961 resultados para Morphological trajectory model
Mathematical morphology has been an area of intensive research over the last few years. Although many remarkable advances have been achieved throughout these years, there is still a great interest in accelerating morphological operations in order for them to be implemented in real-time systems. In this work, we present a new model for computing mathematical morphology operations, the so-called morphological trajectory model (MTM), in which a morphological filter will be divided into a sequence of basic operations. Then, a trajectory-based morphological operation (such as dilation, and erosion) is defined as the set of points resulting from the ordered application of the instant basic operations. The MTM approach allows working with different structuring elements, such as disks, and from the experiments, it can be extracted that our method is independent of the structuring element size and can be easily applied to industrial systems and high-resolution images.
There are many species among the Alternaria genus, which hosts on economically important crops causing significant yield losses. Less attention has been paid to fungi hosting on plants constituting substantial components of pastures and meadows. Alternaria spp. spores are also recognised as important allergens. A 7-day volumetric spore trap was used to monitor the concentration of airborne fungal spores. Air samples were collected in Worcester, England (2006–2010). Days with a high spore count were then selected. The longest episode that occurred within a five year study was chosen for modelling. Two source maps presenting distribution of crops under rotation and pastures in the UK were produced. Back trajectories were calculated using the HYSPLIT model. In ArcGIS clusters of trajectories were studied in connection with source maps by including the height above ground level and the speed of the air masses. During the episode no evidence for a long distance transport from the continent of Alternaria spp. spores was detected. The overall direction of the air masses fell within the range from South-West to North. The back trajectories indicated that the most important sources of Alternaria spp. spores were located in the West Midlands of England.
A Lagrangian model of photochemistry and mixing is described (CiTTyCAT, stemming from the Cambridge Tropospheric Trajectory model of Chemistry And Transport), which is suitable for transport and chemistry studies throughout the troposphere. Over the last five years, the model has been developed in parallel at several different institutions and here those developments have been incorporated into one "community" model and documented for the first time. The key photochemical developments include a new scheme for biogenic volatile organic compounds and updated emissions schemes. The key physical development is to evolve composition following an ensemble of trajectories within neighbouring air-masses, including a simple scheme for mixing between them via an evolving "background profile", both within the boundary layer and free troposphere. The model runs along trajectories pre-calculated using winds and temperature from meteorological analyses. In addition, boundary layer height and precipitation rates, output from the analysis model, are interpolated to trajectory points and used as inputs to the mixing and wet deposition schemes. The model is most suitable in regimes when the effects of small-scale turbulent mixing are slow relative to advection by the resolved winds so that coherent air-masses form with distinct composition and strong gradients between them. Such air-masses can persist for many days while stretching, folding and thinning. Lagrangian models offer a useful framework for picking apart the processes of air-mass evolution over inter-continental distances, without being hindered by the numerical diffusion inherent to global Eulerian models. The model, including different box and trajectory modes, is described and some output for each of the modes is presented for evaluation. The model is available for download from a Subversion-controlled repository by contacting the corresponding authors.
We have developed a Hierarchical Look-Ahead Trajectory Model (HiLAM) that incorporates the firing pattern of medial entorhinal grid cells in a planning circuit that includes interactions with hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. We show the model’s flexibility in representing large real world environments using odometry information obtained from challenging video sequences. We acquire the visual data from a camera mounted on a small tele-operated vehicle. The camera has a panoramic field of view with its focal point approximately 5 cm above the ground level, similar to what would be expected from a rat’s point of view. Using established algorithms for calculating perceptual speed from the apparent rate of visual change over time, we generate raw dead reckoning information which loses spatial fidelity over time due to error accumulation. We rectify the loss of fidelity by exploiting the loop-closure detection ability of a biologically inspired, robot navigation model termed RatSLAM. The rectified motion information serves as a velocity input to the HiLAM to encode the environment in the form of grid cell and place cell maps. Finally, we show goal directed path planning results of HiLAM in two different environments, an indoor square maze used in rodent experiments and an outdoor arena more than two orders of magnitude larger than the indoor maze. Together these results bridge for the first time the gap between higher fidelity bio-inspired navigation models (HiLAM) and more abstracted but highly functional bio-inspired robotic mapping systems (RatSLAM), and move from simulated environments into real-world studies in rodent-sized arenas and beyond.
The Cambridge Tropospheric Trajectory model of Chemistry and Transport (CiTTyCAT), a Lagrangian chemistry model, has been evaluated using atmospheric chemical measurements collected during the East Atlantic Summer Experiment 1996 (EASE '96). This field campaign was part of the UK Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) programme, conducted at Mace Head, Republic of Ireland, during July and August 1996. The model includes a description of gas-phase tropospheric chemistry, and simple parameterisations for surface deposition, mixing from the free troposphere and emissions. The model generally compares well with the measurements and is used to study the production and loss of O3 under a variety of conditions. The mean difference between the hourly O3 concentrations calculated by the model and those measured is 0.6 ppbv with a standard deviation of 8.7 ppbv. Three specific air-flow regimes were identified during the campaign – westerly, anticyclonic (easterly) and south westerly. The westerly flow is typical of background conditions for Mace Head. However, on some occasions there was evidence of long-range transport of pollutants from North America. In periods of anticyclonic flow, air parcels had collected emissions of NOx and VOCs immediately before arriving at Mace Head, leading to O3 production. The level of calculated O3 depends critically on the precise details of the trajectory, and hence on the emissions into the air parcel. In several periods of south westerly flow, low concentrations of O3 were measured which were consistent with deposition and photochemical destruction inside the tropical marine boundary layer.
This paper argues that management education needs to consider a trend in learning design which advances creative learning through an alliance with art-based pedagogical processes. A shift is required from skills training to facilitating transformational learning through experiences that expand human potential, facilitated by artistic processes. This creative learning focus stems from a qualitative and quantitative analysis of an arts-based intervention for management development, called Management Jazz, conducted over three years at a large Australian University. The paper reviews some of the salient literature in the field, including an ‘Artful Learning Wave Trajectory’ Model. The Model considers four stages of the learning process: capacity, artful event, increased capability, and application/action to produce product. Methodology for the field-based research analysis of the intervention outcomes is presented. Three illustrative examples of arts-based learning are provided from the Management Jazz program. Finally, research findings indicate that artful learning opportunities enhance capacity for awareness of creativity in one’s self and in others, leading, through a transformative process, to enhanced leaders and managers. The authors conclude that arts-based management education can enhance creative capacity and develop managers and leaders for the 21st century business environment.
In this article, we introduce the general statistical analysis approach known as latent class analysis and discuss some of the issues associated with this type of analysis in practice. Two recent examples from the respiratory health literature are used to highlight the types of research questions that have been addressed using this approach.
In the present paper, a multifluid model of two-phase flows with pulverized-coal combustion, based on a continuum-trajectory model with reacting particle phase, is developed and employed to simulate the 3-D turbulent two-phase hows and combustion in a new type of pulverized-coal combustor with one primary-air jet placed along the wall of the combustor. The results show that: (1) this continuum-trajectory model with reacting particle phase can be used in practical engineering to qualitatively predict the flame stability, concentrations of gas species, possibilities of slag formation and soot deposition, etc.; (2) large recirculation zones can be created in the combustor, which is favorable to the ignition and flame stabilization.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar as emissões de Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis do Aterro Controlado Morro do Céu localizado na cidade de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Para tanto, vinte amostras foram coletadas, usando uma bomba de ar operada a bateria durante dois dias de dezembro de 2009. Uma câmara de fluxo cilíndrica de PVC de 30L foi inserida 5 cm no solo do aterro, e as amostras foram coletadas através de uma válvula na parte superior da câmera. Os resultados indicaram um valor de 1.980 Kg Km-2 h-1. O modelo Gaussiano de dispersão atmosférica ISCST3 foi utilizado para calcular a difusão e transporte dos poluentes a fim de estimar as concentrações de COV no bairro, usando dados topográficos, meteorológicos e de emissões. Valores de 525 μg m-3 de COV foram encontrados a 500 metros do aterro. As emissões do aterro foram usadas em conjunto com dados meteorológicos, utilizando o modelo de trajetória OZIPR e o mecanismo químico SAPRC para demonstrar o impacto na formação do ozônio troposférico na região. É conhecido que o ozônio é formado pela reação entre COV, NOx e luz solar. A contribuição de valores elevados de COV provenientes das emissões do aterro conduzirá a uma nova situação com valores mais elevados de ozônio na região. Os resultados da modelagem indicaram um aumento maior que 1000% nos níveis de ozônio na região do aterro, se comparado com a modelagem do ozônio para a região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados mostram ser necessário que maior atenção seja dada à política de gerenciamento de RSU no Brasil, incluindo a escolha adequada para o local de instalação, o monitoramento da área durante e após o período de operação e técnicas mais adequadas de disposição dos resíduos sólidos urbanos
O crescimento do número de motocicletas nas grandes cidades, em função de fatores como o baixo custo e a alta mobilidade nos centros urbanos, tem sido considerado um importante fator de deterioração da qualidade do ar. Nesse contexto, o monitoramento das emissões gasosas provenientes do escapamento desses veículos é fundamental para o conhecimento da contribuição dessa classe de transporte no agravamento da poluição atmosférica. A partir dessas informações tornam-se possíveis o monitoramento e o controle da qualidade do ar. Para tanto, amostras das emissões de diferentes motocicletas foram coletadas, por meio de dinamômetro, e analisadas por cromatografia gasosa. As emissões das motocicletas foram utilizadas em conjunto com dados meteorológicos utilizando o modelo de trajetória OZIPR e o mecanismo químico SAPRC para demonstrar o impacto na formação do ozônio troposférico na região. As simulações indicam que a concentração de ozônio na troposfera poderá ultrapassar o padrão nacional estabelecido pela Resolução CONAMA 03/90 em até três anos. Além disso, acrescenta-se que as taxas de emissões de compostos legislados emitidos pelas motocicletas utilizadas neste estudo (HC, CO e NOx) já atendem aos níveis preconizados em todas as fases do PROMOT. Assim, além da adoção do PROMOT, se fazem necessárias medidas adicionais para o gerenciamento da emissão de poluentes provindos de fontes móveis. A alteração do tipo de combustível ou até mesmo da fonte de energia, elétrica, por exemplo, seria uma alternativa para o controle da poluição atmosférica
The variability in the supply of pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum) postlarvae and the transport mechanisms of planktonic stages were investigated with field data and simulations of transport. Postlarvae entering the nursery grounds of Florida Bay were collected for three consecutive years at channels that connect the Bay with the Gulf of Mexico, and in channels of the Middle Florida Keys that connect the southeastern margin of the Bay with the Atlantic Ocean. The influx of postlarvae in the Middle Florida Keys was low in magnitude and varied seasonally and among years. In contrast, the greater postlarval influx occurred at the northwestern border of the Bay, where there was a strong seasonal pattern with peaks in influx from July through September each year. Planktonic stages need to travel up to 150 km eastward between spawning grounds (northeast of Dry Tortugas) and nursery grounds (western Florida Bay) in about 30 days, the estimated time of planktonic development for this species. A Lagrangian trajectory model was developed to estimate the drift of planktonic stages across the SW Florida shelf. The model simulated the maximal distance traveled by planktonic stages under various assumptions of behavior. Simulation results indicated that larvae traveling with the instantaneous current and exhibiting a diel behavior travel up to 65 km and 75% of the larvae travel only 30 km. However, the eastward distance traveled increased substantially when a larval response to tides was added to the behavioral variable (distance increased to 200 km and 85% of larvae traveled 150 km). The question is, when during larval development, and where on the shallow SW Florida shelf, does the tidal response become incorporated into the behavior of pink shrimp.
A frota de veículos movidos por biocombustíveis tem aumentado nos últimos dez anos e com isso as emissões para a atmosfera nas cidades têm sofrido alterações. Devido a esta problemática, estudos com modelos de previsão de emissões são o foco deste trabalho. Alguns modelos, homologados por agências de regulamentação de alguns países ou comunidades, servem de base para as análises de risco com auxílio de simulação.O objetivo geral deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto do uso de biocombustíveis na qualidade do ar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e estudar cenários de qualidade do ar, em função do aumento da quantidade de biodiesel e álcool adicionada ao diesel e gasolina. Nesta dissertação, monóxido de carbono, óxidos de nitrogênio, compostos orgânicos voláteis e ozônio são os principais poluentes estudados para a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A avaliação de cenários foi realizada empregando um modelo de qualidade do ar com base no modelo de trajetórias OZIPR e no modelo químico SAPRC. Os resultados demonstram que o aumento do uso de biodiesel diminui a concentração de ozônio na atmosfera em relação ao caso base estudado, em 10,23% utilizando a mistura BE Diesel, em 5,28% utilizando a mistura B20 e apenas 0,33% utilizando a mistura B10. Isso de fato acontece pois o biodiesel possuiu mais oxigenados na sua estrutura. O estudo revelou o aumento nas emissões e concentrações de NOx na troposfera da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para as mistura de BE- Diesel, B20 e o B10 em relação ao caso base, foram de 5,66%, 2,83% e 0% respectivamente. Em especial na cidade do Rio de janeiro existe um consumodo O3 pelo NO presente na atmosfera urbana. A redução na concentração de CO para as misturas de BE- Diesel, B20 e o B10 em relação ao caso base, foram de 13,11%, 6,56% e 4,12% respectivamente. O aumento da disponibilidade de oxigênio presente no biodiesel produz uma melhor queima do combustível, contribuindo para uma menor concentração de CO na troposfera
We present the first detailed kinematical analysis of the planetary nebula Abell 63, which is known to contain the eclipsing close-binary nucleus UU Sge. Abell 63 provides an important test case in investigating the role of close-binary central stars on the evolution of planetary nebulae. Longslit observations were obtained using the Manchester echelle spectrometer combined with the 2.1-m San Pedro Martir Telescope. The spectra reveal that the central bright rim of Abell 63 has a tube-like structure. A deep image shows collimated lobes extending from the nebula, which are shown to be high-velocity outflows. The kinematic ages of the nebular rim and the extended lobes are calculated to be 8400 +/- 500 and 12900 +/- 2800 yr, respectively, which suggests that the lobes were formed at an earlier stage than the nebular rim. This is consistent with expectations that disc-generated jets form immediately after the common envelope phase. A morphological-kinematical model of the central nebula is presented and the best-fitting model is found to have the same inclination as the orbital plane of the central binary system; this is the first proof that a close-binary system directly affects the shaping of its nebula. A Hubble-type flow is well-established in the morphological-kinematical modelling of the observed line profiles and imagery. Two possible formation models for the elongated lobes of Abell 63 are considered, (i) a low-density, pressure-driven jet excavates a cavity in the remnant asymptotic giant branch (AGB) envelope; (ii) high-density bullets form the lobes in a single ballistic ejection event.
We present an experimental demonstration of nonresonant manipulation of vibrational states in a molecule by an intense ultrashort laser pulse. A vibrational wave packet is generated in D-2(+) through tunnel ionization of D-2 by a few-cycle pump pulse. A similar control pulse is applied as the wave packet begins to dephase so that the dynamic Stark effect distorts the electronic environment of the nuclei, transferring vibrational population. The time evolution of the modified wave packet is probed via the D-2(+) photodissociation yield that results from the application of an intense probe pulse. Comparing the measured yield with a quasiclassical trajectory model allows us to determine the redistribution of vibrational population caused by the control pulse. ©
We have analysed the pollen seasons in Worcester for the period 2005–12 for alder (Alnus), birch (Betula) and oak (Quercus) by using back trajectory calculations and produced the first detailed source maps for these three pollen types. The study shows considerable variations in the source–receptor relationship of three of the most important tree pollen types in England with respect to allergy. Long Distance Transport is observed for Quercus and Betula but not for Alnus. The new source maps show a number of high emitting areas for Betula and Quercus, mainly near London, in the Midlands and in Wales. The production of source maps is sensitive to the used type of land cover data and how well they incorporate small woodlands. Two satellite products, Corine Land Cover and Globcover, are compared with the detailed national land cover product Land Cover Map 2007. The broad scale satellite products show either up to 50% less woody coverage or a direct misplacement of woodlands. The Lagrangian back trajectory model, the pollen count observations and the source maps altogether suggest that small woodlands (below 25 ha) play a major role in the overall pollen load in urban areas in England.