921 resultados para Multi-dimensional Numbered Information Spaces


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The concept of data independence designates the techniques that allow data to be changed without affecting the applications that process it. The different structures of the information bases require corresponded tools for supporting data independence. A kind of information bases (the Multi-dimensional Numbered Information Spaces) are pointed in the paper. The data independence in such information bases is discussed.


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An approach for organizing the information in the data warehouses is presented in the paper. The possibilities of the numbered information spaces for building data warehouses are discussed. An application is outlined in the paper.


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Multidimensional WSNs are deployed in complex environments to sense and collect data relating to multiple attributes (multidimensional data). Such networks present unique challenges to data dissemination, data storage and in-network query processing (information discovery). In this paper, we investigate efficient strategies for information discovery in large-scale multidimensional WSNs and propose the Adaptive MultiDimensional Multi-Resolution Architecture (A-MDMRA) that efficiently combines “push” and “pull” strategies for information discovery and adapts to variations in the frequencies of events and queries in the network to construct optimal routing structures. We present simulation results showing the optimal routing structure depends on the frequency of events and query occurrence in the network. It also balances push and pull operations in large scale networks enabling significant QoS improvements and energy savings.


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Multidimensional WSNs are deployed in complex environments to sense and collect data relating to multiple attributes (multi-dimensional data). Such networks present unique challenges to data dissemination, data storage and in-network query processing (information discovery). Recent algorithms proposed for such WSNs are aimed at achieving better energy efficiency and minimizing latency. This creates a partitioned network area due to the overuse of certain nodes in areas which are on the shortest or closest or path to the base station or data aggregation points which results in hotspots nodes. In this paper, we propose a time-based multi-dimensional, multi-resolution storage approach for range queries that balances the energy consumption by balancing the traffic load as uniformly as possible. Thus ensuring a maximum network lifetime. We present simulation results to show that the proposed approach to information discovery offers significant improvements on information discovery latency compared with current approaches. In addition, the results prove that the Quality of Service (QoS) improvements reduces hotspots thus resulting in significant network-wide energy saving and an increased network lifetime.


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 The thesis proposed four novel algorithms of information discovery for Multidimensional Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) that can significantly increase network lifetime and minimize query processing latency, resulting in quality of service improvements that are of immense benefit to Multidimensional Autonomous WSNs are deployed in complex environments (e.g., mission-critical applications).


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Multidimensional WSNs are deployed in complex environments to sense and collect data relating to multiple attributes (multi-dimensional data). An efficient information dis-covery for multi-dimensional WSNs deployed in mission–critical environments has become an essential research consideration. Timely and energy efficient information discovery is very impor-tant to maintain the QoS of such mission critical applications. An inefficient information discovery mechanism will result in high transmission of data packets over the network creating bottlenecks leading to unbalanced energy consumption over the network. High latency and inefficient energy consumption will have a direct effect on the QoS of mission-critical applications of particular importance in this regard is the minimization of hotspots.


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Handling information overload online, from the user's point of view is a big challenge, especially when the number of websites is growing rapidly due to growth in e-commerce and other related activities. Personalization based on user needs is the key to solving the problem of information overload. Personalization methods help in identifying relevant information, which may be liked by a user. User profile and object profile are the important elements of a personalization system. When creating user and object profiles, most of the existing methods adopt two-dimensional similarity methods based on vector or matrix models in order to find inter-user and inter-object similarity. Moreover, for recommending similar objects to users, personalization systems use the users-users, items-items and users-items similarity measures. In most cases similarity measures such as Euclidian, Manhattan, cosine and many others based on vector or matrix methods are used to find the similarities. Web logs are high-dimensional datasets, consisting of multiple users, multiple searches with many attributes to each. Two-dimensional data analysis methods may often overlook latent relationships that may exist between users and items. In contrast to other studies, this thesis utilises tensors, the high-dimensional data models, to build user and object profiles and to find the inter-relationships between users-users and users-items. To create an improved personalized Web system, this thesis proposes to build three types of profiles: individual user, group users and object profiles utilising decomposition factors of tensor data models. A hybrid recommendation approach utilising group profiles (forming the basis of a collaborative filtering method) and object profiles (forming the basis of a content-based method) in conjunction with individual user profiles (forming the basis of a model based approach) is proposed for making effective recommendations. A tensor-based clustering method is proposed that utilises the outcomes of popular tensor decomposition techniques such as PARAFAC, Tucker and HOSVD to group similar instances. An individual user profile, showing the user's highest interest, is represented by the top dimension values, extracted from the component matrix obtained after tensor decomposition. A group profile, showing similar users and their highest interest, is built by clustering similar users based on tensor decomposed values. A group profile is represented by the top association rules (containing various unique object combinations) that are derived from the searches made by the users of the cluster. An object profile is created to represent similar objects clustered on the basis of their similarity of features. Depending on the category of a user (known, anonymous or frequent visitor to the website), any of the profiles or their combinations is used for making personalized recommendations. A ranking algorithm is also proposed that utilizes the personalized information to order and rank the recommendations. The proposed methodology is evaluated on data collected from a real life car website. Empirical analysis confirms the effectiveness of recommendations made by the proposed approach over other collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation approaches based on two-dimensional data analysis methods.


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This study is motivated by, and proceeds from, a central interest in the importance of evaluating IS service quality and adopts the IS ZOT SERVQUAL instrument (Kettinger & Lee, 2005) as its core theory base. This study conceptualises IS service quality as a multidimensional formative construct and seeks to answer the main research questions: “Is the IS service quality construct valid as a 1st-order formative, 2nd-order formative multidimensional construct?” Additionally, with the aim of validating the IS service quality construct within its nomological net, as in prior service marketing work, Satisfaction was hypothesised as its immediate consequence. With the goal of testing the above research question, IS service quality and Satisfaction were operationalised in a quantitative survey instrument. Partial least squares (PLS), employing 219 valid responses, largely evidenced the validity of IS service quality as a multidimensional formative construct. The nomological validity of the IS service quality construct was also evidenced by demonstrating that 55% of Satisfaction was explained by the multidimensional formative IS service quality construct.


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This paper strives to identify barriers that hamper eHealth implementation from different perspectives. The benefits offered by eHealth and the need for eHealth preparedness is first discussed. This is followed by a discussion on the integral components of a robust eHealth infrastructure. Then, the barriers to eHealth such as technical interoperability issues, lack of holistic approach and technology disconnect are explained in detail. Finally, solutions to promote better adoption of eHealth through government policies, standardisation and training are also discussed.


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Context-sensitive points-to analysis is critical for several program optimizations. However, as the number of contexts grows exponentially, storage requirements for the analysis increase tremendously for large programs, making the analysis non-scalable. We propose a scalable flow-insensitive context-sensitive inclusion-based points-to analysis that uses a specially designed multi-dimensional bloom filter to store the points-to information. Two key observations motivate our proposal: (i) points-to information (between pointer-object and between pointer-pointer) is sparse, and (ii) moving from an exact to an approximate representation of points-to information only leads to reduced precision without affecting correctness of the (may-points-to) analysis. By using an approximate representation a multi-dimensional bloom filter can significantly reduce the memory requirements with a probabilistic bound on loss in precision. Experimental evaluation on SPEC 2000 benchmarks and two large open source programs reveals that with an average storage requirement of 4MB, our approach achieves almost the same precision (98.6%) as the exact implementation. By increasing the average memory to 27MB, it achieves precision upto 99.7% for these benchmarks. Using Mod/Ref analysis as the client, we find that the client analysis is not affected that often even when there is some loss of precision in the points-to representation. We find that the NoModRef percentage is within 2% of the exact analysis while requiring 4MB (maximum 15MB) memory and less than 4 minutes on average for the points-to analysis. Another major advantage of our technique is that it allows to trade off precision for memory usage of the analysis.


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The problem of identifying user intent has received considerable attention in recent years, particularly in the context of improving the search experience via query contextualization. Intent can be characterized by multiple dimensions, which are often not observed from query words alone. Accurate identification of Intent from query words remains a challenging problem primarily because it is extremely difficult to discover these dimensions. The problem is often significantly compounded due to lack of representative training sample. We present a generic, extensible framework for learning the multi-dimensional representation of user intent from the query words. The approach models the latent relationships between facets using tree structured distribution which leads to an efficient and convergent algorithm, FastQ, for identifying the multi-faceted intent of users based on just the query words. We also incorporated WordNet to extend the system capabilities to queries which contain words that do not appear in the training data. Empirical results show that FastQ yields accurate identification of intent when compared to a gold standard.


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As Terabyte datasets become the norm, the focus has shifted away from our ability to produce and store ever larger amounts of data, onto its utilization. It is becoming increasingly difficult to gain meaningful insights into the data produced. Also many forms of the data we are currently producing cannot easily fit into traditional visualization methods. This paper presents a new and novel visualization technique based on the concept of a Data Forest. Our Data Forest has been designed to be used with vir tual reality (VR) as its presentation method. VR is a natural medium for investigating large datasets. Our approach can easily be adapted to be used in a variety of different ways, from a stand alone single user environment to large multi-user collaborative environments. A test application is presented using multi-dimensional data to demonstrate the concepts involved.