-1/epsilon(omega)), respectively. Some of the observed phonon modes show anomalous softening below the magnetic transition temperature T-N (similar to 46 K). We attribute this anomalous softening to the spin-phonon coupling caused by phonon modulation of the superexchange integral between the Mn3+ spins. The effective charge of oxygen (Z(O)) calculated using the measured LO-TO splitting increases below TN.


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Temperature-dependent Raman spectra of TbMnO3 from 5 to 300 K in the spectral range of 200-1525 cm(-1) show five first-order Raman allowed modes and two high frequency modes. The intensity ratio of the high frequency Raman band to the corresponding first-order Raman mode is nearly constant and high (similar to 0.6) at all temperatures, suggesting an orbiton-phonon mixed nature of the high frequency mode. One of the first-order phonon modes shows anomalous softening below T-N (similar to 46 K), suggesting a strong spin-phonon coupling.


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Charge-order driven magnetic ferroelectricity is shown to occur in several rare earth manganates of the general formula, Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (In = rare earth, A = alkaline earth). Charge-ordered manganates exhibit dielectric constant anomalies around the charge-ordering or the antiferromagnetic transition temperature. Magnetic fields have a marked effect on the dielectric properties of these compounds, indicating the presence of coupling between the magnetic and electrical order parameters. Magneto-dielectric properties are retained in small particles of the manganates. The observation of magneto-ferroelectricity in these manganates is in accordance with theoretical predictions.


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Charge-order driven magnetic ferroelectricity is shown to occur in several rare earth manganates of the general formula, Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (In = rare earth, A = alkaline earth). Charge-ordered manganates exhibit dielectric constant anomalies around the charge-ordering or the antiferromagnetic transition temperature. Magnetic fields have a marked effect on the dielectric properties of these compounds, indicating the presence of coupling between the magnetic and electrical order parameters. Magneto-dielectric properties are retained in small particles of the manganates. The observation of magneto-ferroelectricity in these manganates is in accordance with theoretical predictions.


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Core-shell CoFe2O4@BaTiO3 nanoparticles and nanotubes have been prepared using a combination of solution processing and high temperature calcination. Both the core-shell nanostructures exhibit magnetic and dielectric hysteresis at room temperature and magnetoelectric effect. The dielectric constant of both the nanocomposites decreases upon application of magnetic field. The core-shell nanoparticles exhibit 1.7% change in magnetocapacitance around 134 K at 1 T, while the core-shell nanotubes show a remarkable 4.5% change in magnetocapacitance around 310 K at 2 T.(C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3478231].


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We report on the single crystal growth of 50% Sr and Y doped multiferroic DyMnO3 using optical floating zone technique. A comparison of the effect of growth ambience and of chemical substitution on the crystal structure of DyMnO3 is attempted. It is observed that DyMnO3 adopts Pm3m cubic structure with 50% Sr doping whereas with 50% Y doping, the crystal structure is hexagonal P6(3)cm. Orthorhombic Pnma structure is adopted by DyMnO3 when grown in air, whereas hexagonal P6(3)cm structure is obtained when grown under the ambience of argon. The structural polymorphism is discussed in terms of difference in ionic sizes of Sr, Y and Dy, comparable Gibbs free energies and coordination schemes of surrounding oxygens for hexagonal and orthorhombic structures of DyMnO3. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Multiferroic materials are characterized by simultaneous magnetic and ferroelectric ordering making them good candidates for magneto-electrical applications. We conducted thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements in magnetic fields up to 14 T on perovskitic GdMnO3 by highresolution capacitive dilatometry in an effort to determine all longitudinal and transversal components of the magnetostriction tensor. Below the ordering temperature T (N) = 42 K, i.e., within the different complex (incommensurate or complex) antiferromagnetic phases, lattice distortions of up to 100 ppm have been found. Although no change of the lattice symmetry occurs, the measurements reveal strong magneto-structural phenomena, especially in the incommensurate sinusoidal antiferromagnetic phase. A strong anisotropy of the magnetoelastic properties was found, in good agreement with the type and propagation vector of the magnetic structure. We demonstrate that our capacitive dilatometry can detect lattice expansion effects and changes of the dielectric permittivity simultaneously because the sample is housed inside the capacitor. A separation of both effects is possible by shielding the sample. Dielectric transitions could be detected by this method and compared to the critical values of H and T in the magnetic phase diagram. Dielectric changes measured at 1 kHz excitation frequency are detected in GdMnO3 at about 180 K, and between 10 K and 25 K in the canted antiferromagnetic structure which is characterized by a complex magnetic order on both the Gd- and Mn-sites.


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Temperature-time study of the magnetoelectric multiferroic (1-x)BiFeO3-(x)PbTiO3 by x-ray and electron diffraction on the reported morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) compositions revealed that this MPB does not correspond to the equilibrium state. The MPB like state is rather of metastable nature and arise due to kinetic arrest of metastable rhombohedral (R3c) phase, along with the equilibrium tetragonal (P4mm) phase. The life time of the metastable R3c nuclei is very sensitive to composition and temperature, and nearly diverges at x -> 0.27. The MPB like state appears only if the system is cooled before the metastable R3c nuclei could vanish. These findings resolve the long standing controversy with regard to seemingly erratic phase formation behaviour reported by different groups and provides a rational basis for developing genuine equilibrium MPB compositions in this system for better piezoelectric properties. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The phase formation behaviour of the magnetoelectric multiferroic 0.8BiFeO(3)-0.2PbTiO(3) was studied as a function of heat treatment at different temperatures of a sol-gel derived powder. While under ordinary synthesis conditions this composition exhibits antiferromagnetic ordering and a rhombohedral structure; the sol-gel-enabled low-temperature synthesis could stabilize a tetragonal metastable phase along with the stable rhombohedral phase, mimicking a morphotropic phase boundary state. The phase coexistence state exhibits relatively enhanced ferromagnetic correlation. The same system with a relatively higher PbTiO3 concentration, 0.65BiFeO(3)-0.35PbTiO(3), on the other hand, exhibits a rhombohedral metastable phase. These results suggest that the occurrence of metastable phases is a very common feature in the BiFeO3-PbTiO3 magnetoelectric ferroelectric system and that it affects the ferroelectric and magnetic properties of system quite remarkably.


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The structural and magnetic study of the pseudo-binary multiferroic (1 x)BiFeO3 (x)SrTiO3 has been investigated as a function of composition and temperature. In contrary to the previous studies, detailed examination revealed that the reported anomaly in the magnetization at x-0.30 does not occur at the composition induced rhombohedral-cubic phase boundary, but within the rhombohedral phase itself. The rhombohedral to cubic transition occurs at x > 0.4. Evidence of magneto-elastic coupling near the Neel temperature and nucleation-growth mode of the rhombohedral-cubic transformation, with both the phases coexisting over a range of temperature was found. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The composites of xSrFe(12)O(19)-(1-x) BaTiO3 where x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1were prepared by Sol gel method and consequently densified at 1100 degrees C/90 min using microwave sintering method. The phase formation and diphase microstructure of the composite samples was examined by X-ray diffraction and field emission electron microscope (FESEM), respectively. The effects of constituent phase variation on the ferroelecrric, dielectric and magnetic properties were examined. It was observed that with a decrease of x, the Curie temperature shifted towards low temperature side. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.