998 resultados para Motor disabilities
OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of recent skin injuries in children with neuromotor disabilities and its association with disability. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study of 168 children with neuromotor disabilities aged 2-16 years. SETTING: Two outpatient child rehabilitation centres. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Children were classified as unrestricted walkers, restricted walkers or wheelchair dependent. Each participant's body surface was systematically examined for recent skin injuries with the exception of the anal-genital area. RESULTS: The mean age of our sample was 7.8 (SD 3.7) years with a 3:2 male/female ratio. Overall, 64% had cerebral palsy, 17% a neuromuscular disease and 19% other motor disabilities. Participants had on average 5.3 (SD 4.5) recent skin injuries (max 19), of which 2.5 were bruises (SD 3.3, max 16), 2.4 were abrasions, scratches or cuts (SD 3.0, max 16) and 0.4 were pressure lesions (SD 0.8, max 4). There was a significant decrease in the frequency of recent skin injuries and of bruises with increasing severity of motor disability. Most of this variation was accounted for by injuries to the lower limbs. There were no significant effects of gender, learning disabilities or other comorbidities. CONCLUSIONS: Children with neuromotor disabilities present a progressive reduction in the number of skin injuries with decreasing mobility. Therefore, recent skin injuries in this population which are unusual by their number, appearance or distribution, should raise at least the same level of suspicion for physical abuse as in children without disabilities.
This study developed an individualized proposal to promote, from the family context, the independence of two four-year-old children with motor disabilities. The proposal aimed at helping mothers and fathers to promote different skills within the family context. The results of this study revealed that when the families of children with disabilities are oriented, it is easier for them to start processes that otherwise would be postponed. As a result, it is recommended to create proposals to support the parents and help them to build their own family-growth processes and develop independence living skills in their children with motor disabilities.
Assistive technology involving voice communication is used primarily by people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have speech and/or language disabilities. It is also used to a lesser extent by people with visual or motor disabilities. A very wide range of devices has been developed for people with hearing loss. These devices can be categorized not only by the modality of stimulation [i.e., auditory, visual, tactile, or direct electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve (auditory-neural)] but also in terms of the degree of speech processing that is used. At least four such categories can be distinguished: assistive devices (a) that are not designed specifically for speech, (b) that take the average characteristics of speech into account, (c) that process articulatory or phonetic characteristics of speech, and (d) that embody some degree of automatic speech recognition. Assistive devices for people with speech and/or language disabilities typically involve some form of speech synthesis or symbol generation for severe forms of language disability. Speech synthesis is also used in text-to-speech systems for sightless persons. Other applications of assistive technology involving voice communication include voice control of wheelchairs and other devices for people with mobility disabilities.
This dissertation introduces the design of a multimodal, adaptive real-time assistive system as an alternate human computer interface that can be used by individuals with severe motor disabilities. The proposed design is based on the integration of a remote eye-gaze tracking system, voice recognition software, and a virtual keyboard. The methodology relies on a user profile that customizes eye gaze tracking using neural networks. The user profiling feature facilitates the notion of universal access to computing resources for a wide range of applications such as web browsing, email, word processing and editing. ^ The study is significant in terms of the integration of key algorithms to yield an adaptable and multimodal interface. The contributions of this dissertation stem from the following accomplishments: (a) establishment of the data transport mechanism between the eye-gaze system and the host computer yielding to a significantly low failure rate of 0.9%; (b) accurate translation of eye data into cursor movement through congregate steps which conclude with calibrated cursor coordinates using an improved conversion function; resulting in an average reduction of 70% of the disparity between the point of gaze and the actual position of the mouse cursor, compared with initial findings; (c) use of both a moving average and a trained neural network in order to minimize the jitter of the mouse cursor, which yield an average jittering reduction of 35%; (d) introduction of a new mathematical methodology to measure the degree of jittering of the mouse trajectory; (e) embedding an onscreen keyboard to facilitate text entry, and a graphical interface that is used to generate user profiles for system adaptability. ^ The adaptability nature of the interface is achieved through the establishment of user profiles, which may contain the jittering and voice characteristics of a particular user as well as a customized list of the most commonly used words ordered according to the user's preferences: in alphabetical or statistical order. This allows the system to successfully provide the capability of interacting with a computer. Every time any of the sub-system is retrained, the accuracy of the interface response improves even more. ^
Research on perceptions of people with disabilities has in general focussed on a single disability or on unspecified 'disability.' The aim of this study was to compare perceptions of several acquired disabilities from an intergroup perspective. It was hypothesised that the type (sensory or motor) and visibility of the disability would influence perceptions, and that prior contact would increase the positivity of perceptions. Participants were 155 students who gave their own, other, perceived self, and communication perceptions of male and female targets (with deafness, blindness, aphasia, or paraplegia) in vignettes. Results indicated that for most measures, people with motor disabilities were perceived more negatively than those with sensory ones, visible sensory disabilities more negatively than invisible sensory, but contrary to predictions, invisible motor more negatively than visible motor. There was some support for the association between prior contact and more positive perceptions.
RESUMO:Para que o sucesso educativo se verifique, a escola tem de ajustar a sua prática educativa a todos os alunos, incluindo os que apresentam necessidades educativas especiais (NEE). Portugal dispõe de legislação que assegura o direito à educação e à igualdade de oportunidades, consignados na Constituição da República Portuguesa (artigos 71º, 73º e 74º), em consonância com a Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem e na Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo (artigos 2º, 7º, 17º e 18º). O nosso país subscreveu também a Declaração de Salamanca, a qual reuniu, em 1994, o consenso de noventa e dois governos e de vinte e cinco organizações internacionais, reafirmando o direito à educação para todos. A construção da escola inclusiva passa pela responsabilização da escola por todos os alunos, na perspectiva de educação para todos, exigindo a sua concretização novas estratégias e resposta a novos desafios. Há que alterar práticas para atender à diversidade. Assim, as escolas precisam de estar arquitectonicamente adaptadas às necessidades dos alunos que utilizam a cadeira de rodas como forma de mobilidade, respeitando o direito à diferença e possibilitando, em igualdade de oportunidades, o sucesso escolar e educativo. Levar à prática as medidas previstas na lei portuguesa e implementar, em cada escola, a inclusão do aluno com mobilidade condicionada, implica equipar as escolas com adaptações, meios e recursos educativos facilitadores do seu processo ensino/aprendizagem. A constatação do que efectivamente acontece no terreno educativo no que concerne aos alunos com deficiência motora que usam a cadeira de rodas para se movimentarem assume toda a centralidade da nossa investigação, que tem o cariz de um estudo de caso. Incide sobre a compreensão mais aprofundada de como se processa o acesso arquitectónico nas escolas do Ensino Básico da Zona Norte e mais concretamente do Concelho de Guimarães. Recolhemos dados através de questionários dirigidos aos professores de apoio educativo e coordenadores de escola; ouvimos os alunos com deficiência motora pronunciar-se sobre as dificuldades que sentiam; observámos o seu quotidiano escolar e, finalmente, escutámos as entidades locais, através de uma entrevista realizada à Vereadora da Cultura do Concelho de Guimarães. Os resultados obtidos serão, como foi acordado, divulgados aos intervenientes com responsabilidades directas no campo da educação que se prontificaram a partilhar connosco a sua informação e saber, no sentido de os sensibilizar para a necessidade de rever o aspecto das acessibilidades arquitectónicas nas instituições educativas que servem o seu concelho, pois, como verificámos, muito há ainda a fazer para que o Ensino Básico, universal e obrigatório, se traduza numa igualdade de oportunidades de acesso e sucesso educativo para os alunos que utilizam a cadeira de rodas para se movimentarem no espaço escolar. ABSTRACT: For the educational success of a school it has to adjust its educational practice so that it includes those with special needs. According to the Portuguese law, disabled people have the right to education and equal opportunities, well expressed in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (articles 71st, 73rd, and 74th), in consonance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in the main law the educational system (articles 2nd, 7th, 17th and 18th). Our country has also subscribed the Declaration of Salamanca, which was written in 1994 with the agreement of Representatives from ninety-two governments and twenty-five International Organizations, where was reaffirmed the right of education for all. It is necessary that school increases its responsibility in what concerns the education of all its students. Educating all and every student demands new strategies to face new challenges and so some practices have to be changed to respond to diversity. Schools must be architecturally adapted to give the disabled students, who use a wheel chair, equal opportunities to achieve educational success. Taking the measures foreseen in Portuguese law into practice, and implementing in each school the inclusion of students with conditioned mobility, involves equipping schools with adaptations, equipment and educational resources that facilitate the teaching / learning process. The observation of what actually happens on educative ground, regarding to pupils with motor disabilities who use a wheelchair to move, assumes the centrality of our research, which is a case study. It focuses on the deeper understanding of the way the architectonic access in primary schools of the North, and more specifically the Municipality of Guimarães, is processed. We collected data through questionnaires addressed to educational support teachers and school coordinators; heard students with motor disabilities to comment on the difficulties they felt; observed their daily school life, and finally heard the local authorities, through an interview the Councillor of Culture of the Municipality of Guimarães. As agreed, the results will be communicated to intervenients with direct responsibilities in the field of education who were willing to share with us their information and knowledge in order to raise awareness of the need of looking over the aspect of architectural accessibility in educational institutions that serve their county, because, as noted, much remains to be done so that the basic education, universal and compulsory, will result in equality of educational opportunities in access and success for students who use a wheelchair to move in school space.
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)
BACKGROUND: Several recently developed therapies targeting motor disabilities in stroke sufferers have shown to be more effective than standard neurorehabilitation approaches. In this context, several basic studies demonstrated that music training produces rapid neuroplastic changes in motor-related brain areas. Music-supported therapy has been recently developed as a new motor rehabilitation intervention. METHODS AND RESULTS: In order to explore the plasticity effects of music-supported therapy, this therapeutic intervention was applied to twenty chronic stroke patients. Before and after the music-supported therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied for the assessment of excitability changes in the motor cortex and a 3D movement analyzer was used for the assessment of motor performance parameters such as velocity, acceleration and smoothness in a set of diadochokinetic movement tasks. Our results suggest that the music-supported therapy produces changes in cortical plasticity leading the improvement of the subjects' motor performance. CONCLUSION: Our findings represent the first evidence of the neurophysiological changes induced by this therapy in chronic stroke patients, and their link with the amelioration of motor performance. Further studies are needed to confirm our observations.
BACKGROUND: Several recently developed therapies targeting motor disabilities in stroke sufferers have shown to be more effective than standard neurorehabilitation approaches. In this context, several basic studies demonstrated that music training produces rapid neuroplastic changes in motor-related brain areas. Music-supported therapy has been recently developed as a new motor rehabilitation intervention. METHODS AND RESULTS: In order to explore the plasticity effects of music-supported therapy, this therapeutic intervention was applied to twenty chronic stroke patients. Before and after the music-supported therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied for the assessment of excitability changes in the motor cortex and a 3D movement analyzer was used for the assessment of motor performance parameters such as velocity, acceleration and smoothness in a set of diadochokinetic movement tasks. Our results suggest that the music-supported therapy produces changes in cortical plasticity leading the improvement of the subjects' motor performance. CONCLUSION: Our findings represent the first evidence of the neurophysiological changes induced by this therapy in chronic stroke patients, and their link with the amelioration of motor performance. Further studies are needed to confirm our observations.
BACKGROUND: Several recently developed therapies targeting motor disabilities in stroke sufferers have shown to be more effective than standard neurorehabilitation approaches. In this context, several basic studies demonstrated that music training produces rapid neuroplastic changes in motor-related brain areas. Music-supported therapy has been recently developed as a new motor rehabilitation intervention. METHODS AND RESULTS: In order to explore the plasticity effects of music-supported therapy, this therapeutic intervention was applied to twenty chronic stroke patients. Before and after the music-supported therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied for the assessment of excitability changes in the motor cortex and a 3D movement analyzer was used for the assessment of motor performance parameters such as velocity, acceleration and smoothness in a set of diadochokinetic movement tasks. Our results suggest that the music-supported therapy produces changes in cortical plasticity leading the improvement of the subjects' motor performance. CONCLUSION: Our findings represent the first evidence of the neurophysiological changes induced by this therapy in chronic stroke patients, and their link with the amelioration of motor performance. Further studies are needed to confirm our observations.
La sclérose en plaques (SEP) est une maladie démyélinisante du système nerveux central (SNC) provoquant des pertes motrices, sensitives et cognitives. La SEP se déclare chez le jeune adulte ayant des prédispositions génétiques, mais semble induite, par des facteurs environnementaux. La SEP touche principalement les femmes et sa prévalence dans les zones à haut risque, tel que la Suisse, est de 0.1%. Bien que son étiologie exacte reste méconnue, nous savons que la maladie est médiée par des lymphocytes T autoréactifs périphériques, qui infiltrent le SNC où ils activent d'autres cellules immunitaires ainsi que les cellules du SNC elles-mêmes, créant un foyer inflammatoire, qui va attaquer et finir par tuer les oligodendrocytes et les neurones. Les épisodes inflammatoires sont entrecoupés par des phases de rémission associées à une guérison partielle des lésions. Cette première phase de la maladie, comprenant des épisodes inflammatoires et de rémissions est appelé SEP récurrente-rémittente (SEP-RR) et touche 90% des patients. Elle évolue, dans deux-tiers des cas, vers une SEP secondaire progressive (SEP-SP), qui est caractérisée par une progression constante de la maladie, associée à une réduction de l'inflammation mais une augmentation de la neurodégénérescence. Les patients souffrants de SEP primaire progressive (SEP-PP) développent directement les symptômes de la phase progressive de la maladie. Les thérapies disponibles ont considérablement amélioré l'évolution de la maladie des patients SEP-RR, en agissant sur une diminution de la réponse immunitaire et donc de l'inflammation. Cependant, ces traitements sont inefficaces chez les patients SEP-SP et SEP-PP, n'agissant pas sur la neurodégénérescence. IL-22, une cytokine sécrétée notoirement par les cellules Th17, a été associée à la SEP en contribuant à la perméabilisation de la barrière hémato-encéphalique et à l'inflammation du SNC, qui sont des étapes clés de la pathogenèse de la maladie. En outre, le gène codant pour un inhibiteur puissant d'IL- 22, 'IL-22 binding protein' (IL-22BP), a été démontré comme un facteur de risque de la SEP. Ces indices nous ont poussés à nous intéresser de plus près au rôle de l'IL-22 dans la SEP. Nous avons pu montrer qu'IL-22 et IL-22BP étaient augmentées dans le sang des patients SEP par rapport à des sujets sains. Nous avons trouvé qu'IL-22 cible spécifiquement les astrocytes dans le SNC et que son récepteur est particulièrement exprimé dans les lésions des patient SEP. Contre toute attente, nous avons pu montrer que l'IL-22 semble soutenir la survie des astrocytes. Cette découverte, suggérant qu'IL-22 serait protecteur pour le SNC et pour la SEP, confirme de récentes publications et ouvre la voie à de potentielles applications thérapeutiques. En parallèle, dans le but de mieux comprendre l'immunopathogenèse de la SEP, nous avons développé les techniques de culture de cellules souches pluripotentes induites (iPSC). Nos iPSC sont dérivées du sang des donneurs et acquièrent toutes les propriétés des cellules souches embryonnaires après induction. Les iPSC peuvent ensuite être différenciées en différents types de cellules, dont les cellules du SNC. Nous avons ainsi pu obtenir avec succès des neurones, dérivés de cellules du sang, en passant par le stade des iPSC. La prochaine étape consiste à générer des cultures d'astrocytes et d'oligodendrocytes et ainsi obtenir les principales cellules du SNC, le but étant de former de véritables 'cerveaux-en-culture'. Cet outil semble particulièrement adapté à l'étude de l'activité de diverses molécules sur les cellules du SNC, comme par exemple l'IL-22 et d'autres molécules ayant un potentiel intérêt thérapeutique au niveau du SNC. Le but ultime étant de développer des co-cultures de cellules du SNC avec des cellules immunitaires autologues, de patients SEP et de sujets sains, afin de mettre en évidence l'attaque des cellules du SNC par des leucocytes autoréactifs. Ce projet prospectif a permis d'accroître nos connaissance sur des aspects immunitaires de la SEP et à pour but de mieux comprendre l'immunopathogenèse de la SEP afin d'élaborer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. -- La sclérose en plaques est une maladie auto-inflammatoire du système nerveux central conduisant à la destruction de la myéline, indispensable à la conduction nerveuse, et finalement à la mort des neurones eux-mêmes. Cela a pour conséquence des pertes motrices, sensorielles et cognitives, qui ont tendance à s'aggraver au fil de la maladie. Elle se déclare chez le jeune adulte, entre l'âge de 20 et 40 ans, et prédomine chez la femme. En Suisse, environ une personne sur l'OOO est atteinte de sclérose en plaques. Les causes exactes de cette maladie, qui incluent des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux, sont encore mal connues. Des traitements de plus en plus efficaces ont été développés ces dernières années et ont permis de drastiquement améliorer l'évolution de la maladie chez les patients atteints de sclérose en plaques. Cependant, ces traitements ne sont efficaces que sur certaines catégories de patients et peuvent engendrer de lourds effets secondaires. Ces thérapies agissent presque exclusivement sur les cellules du système immunitaire en les désactivant partiellement, mais pas sur les cellules nerveuses, qui sont pourtant celles qui conditionnent le devenir du patient. Le développement de médicaments protégeant ou permettant la régénération des cellules du système nerveux central est donc primordial. L'étude de l'interleukine-22 nous a permis de montrer que cette cytokine ('hormone' du système immunitaire) pouvait cibler spécifiquement les astrocytes, des cellules gliales qui jouent un rôle central dans le maintien de l'équilibre du système nerveux central. Nos recherches ont montré que cette interleukine-22 permettrait une meilleure survie des astrocytes durant la phase aiguë de la maladie et aurait aussi des propriétés neuroprotectrices. En parallèle, nous sommes en train de développer un nouveau modèle in vitro d'étude de la sclérose en plaques grâce à la technologie des cellules souches pluripotentes induites. Ces cellules souches sont induites à partir de cellules du sang du donneur et acquièrent toutes les caractéristiques des cellules souches embryonnaires présentes dans un organisme en formation. Ainsi, ces cellules souches pluripotentes ont, par exemple, la capacité de se différencier en cellules du système nerveux central. Nous avons pu, de cette manière, obtenir des neurones. Le but ultime serait de pouvoir reconstituer une ébauche de cerveau in vitro, en cultivant ensemble différents types de cellules du système nerveux central, afin d'y réaliser des expériences avec des cellules immunitaires du même donneur. Ces travaux ont pour but d'améliorer notre compréhension de la pathogenèse de la sclérose en plaques et de permettre le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. --Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system leading to cognitive, sensitive and motor disabilities. MS occurs in genetically predisposed young adults with probable environmental triggers. MS affects predominantly women and its prevalence in high risk area such as Switzerland is 0.1%. Though its exact aetiology remains undetermined, we know that autoreactive T cells from de periphery are reactivated and recruited into the central nervous system (CNS) were they further activate other immune cells and resident cells, creating inflammatory foci, where oligodendrocytes and neurons are insulted and, eventually, killed. Inflammatory episodes, called relapses, are interspersed with remission phases where partial recovery of the lesions occurs. This first phase of the disease, occurring in 90% of the patients, is called relapsing-remitting MS (RR-MS) and is leading, in two-third of the cases, to secondary-progressive MS (SP-MS), where there is a continuous steady progression of the disease, associated with reduced inflammation but increased neurodegeneration. Primary-progressive MS (PP-MS) patients experience directly this progressive phase of the disease. Whereas disease modifying therapies have dramatically ameliorated the disease course of RR-MS patients by dampening immunity and, in turn, inflammation, treatments of SP-MS and PP-MS patients, who suffer primarily from the neurodegenerative aspect of the disease, are still inexistent. IL-22, a pro-inflammatory Th17 cell cytokine, has been associated with MS by participating to blood-brain barrier infiltration and CNS inflammation, which are crucial steps in MS pathogenesis. In addition, the gene coding for IL-22 binding protein (IL-22BP), which is a potent secreted IL-22 inhibitor, has been associated with MS risk. These findings call for further investigation on the role of IL-22 in MS. We detected increased IL-22 and IL-22BP in the blood of MS patients as compared to healthy controls. Acting exclusively on cells of nonhematopoietic origin, we found that IL-22 targets specifically astrocytes in the CNS and that its receptor is highly expressed in the lesion of MS patients. Unexpectedly, we found that IL-22 seems to promote survival of astrocytes. This finding, suggesting that IL-22 might be protective for the CNS in the context of MS, is consistent with recent publications and might open putative therapeutic applications at the CNS level. In parallel, with the aim of better understanding the immunopathogenesis of MS, we developed induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) techniques. IPSC are derived from blood cells of the donors and bear embryonic stem cell properties. IPSC can be differentiated into various cell types including CNS cells. We successfully obtained neurons derived from the donor blood cells, through iPSC. We further aim at developing astrocytes and oligodendrocytes cultures to recreate a 'brain-in-a-dish'. This would be a powerful tool to test the activity of various compounds on CNS cells, including IL-22 and other putative neuroprotective drugs. Ultimately, the goal is to develop co-cultures of CNS cells with autologous immune cells of MS patients as well as healthy controls to try to expose evidence of CNS cells targeted by autoreactive leukocytes. This prospective project has increased our knowledge of immune aspects of MS and further aims at better understanding the immunopathology of MS in order to pave the way to the elaboration of new therapeutic strategies.
In the present study, we modeled a reaching task as a two-link mechanism. The upper arm and forearm motion trajectories during vertical arm movements were estimated from the measured angular accelerations with dual-axis accelerometers. A data set of reaching synergies from able-bodied individuals was used to train a radial basis function artificial neural network with upper arm/forearm tangential angular accelerations. The trained radial basis function artificial neural network for the specific movements predicted forearm motion from new upper arm trajectories with high correlation (mean, 0.9149-0.941). For all other movements, prediction was low (range, 0.0316-0.8302). Results suggest that the proposed algorithm is successful in generalization over similar motions and subjects. Such networks may be used as a high-level controller that could predict forearm kinematics from voluntary movements of the upper arm. This methodology is suitable for restoring the upper limb functions of individuals with motor disabilities of the forearm, but not of the upper arm. The developed control paradigm is applicable to upper-limb orthotic systems employing functional electrical stimulation. The proposed approach is of great significance particularly for humans with spinal cord injuries in a free-living environment. The implication of a measurement system with dual-axis accelerometers, developed for this study, is further seen in the evaluation of movement during the course of rehabilitation. For this purpose, training-related changes in synergies apparent from movement kinematics during rehabilitation would characterize the extent and the course of recovery. As such, a simple system using this methodology is of particular importance for stroke patients. The results underlie the important issue of upper-limb coordination.
One of the main challenges for developers of new human-computer interfaces is to provide a more natural way of interacting with computer systems, avoiding excessive use of hand and finger movements. In this way, also a valuable alternative communication pathway is provided to people suffering from motor disabilities. This paper describes the construction of a low cost eye tracker using a fixed head setup. Therefore a webcam, laptop and an infrared lighting source were used together with a simple frame to fix the head of the user. Furthermore, detailed information on the various image processing techniques used for filtering the centre of the pupil and different methods to calculate the point of gaze are discussed. An overall accuracy of 1.5 degrees was obtained while keeping the hardware cost of the device below 100 euros.
A new control paradigm for Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) is proposed. BCIs provide a means of communication direct from the brain to a computer that allows individuals with motor disabilities an additional channel of communication and control of their external environment. Traditional BCI control paradigms use motor imagery, frequency rhythm modification or the Event Related Potential (ERP) as a means of extracting a control signal. A new control paradigm for BCIs based on speech imagery is initially proposed. Further to this a unique system for identifying correlations between components of the EEG and target events is proposed and introduced.
For individuals with upper-extremity motor disabilities, the head-stick is a simple and intuitive means of performing manipulations because it provides direct proprioceptive information to the user. Through practice and use of inherent proprioceptive cues, users may become quite adept at using the head-stick for a number of different tasks. The traditional head-stick is limited, however, to the user's achievable range of head motion and force generation, which may be insufficient for many tasks. The authors describe an interface to a robot system which emulates the proprioceptive qualities of a traditional head-stick while also allowing for augmented end-effector ranges of force and motion. The design and implementation of the system in terms of coordinate transforms, bilateral telemanipulator architecture, safety systems, and system identification of the master is described, in addition to preliminary evaluation results.