999 resultados para Moving Interface


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The linear diffusion-reaction theory with finite interface kinetics is employed to describe the dissolution and the growth processes. The results show that it is imperative to consider the effect of the moving interfaces on the concentration distribution at the growth interface for some cases. For small aspect ratio and small gravity magnitude, the dissolution and the growth interfaces must be treated as the moving boundaries within an angle range of 0 degrees < gamma < 50 degrees in this work. For large aspect ratio or large gravity magnitude, the effect of the moving interfaces on the concentration distribution at the growth interface can be neglected except for gamma < - 50 degrees.


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From the macroscopic point of view, expressions involving reservoir and operational parameters are established for investigating the stability of moving interface in piston- and non-piston-like displacements. In the case of axi-symmetrical piston-like displacement, the stability is related to the moving interface position and water to oil mobility ratio. The capillary effect on the stability of moving interface depends on whether or not the moving interface is already stable and correlates with the wettability of the reservoir rock. In the case of non-piston-like displacement, the stability of the front is governed by both the relative permeability and the mobility ratio.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop a novel unstructured simulation approach for injection molding processes described by the Hele-Shaw model. Design/methodology/approach - The scheme involves dual dynamic meshes with active and inactive cells determined from an initial background pointset. The quasi-static pressure solution in each timestep for this evolving unstructured mesh system is approximated using a control volume finite element method formulation coupled to a corresponding modified volume of fluid method. The flow is considered to be isothermal and non-Newtonian. Findings - Supporting numerical tests and performance studies for polystyrene described by Carreau, Cross, Ellis and Power-law fluid models are conducted. Results for the present method are shown to be comparable to those from other methods for both Newtonian fluid and polystyrene fluid injected in different mold geometries. Research limitations/implications - With respect to the methodology, the background pointset infers a mesh that is dynamically reconstructed here, and there are a number of efficiency issues and improvements that would be relevant to industrial applications. For instance, one can use the pointset to construct special bases and invoke a so-called ""meshless"" scheme using the basis. This would require some interesting strategies to deal with the dynamic point enrichment of the moving front that could benefit from the present front treatment strategy. There are also issues related to mass conservation and fill-time errors that might be addressed by introducing suitable projections. The general question of ""rate of convergence"" of these schemes requires analysis. Numerical results here suggest first-order accuracy and are consistent with the approximations made, but theoretical results are not available yet for these methods. Originality/value - This novel unstructured simulation approach involves dual meshes with active and inactive cells determined from an initial background pointset: local active dual patches are constructed ""on-the-fly"" for each ""active point"" to form a dynamic virtual mesh of active elements that evolves with the moving interface.


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The representation of interfaces by means of the algebraic moving-least-squares (AMLS) technique is addressed. This technique, in which the interface is represented by an unconnected set of points, is interesting for evolving fluid interfaces since there is]to surface connectivity. The position of the surface points can thus be updated without concerns about the quality of any surface triangulation. We introduce a novel AMLS technique especially designed for evolving-interfaces applications that we denote RAMLS (for Robust AMLS). The main advantages with respect to previous AMLS techniques are: increased robustness, computational efficiency, and being free of user-tuned parameters. Further, we propose a new front-tracking method based on the Lagrangian advection of the unconnected point set that defines the RAMLS surface. We assume that a background Eulerian grid is defined with some grid spacing h. The advection of the point set makes the surface evolve in time. The point cloud can be regenerated at any time (in particular, we regenerate it each time step) by intersecting the gridlines with the evolved surface, which guarantees that the density of points on the surface is always well balanced. The intersection algorithm is essentially a ray-tracing algorithm, well-studied in computer graphics, in which a line (ray) is traced so as to detect all intersections with a surface. Also, the tracing of each gridline is independent and can thus be performed in parallel. Several tests are reported assessing first the accuracy of the proposed RAMLS technique, and then of the front-tracking method based on it. Comparison with previous Eulerian, Lagrangian and hybrid techniques encourage further development of the proposed method for fluid mechanics applications. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Community-based protests against major construction and engineering projects are becoming increasingly common as concerns over issues such as corporate social accountability, climate change and corruption become more prominent in the public's mind. Public perceptions of risk associated with these projects can have a contagious effect, which mismanaged can escalate into long-term and sometimes acrimonious protest stand-offs that have negative implications for the community, firms involved and the construction industry as a whole. This paper investigates the role of core group members in sustaining community-based protest against construction and engineering projects. Using a thematic story telling approach which draws on ethnographic method and social contagion theories, it presents an in-depth analysis of a single case study - one of Australia's longest standing community protests against a construction project. It concludes that core group members play a critical role, within anarchic structures which provide a high degree of spontaneity and improvisation, in sustaining movement continuity by building collective identity, mobilising resources and a moving interface which developers find hard to communicate with.


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Analytical solution of a 2-dimensional problem of solidification of a superheated liquid in a semi-infinite mould has been studied in this paper. On the boundary, the prescribed temperature is such that the solidification starts simultaneously at all points of the boundary. Results are also given for the 2-dimensional ablation problem. The solution of the heat conduction equation has been obtained in terms of multiple Laplace integrals involving suitable unknown fictitious initial temperatures. These fictitious initial temperatures have interesting physical interpretations. By choosing suitable series expansions for fictitious initial temperatures and moving interface boundary, the unknown quantities can be determined. Solidification thickness has been calculated for short time and effect of parameters on the solidification thickness has been shown with the help of graphs.


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Nanoscale dispersions of intermetallic Ti2Ni particles in an ordered TiNi intermetallic matrix have been produced by rapid solidification processing of near equiatomic TiNi alloys containing small amount of Si utilising the principle of kinetic competition in the undercooled liquid, A detailed characterisation of the microstructures obtained by different processing conditions was carried out to establish the trend of the refinement of the scale of microstructure. The observed microstructural conditions are rationalised in terms of a metastable phase diagram and the Uhlmann, Chalmers and Jackson theory of the trapping of second phase particles by a moving interface.


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Mass balance between metal and electrolytic solution, separated by a moving interface, in stable pit growth results in a set of governing equations which are solved for concentration field and interface position (pit boundary evolution), which requires only three inputs, namely the solid metal concentration, saturation concentration of the dissolved metal ions and diffusion coefficient. A combined eXtended Finite Element Model (XFEM) and level set method is developed in this paper. The extended finite element model handles the jump discontinuity in the metal concentrations at the interface, by using discontinuous-derivative enrichment formulation for concentration discontinuity at the interface. This eliminates the requirement of using front conforming mesh and re-meshing after each time step as in conventional finite element method. A numerical technique known as level set method tracks the position of the moving interface and updates it over time. Numerical analysis for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 304 is presented. The above proposed method is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental results, exact solutions and some other approximate solutions.


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Mass balance between metal and electrolytic solution, separated by a moving interface, in stable pit growth results in a set of governing equations which are solved for concentration field and interface position (pit boundary evolution). The interface experiences a jump discontinuity in metal concentration. The extended finite-element model (XFEM) handles this jump discontinuity by using discontinuous-derivative enrichment formulation, eliminating the requirement of using front conforming mesh and re-meshing after each time step as in the conventional finite-element method. However, prior interface location is required so as to solve the governing equations for concentration field for which a numerical technique, the level set method, is used for tracking the interface explicitly and updating it over time. The level set method is chosen as it is independent of shape and location of the interface. Thus, a combined XFEM and level set method is developed in this paper. Numerical analysis for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 304 is presented. The above proposed model is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental results, exact solutions and some other approximate solutions. An empirical model for pitting potential is also derived based on the finite-element results. Studies show that pitting profile depends on factors such as ion concentration, solution pH and temperature to a large extent. Studying the individual and combined effects of these factors on pitting potential is worth knowing, as pitting potential directly influences corrosion rate.


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In this paper, a numerical method with high order accuracy and high resolution was developed to simulate the Richtmyer-Meshkov(RM) instability driven by cylindrical shock waves. Compressible Euler equations in cylindrical coordinate were adopted for the cylindrical geometry and a third order accurate group control scheme was adopted to discretize the equations. Moreover, an adaptive grid technique was developed to refine the grid near the moving interface to improve the resolution of numerical solutions. The results of simulation exhibited the evolution process of RM instability, and the effect of Atwood number was studied. The larger the absolute value of Atwood number, the larger the perturbation amplitude. The nonlinear effect manifests more evidently in cylindrical geometry. The shock reflected from the pole center accelerates the interface for the second time, considerably complicating the interface evolution process, and such phenomena of reshock and secondary shock were studied.


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Czochralski (Cz) technique, which is used for growing single crystals, has dominated the production of single crystals for electronic applications. The Cz growth process involves multiple phases, moving interface and three-dimensional behavior. Much has been done to study these phenomena by means of numerical methods as well as experimental observations. A three-dimensional curvilinear finite volume based algorithm has been developed to model the Cz process. A body-fitted transformation based approach is adopted in conjunction with a multizone adaptive grid generation (MAGG) technique to accurately handle the three-dimensional problems of phase-change in irregular geometries with free and moving surfaces. The multizone adaptive model is used to perform a three-dimensional simulation of the Cz growth of silicon single crystals.Since the phase change interface are irregular in shape and they move in response to the solution, accurate treatment of these interfaces is important from numerical accuracy point of view. The multizone adaptive grid generation (MAGG) is the appropriate scheme for this purpose. Another challenge encountered is the moving and periodic boundary conditions, which is essential to the numerical solution of the governing equations. Special treatments are implemented to impose the periodic boundary condition in a particular direction and to determine the internal boundary position and shape varying with the combination of ambient physicochemical transport process and interfacial dynamics. As indicated above that the applications and processes characterized by multi-phase, moving interfaces and irregular shape render the associated physical phenomena three-dimensional and unsteady. Therefore a generalized 3D model rather than a 2D simulation, in which the governing equations are solved in a general non-orthogonal coordinate system, is constructed to describe and capture the features of the growth process. All this has been implemented and validated by using it to model the low pressure Cz growth of silicon. Accuracy of this scheme is demonstrated by agreement of simulation data with available experimental data. Using the quasi-steady state approximation, it is shown that the flow and temperature fields in the melt under certain operating conditions become asymmetric and unsteady even in the absence of extrinsic sources of asymmetry. Asymmetry in the flow and temperature fields, caused by high shear initiated phenomena, affects the interface shape in the azimuthal direction thus results in the thermal stress distribution in the vicinity, which has serious implications from crystal quality point of view.


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The level set method is commonly used to address image noise removal. Existing studies concentrate mainly on determining the speed function of the evolution equation. Based on the idea of a Canny operator, this letter introduces a new method of controlling the level set evolution, in which the edge strength is taken into account in choosing curvature flows for the speed function and the normal to edge direction is used to orient the diffusion of the moving interface. The addition of an energy term to penalize the irregularity allows for better preservation of local edge information. In contrast with previous Canny-based level set methods that usually adopt a two-stage framework, the proposed algorithm can execute all the above operations in one process during noise removal.


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Transplantation brings hope for many patients. A multidisciplinary approach on this field aims at creating biologically functional tissues to be used as implants and prostheses. The freeze-drying process allows the fundamental properties of these materials to be preserved, making future manipulation and storage easier. Optimizing a freeze-drying cycle is of great importance since it aims at reducing process costs while increasing product quality of this time-and-energy-consuming process. Mathematical modeling comes as a tool to help a better understanding of the process variables behavior and consequently it helps optimization studies. Freeze-drying microscopy is a technique usually applied to determine critical temperatures of liquid formulations. It has been used in this work to determine the sublimation rates of a biological tissue freeze-drying. The sublimation rates were measured from the speed of the moving interface between the dried and the frozen layer under 21.33, 42.66 and 63.99 Pa. The studied variables were used in a theoretical model to simulate various temperature profiles of the freeze-drying process. Good agreement between the experimental and the simulated results was found.


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We investigate an application of the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to the one-dimensional parabolic inverse Cauchy–Stefan problem, where boundary data and the initial condition are to be determined from the Cauchy data prescribed on a given moving interface. In [B.T. Johansson, D. Lesnic, and T. Reeve, A method of fundamental solutions for the one-dimensional inverse Stefan Problem, Appl. Math Model. 35 (2011), pp. 4367–4378], the inverse Stefan problem was considered, where only the boundary data is to be reconstructed on the fixed boundary. We extend the MFS proposed in Johansson et al. (2011) and show that the initial condition can also be simultaneously recovered, i.e. the MFS is appropriate for the inverse Cauchy-Stefan problem. Theoretical properties of the method, as well as numerical investigations, are included, showing that accurate results can be efficiently obtained with small computational cost.


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We know that classical thermodynamics even out of equilibrium always leads to stable situation which means degradation and consequently d sorder. Many experimental evidences in different fields show that gradation and order (symmetry breaking) during time and space evolution may appear when maintaining the system far from equilibrium. Order through fluctuations, stochastic processes which occur around critical points and dissipative structures are the fundamental background of the Prigogine-Glansdorff and Nicolis theory. The thermodynamics of macroscopic fluctuations to stochastic approach as well as the kinetic deterministic laws allow a better understanding of the peculiar fascinating behavior of organized matter. The reason for the occurence of this situation is directly related to intrinsic non linearities of the different mechanisms responsible for the evolution of the system. Moreover, when dealing with interfaces separating two immiscible phases (liquid - gas, liquid -liquid, liquid - solid, solid - solid), the situation is rather more complicated. Indeed coupling terms playing the major role in the conditions of instability arise from the peculiar singular static and dynamic properties of the surface and of its vicinity. In other words, the non linearities are not only intrinsic to classical steps involving feedbacks, but they may be imbedded with the non-autonomous character of the surface properties. In order to illustrate our goal we discuss three examples of ordering in far from equilibrium conditions: i) formation of chemical structures during the oxidation of metals and alloys; ii) formation of mechanical structures during the oxidation of metals iii) formation of patterns at a solid-liquid moving interface due to supercooling condition in a melt of alloy. © 1984, Walter de Gruyter. All rights reserved.