908 resultados para Mouth diseases
Although several studies discuss the contributing factors associated with the burning mouth syndrome (BMS), there is still controversy with regard to its etiology. Therefore, in the majority of cases, the establishment of an adequate diagnosis and consequently the best treatment modality is complicated. In order to assist the clinician in the establishment of the correct diagnosis and management of BMS, this article reviews the literature, providing a discussion on the various etiologic factors involved in BMS, as well as the best treatment modalities for this condition that have showed to be the most effective ones in randomized clinical trials. In addition, the authors discuss some clinical characteristics in the differential diagnosis of BMS and other oral diseases. It is important for the clinician to understand that BMS should be diagnosed only after all other possible causes for the symptoms have been ruled out.
NIH publication no. 92-3330.
Shipping list no: 94-0140-P.
BACKGROUND: West Virginia has the worst oral health in the United States, but the reasons for this are unclear. This pilot study explored the etiology of this disparity using culture-independent analyses to identify bacterial species associated with oral disease. METHODS: Bacteria in subgingival plaque samples from twelve participants in two independent West Virginia dental-related studies were characterized using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and Human Oral Microbe Identification Microarray (HOMIM) analysis. Unifrac analysis was used to characterize phylogenetic differences between bacterial communities obtained from plaque of participants with low or high oral disease, which was further evaluated using clustering and Principal Coordinate Analysis. RESULTS: Statistically different bacterial signatures (P<0.001) were identified in subgingival plaque of individuals with low or high oral disease in West Virginia based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Low disease contained a high frequency of Veillonella and Streptococcus, with a moderate number of Capnocytophaga. High disease exhibited substantially increased bacterial diversity and included a large proportion of Clostridiales cluster bacteria (Selenomonas, Eubacterium, Dialister). Phylogenetic trees constructed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that Clostridiales were repeated colonizers in plaque associated with high oral disease, providing evidence that the oral environment is somehow influencing the bacterial signature linked to disease. CONCLUSIONS: Culture-independent analyses identified an atypical bacterial signature associated with high oral disease in West Virginians and provided evidence that the oral environment influenced this signature. Both findings provide insight into the etiology of the oral disparity in West Virginia.
Aquest projecte parteix d'un projecte anterior realitzat per un company d'escola, en el qual es pretenia muntar un sistema per obtenir un diagnòstic dels pacients que pateixen bruxisme. El sistema que aquest company va muntar constava de dos subsistemes: el sistema de captura, encarregat de capturar el senyal mitjançant sensors i pretractar el senyal i el sistema de processament de dades, encarregat de rebre les dades provinents del sistema de captura mitjançant una ràdio sintonitzada a la freqüència 432,95MHz, que després s'envien al convertidor A/D de l'Olorim i s'emmagatzemen a la memòria interna de l'Olorim. Aquest projecte pretén millorar l'apartat de capacitat per a les dades i oferir major portabilitat mitjançant una targeta SD. Per dur a terme aquesta millora es recullen les dades emmagatzemades a la memòria interna del sistema microprocessat i s’emmagatzemen en una memòria SD. Les dades s'emmagatzemen a la targeta SD dins un fitxer creat prèviament amb l'ordinador, el qual ha de ser el primer fitxer que es crea a la targeta, ja que ha d'estar en sectors consecutius. En aquest fitxer s'aniran emmagatzemant les dades que ens proporcioni el sistema de captura en format RAW
Os levantamentos epidemiológicos são importantes para o conhecimento da prevalência e tipologia das doenças bucais, podendo-se a partir dos dados coletados, planejar, executar e avaliar ações de saúde. É necessário, no entanto, que haja rigor metodológico que garanta reprodutibilidade, validade e confiabilidade, e que haja uniformidade de procedimentos para permitir comparações nacionais e internacionais. A iniciativa da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) na assessoria à realização de levantamentos tem se mostrado extremamente útil, estimulando o estabelecimento de padrões de procedimentos que podem ser utilizados em todos os países. em 1991 foi publicada a edição em português da terceira edição do Oral Health Surveys - basic methods, de 1987, um manual que objetiva fornecer instruções para a realização de levantamentos epidemiológicos e tal publicação passou a servir de base a estudos realizados em diversos locais do Brasil e do mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho, é analisar criticamente a metodologia para Levantamento Epidemiológico em Saúde Bucal da OMS, na tentativa de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da mesma. de acordo com a presente análise, foram encontrados pontos relevantes para consideração, referentes à amostragem, à calibração dos examinadores e aos critérios para a avaliação de saúde bucal e necessidades de tratamento. Concluiu-se, em nível de recomendação, que, devido ao caráter dinâmico do conhecimento científico e, levando-se em consideração as diferenças regionais com relação ao padrão de desenvolvimento das doenças bucais, as propostas de padronização de levantamentos devem ser periodicamente revisadas. É provável, ainda, que outros pontos importantes não tenham sido detectados nesta análise, tornando-se premente ampliar esta discussão para toda a comunidade odontológica.
The deep mycoses are uncommon infections, usually acquired from the inhalation or ingestion of fungal spores, sometimes from the soil in areas of endemicity, such as in the Americas and south-east Asia, or from decaying vegetable matter. They are also seen in immunocompromised persons and, increasingly, in HIV-infected persons. Respiratory involvement is frequent, with granuloma formation, and mucocutaneous involvement may be seen. Oral lesions of the deep mycoses are typically chronic but non-specific, though nodular or ulcerative appearances are common. Person-to-person transmission is rare. In HIV disease, the most common orofacial involvement of deep mycoses has been in histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, aspergillosis and zygomycosis. Diagnosis is usually confirmed by lesional biopsy although culture may also be valuable. Treatment is with amphotericin or an azole.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the discrepancy index between the clinical and histological diagnosis and the prevalence of epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma in 45 patients with potentially malignant epithelial oral lesions (PMEL). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We submitted 45 patients with PMEL to clinical examination and obtained a biopsy from each. The results of histological diagnosis were compared to the clinical diagnosis. RESULTS: Clinical diagnosis showed that the most common PMEL was leukoplakia followed by lichen planus and by actinic cheilitis associated with leukoplakia. The most common site was the buccal mucosa. Histological diagnosis revealed that 46.7% of the PMEL were lichen planus. The discrepancy index between clinical and histological diagnosis was 24.4%. The higher discrepancy index occurred among leukoplakias. The prevalence of epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma was 17.8%. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that all PMEL should be submitted to a microscopic analysis because the discrepancy between clinical and histological diagnosis was present in a quarter of these lesions. Otherwise, the epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma were more frequent in the leukoplakias.
This study assessed the oral health of individuals 60 years or older in the city of Araraquara, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1998. Of the 194 people who participated in the study, 91 of them were institutionalized and had an average age of 73.6 years, and 103 were not institutionalized and had an average age of 69.3 years. The study participants were examined by a previously trained oral surgeon who determined the prevalence of the most common oral health problems. The results revealed a large number of edentulous individuals (72% of those institutionalized and 60% of the noninstitutionalized participants) and many persons with extracted teeth (93% and 90%, respectively), as well as a high frequency of periodontal pockets (57% and 75%, respectively) and of inadequate dentures (80% and 61%, respectively). Our results show reduced quality of life for a large proportion of these older individuals, and also indicate that public health services should pay greater attention to this population group.
The purpose of the present study was to emphasize the technique of micro-marsupialization as an alternative for the treatment of mucus retention phenomena. Out of 41 patients, 14 were selected for treatment by the micro-marsupialization technique on the basis of clinical criteria. Patient age ranged from 5-9 years. The technique was performed as follows: the area was disinfected with 0.1% iodine; a topical anesthetic was applied to cover the entire lesion for approximately 3 min; a 4.0 silk suture was passed through the internal part of the lesion along its widest diameter; and a surgical knot was made. Of the original 14 patients treated by the micro-marsupialization technique, 12 presented full regression one week after treatment. Recurrence occurred in two cases. It was possible to conclude that the micro-marsupialization technique is an alternative to be considered, especially in pediatric dentistry.
Background: Sporotrichosis is a granulomatous fungal infection caused by Sporothrix schenckii, which frequently causes cutaneous or lymphocutaneous lesions and rarely has oral manifestations. Case: A 38-year-old, white, HIV-positive man complained of a 5.0-cm, symptomatic, ulcerated lesion with thin, superficial granulation in the soft palate extending to the uvula. Exfoliative cytology of this oral lesion showed chronic granulomatous inflammatory alterations and extracellular fungal structures consisting of periodic acid-Schiff-positive budding cells and spherical or elongated (cigar bodies) free spore forms. Conclusion: The clinical and cytologic findings allowed the diagnosis of sporotrichosis, demonstrating the importance of cytodiagnosis in fungal diseases. © The International Academy of Cytology.
Lichen planus (LP) is a mucocutaneous disease with well-established clinical and microscopic features. The oral mucosa and skin may present clinical and microscopic alterations similar to those observed in LP, called lichenoid reactions (LRs), which are triggered by systemic or topical etiological agents. The difficulties faced to establish the differential diagnosis between the two pathologies were investigated in the literature. It was observed that the etiology of LP is still under discussion, with a tendency to self-immunity, while the etiology of LRs is related to the contact with specific agents, such as metallic restorative materials, resins, and drugs, allowing the establishment of a cause-effect relationship. In this case, the disease is caused by the antigen fixation in the epithelial cells, which are destructed by the immune system. Based on these data, protocols are suggested for this differentiation. The important role played by the integration between the clinician and the oral pathologist in the diagnostic process is highlighted. The treatment of LP comprises mainly the utilization of corticosteroids and the LR is treated by removal of the causal factor. Differentiation between the two diseases allows an effective and correct therapeutic approach.
We report an unusual case of verruciform xanthoma in a patient with neurofibromatosis and some clinical features of oral lichen planus. © 2010 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the oral health of elderly people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Study Design: Thirty elderly subjects with AD (mild, moderate, and severe) and 30 without AD (controls) were included in the study. Volunteer-reported oral health data were collected using the General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Demographic and oral characteristics were assessed, including the number of natural teeth; number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMTF); oral health index (OHI); removable prosthesis conditions; and oral pathologies. Results: GOHAI values were similar for both groups. Compared with the controls, the subjects with AD had a higher age, DMTF, OHI, and number of oral pathologies and a lower educational level and number of natural teeth. Conclusions: Elderly subjects with AD had poorer oral health than those without the disease. Despite the positive self-perception of their oral health, the oral health of subjects with AD tended to decline as their disease progressed. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
The increased use of orofacial fillers in cosmetic procedures has led to new diagnostic challenges for dentists and oral pathologists. Here, we describe a case with multiple oral foreign body granulomas, which were formed after a polymethylmetacrylate injection for cosmetic purposes. © 2011 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.