37 resultados para Mules.


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Un travail consacré à la sculpture d'ornement implique de s'intéresser à un corps de métier qui n'a guère laissé de trace dans l'historiographie, les sculpteurs d'ornement. A Genève, un seul représentant de cette spécialité est passé à la postérité : Jean Jaquet (1754-1839). L'activité de celui-ci, couvrant les dernières décennies du XVIIIe et les premières années du XIXe siècle, apparaît par conséquent comme un moment de perfection de la sculpture d'ornement dans l'histoire de la République. Comment Jaquet, ce simple entrepreneur en décoration, est-il parvenu à acquérir une forme de notoriété et à entrer dans l'histoire de l'art genevoise ? En quoi son parcours professionnel se distingue-t-il de celui des autres sculpteurs d'ornement actifs à Genève au XVIIIe siècle, ses émules obscurs ? Afin de discuter ces questions, j'ai procédé en trois temps.D'abord, il a fallu se donner les moyens de connaître l'arrière-plan socio-professionnel. Un important travail de dépouillement de sources notamment des registres des permissions de séjour accordées par la Chambre des Etrangers - a permis de se faire une idée des rouages de l'entreprise de décoration, de l'activité des ateliers et de leur succession dans le temps. L'étude de la production reste néanmoins problématique. Le corpus de décorations conservées du XVIIIe siècle est en effet mal identifié et l'absence de documentation historique rend périlleuse toute tentative de classement par ateliers ou par tranches chronologiques. En raison de ces lacunes, il n'a pas paru opportun de chercher à présenter une vision globale de la décoration intérieures au XVIIIe siècle à Genève, ni de proposer une nouvelle carte des attributions. La deuxième partie de la thèse suit par conséquent un principe simple. En raison de l'omniprésence de Jaquet dans l'historiographie, elle analyse la manière dont le corpus de ses oeuvres a été constitué au fil des XIXe et XXe siècle. En d'autres termes, elle vise à déconstruire les mécanismes de l'attribution et à interroger la pertinence de ses critères. Une telle démarche permet de redessiner les contours de la production de décoration à Genève et d'en saisir les enjeux. Les ateliers ont-ils chacun leur manière propre - leur style propre ? Celui-ci se fonde-t-il sur l'expression d'une personnalité artistique autonome ? Ou leur production est-elle avant tout déterminée par une demande sociale stéréotypée, fondée sur la reproduction de modèles convenus ? Sans minimiser l'importance de Jaquet dans la décoration genevoise du XVIIIe siècle, ni la qualité de son travail, la deuxième partie de ce travail vise à révéler certaines faiblesses dans le système des attributions. Indirectement, cela permet de se faire une idée de l'apport d'autres entrepreneurs en ornement.Les deux premières parties posent les bases d'un discours critique sur les producteurs et leurs oeuvres. La troisième analyse, du XIXe au XXIe siècle, les modalités de la promotion et de la réception de Jaquet, en d'autres termes la construction de son image. Grâce à son ambition, le sculpteur s'est hissé au-dessus de sa condition. Parmi les entrepreneurs en décoration actifs à Genève, il est en effet le seul à avoir séjourné à l'étranger, fréquenté les académies, enseigné le dessin et fait quelques incursions dans le domaine de la sculpture figuriste. Par conséquent, il est aussi le seul à avoir une place dans l'histoire des Beaux-Arts, puis, à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle, dans celle des Arts décoratifs à Genève. Ni artiste de talent universel, ni ouvrier, Jaquet est un représentant de première qualité d'une catégorie professionnelle particulière, composée d'individus auxquels les historiens de l'art ne portent qu'un intérêt limité, parce qu'ils sont à la charnière des arts mécaniques et des arts libéraux.


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This study aims at standardizing the pre-incubation and incubation pH and temperature used in the metachromatic staining method of myofibrillar ATPase activity of myosin (mATPase) used for asses and mules. Twenty four donkeys and 10 mules, seven females and three males, were used in the study. From each animal, fragments from the Gluteus medius muscle were collected and percutaneous muscle biopsy was performed using a 6.0-mm Bergström-type needle. In addition to the metachromatic staining method of mATPase, the technique of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR) was also performed to confirm the histochemical data. The histochemical result of mATPase for acidic pre-incubation (pH=4.50) and alkaline incubation (pH=10.50), at a temperature of 37ºC, yielded the best differentiation of fibers stained with toluidine blue. Muscle fibers were identified according to the following colors: type I (oxidative, light blue), type IIA (oxidative-glycolytic, intermediate blue) and type IIX (glycolytic, dark blue). There are no reports in the literature regarding the characterization and distribution of different types of muscle fibers used by donkeys and mules when performing traction work, cargo transportation, endurance sports (horseback riding) and marching competitions. Therefore, this study is the first report on the standardization of the mATPase technique for donkeys and mules.


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Objective To report the severe metabolic acidosis identified in a group of 11 healthy mules anaesthetized with halothane for castration.Study design Data generated from a prospective study.Animals Eleven mules aged 2.5-8 years, weighing 230-315 kg and 11 horses aged 1.5-3.5 years, weighing 315-480 kg.Methods Animals were anaesthetized for castration as part of an electroencephalographic study. Preanaesthetic medication was acepromazine (0.03 mg kg(-1)) administered through a preplaced jugular venous catheter. Anaesthesia was induced 30-90 minutes later with intravenous thiopental (10 mg kg(-1)). After orotracheal intubation, anaesthesia was maintained with halothane vaporised in oxygen. The animals' lungs were ventilated to maintain the end-tidal CO(2) concentration between 3.9 and 4.5 kPa (29-34 mmHg). Anaesthetic monitoring included invasive blood pressure measurement via the auricular artery (mules) and submandibular branch of the facial artery (horses). Arterial blood gas samples were drawn from these catheters at three time points during surgery and pH, PaCO(2), base excess (ecf) and HCO(3)(-) were measured. Values were compared between groups using a Mann-Whitney test. p was taken as <0.05. Results are reported as median (range).Results PaCO(2) did not differ between groups but pH was significantly lower in mules [7.178 (7.00-7.29)] compared to horses [7.367 (7.24-7.43)] (p = 0.0002). HCO(3)(-) values were significantly lower in the mules [16.6 (13.0-22.3) mM] compared to horses [23.7 (20.9-23.7) mM] (p = 0.0001), whilst base excess (ecf) was significantly more negative in the mules [-11.4 (-1.27 to -16) mM] compared to horses [-1.3 (-5.8 to +2.4) mM] (p = 0.0004).Conclusion and clinical relevance This study demonstrated severe metabolic acidosis in healthy mules, which may have prompted intervention with drug therapies in a clinical arena. It is probable that the acidosis existed prior to anaesthesia and caused by diet, but other possible causes are considered.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to investigate the electroencephalographic (EEG) response of equidae to a castration stimulus. Study 1 included 11 mules (2 1/2-8 years; 230-315 kg) and 11 horses (1 1/2-3 1/2 years; 315-480 kg); study 2 included four ponies (15-17 months; 176-229 kg). They were castrated under halothane anesthesia after acepromazine premedication (IV [study 1] and intramuscular [study 2]) and thiopental anesthetic induction. Animals were castrated using a semiclosed technique (study 1) and a closed technique (study 2). Raw EEG data were analyzed and the EEG variables, median frequency (F50), total power (Ptot), and spectral edge frequency (F95), were derived using standard techniques at skin incision (skin) and emasculation (emasc) time points. Baseline values of F50, Ptot, and F95 for each animal were used to calculate percentage change from baseline at skin incision and emasculation. Differences were observed in Ptot and F50 data between hemispheres in horses but not mules (study 1) and in one pony (study 2). A response to castration (>10% change relative to baseline) was observed in eight horses (73% of animals) and four mules (36% of animals) for F50 and nine horses (82%) and four mules (36%) for Ptot. No changes in F95 data were observed in any animal in study 1. Responses to castration were observed in three ponies (75% of animals) for F50, one pony (25%) for F95, and all ponies for Ptot Alteration of acepromazine administration and castration technique produced a protocol that identified changes in EEG frequency and power in response to castration. (c) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of our study was to retrospectively evaluate the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of computed tomography (CT), digital radiography (DR) and low-dose linear slit digital radiography (LSDR, Lodox(®)) in the detection of internal cocaine containers. METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained. The study collectively consisted of 83 patients (76 males, 7 females, 16-45 years) suspected of having incorporated cocaine drug containers. All underwent radiological imaging; a total of 135 exams were performed: nCT=35, nDR=70, nLSDR=30. An overall calculation of all "drug mules" and a specific evaluation of body packers, pushers and stuffers were performed. The gold standard was stool examination in a dedicated holding cell equipped with a drug toilet. RESULTS: There were 54 drug mules identified in this study. CT of all drug carriers showed the highest diagnostic accuracy 97.1%, sensitivity 100% and specificity 94.1%. DR in all cases was 71.4% accurate, 58.3% sensitive and 85.3% specific. LSDR of all patients with internal cocaine was 60% accurate, 57.9% sensitive and 63.4% specific. CONCLUSIONS: CT was the most accurate test studied. Therefore, the detection of internal cocaine drug packs should be performed by CT, rather than by conventional X-ray, in order to apply the most sensitive exam in the medico-legal investigation of suspected drug carriers. Nevertheless, the higher radiation applied by CT than by DR or LSDR needs to be considered. Future studies should include evaluation of low dose CT protocols in order to address germane issues and to reduce dosage.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Information and communications technologies hold a prominent place in the cultural imagination of many people living outside the Australian metropolis, especially recent émigrés. A vision of a wired pastoral conjures up the possibilities of city work, connections and pleasures accompanying the flight to the country. Such aspirations have given a twist to one of the great topos of Australian post-invasion communications history, communications ameliorating the perceived isolation in the bush. This article examines important changes to rural telecommunications in the 1990s coinciding with post-metro dreaming and digital convergence, namely the rise of local telecommunications. Neo-Foucauldian accounts of citizenship hold some promise for explaining the criss-cross of tangled lines of flight in regional communications in the twenty-first century: emergent subjectivities, utopian digital modes of becoming, new politics of infrastructure, reconfigured relationships among state, market and citizen.