785 resultados para Mott criticality
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In certain Mott-insulating dimerized antiferromagnets, triplet excitations of the paramagnetic phase display both three-particle and four-particle interactions. When such a magnet undergoes a quantum phase transition into a magnetically ordered state, the three-particle interaction becomes part of the critical theory provided that the lattice ordering wave vector is zero. One microscopic example is the staggered-dimer antiferromagnet on the square lattice, for which deviations from O(3) universality have been reported in numerical studies. Using both symmetry arguments and microscopic calculations, we show that a nontrivial cubic term arises in the relevant order-parameter quantum field theory, and we assess its consequences using a combination of analytical and numerical methods. We also present finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo data for the staggered-dimer antiferromagnet which complement recently published results. The data can be consistently interpreted in terms of critical exponents identical to that of the standard O(3) universality class, but with anomalously large corrections to scaling. We argue that the cubic interaction of critical triplons, although irrelevant in two spatial dimensions, is responsible for the leading corrections to scaling due to its small scaling dimension.
The behavior of normal individuals and psychiatric patients vary in a similar way following power laws. The presence of identical patterns of behavioral variation occurring in individuals with different levels of activity is suggestive of self-similarity phenomena. Based on these findings, we propose that the human behavior in social context can constitute a system exhibiting self-organized criticality (SOC). The introduction of SOC concept in psychological theories can help to approach the question of behavior predictability by taking into consideration their intrinsic stochastic character. Also, the ceteris paribus generalizations characteristic of psychological laws can be seen as a consequence of individual level description of a more complex collective phenomena. Although limited, this study suggests that, if an adequate level of description is adopted, the complexity of human behavior can be more easily approached and their individual and social components can be more realistically modeled. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The classical model of capillary equilibrium in cylindrical pores is modified here by the introduction of molecular concepts and the solid fluid interaction potential. The new approach accurately predicts capillary coexistence and criticality, with results quantitatively matching those from density functional theory for nitrogen adsorption, while also predicting condensation pressures in agreement with reported experimental findings for MCM-41. The larger critical pore size for nitrogen adsorption in these materials, however, suggests a modification of the potential function parameters, evaluated here from data for hydroxylated silica.
MCM-41 materials of six different pore diameters were prepared and characterized using X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, helium pycnometry, small-angle neutron scattering, and gas adsorption (argon at 77.4 and 87.4 K, nitrogen and oxygen at 77.4 K, and carbon dioxide at 194.6 K). A recent molecular continuum model of the authors, previously used for adsorption of nitrogen at 77.4 K, was applied here for adsorption of argon, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. While model predictions of single-pore adsorption isotherms for argon and oxygen are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data, significant deviation was found for carbon dioxide, most likely due to its high quadrupole moment. Predictions of critical pore diameter, below which reversible condensation occurs: were possible by the model and found to be consistent with experimental estimates, for the adsorption of the various gases. On the other hand, existing models such as the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH), Saito-Foley, and Dubinin-Astakhov models were found to be inadequate, either predicting an incorrect pore diameter or not correlating the isotherms adequately. The wall structure of MCM-41 appears to be close to that of amorphous silica, as inferred from our skeletal density measurements.
In the present work, various theories predicting the critical diameter for the absence of capillary condensation and hysteresis are applied to experimental adsorption isotherms of vapors on regular mesoporous materials. Among the various theories studied, the tensile strength approximation proposed by the authors was found to be the most successful. Reversibility of nitrogen adsorption at 77.4 K was studied on pure MCM-41 of various pore sizes, as well as mixtures of pure MCM-41 samples in a 1:1 ratio. The results of PSD and hysteresis on MCM-41 mixtures are close to that expected from studies of the pure materials. The estimates of hysteresis critical temperature and diameter of MCM-41, HMS, FSM and KIT materials are also provided.
Using the exact Bethe ansatz solution of the Hubbard model and Luttinger liquid theory, we investigate the density profiles and collective modes of one-dimensional ultracold fermions confined in an optical lattice with a harmonic trapping potential. We determine a generic phase diagram in terms of a characteristic filling factor and a dimensionless coupling constant. The collective oscillations of the atomic mass density, a technique that is commonly used in experiments, provide a signature of the quantum phase transition from the metallic phase to the Mott-insulator phase. A detailed experimental implementation is proposed.
We investigate the theory of quantum fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems having large critical fluctuations. This allows us to treat the limits imposed by nonlinearities to quantum squeezing and noise reduction, and also to envisage future tests of quantum theory in regions of macroscopic quantum fluctuations. A long-term objective of this research is to identify suitable physical systems in which macroscopic 'Schrodinger cat'-like behaviour may be observed. We investigate two systems in particular of much current experimental interest, namely the degenerate parametric oscillator near threshold, and the evaporatively cooled (BEC). We compare the results obtained in the positive-P representation, as a fully quantum mechanical calculation, with the truncated Wigner phase space equation, also known as semi-classical theory. We show when these results agree and differ in calculations taken beyond the linearized approximation. In the region where the largest quantum fluctuations and Schrodinger cat-like behaviour might be expected, we find that the quantum predictions correspond very closely to the semi-classical theory. Nature abhors observing a Schrodinger car.
We consider the possibility that the electrons injected into organic field-effect transistors are strongly correlated. A single layer of acenes can be modeled by a Hubbard Hamiltonian similar to that used for the κ-(BEDT-TTF)2X family of organic superconductors. The injected electrons do not necessarily undergo a transition to a Mott insulator state as they would in bulk crystals when the system is half-filled. We calculate the fillings needed for obtaining insulating states in the framework of the slave-boson theory and in the limit of large Hubbard repulsion U. We also suggest that these Mott states are unstable above some critical interlayer coupling or long-range Coulomb interaction.
The criticality of self-assembled rigid rods on triangular lattices is investigated using Monte Carlo simulation. We find a continuous transition between an ordered phase, where the rods are oriented along one of the three (equivalent) lattice directions, and a disordered one. We conclude that equilibrium polydispersity of the rod lengths does not affect the critical behavior, as we found that the criticality is the same as that of monodisperse rodson the same lattice, in contrast with the results of recently published work on similar models. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3556665]
We use a simple model of associating fluids which consists of spherical particles having a hard-core repulsion, complemented by three short-ranged attractive sites on the surface (sticky spots). Two of the spots are of type A and one is of type B; the bonding interactions between each pair of spots have strengths epsilon(AA), epsilon(BB), and epsilon(AB). The theory is applied over the whole range of bonding strengths and the results are interpreted in terms of the equilibrium cluster structures of the phases. In addition to our numerical results, we derive asymptotic expansions for the free energy in the limits for which there is no liquid-vapor critical point: linear chains (epsilon(AA)not equal 0, epsilon(AB)=epsilon(BB)=0), hyperbranched polymers (epsilon(AB)not equal 0, epsilon(AA)=epsilon(BB)=0), and dimers (epsilon(BB)not equal 0, epsilon(AA)=epsilon(AB)=0). These expansions also allow us to calculate the structure of the critical fluid by perturbing around the above limits, yielding three different types of condensation: of linear chains (AA clusters connected by a few AB or BB bonds); of hyperbranched polymers (AB clusters connected by AA bonds); or of dimers (BB clusters connected by AA bonds). Interestingly, there is no critical point when epsilon(AA) vanishes despite the fact that AA bonds alone cannot drive condensation.
Componentised systems, in particular those with fault confinement through address spaces, are currently emerging as a hot topic in embedded systems research. This paper extends the unified rate-based scheduling framework RBED in several dimensions to fit the requirements of such systems: we have removed the requirement that the deadline of a task is equal to its period. The introduction of inter-process communication reflects the need to communicate. Additionally we also discuss server tasks, budget replenishment and the low level details needed to deal with the physical reality of systems. While a number of these issues have been studied in previous work in isolation, we focus on the problems discovered and lessons learned when integrating solutions. We report on our experiences implementing the proposed mechanisms in a commercial grade OKL4 microkernel as well as an application with soft real-time and best-effort tasks on top of it.
5th Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering, SBESC 2015 (SBESC 2015). 3 to 6, Nov, 2015. Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil.
23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2015). 4 to 6, Nov, 2015, Main Track. Lille, France. Best Paper Award Nominee
Presented at Work in Progress Session, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2015). 1 to 4, Dec, 2015. San Antonio, U.S.A..