988 resultados para Multidimensional Space
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Predictive performance evaluation is a fundamental issue in design, development, and deployment of classification systems. As predictive performance evaluation is a multidimensional problem, single scalar summaries such as error rate, although quite convenient due to its simplicity, can seldom evaluate all the aspects that a complete and reliable evaluation must consider. Due to this, various graphical performance evaluation methods are increasingly drawing the attention of machine learning, data mining, and pattern recognition communities. The main advantage of these types of methods resides in their ability to depict the trade-offs between evaluation aspects in a multidimensional space rather than reducing these aspects to an arbitrarily chosen (and often biased) single scalar measure. Furthermore, to appropriately select a suitable graphical method for a given task, it is crucial to identify its strengths and weaknesses. This paper surveys various graphical methods often used for predictive performance evaluation. By presenting these methods in the same framework, we hope this paper may shed some light on deciding which methods are more suitable to use in different situations.
A aceitação de 11 amostras de aguardentes de cana envelhecidas e não envelhecidas foi avaliada por testes sensoriais afetivos e análises estatísticas uni e multivariada. As aguardentes estudadas compreenderam seis amostras comerciais de diferentes marcas, (sendo três não envelhecidas e três envelhecidas) e ainda outras cinco amostras correspondentes a zero, 12, 24, 36 e 48 meses de envelhecimento em um tonel de carvalho de 200L. As amostras foram avaliadas por 100 provadores consumidores do produto, recrutados por questionário de avaliação quanto à afetividade. Para os testes afetivos foi utilizada escala hedônica não estruturada de 9cm, sendo os dados obtidos avaliados por dois métodos estatísticos distintos: o Mapa de Preferência Interno (MDPREF) e a análise de variância univariada (ANOVA) com comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey e análise de correlação. As amostras de aguardente envelhecidas por 12, 36 e 48 meses obtiveram maior aceitação, com médias ao redor de 7,0 na escala hedônica. A amostra com menor aceitação foi a correspondente ao tempo zero de envelhecimento (controle). As demais amostras obtiveram aceitação intermediária. A análise por MDPREF gerou em espaço multidimensional (onde as variações com relação aos dados de preferência foram extraídas em eixos ortogonais e para cada dimensão de preferência), coordenadas relativas aos produtos, que foram geradas em função da resposta dos consumidores. Os dados de aceitação de cada provador foram utilizados para o desenvolvimento de vetores individuais de preferência, resultando na construção de um mapa mutidimensional das amostras, em função dos dados de aceitação. No presente estudo o MDPREF foi gerado pelas primeira e segunda dimensões de preferência, as quais explicaram em conjunto 89,83% das variações observadas entre as amostras com relação à aceitação. O MDPREF confirmou os resultados da ANOVA, indicando uma maior preferência dos provadores pelas amostras de aguardentes envelhecidas. Os resultados sugerem também que aguardentes envelhecidas por mais de 24 meses em tonel de carvalho de 200L são preferidas pelos consumidores, em detrimento das comerciais não envelhecidas e mesmo das comerciais envelhecidas, que podem ser adicionadas de aguardente não envelhecida (processo denominado corte) e também ter correção da cor, conforme permite a Legislação Brasileira. O conteúdo de polifenóis totais e a intensidade de cor também foram determinados, e ambos apresentaram correlação linear positiva significativa (p<=0,05) com o aumento do tempo de envelhecimento das amostras.
The analysis of large amounts of data is better performed by humans when represented in a graphical format. Therefore, a new research area called the Visual Data Mining is being developed endeavoring to use the number crunching power of computers to prepare data for visualization, allied to the ability of humans to interpret data presented graphically.This work presents the results of applying a visual data mining tool, called FastMapDB to detect the behavioral pattern exhibited by a dataset of clinical information about hemoglobinopathies known as thalassemia. FastMapDB is a visual data mining tool that get tabular data stored in a relational database such as dates, numbers and texts, and by considering them as points in a multidimensional space, maps them to a three-dimensional space. The intuitive three-dimensional representation of objects enables a data analyst to see the behavior of the characteristics from abnormal forms of hemoglobin, highlighting the differences when compared to data from a group without alteration.
Context-aware computing is currently considered the most promising approach to overcome information overload and to speed up access to relevant information and services. Context-awareness may be derived from many sources, including user profile and preferences, network information, sensor analysis; usually context-awareness relies on the ability of computing devices to interact with the physical world, i.e. with the natural and artificial objects hosted within the "environment”. Ideally, context-aware applications should not be intrusive and should be able to react according to user’s context, with minimum user effort. Context is an application dependent multidimensional space and the location is an important part of it since the very beginning. Location can be used to guide applications, in providing information or functions that are most appropriate for a specific position. Hence location systems play a crucial role. There are several technologies and systems for computing location to a vary degree of accuracy and tailored for specific space model, i.e. indoors or outdoors, structured spaces or unstructured spaces. The research challenge faced by this thesis is related to pedestrian positioning in heterogeneous environments. Particularly, the focus will be on pedestrian identification, localization, orientation and activity recognition. This research was mainly carried out within the “mobile and ambient systems” workgroup of EPOCH, a 6FP NoE on the application of ICT to Cultural Heritage. Therefore applications in Cultural Heritage sites were the main target of the context-aware services discussed. Cultural Heritage sites are considered significant test-beds in Context-aware computing for many reasons. For example building a smart environment in museums or in protected sites is a challenging task, because localization and tracking are usually based on technologies that are difficult to hide or harmonize within the environment. Therefore it is expected that the experience made with this research may be useful also in domains other than Cultural Heritage. This work presents three different approaches to the pedestrian identification, positioning and tracking: Pedestrian navigation by means of a wearable inertial sensing platform assisted by the vision based tracking system for initial settings an real-time calibration; Pedestrian navigation by means of a wearable inertial sensing platform augmented with GPS measurements; Pedestrian identification and tracking, combining the vision based tracking system with WiFi localization. The proposed localization systems have been mainly used to enhance Cultural Heritage applications in providing information and services depending on the user’s actual context, in particular depending on the user’s location.
From its original formulation in 1990 the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE) has had as its primary aim the collection and interpretation of a continent-wide array of environmental parameters assembled through the coordinated efforts of scientists from several nations. ITASE offers the ground-based opportunities of traditional-style traverse travel coupled with the modern technology of CPS, crevasse detecting radar, satellite communications and multidisciplinary research. By operating predominantly in the mode of an oversnow traverse, ITASE offers scientists the opportunity to experience the dynamic range of the Antarctic environment. ITASE also offers an important interactive venue for research similar to that afforded by oceanographic research vessels and large polar field camps, without the cost of the former or the lack of mobility of the latter. More importantly, the combination of disciplines represented by ITASE provides a unique, multidimensional (space and time) view of the ice sheet and its history. ITASE has now collected > 20 000 km of snow radar, recovered more than 240 firn/ice cores (total length 7000m), remotely penetrated to similar to 4000m into the ice sheet, and sampled the atmosphere to heights of > 20 km.
Ant colony optimisation algorithms model the way ants use pheromones for marking paths to important locations in their environment. Pheromone traces are picked up, followed, and reinforced by other ants but also evaporate over time. Optimal paths attract more pheromone and less useful paths fade away. The main innovation of the proposed Multiple Pheromone Ant Clustering Algorithm (MPACA) is to mark objects using many pheromones, one for each value of each attribute describing the objects in multidimensional space. Every object has one or more ants assigned to each attribute value and the ants then try to find other objects with matching values, depositing pheromone traces that link them. Encounters between ants are used to determine when ants should combine their features to look for conjunctions and whether they should belong to the same colony. This paper explains the algorithm and explores its potential effectiveness for cluster analysis. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
We present a test for identifying clusters in high dimensional data based on the k-means algorithm when the null hypothesis is spherical normal. We show that projection techniques used for evaluating validity of clusters may be misleading for such data. In particular, we demonstrate that increasingly well-separated clusters are identified as the dimensionality increases, when no such clusters exist. Furthermore, in a case of true bimodality, increasing the dimensionality makes identifying the correct clusters more difficult. In addition to the original conservative test, we propose a practical test with the same asymptotic behavior that performs well for a moderate number of points and moderate dimensionality. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.5.3.
La cuestión rural constituye uno de los grandes desafíos para la institucionalidad en Colombia. La discusión respecto a la eficiencia y eficacia institucional para el sector rural debe adelantarse fundamentada en aspectos coyunturales que a su vez median en la dinámica social, política, cultural, ambiental, económica y productiva en el agro colombiano, entre los cuales se incluyen los tratados comerciales y un eventual posconflicto. La nueva ruralidad, como enfoque para el desarrollo rural, plantea una visión distinta en torno a la temática: concibe lo rural como un espacio multisectorial y multidimensional, lo cual constituye el punto de partida desde el cual surgen los elementos de análisis que permiten adelantar un debate institucional amplio y participativo de cara a la transformación estructural de la realidad rural.
La cuestión rural constituye uno de los grandes desafíos para la institucionalidad en Colombia. La discusión respecto a la eficiencia y eficacia institucional para el sector rural debe adelantarse fundamentada en aspectos coyunturales que a su vez median en la dinámica social, política, cultural, ambiental, económica y productiva en el agro colombiano, entre los cuales se incluyen los tratados comerciales y un eventual posconflicto. La nueva ruralidad, como enfoque para el desarrollo rural, plantea una visión distinta en torno a la temática: concibe lo rural como un espacio multisectorial y multidimensional, lo cual constituye el punto de partida desde el cual surgen los elementos de análisis que permiten adelantar un debate institucional amplio y participativo de cara a la transformación estructural de la realidad rural.
La cuestión rural constituye uno de los grandes desafíos para la institucionalidad en Colombia. La discusión respecto a la eficiencia y eficacia institucional para el sector rural debe adelantarse fundamentada en aspectos coyunturales que a su vez median en la dinámica social, política, cultural, ambiental, económica y productiva en el agro colombiano, entre los cuales se incluyen los tratados comerciales y un eventual posconflicto. La nueva ruralidad, como enfoque para el desarrollo rural, plantea una visión distinta en torno a la temática: concibe lo rural como un espacio multisectorial y multidimensional, lo cual constituye el punto de partida desde el cual surgen los elementos de análisis que permiten adelantar un debate institucional amplio y participativo de cara a la transformación estructural de la realidad rural.
Energy-efficient computing remains a critical challenge across the wide range of future data-processing engines — from ultra-low-power embedded systems to servers, mainframes, and supercomputers. In addition, the advent of cloud and mobile computing as well as the explosion of IoT technologies have created new research challenges in the already complex, multidimensional space of modern and future computer systems. These new research challenges led to the establishment of the IEEE Rebooting Computing Initiative, which specifically addresses novel low-power solutions and technologies as one of the main areas of concern.With this in mind, we thought it timely to survey the state of the art of energy-efficient computing.
Recently, some authors have considered a new diffusion model–space and time fractional Bloch-Torrey equation (ST-FBTE). Magin et al. (2008) have derived analytical solutions with fractional order dynamics in space (i.e., _ = 1, β an arbitrary real number, 1 < β ≤ 2) and time (i.e., 0 < α < 1, and β = 2), respectively. Yu et al. (2011) have derived an analytical solution and an effective implicit numerical method for solving ST-FBTEs, and also discussed the stability and convergence of the implicit numerical method. However, due to the computational overheads necessary to perform the simulations for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in three dimensions, they present a study based on a two-dimensional example to confirm their theoretical analysis. Alternating direction implicit (ADI) schemes have been proposed for the numerical simulations of classic differential equations. The ADI schemes will reduce a multidimensional problem to a series of independent one-dimensional problems and are thus computationally efficient. In this paper, we consider the numerical solution of a ST-FBTE on a finite domain. The time and space derivatives in the ST-FBTE are replaced by the Caputo and the sequential Riesz fractional derivatives, respectively. A fractional alternating direction implicit scheme (FADIS) for the ST-FBTE in 3-D is proposed. Stability and convergence properties of the FADIS are discussed. Finally, some numerical results for ST-FBTE are given.
Distributed space time coding for wireless relay networks when the source, the destination and the relays have multiple antennas have been studied by Jing and Hassibi. In this set-up, the transmit and the receive signals at different antennas of the same relay are processed and designed independently, even though the antennas are colocated. In this paper, a wireless relay network with single antenna at the source and the destination and two antennas at each of the R relays is considered. A new class of distributed space time block codes called Co-ordinate Interleaved Distributed Space-Time Codes (CIDSTC) are introduced where, in the first phase, the source transmits a T-length complex vector to all the relays;and in the second phase, at each relay, the in-phase and quadrature component vectors of the received complex vectors at the two antennas are interleaved and processed before forwarding them to the destination. Compared to the scheme proposed by Jing-Hassibi, for T >= 4R, while providing the same asymptotic diversity order of 2R, CIDSTC scheme is shown to provide asymptotic coding gain with the cost of negligible increase in the processing complexity at the relays. However, for moderate and large values of P, CIDSTC scheme is shown to provide more diversity than that of the scheme proposed by Jing-Hassibi. CIDSTCs are shown to be fully diverse provided the information symbols take value from an appropriate multidimensional signal set.
A new framework is proposed in this work to solve multidimensional population balance equations (PBEs) using the method of discretization. A continuous PBE is considered as a statement of evolution of one evolving property of particles and conservation of their n internal attributes. Discretization must therefore preserve n + I properties of particles. Continuously distributed population is represented on discrete fixed pivots as in the fixed pivot technique of Kumar and Ramkrishna [1996a. On the solution of population balance equation by discretization-I A fixed pivot technique. Chemical Engineering Science 51(8), 1311-1332] for 1-d PBEs, but instead of the earlier extensions of this technique proposed in the literature which preserve 2(n) properties of non-pivot particles, the new framework requires n + I properties to be preserved. This opens up the use of triangular and tetrahedral elements to solve 2-d and 3-d PBEs, instead of the rectangles and cuboids that are suggested in the literature. Capabilities of computational fluid dynamics and other packages available for generating complex meshes can also be harnessed. The numerical results obtained indeed show the effectiveness of the new framework. It also brings out the hitherto unknown role of directionality of the grid in controlling the accuracy of the numerical solution of multidimensional PBEs. The numerical results obtained show that the quality of the numerical solution can be improved significantly just by altering the directionality of the grid, which does not require any increase in the number of points, or any refinement of the grid, or even redistribution of pivots in space. Directionality of a grid can be altered simply by regrouping of pivots.