978 resultados para Multi-offset-band


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The hysteresis modulation for power electronic converters is attractive in many different applications because of its unmatched dynamic response and wide command-tracking bandwidth. Its application and beneftis for two-level converters are well understood, but the extension of this strategy to multilevel converters is still under development. This paper summarizes and reviews the various hysteresis modulation approaches available in the literature for multilevel converters. The pros and cons of various techniques are described and compared for tracking the reference signal in order to attain an adequate switching optimization, excellent dynamic responses and high accuracy in steady-state operation. By using the recently developed multilevel hysteresis modulation approaches the advantages of using several accessible dc potentials in a multilevel inverter has been fully exploited. All of these hysteresis modulation approaches are testing for tracking a current reference when applied to a fivelevel inveter. The relevant simulation and experimental result are also presented. This study will provide a useful framweork and point of reference for the future development of hysteresis modulation for multilevel converters.


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By comparing the results of some well-controlled calculation methods, we analyze the relative importance of bulk band structure, multi-bulk-band coupling, and boundary conditions in determining colloidal quantum dot conduction band eigenenergies. We find that while the bulk band structure and correct boundary conditions are important, the effects of multi-bulk-band coupling are small.


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This paper presents an overview of the strengths and limitations of existing and emerging geophysical tools for landform studies. The objectives are to discuss recent technical developments and to provide a review of relevant recent literature, with a focus on propagating field methods with terrestrial applications. For various methods in this category, including ground-penetrating radar (GPR), electrical resistivity (ER), seismics, and electromagnetic (EM) induction, the technical backgrounds are introduced, followed by section on novel developments relevant to landform characterization. For several decades, GPR has been popular for characterization of the shallow subsurface and in particular sedimentary systems. Novel developments in GPR include the use of multi-offset systems to improve signal-to-noise ratios and data collection efficiency, amongst others, and the increased use of 3D data. Multi-electrode ER systems have become popular in recent years as they allow for relatively fast and detailed mapping. Novel developments include time-lapse monitoring of dynamic processes as well as the use of capacitively-coupled systems for fast, non-invasive surveys. EM induction methods are especially popular for fast mapping of spatial variation, but can also be used to obtain information on the vertical variation in subsurface electrical conductivity. In recent years several examples of the use of plane wave EM for characterization of landforms have been published. Seismic methods for landform characterization include seismic reflection and refraction techniques and the use of surface waves. A recent development is the use of passive sensing approaches. The use of multiple geophysical methods, which can benefit from the sensitivity to different subsurface parameters, is becoming more common. Strategies for coupled and joint inversion of complementary datasets will, once more widely available, benefit the geophysical study of landforms.Three cases studies are presented on the use of electrical and GPR methods for characterization of landforms in the range of meters to 100. s of meters in dimension. In a study of polygonal patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowlands, Michigan, USA, electrical resistivity tomography was used to characterize differences in subsurface texture and water content associated with polygon-swale topography. Also, a sand-filled thermokarst feature was identified using electrical resistivity data. The second example is on the use of constant spread traversing (CST) for characterization of large-scale glaciotectonic deformation in the Ludington Ridge, Michigan. Multiple CST surveys parallel to an ~. 60. m high cliff, where broad (~. 100. m) synclines and narrow clay-rich anticlines are visible, illustrated that at least one of the narrow structures extended inland. A third case study discusses internal structures of an eolian dune on a coastal spit in New Zealand. Both 35 and 200. MHz GPR data, which clearly identified a paleosol and internal sedimentary structures of the dune, were used to improve understanding of the development of the dune, which may shed light on paleo-wind directions.


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Seismic reflection methods have been extensively used to probe the Earth's crust and suggest the nature of its formative processes. The analysis of multi-offset seismic reflection data extends the technique from a reconnaissance method to a powerful scientific tool that can be applied to test specific hypotheses. The treatment of reflections at multiple offsets becomes tractable if the assumptions of high-frequency rays are valid for the problem being considered. Their validity can be tested by applying the methods of analysis to full wave synthetics.

Three studies illustrate the application of these principles to investigations of the nature of the crust in southern California. A survey shot by the COCORP consortium in 1977 across the San Andreas fault near Parkfield revealed events in the record sections whose arrival time decreased with offset. The reflectors generating these events are imaged using a multi-offset three-dimensional Kirchhoff migration. Migrations of full wave acoustic synthetics having the same limitations in geometric coverage as the field survey demonstrate the utility of this back projection process for imaging. The migrated depth sections show the locations of the major physical boundaries of the San Andreas fault zone. The zone is bounded on the southwest by a near-vertical fault juxtaposing a Tertiary sedimentary section against uplifted crystalline rocks of the fault zone block. On the northeast, the fault zone is bounded by a fault dipping into the San Andreas, which includes slices of serpentinized ultramafics, intersecting it at 3 km depth. These interpretations can be made despite complications introduced by lateral heterogeneities.

In 1985 the Calcrust consortium designed a survey in the eastern Mojave desert to image structures in both the shallow and the deep crust. Preliminary field experiments showed that the major geophysical acquisition problem to be solved was the poor penetration of seismic energy through a low-velocity surface layer. Its effects could be mitigated through special acquisition and processing techniques. Data obtained from industry showed that quality data could be obtained from areas having a deeper, older sedimentary cover, causing a re-definition of the geologic objectives. Long offset stationary arrays were designed to provide reversed, wider angle coverage of the deep crust over parts of the survey. The preliminary field tests and constant monitoring of data quality and parameter adjustment allowed 108 km of excellent crustal data to be obtained.

This dataset, along with two others from the central and western Mojave, was used to constrain rock properties and the physical condition of the crust. The multi-offset analysis proceeded in two steps. First, an increase in reflection peak frequency with offset is indicative of a thinly layered reflector. The thickness and velocity contrast of the layering can be calculated from the spectral dispersion, to discriminate between structures resulting from broad scale or local effects. Second, the amplitude effects at different offsets of P-P scattering from weak elastic heterogeneities indicate whether the signs of the changes in density, rigidity, and Lame's parameter at the reflector agree or are opposed. The effects of reflection generation and propagation in a heterogeneous, anisotropic crust were contained by the design of the experiment and the simplicity of the observed amplitude and frequency trends. Multi-offset spectra and amplitude trend stacks of the three Mojave Desert datasets suggest that the most reflective structures in the middle crust are strong Poisson's ratio (σ) contrasts. Porous zones or the juxtaposition of units of mutually distant origin are indicated. Heterogeneities in σ increase towards the top of a basal crustal zone at ~22 km depth. The transition to the basal zone and to the mantle include increases in σ. The Moho itself includes ~400 m layering having a velocity higher than that of the uppermost mantle. The Moho maintains the same configuration across the Mojave despite 5 km of crustal thinning near the Colorado River. This indicates that Miocene extension there either thinned just the basal zone, or that the basal zone developed regionally after the extensional event.


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We have investigated GaNAs/GaAs single quantum wells (SQWs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using photoluminescence (PL), time-resolved PL (TRPL) and photovoltaic (PV) techniques. The low temperature PL is dominated by spatially direct transitions involving electrons confined in GaNAs well and holes localized in the same GaNAs layer. This assignment was supported by PL decay time measurements and absorption line-shape analysis derived from the PV measurements. By fitting the experimental data with a simple calculation, the band offset of the GaN0.015As0.985/GaAS heterostructure was estimated, and a type II band lineup in GaN0.015As0.985/GaAs QWs was suggested. Moreover, DeltaE(C), the discontinuity of conductor band, is found to be a nonlinear function of the nitrogen (N) composition (x), and the average variation of DeltaE(C) is about 0.110eV per %N, The measured band bowing coefficient shows a strong function of x, giving an experimental support to the theoretic calculation of Wei et al [Ref.2].


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Seismic While Drilling (SWD) is a new wellbore seismic technique. It uses the vibrations produced by a drill-bit while drilling as a downhole seismic energy source. The continuous signals generated by the drill bit are recorded by a pilot sensor attached to the top of the drill-string. Seismic wave receivers positioned in the earth near its surface receive the seismic waves both directly and reflection from the geologic formations. The pilot signal is cross-correlated with the receiver signals to compute travel-times of the arrivals (direct arrival and reflected arrival) and attenuate incoherent noise. No downhole intrusmentation is required to obtain the data and the data recording does not interfere with the drilling process. These characteristics offer a method by which borehole seismic data can be acquired, processed, and interpreted while drilling. As a Measure-While-Drill technique. SWD provides real-time seismic data for use at the well site . This can aid the engineer or driller by indicating the position of the drill-bit and providing a look at reflecting horizons yet to be encountered by the drill-bit. Furthermore, the ease with which surface receivers can be deployed makes multi-offset VSP economically feasible. First, this paper is theoretically studying drill-bit wavefield, interaction mode between drill-bit and formation below drill-bit , the new technique of modern signal process was applied to seismic data, the seismic body wave radiation pattern of a working roller-cone drill-bit can be characterized by theoretical modeling. Then , a systematical analysis about the drill-bit wave was done, time-distance equation of seismic wave traveling was established, the process of seismic while drilling was simulated using the computer software adaptive modeling of SWD was done . In order to spread this technique, I have made trial SWD modeling during drilling. the paper sketches out the procedure for trial SWD modeling during drilling , the involved instruments and their functions, and the trial effect. Subsurface condition ahead of the drill-bit can be predicted drillstring velocity was obtained by polit sensor autocorrelation. Reference decovolution, the drillstring multiples in the polit signal are removed by reference deconvolution, the crosscorrelation process enhance the signal-to-noise power ratio, lithologies. Final, SWD provides real-time seismic data for use at the well site well trajectory control exploratory well find out and preserve reservoirs. intervel velocity was computed by the traveltime The results of the interval velocity determination reflects the pore-pressure present in the subsurface units ahead of the drill-bit. the presences of fractures in subsurface formation was detected by shear wave. et al.


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Theoretical foundations of higher order spectral analysis are revisited to examine the use of time-varying bicoherence on non-stationary signals using a classical short-time Fourier approach. A methodology is developed to apply this to evoked EEG responses where a stimulus-locked time reference is available. Short-time windowed ensembles of the response at the same offset from the reference are considered as ergodic cyclostationary processes within a non-stationary random process. Bicoherence can be estimated reliably with known levels at which it is significantly different from zero and can be tracked as a function of offset from the stimulus. When this methodology is applied to multi-channel EEG, it is possible to obtain information about phase synchronization at different regions of the brain as the neural response develops. The methodology is applied to analyze evoked EEG response to flash visual stimulii to the left and right eye separately. The EEG electrode array is segmented based on bicoherence evolution with time using the mean absolute difference as a measure of dissimilarity. Segment maps confirm the importance of the occipital region in visual processing and demonstrate a link between the frontal and occipital regions during the response. Maps are constructed using bicoherence at bifrequencies that include the alpha band frequency of 8Hz as well as 4 and 20Hz. Differences are observed between responses from the left eye and the right eye, and also between subjects. The methodology shows potential as a neurological functional imaging technique that can be further developed for diagnosis and monitoring using scalp EEG which is less invasive and less expensive than magnetic resonance imaging.


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Hexagonal Ge3N4 layer was prepared on Ge surface by in situ direct atomic source nitridation and it is promising buffer layer to grow GaN on Ge (111). The valence band offset (VBO) of GaN/Ge3N4/Ge heterojunctions is determined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The valence band (VB) of Ge3N4 is found to be 0.38?+/-?0.04?eV above the GaN valance band and 1.14?+/-?0.04?eV below the Ge. The GaN/Ge3N4 and Ge3N4/Ge are found type-II and type-I heterojunctions, respectively. The exact measurements of the VBO and conduction band offset (CBO) are important for use of GaN/Ge3N4/Ge (111) heterosystems.


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Ultra thin films of pure beta-Si3N4 (0001) were grown on Si (111) surface by exposing the surface to radio- frequency nitrogen plasma with a high content of nitrogen atoms. Using beta-Si3N4 layer as a buffer layer, GaN epilayers were grown on Si (111) substrate by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The valence band offset (VBO) of GaN/beta-Si3N4/ Si heterojunctions is determined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The VBO at the beta-Si3N4 /Si interface was determined by valence-band photoelectron spectra to be 1.84 eV. The valence band of GaN is found to be 0.41 +/- 0.05 eV below that of beta-Si3N4 and a type-II heterojunction. The conduction band offset was deduced to be similar to 2.36 eV, and a change of the interface dipole of 1.29 eV was observed for GaN/ beta-Si3N4 interface formation. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The multiport network approach is extended to analyze the behavior of microstrip fractal antennas. The capacitively fedmicrostrip square ring antenna has the side opposite to the feed arm replaced with a fractal Minkowski geometry. Dual frequency operation is achieved by suitably choosing the indentation of this fractal geometry. The width of the two sides adjacent to this is increased to further control the resonant characteristics and the ratio of the two resonance frequencies of this antenna. The impedance matrix for the multiport network model of this antenna is simplified exploiting self-similarity of the geometry with greater accuracy and reduced analysis time. Experimentally validated results confirm utility of the approach in analyzing the input characteristics of similar multi-frequency fractal microstrip antennas with other fractal geometries.


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We report the design and development of a self-contained multi-band receiver (MBR) system, intended for use with a single large aperture to facilitate sensitive and high time-resolution observations simultaneously in 10 discrete frequency bands sampling a wide spectral span (100-1500 MHz) in a nearly log-periodic fashion. The development of this system was primarily motivated by need for tomographic studies of pulsar polar emission regions. Although the system design is optimized for the primary goal, it is also suited for several other interesting astronomical investigations. The system consists of a dual-polarization multi-band feed (with discrete responses corresponding to the 10 bands pre-selected as relatively radio frequency interference free), a common wide-band radio frequency front-end, and independent back-end receiver chains for the 10 individual sub-bands. The raw voltage time sequences corresponding to 16 MHz bandwidth each for the two linear polarization channels and the 10 bands are recorded at the Nyquist rate simultaneously. We present the preliminary results from the tests and pulsar observations carried out with the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope using this receiver. The system performance implied by these results and possible improvements are also briefly discussed.


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This paper presents analysis and design of multilayer ultra wide band (UWB) power splitter suitable for wireless communications. An UWB power splitter is designed in suspended substrate stripline medium. The quarter wave transformer in the conventional Wilkinson power divider is replaced by broadside coupled lines to achieve tight coupling for broadband operation. The UWB power splitter is analyzed using circuit models of coupled lines and full wave simulator. Experimental results of 3dB power splitter designed using the proposed structure have been verified against the results from circuit simulation and full wave simulation. The return loss is better than 12 dB across the band 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz. Size of the power splitter is 30mm× 20mm×6.38mm.


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A square ring microstrip antenna can be modified for dual-band operations by appropriately attaching an open ended stub. The input impedance of this antenna is analyzed here using multi-port network modeling (MNM) approach. The coupled feed is included by defining additional terms in the model. A prototype antenna is fabricated and tested to validate these computations.