8 resultados para Mossi


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Depuis plus de cent ans, les Mossi du Burkina Faso évoluent avec les migrations de travail. Entre les travaux forcés de l’ère coloniale et les flux migratoires actuels, la migration est devenue une institution centrale chez les Mossi. Elle s’est imposée comme une solution aux bouleversements engendrés par de l’économie de marché, la dégradation de leur environnement et les tensions internes. Il s’est développé un système normatif qui soutient et qui perpétue ces comportements migratoires. Cette intégration institutionnelle a cependant engendré un affaiblissement de la gérontocratie et du patriarcat ce qui a déséquilibré l’organisation sociale « traditionnelle ». À partir de la méthode de l’anthropologie du changement social, ce mémoire propose une étude locale et diachronique des transformations générées par le processus migratoire. Il explique comment la migration s’est institutionnalisée, quelles sont les conséquences sur les rapports de pouvoir et quels sont les innovations, les résistances et les métissages qui en découlent. Ainsi, les migrations de travail devaient être une réponse à la crise socioéconomique vécue par les Mossi, mais par son institutionnalisation, elles sont également apparues être l’une des principales causes de cette crise.


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’examiner l’accès à l’eau d’un point de vue non pas technologique mais social. Toute société humaine a eu à régler la question de l’accès à l’eau. C’est particulièrement le cas des populations vivant sous un climat aride comme au Sahel, où cette ressource est rare. Le village d’étude est situé au nord du Burkina Faso, dans la région du Yatenga. J’examinerai d’abord la répartition temporelle et spatiale des groupes et des puits sur le territoire, puis la question de la régulation de l’accès à l’eau en tant qu’enjeu politique au sein des structures traditionnelles. Je montrerai qu’il permet tantôt de renforcer les hiérarchies sociales existantes, et tantôt de les dépasser. J’examinerai enfin l’accès à l’eau de différents groupes d’usagers : femmes, hommes, jeunes, vieux, agriculteurs, éleveurs. Je montrerai que leur condition d’accès est implicitement régulée, et limite les possibilités d’expansion économique de certains d’entre eux. Dans cette société en mutation, les usagers désavantagés peuvent développer des tactiques leur permettant de contourner ces contraintes. L’accès à l’eau est alors pris dans un jeu de stratégies antagonistes, celle de la reproduction sociale et celle du changement.


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The comparison of malaria indicators among populations that have different genetic backgrounds and are uniformly exposed to the same parasite strains is one approach to the study of human heterogeneities in the response to the infection. We report the results of comparative surveys on three sympatric West African ethnic groups, Fulani, Mossi, and Rimaibé, living in the same conditions of hyperendemic transmission in a Sudan savanna area northeast of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The Mossi and Rimaibé are Sudanese negroid populations with a long tradition of sedentary farming, while the Fulani are nomadic pastoralists, partly settled and characterized by non-negroid features of possible caucasoid origin. Parasitological, clinical, and immunological investigations showed consistent interethnic differences in Plasmodium falciparum infection rates, malaria morbidity, and prevalence and levels of antibodies to various P. falciparum antigens. The data point to a remarkably similar response to malaria in the Mossi and Rimaibé, while the Fulani are clearly less parasitized, less affected by the disease, and more responsive to all antigens tested. No difference in the use of malaria protective measures was demonstrated that could account for these findings, and sociocultural or environmental factors do not seem to be involved. Known genetic factors of resistance to malaria did not show higher frequencies in the Fulani. The differences in the immune response were not explained by the entomological observations, which indicated substantially uniform exposure to infective bites. The available data support the existence of unknown genetic factors, possibly related to humoral immune responses, determining interethnic differences in the susceptibility to malaria.


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Lo studio nasce dalla necessità di verificare l’applicazione di alcuni punti della ISO/TS 16949:2009 nel reparto di pressatura dell’azienda. Era importante valutare il livello di consapevolezza dei dipendenti relativamente al problema qualità in un’azienda automotive. Perciò, a partire dalla normativa, è stata fatta un’Indagine di Consapevolezza tra tutti i dipendenti il cui lavoro ha influenza sulla qualità del processo produttivo e del prodotto realizzato. Inoltre, serviva controllare se la logistica del reparto di pressatura fosse adeguata per permettere agli operatori di svolgere al meglio l’ autocontrollo, ossia un controllo in process delle quote geometriche e dimensionali durante la produzione di serie. È stata verificata l’adeguatezza delle unità di carico per la movimentazione dei prodotti, sia a livello logistico che di carico di lavoro per chi le deve movimentare. È risultato che le UdC attualmente in uso, ossia carrelli mossi manualmente, non possono essere sostituite, ma le si può rendere più maneggevoli cambiandone le ruote. Si è studiato il carico di lavoro del reparto di pressatura, per valutare se fosse possibile introdurre misure che diano la possibilità agli operatori di reparto di svolgere i controlli in process con più accuratezza, ipotizzando l’introduzione di una figura specifica, l’Operatore dell’Autocontrollo, che possa occuparsi solo di questo incarico, sollevando gli altri operatori da tale incombenza. Infine, ci si è posti il problema di ridurre l’utilizzo dei carrelli elevatori all’interno del reparto. È risultato necessario mantenerne l’uso per poter garantire la grande flessibilità nella produzione di quest’azienda, ma si è ipotizzato di separare il reparto in due diverse zone al momento del rinnovo del parco macchine, in modo da eliminarne l’utilizzo in una delle due zone e concentrarlo nell’altra, rendendoli indispensabili solo per un determinato tipo di produzione che si svolga in un settore ben definito del reparto.


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There is no definition of orphans that would allow to know without confusion who is an orphan child. This article analyses the challenges and difficulties in defining and targeting the social category of orphans. It is based on a number of works, as well as the field research on the social actor's logics regarding the family support to orphans among the Mossi people in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), for my Ph.D. in sociology at Laval University (Canada). In fact, international charity organisations use orphans as a vulnerable and universal category. This has been done through the propagation of information on HIV. From the social sciences perspective, the category of orphans covers a variety of realities, and making the choice to see it otherwise would hide the diversity of those realities.


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The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a difference in sorghum yield between the Mossi zai hole and the Gourounsi zai hole, specifically examining the effects of manure and soil water conservation. A study field was created with six different treatments: (1) control with traditional management (no zai holes), (2) traditional management with manure, (3) Mossi zai holes with no manure, (4) Mossi zai holes with manure, (5) Gourounsi zai holes with no manure, and (6) Gourounsi zai holes with manure. Soil moisture readings were taken after each rainstorm (about weekly), soil properties were analyzed before planting and after harvest and above ground biomass was weighed at harvest. Manure was the only variable that significantly increased crop yield. This is different from the original hypothesis; zai holes were thought to be the main driver of increased crop yield in Sahelian West Africa. Zai holes did not have a significant effect on soil moisture.