6 resultados para Mullidae


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We describe an unprecedented radiation of sanguinicolid blood flukes ( Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from two species of Labridae (Choerodon venustus and C. cauteroma), seven species of Mullidae (Mulloidichthys vanicolensis, Parupeneus barberinoides, P. barberinus, P. bifasciatus, P. cyclostomus, P. indicus and P. multifasciatus) and ten species of Siganidae (Siganus argenteus, S. corallinus, S. doliatus, S. fuscescens, S. lineatus, S. margaritiferus, S. puellus, S. punctatus, S. virgatus and S. vulpinus) from sites off Australia and Palau. The flukes were morphologically similar in having the combination of a long thread-like body, tegumental spines in lateral transverse rows, a vestigial oral sucker bearing concentric rows of fine spines, an H-shaped intestine, a cirrussac, a notch level with the male genital pore, a lateral or post-ovarian uterus, a uterine chamber and separate genital pores. These species are divided into two genera on the basis of testis number. Sanguinicolids from Siganus fuscescens have a single large testis between the intestinal bifurcation and the ovary and are placed in Ankistromeces Nolan & Cribb, 2004. Species from the remaining nine species of Siganidae, Labridae and Mullidae are placed in Phthinomita n. g.; these species have two testes, the anterior testis being large and between the intestinal bifurcation and the ovary whereas the small posterior testis is at the posterior end of the body and appears rudimentary or degenerate and probably non-functional. The second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA ( rDNA) from 29 host/parasite/location combinations (h/p/l) was sequenced together with that of Ankistromeces mariae Nolan & Cribb, 2004 for comparison. From 135 samples we found 19 distinct genotypes which were interpreted as representing at least that many species. Replicate sequences were obtained for 25 of 30 h/p/l combinations ( including A. mariae); there was no intraspecific variation between replicates sequences for any of these. Interspecific variation ranged from 1 - 41 base differences (0.3 - 12.7% sequence divergence). The 19 putative species were difficult to recognise by morphological examination. We describe 13 new species; we do not describe (= name) six species characterised solely by molecular sequences and three putative species for which morphological data is available but for which molecular data is not. We have neither morphological nor molecular data for sanguinicolids harboured in five hosts species ( Siganus margaritiferus, S. puellus, Choerodon cauteroma, Parupeneus indicus and P. multifasciatus) in which we have seen infections. Where host species were infected in different localities they almost always harboured distinct species. Some host species ( for example, S. argenteus and S. lineatus from Lizard Island) harboured two or three species in a single geographical location. This suggests that, for parts of this system, parasite speciation has outstripped host speciation. Distance analysis of ITS2 showed species from each host family ( Siganidae, Mullidae and Labridae) did not form monophyletic clades to the exclusion of species from other host families. However, a host defined clade was formed by the sequences from sanguinicolids from S. fuscescens.


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The abundance and distribution of ichthyoplankton adjacent to live-bottom habitats (rock outcroppings containing rich, sessile invertebrate communities and many species of tropical and subtropical fishes) in open-shelf waters « 55-m isobath) in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, were investigated. Larvae of reef-associated genera, especially the economically important subtropical and tropical members of the families Haemulidae (Haemulon), Lutjanidae (Lutjanus and Rltomboplites), Serranidae (Mycteroperca and Epinephelus), and Sparidae (Calamus and Pagrus) were targeted. Larvae representing 40 families were collected in neuston tows. Commonly collected reef-associated families were Balistidae, Blenniidae (dominated by the reef-associated Parablennius marmoreus) , Mullidae, and Gobiidae. Larvae representing 70 families were collected in subsurface tows. Reef-associated families commonly collected included Apogonidae, Balistidae, Gobiidae, Haemulidae, LutJanidae, Scaridae, and Serranidae. Larval Haemulon sp (p)., Lutjanus sp(p)., and Rltomboplites aurorubens were commonly collected and thus it is likely that these taxa spawn in Onslow Bay and recruit to live-bottom sites within the area. Other families of fishes commonly collected but generally not considered reef-associated included Bothidae, Callionymidae, Carangidae, Clupeidae, Engraulidae, and Ophidiidae. Estuarine-dependent species (e.g. the clupeid Brevoortia tyrannus and the sciaenids Leiostomus xanthurus and Micropogonias undulatus) were an important component of the ichthyoplankton during late fall and winter. The frequent occurrence of larvae from oceanic species (e.g. gonostomatids and myctophids) indicated that Gulf Stream waters had intruded onto the shelf, transporting these larvae to open-shelf waters off North Carolina.(PDF file containes 36 pages.)


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Fish landing data collected by the Kenyan Fisheries Department from the nearshort coastal marine waters from 1985 to 1994 were statistically analyzed to determine trends in the traditional fisher's catch. Over the ten year period a significant decline occurred for total catch and for catches of seven commercially important fish families: Lethrinidae, Siganidae. Lutjanidae, Scaridae, Carangidae, Scombridae and Mullidae. 1994 registercd the lowest catch over ten years. The total catch for all the fish declined from a mean annual catch of 6150 metric tonnes in the 1980's to a mean of 5141 metric tonnes in the 1990's with the catch for 1986 being 2 times higher than that of 1994. Although Mombasa district had the highest mean annual landing, its total landings like that of Lamu and Kwale districts decreased over the years. However, Kilifi district showed a steady increase in catches over the years. The changes in fish landings is thought to be caused by lack of appropriate fishing regulations, leading to overfishing of the lagoonal reefs beyond their maximum sustainable yields.


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The influence of a substratum-disturbing forager, the spotted goatfish Pseudupeneus maculatus on the assemblage of its escorting, opportunistic-feeding fishes was examined at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (tropical west Atlantic). Followers attracted to spotted goatfish foraging singly differed from followers of spotted goatfish foraging in groups in several characteristics. The larger the nuclear fish group, the greater the species richness and number of individuals of followers. Moreover, groups of foraging spotted goatfish attracted herbivores, not recorded for spotted goatfish foraging singly. The size of follower individuals increased with the size and the number of foraging spotted goatfish. The zoobenthivorous habits of the spotted goatfish and its ability to disturb a variety of soft substrata render it an important nuclear fish for several follower species of the reef fish assemblage at Fernando de Noronha. (c) 2006 the Authors Journal compilation (c) 2006 the Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Habitat-related heterogeneity of striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus heterospecific foraging assemblages was examined off the coast of Spain. Video-based focal-follows conducted on 122 M. surmuletus assemblages (446 total individuals) revealed an array of attendant species (n = 7) with composition linked to benthic habitat complexity; bare sandy substrata were characterized by homospecific groups of M. surmuletus, while habitats with rock and vegetation attracted a variety of scrounging labrids and sparids. Although the nature of the relationship between M. surmuletus and attendants requires further exploration, the present study indicates that substratum composition can be a driving factor explaining the dynamics of this heterospecific assemblage.


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In this study we analyze the feeding ecology and trophic relationships of some of the main fish species (Soleidae, Moronidae, Mullidae, Sparidae, Mugilidae, and Batrachoididae) of the lower Estuary of the Guadiana River and the Castro Marim e Vila Real de Santo Antonio Salt Marsh. We examined the stomachs of 1415 fish caught monthly between September 2000 and August 2001. Feeding indices and coefficients were determined and used along with the results of multivariate analysis to develop diagrams of trophic interactions (food webs). Results show that these species are largely opportunistic predators. The most important prey items are amphipods, gobies (Gobiidae), shrimps (Palaemon serratus and Crangon crangon), and polychaete worms. The lower Estuary and associated salt marshes are important nurseries and feeding grounds for the species studied. In this area, it is therefore important to monitor the effects of changes in river runoff, nutrient input, and temperature that result from construction of the Alqueva Dam upstream. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.