25 resultados para Mosquitofish
Most ecosystems undergo substantial variation over the seasons, ranging from changes in abiotic features, such as temperature, light and precipitation, to changes in species abundance and composition. How seasonality varies along latitudinal gradients is not well known in freshwater ecosystems, despite being very important in predicting the effects of climate change and in helping to advance ecological understanding. Stream temperature is often well correlated with air temperature and influences many ecosystem features such as growth and metabolism of most aquatic organisms. We evaluated the degree of seasonality in ten river mouths along a latitudinal gradient for a set of variables, ranging from air and water temperatures, to physical and chemical properties of water and growth of an invasive fish species (eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki ). Our results show that although most of the variation in air temperature was explained by latitude and season, this was not the case for water features, including temperature, in lowland Mediterranean streams, which depended less on season and much more on local factors. Similarly, although there was evidence of latitude-dependent seasonality in fish growth, the relationship was nonlinear and weak and the significant latitudinal differences in growth rates observed during winter were compensated later in the year and did not result in overall differences in size and growth. Our results suggest that although latitudinal differences in air temperature cascade through properties of freshwater ecosystems, local factors and complex interactions often override the water temperature variation with latitude and might therefore hinder projections of species distribution models and effects of climate change
Condition-specific competition is widespread in nature. Species inhabiting heterogeneous environments tend to differ in competitive abilities depending on environmental stressors. Interactions between these factors can allow coexistence of competing species, which may be particularly important between invasive and native species. Here, we examine the effects of temperature on competitiveinteractions between invasive mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, and an endemic Iberian toothcarp, Aphanius iberus. We compare the tendency to approach heterospecifics and food capture rates between these two species, and examine differences between sexes and species in aggressive interactions, at three different temperatures (19, 24 and 29uC) in three laboratory experiments. Mosquitofish exhibit much more aggression than toothcarp. We show that mosquitofish have the capacity to competitively displace toothcarp through interference competition and this outcome is more likely at higher temperatures. We also show a reversal in the competitive hierarchy through reduced food capture rate by mosquitofish at lower temperatures and suggest that these two types of competition may act synergistically to deprive toothcarp of food at higher temperatures. Males of both species carry out more overtly aggressive acts than females, which is probably related to the marked sexual dimorphism and associated mating systems of these two species. Mosquitofish may thus impact heavily on toothcarp, and competition from mosquitofish, especially in warmer summer months, may lead to changes in abundance of the native species and displacement to non-preferred habitats. Globally increasing temperatures mean that highly invasive, warm-water mosquitofish may be able to colonize environments from which they are currently excluded through reduced physiological tolerance to low temperatures. Research into the effects of temperature on interactions between native and invasive species is thus of fundamental importance
There are two datasets on the reproductive investment in female Gambusia affinis: The mass of a number of propagules and their genotypic sex, as well as the mass and length of the mother from which they were removed. And the mass, length and number of offspring of each sex from a mother.
Males of the eastern mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki) possess one of the widest reproductively active temperature ranges for any ectotherm, ranging across seasons from at least 18degreesC to 34degreesC. In this study, we tested the ability of male G. holbrooki to acclimate their sustained swimming performance following long-term exposure to 18degreesC or 30degreesC. We also investigated some of the possible physiological mechanisms associated with thermal acclimation responses in swimming performance, including changes in slow muscle fibre size and abundance and the expression of myosin heavy chains (MyHC). We found that U-crit, of 18degreesC-acclimated G. holbrooki was 20% greater at 18degreesC than 30degreesC-acclimated fish, and the Ucrit of the 30degreesC-acclimated group was more than 15% greater at 30degreesC. Slow, fast and intermediate muscle fibres were identified on the basis of their myosin ATPase staining reaction. Although the number of slow and intermediate muscle fibres was similar between groups, the total cross-sectional area of aerobic fibre types was 40% greater in 18degrees-than 30degreesC-acclimated fish, reflecting an increase in the average fibre diameter. An S58 antibody raised against chicken slow skeletal muscle myosin stained a sub-set of the slow fibres identified by myosin ATPase staining. The number of S58-positive muscle fibres was 50% greater in 30degreesC-than 18degreesC-acclimated fish, implying that different MyHCs are being expressed in cold and warm acclimated individuals. Given the sexually coercive mating system of this species, increases in the sustained swimming performance via thermal acclimation may benefit the ability of males to maintain a high rate of sneaky copulations. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although the functional consequences of temperature variation have been examined for a wide range of whole-animal performance traits, the implications of thermal variation for reproductive behaviour or performance are poorly known. I examined the acute effects of temperature on the mating behaviour and swimming performance of male eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, which rely on a coercive strategy to obtain matings and are routinely exposed to wide daily temperature fluctuations. Males showed reproductive behaviours across the entire test temperature range of 14-38 degrees C, representing one of the widest reproductively active temperature ranges for any ectotherm. Both the time spent in pursuit of females and the total number of mating attempts increased with temperature to a plateau that started at approximately 22-26 degrees C. However, males maintained a constant level of copulations at 18-34 degrees C, the temperature range they routinely experience in southeast Queensland. In contrast, maximum swimming performance and approach speeds during copulations were highly thermally dependent across this temperature range. Thus, acute temperature variation has important fitness implications for male G. holbrooki, but mating performance was significantly limited only at extreme temperatures. (c) 2005 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
All copulations in the eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, are coercive-and-achieved by force. Female G. holbrooki never appear to cooperate with males, but vigorously resist matings at all times. We examined the role of females within a sexually coercive mating system by investigating the ability of female G. holbrooki to resist forced copulations after acclimation to 16 degrees C and 32 degrees C for 4-5 weeks. We also examined burst swimming performance of female G. holbrooki after acclimation, as this trait is likely to underlie a female's ability to resist forced matings. We predicted that if female G. holbrooki indiscriminately resist matings from all males, acclimation would enhance female resistance at their acclimation temperature. However, we found that it did not. We also predicted that if females are able to influence the outcome of mating interactions, acclimation to an optimal thermal environment may induce females to reduce resistance. In support of this prediction, females acclimated at 32 degrees C were able to modify their resistance behaviour between exposure to 16 degrees C and 32 degrees C. The rate of copulations experienced by 32 inverted perpendicular C-acclimated females was 2.5 times greater at 32 degrees C than at 16 degrees C. In addition, acclimation at 32 degrees C significantly enhanced burst swimming performance at 32 degrees C but no effect of acclimation was observed at 16 degrees C. Our results suggest that female G. holbrooki are able to play a greater role in determining the outcome of sexual coercive mating interactions than previously thought. (c) 2006 The Association for the Shidy of Animal Behavioor. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The strong impact of non-native predators in aquatic systems is thought to relate to the evolutionary naiveté of prey. Due to isolation and limited dispersal, this naiveté may be relatively high in freshwater systems. In this study, we tested this notion by examining the antipredator response of native mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, to two non-native predators found in the Everglades, the African jewelfish, Hemichromis letourneuxi, and the Mayan cichlid, Cichlasoma urophthalmus. We manipulated prey naiveté by using two mosquitofish populations that varied in their experience with the recent invader, the African jewelfish, but had similar levels of experience with the longer-established Mayan cichlid. Specifically, we tested these predictions: (1) predator hunting modes differed between the two predators, (2) predation rates would be higher by the novel jewelfish predator, (3) particularly on the naive population living where jewelfish have not invaded yet, (4) antipredator responses would be stronger to Mayan cichlids due to greater experience and weaker and/or ineffective to jewelfish, and (5) especially weakest by the naive population. We assayed prey and predator behavior, and prey mortality in lab aquaria where both predators and prey were free-ranging. Predator hunting modes and habitat domains differed, with jewelfish being more active search predators that used slightly higher parts of the water column and less of the habitat structure relative to Mayan cichlids. In disagreement with our predictions, predation rates were similar between the two predators, antipredator responses were stronger to African jewelfish (except for predator inspections), and there was no difference in response between jewelfish-savvy and jewelfish-naive populations. These results suggest that despite the novelty of introduced predators, prey may be able to respond appropriately if non-native predator archetypes are similar enough to those of native predators, if prey rely on general antipredator responses or predation cues, and/or show neophobic responses.
We analyzed the effect of periodic drying in the Florida Everglades on spatiotemporal population genetic structure of eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Severe periodic drying events force individuals from disparate sources to mix in dry season relatively deep-water refuges. In 1996 (a wet year) and 1999 (a dry year), we sampled mosquitofish at 20 dry-season refuges distributed in 3 water management regions and characterized genetic variation for 10 allozyme and 3 microsatellite loci. In 1996, most of the ecosystem did not dry, whereas in 1999, many of our sampling locations were isolated by expanses of dried marsh surface. In 1996, most spatial genetic variation was attributed to heterogeneity within regions. In 1999, spatial genetic variation within regions was not significant. In both years, a small but significant amount of variation (less than 1% of the total variation) was partitioned among regions. Variance was consistently greater than zero among long-hydroperiod sites within a region, but not among short-hydroperiod sites within a region, where hydroperiod was measured as time since last marsh surface dry-down forcing fishes into local refuges. In 1996, all sites were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. In 1999, we observed fewer heterozygotes than expected for most loci and sites suggesting a Wahlund effect arising from fish leaving areas that dried and mixing in deep-water refuges.
Experimental treatments to compare behavioural responses included native fish species only, natives plus one exotic species and natives plus both exotic species. The mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki frequently attacked both native species, but tended to nip Melanotaenia duboulayi (especially small individuals) and chase Pseudomugil signifer The frequency of attacks by G. holbrooki on M. duboulayi rose when all four fish species were present. When food was added, all four species showed a strong increase in aggression, especially in the four-species treatment, where there were significant increases in the frequency of attacks by the swordtail Xiphophorus helleri on M. duboulay and by M. duboulayi on G. holbrooki, and of conspecific attacks by M. duboulayi. Increased attack frequency was associated with aggregation closer to the water's surface, regardless of the presence of food. The results support the hypothesis that introduced poeciliids can have deleterious competitive effects on native species. However, while juvenile M. duboulayi were particularly vulnerable to the secondary, effects of fin-nipping, R signifer appeared to be more susceptible to physical displacement and reduced food capture success.
Es destaca la presència de tres espècies bioinvasores, tals com la gambúsia(Gambusiaaffinis), la canya (Arundodonax) i el cranc vermell americà (Procambarusclarkii). S’ha detectat que la qualitat de l’aigua ha disminuït en alguns paràmetres, especialment en l’Estanyet del Safareig. En els tres estanyets els sòlids dissolts totalsa TSD) estan al voltant del límit màxim recomanat per la EPA (Agència de Protecció Ambiental d’Estats Units). S’ha observat que la Cladophora, indicadora de concentracions elevades de nitrogen a l’aigua, és un cloròfit molt abundant. S’han identificat dos hàbitats d’interès comunitari no prioritari, segons la Directiva Hàbitats: les closes i les freixenedes termòfiles de Fraxinusangustifolia. En funció dels resultats obtinguts s’han elaborat les propostes de gestió i conservació per aquest espai.
We review the invasive fish species introduced to Catalonia (Spain) and their mechanisms of ecological impact. Catalonia has about 15 established foreign fish species along with many others that have been translocated. These fish species, which are identical to those that have been introduced worldwide (thereby contributing to biotic homogenization), include: common carp (Cyprinus carpio), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) and many European cyprinids that are not native to the Iberian Peninsula. There are some well-documented repercussions to the native fauna, such as the impact of mosquitofish on endangered, endemic cyprinodonts. The illegal introduction by anglers continues to be one of the main culprits of this environmental problem, one that has been barely addressed by local and state authorities
Actualment una de les principals amenaces a la biodiversitat és la introducció d'espècies. Revisant 26 variables de les 69 espècies de peixos continental de la Península Ibèrica concloem que la filogènia, variabilitat i els usos de l'home són necessaris per entendre millor les diferències entres les espècies natives i invasores. Entre les especies més afectades per la introducció de peixos es troben els ciprinodontiformes endèmics del Mediterrani. Aportem les primers dades sobre l'ús d'hàbitats ocasionalment inundats i la selecció de preses del fartet (Aphanius iberus), observant un canvi ontogenètic, clarament relacionat amb el microhàbitat. També demostrem que la salinitat influeix en l'èxit invasor de la gamúsia, afectant la seva densitat i biologia reproductiva. Per altra banda, demostrem experimentalment que amb l'increment de salinitat la gambúsia disminueix la seva agressivitat i captura menys preses, reduint la seva eficàcia competitiva respecte dels ciprinodonts natius.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
When an appropriate fish host is selected, analysis of its parasites offers a useful, reliable, economical, telescoped indication or monitor of environmental health. The value of that information increases when corroborated by another non-parasitological technique. The analysis of parasites is not necessarily simple because not all hosts serve as good models and because the number of species, presence of specific species, intensity of infections, life histories of species, location of species in hosts, and host response for each parasitic species have to be addressed individually to assure usefulness of the tool. Also, different anthropogenic contaminants act in a distinct manner relative to hosts, parasites, and each other as well as being influenced by natural environmental conditions. Total values for all parasitic species infecting a sample cannot necessarily be grouped together. For example, an abundance of numbers of either species or individuals can indicate either a healthy or an unhealthy environment, depending on the species of parasite. Moreover, depending on the parasitic species, its infection, and the time chosen for collection/examination, the assessment may indicate a chronic or acute state of the environmental health. For most types of analyses, the host should be one that has a restricted home range, can be infected by numerous species of parasites, many of which have a variety of additional hosts in their life cycles, and can be readily sampled. Data on parasitic infections in the western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), a fish that meets the criteria in two separate studies, illustrate the usefulness of that host as a model to indicate both healthy and detrimentally influenced environments. In those studies, species richness, intensity of select species, host resistance, other hosts involved in life cycles, and other factors all relate to site and contaminating discharge.