910 resultados para Morphological plasticity


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This study compared the morphological and anatomical variations of the leaves of four shade-tolerant tree species Allophylus edulis (St.-Hil.) Radlk (Sapindaceae), Casearia sylvestris Sw. (Salicaceae), Cupania vernalis Cambess. (Sapindaceae) and Luehea divaricata Mart. (Malvaceae) from a fragment of Araucaria forest in two developmental stages. Morphological and anatomical traits, such as leaf and tissue thickness, leaf area, leaf dry mass, specific leaf area, leaf density and stomata density were measured from 30 leaves of each developmental stage. The phenotypic plasticity index was also calculated for each quantitative trait. The results showed that the four species presented higher mean values ​​for specific leaf area and spongy/palisade parenchyma ratio at young stage, and higher mean values ​​for stomata density, total and palisade parenchyma thickness in the adult stage. The plasticity index demonstrated that L. divricata presented highest plasticity for both the morphological and anatomical traits while A. edulis displayed the lowest plasticity index. The results of this study indicated that the leaves of these species exhibited distinct morphological traits at each stage of development to cope with acting environmental factors.


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Ocean acidification causes corals to calcify at reduced rates, but current understanding of the underlying processes is limited. Here, we conduct a mechanistic study into how seawater acidification alters skeletal growth of the coral Stylophora pistillata. Reductions in colony calcification rates are manifested as increases in skeletal porosity at lower pH, while linear extension of skeletons remains unchanged. Inspection of the microstructure of skeletons and measurements of pH at the site of calcification indicate that dissolution is not responsible for changes in skeletal porosity. Instead, changes occur by enlargement of corallite-calyxes and thinning of associated skeletal elements, constituting a modification in skeleton architecture. We also detect increases in the organic matrix protein content of skeletons formed under lower pH. Overall, our study reveals that seawater acidification not only causes decreases in calcification, but can also cause morphological change of the coral skeleton to a more porous and potentially fragile phenotype.


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Experimental evidence suggests that microfilaments and microtubules play contrasting roles in regulating the balance between motility and stability in neuronal structures. Actin-containing microfilaments are associated with structural plasticity, both during development when their dynamic activity drives the exploratory activity of growth cones and after circuit formation when the actin-rich dendritic spines of excitatory synapses retain a capacity for rapid changes in morphology. By contrast, microtubules predominate in axonal and dendritic processes, which appear to be morphologically relatively more stable. To compare the cytoplasmic distributions and dynamics of microfilaments and microtubules we made time-lapse recordings of actin or the microtubule-associated protein 2 tagged with green fluorescent protein in neurons growing in dispersed culture or in tissue slices from transgenic mice. The results complement existing evidence indicating that the high concentrations of actin present in dendritic spines is a specialization for morphological plasticity. By contrast, microtubule-associated protein 2 is limited to the shafts of dendrites where time-lapse recordings show little evidence for dynamic activity. A parallel exists between the partitioning of microfilaments and microtubules in motile and stable domains of growing processes during development and between dendrite shafts and spines at excitatory synapses in established neuronal circuits. These data thus suggest a mechanism, conserved through development and adulthood, in which the differential dynamics of actin and microtubules determine the plasticity of neuronal structures.


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We tested the phenotypic responses of larval striped marsh frogs (Limnodynastes peronii) to the odonate nymph predator, Aeshna brevistyla. When reared in the presence of dragonfly nymphs feeding upon conspecifics of L. peronii larvae the tadpoles showed a strong change in morphology. Morphological changes included an increase in total tail height, but also an unexpected marked change in head-body shape. In addition, we examined how tadpole development, as well as mass and length at metamorphosis, was affected by exposure to dragonfly nymphs. Larval development of L. peronii was strongly influenced by exposure to the predatory behaviour of dragonfly nymphs. Predator-induced tadpoles had significantly slower developmental rates than control larvae. Although metamorphs of non-exposed L. peronii were approximately 33% lighter than predator-exposed metamorphs and possessed lower jump distances, after adjusting for mass there was no difference in jump distance. The newly described morphological response may assist in more accurately relating morphological plasticity to fitness.


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悬崖代表着一个残遗的、较少受到干扰的古生境,悬崖也是生物多样性的避难所。这个特殊生境中分布种类丰富的稀有植物和特有植物,而这些稀有和特有植物又往往以悬崖为唯一的生境,在长期的演化历史进程中形成彼此相互适应的关系。这种分布在特殊生境中的稀有植物为保护研究提出了新的研究方向和问题。本文以蔷薇科的中国特有植物太行花(Taihangia rupestris Yü et Li)为对象,对这个仅分布在有限的地理范围内悬崖上的稀有物种进行了保护生物学的研究。 利用RAPD分子标记技术对太行花8个居群的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行了检测分析。结果表明太行花居群内维持着较高的遗传多样性水平,未显示遭受过严重遗传瓶颈的迹象。同时,居群间遗传分化显著,与居群间的地理距离相关,聚类分析得到的树系图与太行花种下两个变种(太行花原变种Taihangia rupestris var. rupestris和缘毛太行花Taihangia rupestris var. ciliate Yü et Li)的划分相符。 通过栽培实验,研究了太行花对光照和养分的反应,从生态学角度检测植物对环境因子变化的适应能力。结果表明光照处理显著影响太行花的气体交换参数,且显示出随季节不同而变化的趋势。在8月第一次测量时,光合速率随着光照水平的增加而增加;而在9月底第二次测量时,高光下植株的光合速率反低于中光条件下的植株。光合光反应曲线表明太行花对不同光照水平(高光、中光和低光)均显示出一定的光合适应性。 光照对太行花的生长反应、形态、解剖等指标均具有显著的作用。在收获时,高光下植物形成小而厚的叶片,更快的叶片形成速率足以弥补单叶面积上光合速率的下降,使植株维持最大的总生物量。中光条件下的植株具有更长的叶柄,更大的叶面积,大而薄的叶片,和更大的叶面积比,被认为是对较弱光照环境适应的表现。而光照对叶片的气孔指标(气孔密度、气孔指数和大小)没有作用,养分施加对太行花的影响也甚微。总体来说,太行花显示出对光照变化的生理适应性和形态可塑性,光照和养分这两个环境条件均非影响太行花局限分布的关键因素。 同时,我们采用扫描电镜手段跟踪观察了太行花的花的早期发育过程。太行花早期发育过程中苞片内残留的退化花痕迹表明,太行花的顶生单花其实是有限聚伞花序中其它花芽败育的结果,显示出从花序向单花演化的趋势。同时,雌蕊的发育在早期是正常的,未显示出退化痕迹。 根据以上结果表明,局限分布在特殊生境上的太行花并未显示出生理适应幅度的狭窄性和遗传多样性水平的降低,因此,太行花在长期的进化过程中形成了对特殊生境——悬崖的适应性,遗传衰退和缺乏适应性不是稀有植物太行花局限分布的原因。在对太行花的保护中应进一步加强对其生境的保护,并在进行迁地保护和回归引种时应兼顾不同变种和地理分布的居群,以实现对其遗传完整性的有效保护。


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在干旱气候背景下的毛乌素沙地,干旱、风沙是十分突出的环境胁迫因子。植物的生存与繁衍受到这些因子的强烈作用。在这里生存繁衍的许多克隆植物,在长期的生态适应与进化中,形成了有效的生态适应机制来克服沙地环境的不利影响。本研究选择在毛乌素沙地广泛分布的根茎型克隆植物羊柴(Hedysarum laeve Maxim.)和拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth.)为实验对象,运用实验生态学的方法与途径,来探讨它们对环境因子的适应机制。 羊柴为毛乌素沙地的主要固沙植物与优良豆科牧草,在该地区广泛用于飞播和直播种植。对毛乌素沙地区域生态环境建设与畜牧业经济发展起到了重大作用。在毛乌素沙地,水分短缺是植物生长和繁殖的重要限制因子。同时,受地形、生物、基质等因素的影响,毛乌素沙地的水分往往呈异质性的空间分布。羊柴克隆的相连分株极有可能处于异质性水分供应的不同生境位点上。因而,相连的羊柴分株能否对异质性水分供应发生反应,以及反应的耗一益状况,是羊柴克隆对干旱与水分异质性生态适应的基本问题。为此,采用人工设置异质性水分供应的方法,研究了一对相连的羊柴成年克隆分株对水分异质性的反应及反应的耗一益状况。结果显示:分株的水分供应状况,对相连的另一分株的生长有着显著的影响。当生长于低水分供应土壤中的分株与生长于高水分供应土壤中的分株相连接时,此分株的地上植株、根系、新生根茎的产生都有显著的提高,生物量分配与同质高土壤水分供应的分株无显著差异;而同时,与此分株相连的、处于高水分供应土壤中的分株在生长上却无明显的减弱,并且将明显多的生物量分配到地下根系。这表明:分株间发生着明显的水分共享,相连的克隆分株通过水分共享对异质性水分供应发生反应:并且水分共享使处于低水分供应土壤中的羊柴分株显著获益而并不显著地牺牲另一处于高水分供应土壤中的羊柴分株的生长。水分共享可能是羊柴克隆对沙地水分异质性的生态适应机制之一。 风积沙埋在毛乌素沙地生态系统中频繁发生,直接影响着种子发芽后,幼苗的存活与成功定居。因而,对传播到沙地中的植物种具有选择作用。羊柴在近数十年来被大量地用于沙地飞播,以防风固沙重建沙地植被。羊柴在种子萌发后,幼苗很有可能遭受沙埋。为了探讨羊柴幼苗对沙埋的反应,对一周龄、二周龄的羊柴幼苗进行了为期6周的人工沙埋实验,实验结果显示:沙埋对羊柴幼苗的存活、生长影响极为显著,重度沙埋(沙埋深度达到或超过幼苗的高度)可使大量或全部羊柴幼苗死亡;一定深度的沙埋(沙埋深度不超过幼苗株高)羊柴幼苗不仅可以全部存活,而且其整株生物量、叶片生物量、根系生物量以及相对生长率都相应地高于非沙埋的对照(即:不沙埋),而且新生叶片的产生要显著地多于不沙埋的对照。与非沙埋的对照相比,一定深度的沙埋并不显著地改变羊柴幼苗的生物量分配格局,其株高也不发生明显的变化。根据本实验的结果,在飞播羊柴时最好先在流沙和半流沙上设置一些人工固沙、阻沙的设施,以避免羊柴幼苗遭受重度沙埋,降低其定居和形成种群的风险,促进其形成种群,提高飞播成效。 在本研究的实施地一毛乌素沙地,环境胁迫与扰动经常发生,异质性的生境条件有着广泛的分布。严酷的生存环境与异质性,为植物采取多样的生态适应策略提供了前提条件。克隆植物的相连分株间是否发生资源共享以及资源共享的时空格局具有种类特异性。拂子茅为根茎型多年生禾草。其根茎细长,在分株建立后并不随分株的年龄的增加与体形的增大而发生明显的加粗生长。为了探讨拂子茅在异质性水分环境中的表型差异,对拂子茅由母株、子株组成的分株对给予了高水、低水两种不同的异质性水分处理。实验结果表明:水分供应状况直径影响着拂子茅的分株生长表型。在高水条件下,拂子茅的分株能产生多的根茎、新生 后代分株,并将生物量主要用于地上部分生长,从而积累多的地上生物量;在低水条件下,拂子茅分株产生较少的根茎与新生后代分株,并且分配到根系的生物量明显增大。在具有一定对比度的异质性水分环境中,拂子茅分株并不因与其相连的分株所处的水分供应状况而在根茎生长、新生后代分株的产生和生物量分配等特征上,与同质环境中的具有相同水分供应状况的分株表现出有明显的差异。这些结果揭示:拂子茅仅以分株的形式对异质性水分在表型上发生反应;相连的克隆分株在向顶向和向基向这两个基本方向上,不能对另一分株的水分供应状况在生长表型上发生反应,它们在水分关系上可能是相互相对独立的。分株的相对独立有利于在气候干旱、扰动强烈的沙地环境中实现风险分摊,提高基株的存活机率。 可以推断:处于同一环境中的不同克隆植物种在长期的进化中,也可以选择截然不同的生态策略来适应环境。


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It is known that roots can respond to patches of fertility; however, root proliferation is often too slow to exploit resources fully, and organic nutrient patches may be broken down and leached, immobilized or chemically fixed before they are invaded by the root system. The ability of fungal hyphae to exploit resource patches is far greater than that of roots due to their innate physiological and morphological plasticity, which allows comprehensive exploration and rapid colonization of resource patches in soils. The fungal symbionts of ectomycorrhizal plants excrete significant quantities of enzymes such as chitinases, phosphatases and proteases. These might allow the organic residue to be tapped directly for nutrients such as N and P. Pot experiments conducted with nutrient-stressed ectomycorrhizal and control willow plants showed that when high quality organic nutrient patches were added, they were colonized rapidly by the ectomycorrhizal mycelium. These established willows (0.5 m tall) were colonized by Hebeloma syrjense P. Karst. for 1 year prior to nutrient patch addition. Within days after patch addition, colour changes in the leaves of the mycorrhizal plants (reflecting improved nutrition) were apparent, and after I month the concentration of N and P in the foliage of mycorrhizal plants was significantly greater than that in non-mycorrhizal plants subject to the same nutrient addition. It seems likely that the mycorrhizal plants were able to compete effectively with the wider soil microbiota and tap directly into the high quality organic resource patch via their extra-radical mycelium. We hypothesize that ectomycorrhizal plants may reclaim some of the N and P invested in seed production by direct recycling from failed seeds in the soil. The rapid exploitation of similar discrete, transient, high-quality nutrient patches may have led to underestimations when determining the nutritional benefits of ectomycorrhizal colonization.


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Dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites are of common occurrence within marine sponges belonging to the order Verongida. However, previous chemical analysis of crude extracts obtained from samples of the verongid sponge Aplysina fulva collected in Brazil did not provide any dibromotyrosine-derived compounds. In this investigation, five samples of A. fulva from five different locations along the Brazilian coastline and one sample from a temperate reef in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) (Georgia, USA) were investigated for the presence of bromotyrosine-derived compounds. All six samples collected yielded dibromotyrosine-derived compounds, including a new derivative, named aplysinafulvin, which has been identified by. analysis of spectroscopic data. These results confirm previous assumptions that dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites can be considered as chemotaxonomic markers of verongid sponges. The isolation of aplysinafulvin provides additional support for a biogenetic pathway involving an arene oxide intermediate in the biosynthesis of Verongida metabolites. It cannot yet be established if the chemical variability observed among the six samples of A.fulva collected in Brazil and the SAB is the result of different environmental factors, distinct chemical extraction and isolation protocols, or a consequence of hidden genetic diversity within the postulated morphological plasticity of this species. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this paper was to evaluate the phenotypical plasticity of external morphology of Lippia alba in response to two luminosity level and four organic-mineral fertilization level. The morphological plasticity was quantified by the phenotypic variation intensity of the morphological characters (ramifications, leafs, inflorescences, flowers, height, stem diameter, leaf blade length, foliar blade breadth and space between branches). It was possible to verify significant effect as a consequence of luminosity and substratum variations. However, the interaction between these factors was not observed suggesting that they act independently. The majority of characters revealed high magnitude of phenotypical plasticity. The results obtained suggest that luminosity intensity and substratum quality contribute to amplify the phenotypical expression of Lippia alba.


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Amphibians exhibit great morphological plasticity of habitat and life history. This heterogeneity contributes to the frequency of occurrence and diversity of sexual dimorphism (shape or size) is large. Dasypops schirchi is a species belonging to the subfamily and family Gastrophryninae Microhylidae and this endemic and endangered. Generally, very little is known about D. schirchi, much in part to its habit of living and cryptic small geographical distribution. In order to detect and characterize elements sexually dimorphic in this species was a survey of specimens of D. schirchi in major national zoological collections. We analyzed 16 morphometric variables were also searched and secondary sexual characters non-morphometric. Statistical analysis of the morphometric data, the results showed a clear distinction between males and females of D. schirchi, secondary sexual characters nonmorphometric were also found


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum (Dunal) Bitter comprises approximately 450 species, of which 110, including 58 endemics, occur in Brazil, which is recognized as one of the centers of diversity of the group. Due the great morphological plasticity and its large number of species, several taxonomic treatments have been proposed for the genus Solanum, but its infrageneric classification is problematic. The aim of this study was to analyze the alkane composition of the leaf epicuticular waxes of nine species of the subgenus Leptostemonum to evaluate the chemotaxonomic potential of the alkanes. As results, were identified in nine species thirty-one alkanes, including iso- and anteiso-alkanes. The major constituent of wax in most species was tritriacontane. Hentriacontane was the main constituent of Solanum paraibanum and Solanum torvum, and penta-triacontane was predominant in different populations of Solanum stramonifolium. The phenetic analysis of nine species based on the distribution profile of alkanes (Euclidean distance and UPGMA method) show three clusters with distinct main homolog. The profiles of alkanes showed some qualitative taxonomic value for species analyzed, although, a larger number of representative samples of this subgenus must be investigated. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The genus Codium comprises c. 125 species widely distributed in marine coastal environments throughout the world. Due to morphological plasticity, the taxonomic delimitation of Codium species can be difficult. Sequences of the first exon of the large subunit of RUBISCO (rbcL) have been used in the molecular delimitation of species and for phylogenetic purposes. In the present study, we complement previous morphological work on Brazilian Codium species with molecular systematics. Based on the partial rbcL sequences, seven species are recognized along the Brazilian coast: C. decorticatum, C. intertextum, C. isthmocladum, C. profundum, C. spongiosum, C. taylorii and the new species Codium pernambucensis. Ten unique sequences were obtained among the samples examined, which we used in combination with previously published sequences to infer molecular phylogenies using various methods. The resulting trees showed three principal monophyletic groupings: Clade A with species having a prostrate habit, not branched, and mostly with small, grouped utricles; Clade B primarily consisting of upright species with cylindrical branches and large individual utricles; and Clade C composed of upright species with cylindrical branches that are slightly flattened, and have intermediate-sized individual utricles. The Brazilian species grouped with morphologically similar taxa from other geographic localities, and are present in all three main clades. A new sprawling species, Codium pernambucensis is described based on morphology and molecular analyses.