1000 resultados para Multifactor productivity


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"Research on the international comparison of productivity has gained significant interest throughout several previous decades. Relatively little work has however been done in the real estate sector. This paper aims to develop a new productivity measurement framework for the international comparison of the real estate sector based on the newly-published OECD input-output database. Three multifactor productivity indicators are formulated using the ratio of the sectoral final demand to value added, the intermediate output to intermediate input and the total output to total input effect respectively in the input-output table. Historical analyses and comparisons are also carried out to indicate the differences of productivities of the real estate sectors in seven selected countries. Findings can improve the understanding of how technological, organisational and policy influences combine to affect productivity growth and aid the policy makers, real estate agencies and researchers in evaluating the competitive ability of the real estate sector."


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This research develops a new productivity measurement framework for the construction sector in the light of an input-output table. Three group multifactor productivity indicators are formulated based on the multiplier concepts in the input-output analysis. This measurement framework focuses on the intro-industry flows of products and considers the direct and indirect effects of input and output. Moreover, this framework enables us to measure the multifactor productivity of a specific sector systematically. Historical analyses and international comparisons are carried out to indicate the differences of the productivity of the construction sectors in seven selected countries, using the newly published OECD input-output database. Research findings are expected to clarify how technological, organizational and political factors affect the productivity growth, enabling the policy makers, construction businesses and researchers to quantify the competitive ability of the construction sector.


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This paper estimates the sources of productivity growth in Australian textile and clothing firms based on the Business Longitudinal Survey (BLS) from 1995 to 1998. Productivity growth estimates have been obtained for each sub-category of textile and clothing firms. Sources of growth in multifactor productivity (MFP) are examined with growth in technical efficiency and scale effects based on estimates of stochastic frontier production functions. Separate estimates of output growth have been compared with the productivity growth estimates for each of the product categories. MFP improved in all clothing firms and declined in textile firms over 1997–1998 by four-digit level of Australia New Zealand Standard Industrial classification Scheme (ANZSIC). MFP declined in most major categories of both textile and clothing firms in 1995–1997. Changes in technical efficiency mostly dominated scale effects in the overall direction of MFPG in both textile and clothing firms. The findings of the study provide evidence for policies for improving the firms' operative performance in the ongoing liberalised regime.


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This paper estimates the sources of productivity growth in Australian textile and clothing firms based on the Business Longitudinal Survey (BLS) from 1995 to 1998. Productivity growth estimates have been obtained for each sub-category of textile and clothing firms. Sources of growth in multifactor productivity (MFP) are examined with growth in technical efficiency and scale effects based on estimates of stochastic frontier production functions. Separate estimates of output growth have been compared with the productivity growth estimates for each of the product categories. MFP improved in all clothing firms and declined in textile firms over 1997–1998 by four-digit level of Australia New Zealand Standard Industrial classification Scheme (ANZSIC). MFP declined in most major categories of both textile and clothing firms in 1995–1997. Changes in technical efficiency mostly dominated scale effects in the overall direction of MFPG in both textile and clothing firms. The findings of the study provide evidence for policies for improving the firms' operative performance in the ongoing liberalised regime.


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The rapid growth of China's economy has brought about huge losses of natural capital in the form of natural resource depletion and damages from carbon emissions. This paper recalculates value added, capital formation, capital stock, and related multifactor productivity in China's industrial sectors by further developing the genuine savings method of the World Bank. The sector-level natural capital loss was calculated using China's official input–output table and their extensions for tracing final consumers. The capital output elasticity in the productivity estimation was adjusted based on these tables. The results show that although the loss of natural capital in China's industrial sectors in terms of value added has slowed, the impacts on their productivity during the past decades is still quite clear.


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The need for strong productivity growth is a prominent feature of economic policy debates in Australia. Using the productivity trap concept, this viewpoint explores how in some circumstances the pursuit of productivity growth is a barrier to effective sustainability transitions. This is illustrated by a case study of the Australian baking industry, where the increased market share of small-scale artisan bakers vis-à-vis industrial bakers has recently led to an overall decline in productivity across the baking sector. Although artisan bakers produce more nutritious products and have the potential to significantly increase the energy efficiency of their operations, their labour productivity is half that of their industrial counterparts. Whilst this is good for employment, public health and the environment, artisan bakers have been denigrated as a ‘drain on productivity’. This case study illustrates the potential role of low-productivity goods and services in a sustainability transition in Australia and other developed countries.


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This paper investigates the cointegration and causal relationships between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and economic output in Australia using data for about five decades. The framework used in this paper is the single-sector aggregate production function, which is the first comprehensive approach of this kind to include ICT and non-ICT capital and other factors to examine long-run Granger causality. The empirical evidence points to a cointegration relationship between ICT capital and output, and implies that ICT capital Granger causes economic output and multifactor productivity, as does non-ICT capital.


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This study investigates the relationship between per capita carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and per capita GDP in Australia, while controlling for technological state as measured by multifactor productivity and export of black coal. Although technological progress seems to play a critical role in achieving long term goals of CO2 reduction and economic growth, empirical studies have often considered time trend to proxy technological change. However, as discoveries and diffusion of new technologies may not progress smoothly with time, the assumption of a deterministic technological progress may be incorrect in the long run. The use of multifactor productivity as a measure of technological state, therefore, overcomes the limitations and provides practical policy directions. This study uses recently developed bound-testing approach, which is complemented by Johansen- Juselius maximum likelihood approach and a reasonably large sample size to investigate the cointegration relationship. Both of the techniques suggest that cointegration relationship exists among the variables. The long-run and short-run coefficients of CO2 emissions function is estimated using ARDL approach. The empirical findings in the study show evidence of the existence of Environmental Kuznets Curve type relationship for per capita CO2 emissions in the Australian context. The technology as measured by the multifactor productivity, however, is not found as an influencing variable in emissionsincome trajectory.


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O objetivo desse trabalho é medir e analisar a produtividade da indústria extrativa brasileira como um todo e seus subsetores. Primeiramente foi feita a estimação da produtividade multifatorial utilizando o método clássico proposto por Robert Solow de onde se verificou uma queda na produtividade do setor no período entre 1997 e 2009. Posteriormente foi feita uma nova estimação dessa produtividade que corrige as mudanças na qualidade dos minerais extraídos. Observou-se que a queda na produtividade, no período analisado, foi ainda mais acentuada.


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Standard macroeconomic models that assume an exogenous stochastic process for multifactor productivity offer the interpretation that recessions are the result of ''bad news'' (technological regress) and expansions are the result of ''good news'' (technological advancement). The view taken here is that both expansions and recessions are the result of ''good news'' in the sense that in both cases, aggregate production possibilities have increased. Recessions can be thought of as the transition from one technological frontier to the next.


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Latest issue consulted: 1995 and 1996.


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The impact of microeconomic reform in Australia as indicated by aggregate productivity growth estimates is examined. Aggregate evaluations are few. The Productivity Commission / Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates of ‘market sector MFP’ since the mid 1960s showing recent increasing productivity growth for the Australian economy are examined. ‘Market sector’ series for 62 per cent of the economy are reconstructed for whole economy. The whole economy estimates add support to a spike shown in ‘multifactorproductivity growth in the 1990s rather than sustained increase with a microeconomic reform as a factor. Simple regression estimates support the point findings and indicate the presence of unknown factors and cyclicality in the estimates.


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The issue of whether improved building services such as air quality, provision of daylight, thermal comfort etc, have a positive impact on the health and productivity of building occupants is still an open question. There is significant anecdotal evidence supporting the notion that health and productivity of building occupants can be improved by improving the quality of the indoor environment, but there are actually few published quantitative studies to substantiate this contention. This paper reports on a comprehensive review of the worldwide literature which relates health of building occupants with the different aspects of the indoor environment which are believed to impact of these issues, with a particular focus on studies in Australia, The paper analyses the existing research and identifies the key deficiencies in our existing understanding of this problem. The key focus of this research is office and school buildings, but the scope of the literature surveyed includes all commercial buildings, including industrial buildings. There is a notable absence of detailed studies on this link in Australian buildings, although there are studies on thermal comfort, and a number of studies on indoor air quality in Australia, which do not make the connection to health and productivity. Many international studies have focused on improved lighting, and in particular the provision of daylight in buildings, but again there are few studies in Australia which focus in this area.