953 resultados para Mountain biking
A prática do ciclismo off-road (mountain biking - MTB), cresceu muito nas últimas duas décadas, sendo incluído como esporte olímpico, nos Jogos de Atlanta em 1996, na modalidade Cross Country. Na última década, houve um aumento no número de publicações científicas que verificaram a demanda fisiológica durante competições, assim como o estudo de possíveis preditores da performance nesta modalidade. O objetivo deste estudo de revisão foi descrever alguns aspectos fisiológicos específicos do MTB Cross Country (MTB CC) competitivo (intensidade de provas, perfil fisiológico de atletas de elite, uso de suspensões e determinantes da performance em subidas). Observa-se na literatura analisada que as provas de MTB CC parecem impor uma sobrecarga fisiológica maior, quando analisada através da frequência cardíaca, do que provas de ciclismo de estrada com duração semelhante. Entretanto, quando analisada pela potência de pedalada, observa-se claramente a característica intermitente da modalidade, com variações de potência durante a prova entre zero e 500W, e potência média relativamente baixa em comparação aos valores de FC encontrados. Outro fator importante levantado neste estudo são as alterações fisiológicas decorrentes do uso de suspensões nas bicicletas de MTB CC. O uso deste equipamento reduz o estresse muscular provocado pelo terreno acidentado, embora pareça não afetar o gasto energético total, tanto em percurso plano como em subidas. Entretanto, é fato que o desempenho em circuitos acidentados é melhorado com o uso das suspensões. Com base nos estudos abordados nessa revisão, conclui-se que o MTB CC enquanto modalidade competitiva apresenta uma grande variação de intensidade (avaliada através da potência), sendo esta atribuída principalmente ao tipo de terreno (irregular e com muitas aclives e declives acentuados) em que as provas de MTB CC acontecem.
In the contemporary tourism industry, the competitive game is between destinations. Tourism operations struggle to remain competitive on the international market and their success depends to a large extent on other complementary and competing tourism organizations at the destination. It is the sum of the total tourism offerings at the destination which determines its attractiveness. This research explores tourism collaboration process as a means of generating destination competitiveness. The focus of the research is on the enhancing factors which contribute to the success of the collaboration and to the development of quality tourism products. The research studies the case of Biking Dalarna, a collaboration of different organizations at five biking destinations in Dalarna, Sweden. Its purpose is to develop biking tourism in the region and to make Dalarna into Sweden’s leading biking destination. It is a qualitative research; the empirical data was collected through in depth interviews with representatives of six Biking Dalarna member organizations. The qualitative data collected from the participants provides inside look into the members reflections and experience of collaborating. The findings of this research demonstrate how collaboration has improved the biking product in Dalarna and promoted solutions to development problems. The research finds the good relationship between the collaborating actors and the involvement and leadership of the regional tourism management organization as the most contributing factors to the success of Biking Dalarna. The research also suggests that a third desired outcome of collaboration, improved marketing attributes was yet to be achieved in the case of Biking Dalarna.
We evaluated 4 men who had benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) that occured several hours after intensive mountain biking but without head trauma. The positional maneuvers in the planes of the posterior and horizontal canals elicited BPPV, as well as transitory nystagmus. This was attributed to both the posterior and horizontal semicircular canals (SCCs) on the left side in 1 patient, in these 2 SCCs on the right side in another patient, and to the right posterior SCC in the other 2 patients. The symptoms disappeared after physiotherapeutic maneuvers in 2 patients and spontaneously in the other 2 patients. Cross-country or downhill mountain biking generates frequent vibratory impacts, which are only partially filtered through the suspension fork and the upper parts of the body. Biomechanically, during a moderate jump, before landing, the head is subjected to an acceleration close to negative 1 g, and during impact it is subjected to an upward acceleration of more than 2g. Repeated acceleration-deceleration events during intensive off-road biking might generate displacement and/or dislocation of otoconia from the otolithic organs, inducing the typical symptoms of BPPV. This new cause of posttraumatic BPPV should be considered as an injury of minor severity attributed to the practice of mountain biking.
Increasing demand from mountain bikers for greater access to riding in National Park Service (NPS) units is driving the need for park managers to seriously look at the impacts from and feasibility of permitting this recreational use. Currently, NPS units that permit mountain bicycling do not have formal mountain bicycling management plans. An analysis of recreational policies and existing research was conducted to identify criteria for effective mountain bicycling management strategies. Criteria were developed for trail selection, establishment, use, closures and rehabilitation. Criteria were also developed for user education, participatory planning and monitoring. This study shows that the NPS needs formal mountain bicycling management plans that focus on the preservation of natural and cultural resources and consider the appropriateness of proposed recreational uses.
This capstone reviews uses of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. Policies governing use of the trail appear to be ambiguous, especially regarding mountain bicycles. Mountain biking has grown since the trail was created, but is not fully addressed in existing or proposed policy. 382 people on five segments of the trail in Colorado were interviewed for this capstone. Mountain bikes, hiking, and motorized recreation were observed uses. User conflict, overcrowding, degraded recreation experiences, or user displacement was not reported. User satisfaction was high and most would return. Interviewees requested increased public involvement and recognition of user needs in setting policy. Trail degradation occurs, but is unassociated with any particular use. Recommendations for trail improvement and maintenance are presented.
In this paper we present a novel algorithm for localization during navigation that performs matching over local image sequences. Instead of calculating the single location most likely to correspond to a current visual scene, the approach finds candidate matching locations within every section (subroute) of all learned routes. Through this approach, we reduce the demands upon the image processing front-end, requiring it to only be able to correctly pick the best matching image from within a short local image sequence, rather than globally. We applied this algorithm to a challenging downhill mountain biking visual dataset where there was significant perceptual or environment change between repeated traverses of the environment, and compared performance to applying the feature-based algorithm FAB-MAP. The results demonstrate the potential for localization using visual sequences, even when there are no visual features that can be reliably detected.
This map is designed as a resource for students and the public to use and develop a better understanding of the trails system on the Colby Campus. I used a Garmin GPSmap 60CS to chart all the trails on Runnals Hill and in the Arboretum. Then, using ArcGIS, I compiled the tracked trails and laid them over an aerial photo of the campus. Because many of the trails are hard to find, I took digital photos of each trail entry to help the user locate them. Then, by taking note of the grade and width of the trail, I decided which trails were suitable for certain activities. This gives users an idea of where to go for walking, running, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing.
Zusammenfassung: Freizeitaktivitäten wie Mountainbiking, Sportklettern, Drachen- und Gleitschirmfliegen oder Windsur-fen sind relativ neue Erscheinungen der letzten fünfzehn bis fünfundzwanzig Jahre. Ihre Entwicklung und Ausdifferenzierung beschränkt sich vor allem auf Gesellschaften westlich-industrieller Prägung, deren Grundlage ein funktional differenziertes Gesellschaftssystem ist. Mit Hilfe des Beobachtungsin-strumentes der neueren soziologischen Systemtheorie wird zunächst das Aufkommen und die immer fortschreitende Ausdifferenzierung von Trend- und Natursportarten analysiert und gedeutet. Es zeigt sich, daß diese neuen Freizeitaktivitäten über den Zugriff auf die eigene Körperlichkeit in hohem Ma-ße zur Identitätsfindung der Individuen solcher Gesellschaftssysteme beitragen.Aus geographischer Sicht stellt sich die Frage nach der Bedeutung dieser Entwicklung für die Land-schaft. Dabei wird Landschaft explizit nicht als etwas verstanden, daß 'an sich' existiert, sondern als etwas, das 'erlebt' oder 'begriffen', also immer wieder aufs Neue im Auge des Betrachters konstru-iert wird. Für die Sporttreibenden von Trend- und Natursportarten ist der Blick auf die Welt durch ihre Sportart strukturiert. Jedenfalls immer dann, wenn es darum geht, eine Sportstätte für ihre jeweilige Sportausübung auszuwählen. Die Naturlandschaft (oder auch Kulturlandschaft) wird damit zur 'Sportlandschaft'. Der Begriff der 'Landschaft' erscheint dann im Sinne Werlens 'alltäglichen Geo-graphie-Machens' als eine permanent neu zu erstellende und damit sich auch ständig verändernde Perspektive auf die Objektwelt. So kann sich im Auge der Sporttreibenden von Trend- und Natur-sportarten jedes Objekt und jede Landschaft, wenn man so will: die Welt, als ein einziger großer Sportplatz darstellen.Wenn also alles potentiell eine Sportstätte sein kann, stellt sich die Frage, wie es zur Herausbildung sogenannter Top Spots kommt, also zu jenen Sportstätten, die innerhalb der jeweiligen Sportart von herausragender Bedeutung sind - sozusagen die oberste Sprosse der Karriereleiter erklommen haben - und an der jeder gewesen sein muß, der innerhalb der sportartspezifischen Szene etwas gelten will. Dieser Frage wird anhand eines Fallbeispiels nachgegangen. Als Grundlage wurde ein Untersu-chungsgebiet gewählt, das sich bereits in einem fortgeschrittenen Stadium der Entwicklung zu einem Top Spot befindet - eine Landschaft also, die bereits eine 'Karriere als Sportlandschaft' aufzuweisen hat. Die peripher gelegene US-amerikanische Kleinstadt Moab in Südost-Utah (ca. 5.000 Einwohner) hat sich seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre zu einem internationalen Szene-Treffpunkt für Mountainbiking entwickelt. Zu dem wichtigsten Mountainbike-Trail (dem Slickrock Bike Trail) kommen pro Jahr al-lein mehr als 200.000 Mountainbike-TouristInnen. Neben dem Mountainbiking spielt River Rafting eine bedeutende Rolle im Tourismus und es hat sich dort in den letzten Jahren außerdem eine kleine Sportkletter-Szene etabliert, die in den nächsten Jahren sicherlich noch an Bedeutung zunehmen wird.
Every fifth unintentional injury treated at a healthcare facility in industrialized nations is associated with sports or physical exercise. Though the benefits of exercise on health status are well documented and, for most individuals, far outweigh the risks, participation in sports and exercise programs does carry a risk of injury, illness, or even death. In an effort to decrease these risks most institutions in the United States, and in the industrialized world, require a pre-participation physical examination for all athletes competing in organized or scholastic sports or exercise programs. Over the last ten years the popularity of outdoor or wilderness sports has increased enormously. Traditional outdoor sports such as skiing and hiking are more popular than ever and sports that did not exist 10 to 15 years ago, such as adventure racing or mountain biking, are now multimillion dollar enterprises. This genre of sport appeals to a broad spectrum of individuals and combines the traditional risks of physical activity and exertion with the remoteness and exposure associated with wilderness environments. Wilderness athletes include people of all ages and of both genders. The main causes of morbidity are musculoskeletal injuries and gastrointestinal illnesses; the main causes of mortality are falls and cardiac events. By placing these causes in a Haddon Matrix, preventative strategies have been found and recommendations made specifically for the preparticipation physical examination, which include education about the causes of morbidity and mortality in wilderness athletes, instruction about preventing and treating these injuries and illnesses, and screening of athletes at risk for cardiovascular accidents. Through these measures the risk of injuries, illnesses and deaths in wilderness athletes can be decreased through out the world. ^
Increased population growth of the Northwest Corner of Arkansas is straining the natural resources of the Lake Fayetteville Nature Trail, Fayetteville, AR. Recreational activities conducted on this single track multi-use trail are mountain biking, walking, jogging and wildlife viewing. Impacts evident on the NE section of the trail consist of erosion, vegetation, wildlife and conflict disturbances. Throughout this paper recommendations of management solutions and maintenance ideas are presented. Control of recreation impacts will help the longevity of the trail and maintain the aesthetics for present and future trail users.
The Tamborine Mt area is a popular residential and tourist area in the Gold Coast hinterland, SE Qld. The 15km2 area occurs on elevated remnant Tertiary Basalts of the Beechmont Group, which comprise a number of mappable flow units originally derived from the Tweed volcanic centre to the south. The older Albert Basalt (Tertiary), which underlies the Beechmont Basalt at the southern end of the investigation area, is thought to be derived from the Focal Peak volcanic centre to the south west. The Basalts contain a locally significant ‘un-declared’ groundwater resource, which is utilised by the Tamborine Mt community for: • domestic purposes to supplement rainwater tank supplies, • commercial scale horticulture and • commercial export off-Mountain for bottled water. There is no reticulated water supply, and all waste water is treated on-site through domestic scale WTPs. Rainforest and other riparian ecosystems that attract residents and tourist dollars to the area, are also reliant on the groundwater that discharges to springs and surface streams on and around the plateau. Issues regarding a lack of compiled groundwater information, groundwater contamination, and groundwater sustainability are being investigated by QUT, utilising funding provided by the Federal Government’s ‘Caring for our Country’ programme through SEQ Catchments Ltd. The objectives of the two year project, which started in April 2009, are to: • Characterise the nature and condition of groundwater / surface water systems in the Tamborine Mountain area in terms of the issues being raised; • Engage and build capacity within the community to source local knowledge, encourage participation, raise awareness and improve understanding of the impacts of land and water use; • Develop a stand-alone 3D Visualisation model for dissemination into the community and use as a communication tool.
The Valley Mountain 15’ quadrangle straddles the Pinto Mountain Fault, which bounds the eastern Transverse Ranges in the south against the Mojave Desert province in the north. The Pinto Mountains, part of the eastern Transverse Ranges in the south part of the quadrangle expose a series of Paleoproterozoic gneisses and granite and the Proterozoic quartzite of Pinto Mountain. Early Triassic quartz monzonite intruded the gneisses and was ductiley deformed prior to voluminous Jurassic intrusion of diorite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite, and granite plutons. The Jurassic rocks include part of the Bullion Mountains Intrusive Suite, which crops out prominently at Valley Mountain and in the Bullion Mountains, as well as in the Pinto Mountains. Jurassic plutons in the southwest part of the quadrangle are deeply denuded from midcrustal emplacement levels in contrast to supracrustal Jurassic limestone and volcanic rocks exposed in the northeast. Dikes inferred to be part of the Jurassic Independence Dike Swarm intrude the Jurassic plutons and Proterozoic rocks. Late Cretaceous intrusion of the Cadiz Valley Batholith in the northeast caused contact metamorphism of adjacent Jurassic plutonic rocks...
Since 1997 the Finnish Jabal Haroun Project (FJHP) has studied the ruins of the monastery and pilgrimage complex (Gr. oikos) of Aaron located on a plateau of the Mountain of Prophet Aaron, Jabal an-Nabi Harûn, ca. 5 km to the south-west of the UNESCO World Heritage site of Petra in Jordan. The state of conservation and the damaging processes affecting the stone structures of the site are studied in this M.A. thesis. The chapel was chosen as an example, as it represents the phasing and building materials of the entire site. The aim of this work is to act as a preliminary study with regards to the planning of long-term conservation at the site. The research is empirical in nature. The condition of the stones in the chapel walls was mapped using the Illustrated Glossary on Stone Deterioration, by the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Stone. This glossary combines several standards and systems of damage mapping used in the field. Climatic conditions (temperature and RH %) were monitored for one year (9/2005-8/2006) using a HOBO Microstation datalogger. The measurements were compared with contemporary measurements from the nearest weather station in Wadi Musa. Salts in the stones were studied by taking samples from the stone surfaces by scraping and with the “Paper Pulp”-method; with a poultice of wet cellulose fiber (Arbocel BC1000) and analyzing what main types of salts were to be found in the samples. The climatic conditions on the mountain were expected to be rapidly changing and to differ clearly from conditions in the neighboring areas. The rapid changes were confirmed, but the values did not differ as much as expected from those nearby: the 12 months monitored had average temperatures and were somewhat drier than average. Earlier research in the area has shown that the geological properties of the stone material influence its deterioration. The damage mapping showed clearly, that salts are also a major reason for stone weathering. The salt samples contained several salt combinations, whose behavior in the extremely unstable climatic conditions is difficult to predict. Detailed mapping and regular monitoring of especially the structures, that are going remain exposed, is recommended in this work.