988 resultados para Monte Carlo experiments


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Monte Carlo simulations arrive at their results by introducing randomness, sometimes derived from a physical randomizing device. Nonetheless, we argue, they open no new epistemic channels beyond that already employed by traditional simulations: the inference by ordinary argumentation of conclusions from assumptions built into the simulations. We show that Monte Carlo simulations cannot produce knowledge other than by inference, and that they resemble other computer simulations in the manner in which they derive their conclusions. Simple examples of Monte Carlo simulations are analysed to identify the underlying inferences.


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Monte Carlo track structures (MCTS) simulations have been recognized as useful tools for radiobiological modeling. However, the authors noticed several issues regarding the consistency of reported data. Therefore, in this work, they analyze the impact of various user defined parameters on simulated direct DNA damage yields. In addition, they draw attention to discrepancies in published literature in DNA strand break (SB) yields and selected methodologies. The MCTS code Geant4-DNA was used to compare radial dose profiles in a nanometer-scale region of interest (ROI) for photon sources of varying sizes and energies. Then, electron tracks of 0.28 keV-220 keV were superimposed on a geometric DNA model composed of 2.7 × 10(6) nucleosomes, and SBs were simulated according to four definitions based on energy deposits or energy transfers in DNA strand targets compared to a threshold energy ETH. The SB frequencies and complexities in nucleosomes as a function of incident electron energies were obtained. SBs were classified into higher order clusters such as single and double strand breaks (SSBs and DSBs) based on inter-SB distances and on the number of affected strands. Comparisons of different nonuniform dose distributions lacking charged particle equilibrium may lead to erroneous conclusions regarding the effect of energy on relative biological effectiveness. The energy transfer-based SB definitions give similar SB yields as the one based on energy deposit when ETH ≈ 10.79 eV, but deviate significantly for higher ETH values. Between 30 and 40 nucleosomes/Gy show at least one SB in the ROI. The number of nucleosomes that present a complex damage pattern of more than 2 SBs and the degree of complexity of the damage in these nucleosomes diminish as the incident electron energy increases. DNA damage classification into SSB and DSB is highly dependent on the definitions of these higher order structures and their implementations. The authors' show that, for the four studied models, different yields are expected by up to 54% for SSBs and by up to 32% for DSBs, as a function of the incident electrons energy and of the models being compared. MCTS simulations allow to compare direct DNA damage types and complexities induced by ionizing radiation. However, simulation results depend to a large degree on user-defined parameters, definitions, and algorithms such as: DNA model, dose distribution, SB definition, and the DNA damage clustering algorithm. These interdependencies should be well controlled during the simulations and explicitly reported when comparing results to experiments or calculations.


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A combined and sequential use of Monte Carlo simulations and quantum mechanical calculations is made to analyze the spectral shift of the lowest pi-pi* transition of phenol in water. The solute polarization is included using electrostatic embedded calculations at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level giving a dipole moment of 2.25 D, corresponding to an increase of 76% compared to the calculated gas-phase value. Using statistically uncorrelated configurations sampled from the MC simulation,first-principle size-extensive calculations are performed to obtain the solvatochromic shift. Analysis is then made of the origin of the blue shift. Results both at the optimized geometry and in room-temperature liquid water show that hydrogen bonds of water with phenol promote a red shift when phenol is the proton-donor and a blue shift when phenol is the proton-acceptor. In the case of the optimized clusters the calculated shifts are in very good agreement with results obtained from mass-selected free jet expansion experiments. In the liquid case the contribution of the solute-solvent hydrogen bonds partially cancels and the total shift obtained is dominated by the contribution of the outer solvent water molecules. Our best result, including both inner and outer water molecules, is 570 +/- 35 cm(-1), in very good agreement with the small experimental shift of 460 cm(-1) for the absorption maximum.


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Time-lapse geophysical measurements are widely used to monitor the movement of water and solutes through the subsurface. Yet commonly used deterministic least squares inversions typically suffer from relatively poor mass recovery, spread overestimation, and limited ability to appropriately estimate nonlinear model uncertainty. We describe herein a novel inversion methodology designed to reconstruct the three-dimensional distribution of a tracer anomaly from geophysical data and provide consistent uncertainty estimates using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. Posterior sampling is made tractable by using a lower-dimensional model space related both to the Legendre moments of the plume and to predefined morphological constraints. Benchmark results using cross-hole ground-penetrating radar travel times measurements during two synthetic water tracer application experiments involving increasingly complex plume geometries show that the proposed method not only conserves mass but also provides better estimates of plume morphology and posterior model uncertainty than deterministic inversion results.


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A Monte Carlo study of the late time growth of L12-ordered domains in a fcc A3B binary alloy is presented. The energy of the alloy has been modeled by a nearest-neighbor interaction Ising Hamiltonian. The system exhibits a fourfold degenerated ground state and two kinds of interfaces separating ordered domains: flat and curved antiphase boundaries. Two different dynamics are used in the simulations: the standard atom-atom exchange mechanism and the more realistic vacancy-atom exchange mechanism. The results obtained by both methods are compared. In particular we study the time evolution of the excess energy, the structure factor and the mean distance between walls. In the case of atom-atom exchange mechanism anisotropic growth has been found: two characteristic lengths are needed in order to describe the evolution. Contrarily, with the vacancyatom exchange mechanism scaling with a single length holds. Results are contrasted with existing experiments in Cu3Au and theories for anisotropic growth.


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Cette thèse, composée de quatre articles scientifiques, porte sur les méthodes numériques atomistiques et leur application à des systèmes semi-conducteurs nanostructurés. Nous introduisons les méthodes accélérées conçues pour traiter les événements activés, faisant un survol des développements du domaine. Suit notre premier article, qui traite en détail de la technique d'activation-relaxation cinétique (ART-cinétique), un algorithme Monte Carlo cinétique hors-réseau autodidacte basé sur la technique de l'activation-relaxation nouveau (ARTn), dont le développement ouvre la voie au traitement exact des interactions élastiques tout en permettant la simulation de matériaux sur des plages de temps pouvant atteindre la seconde. Ce développement algorithmique, combiné à des données expérimentales récentes, ouvre la voie au second article. On y explique le relâchement de chaleur par le silicium cristallin suite à son implantation ionique avec des ions de Si à 3 keV. Grâce à nos simulations par ART-cinétique et l'analyse de données obtenues par nanocalorimétrie, nous montrons que la relaxation est décrite par un nouveau modèle en deux temps: "réinitialiser et relaxer" ("Replenish-and-Relax"). Ce modèle, assez général, peut potentiellement expliquer la relaxation dans d'autres matériaux désordonnés. Par la suite, nous poussons l'analyse plus loin. Le troisième article offre une analyse poussée des mécanismes atomistiques responsables de la relaxation lors du recuit. Nous montrons que les interactions élastiques entre des défauts ponctuels et des petits complexes de défauts contrôlent la relaxation, en net contraste avec la littérature qui postule que des "poches amorphes" jouent ce rôle. Nous étudions aussi certains sous-aspects de la croissance de boîtes quantiques de Ge sur Si (001). En effet, après une courte mise en contexte et une introduction méthodologique supplémentaire, le quatrième article décrit la structure de la couche de mouillage lors du dépôt de Ge sur Si (001) à l'aide d'une implémentation QM/MM du code BigDFT-ART. Nous caractérisons la structure de la reconstruction 2xN de la surface et abaissons le seuil de la température nécessaire pour la diffusion du Ge en sous-couche prédit théoriquement par plus de 100 K.


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A Monte Carlo study of the late time growth of L12-ordered domains in a fcc A3B binary alloy is presented. The energy of the alloy has been modeled by a nearest-neighbor interaction Ising Hamiltonian. The system exhibits a fourfold degenerated ground state and two kinds of interfaces separating ordered domains: flat and curved antiphase boundaries. Two different dynamics are used in the simulations: the standard atom-atom exchange mechanism and the more realistic vacancy-atom exchange mechanism. The results obtained by both methods are compared. In particular we study the time evolution of the excess energy, the structure factor and the mean distance between walls. In the case of atom-atom exchange mechanism anisotropic growth has been found: two characteristic lengths are needed in order to describe the evolution. Contrarily, with the vacancyatom exchange mechanism scaling with a single length holds. Results are contrasted with existing experiments in Cu3Au and theories for anisotropic growth.


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A partial phase diagram is constructed for diblock copolymer melts using lattice-based Monte Carlo simulations. This is done by locating the order-disorder transition (ODT) with the aid of a recently proposed order parameter and identifying the ordered phase over a wide range of copolymer compositions (0.2 <= f <= 0.8). Consistent with experiments, the disordered phase is found to exhibit direct first-order transitions to each of the ordered morphologies. This includes the spontaneous formation of a perforated-lamellar phase, which presumably forms in place of the gyroid morphology due to finite-size and/or nonequilibrium effects. Also included in our study is a detailed examination of disordered cylinder-forming (f=0.3) diblock copolymers, revealing a substantial degree of pretransitional chain stretching and short-range order that set in well before the ODT, as observed previously in analogous studies on lamellar-forming (f=0.5) molecules. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The phase diagram for diblock copolymer melts is evaluated from lattice-based Monte Carlo simulations using parallel tempering, improving upon earlier simulations that used sequential temperature scans. This new approach locates the order-disorder transition (ODT) far more accurately by the occurrence of a sharp spike in the heat capacity. The present study also performs a more thorough investigation of finite-size effects, which reveals that the gyroid (G) morphology spontaneously forms in place of the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase identified in the earlier study. Nevertheless, there still remains a small region where the PL phase appears to be stable. Interestingly, the lamellar (L) phase next to this region exhibits a small population of transient perforations, which may explain previous scattering experiments suggesting a modulated-lamellar (ML) phase.


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In any data mining applications, automated text and text and image retrieval of information is needed. This becomes essential with the growth of the Internet and digital libraries. Our approach is based on the latent semantic indexing (LSI) and the corresponding term-by-document matrix suggested by Berry and his co-authors. Instead of using deterministic methods to find the required number of first "k" singular triplets, we propose a stochastic approach. First, we use Monte Carlo method to sample and to build much smaller size term-by-document matrix (e.g. we build k x k matrix) from where we then find the first "k" triplets using standard deterministic methods. Second, we investigate how we can reduce the problem to finding the "k"-largest eigenvalues using parallel Monte Carlo methods. We apply these methods to the initial matrix and also to the reduced one. The algorithms are running on a cluster of workstations under MPI and results of the experiments arising in textual retrieval of Web documents as well as comparison of the stochastic methods proposed are presented. (C) 2003 IMACS. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The phase diagram for an AB diblock copolymer melt with polydisperse A blocks and monodisperse B blocks is evaluated using lattice-based Monte Carlo simulations. Experiments on this system have shown that the A-block polydispersity shifts the order-order transitions (OOTs) towards higher A-monomer content, while the order-disorder transition (ODT) moves towards higher temperatures when the A blocks form the minority domains and lower temperatures when the A blocks form the matrix. Although self-consistent field theory (SCFT) correctly accounts for the change in the OOTs, it incorrectly predicts the ODT to shift towards higher temperatures at all diblock copolymer compositions. In contrast, our simulations predict the correct shifts for both the OOTs and the ODT. This implies that polydispersity amplifies the fluctuation-induced correction to the mean-field ODT, which we attribute to a reduction in packing frustration. Consistent with this explanation, polydispersity is found to enhance the stability of the perforated-lamellar phase.


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We present a new algorithm for Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) simulations of liquids. During the simulations, we calculate energy, excess chemical potentials, bond-angle distributions and three-body correlations. This allows us to test the quality and physical meaning of RMC-generated results and its limitations. It also indicates the possibility to explore orientational correlations from simple scattering experiments. The new technique has been applied to bulk hard-sphere and Lennard-Jones systems and compared to standard Metropolis Monte Carlo results. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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The huge demand for procedures involving ionizing radiation promotes the need for safe methods of experimentation considering the danger of their biological e ects with consequent risk to humans. Brazilian's legislation prohibits experiments involving this type of radiation in humans through Decree 453 of Ministry of Health with determines that such procedures comply with the principles of justi cation, optimization and dose limitation. In this line, concurrently with the advancement of available computer processing power, computing simulations have become relevant in those situations where experimental procedures are too cost or impractical. The Monte Carlo method, created along the Manhattan Project duringWorldWar II, is a powerful strategy to simulations in computational physics. In medical physics, this technique has been extensively used with applications in diagnostics and cancer treatment. The objective of this work is to simulate the production and detection of X-rays for the energy range of diagnostic radiology, for molybdenum target, using the Geant4 toolkit. X-ray tubes with this kind of target material are used in diagnostic radiology, speci cally in mammography, one of the most used techniques for screening of breast cancer in women. During the simulations, we used di erent models for bremsstrahlung available in physical models for low energy, in situations already covered by the literature in earlier versions of Geant4. Our results show that although the physical situations seems qualitatively adequate, quantitative comparisons to available analytical data shows aws in the code of Geant4 Low Energy source


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The extension of Boltzmann-Gibbs thermostatistics, proposed by Tsallis, introduces an additional parameter q to the inverse temperature beta. Here, we show that a previously introduced generalized Metropolis dynamics to evolve spin models is not local and does not obey the detailed energy balance. In this dynamics, locality is only retrieved for q = 1, which corresponds to the standard Metropolis algorithm. Nonlocality implies very time-consuming computer calculations, since the energy of the whole system must be reevaluated when a single spin is flipped. To circumvent this costly calculation, we propose a generalized master equation, which gives rise to a local generalized Metropolis dynamics that obeys the detailed energy balance. To compare the different critical values obtained with other generalized dynamics, we perform Monte Carlo simulations in equilibrium for the Ising model. By using short-time nonequilibrium numerical simulations, we also calculate for this model the critical temperature and the static and dynamical critical exponents as functions of q. Even for q not equal 1, we show that suitable time-evolving power laws can be found for each initial condition. Our numerical experiments corroborate the literature results when we use nonlocal dynamics, showing that short-time parameter determination works also in this case. However, the dynamics governed by the new master equation leads to different results for critical temperatures and also the critical exponents affecting universality classes. We further propose a simple algorithm to optimize modeling the time evolution with a power law, considering in a log-log plot two successive refinements.


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Das Phasenverhalten und die Grenzflächeneigenschaften vonPolymeren in superkritischer Lösung werden anhand einesvergröberten Kugel-Feder-Modells für das ReferenzsystemHexadekan-CO2 untersucht. Zur Bestimmung der Parameter imPotential setzt man die kritischen Punkte von Simulation undExperiment gleich. Wechselwirkungen zwischen beidenKomponenten werden durch eine modifizierteLorentz-Berthelot-Regel modelliert. Die Übereinstimmung mitden Experimenten ist sehr gut - insbesondere kann dasPhasendiagramm des Mischsystems inklusive kritischer Linienreproduziert werden. Ein Vergleich mit numerischenStörungsrechnungen (TPT1) liefert eine qualitativeÜbereinstimmung und Hinweise zur Verbesserung derverwendeten Zustandsgleichung. Aufbauend auf diesen Betrachtungen werden die Frühstadiender Keimbildung untersucht. Für das Lennard-Jones-Systemwird zum ersten Mal der Übergang vom homogenen Gas zu einemeinzelnen Tropfen im endlichen Volumen direkt nachgewiesenund quantifiziert. Die freie Energie von kleinen Clusternwird mit einem einfachen, klassischen Nukleationsmodellbestimmt und nach oben abgeschätzt. Die vorgestellten Untersuchungen wurden durch eineWeiterentwicklung des Umbrella-Sampling-Algorithmusermöglicht. Hierbei wird die Simulation in mehrereSimulationsfenster unterteilt, die nacheinander abgearbeitetwerden. Die Methode erlaubt eine Bestimmung derFreien-Energie-Landschaft an einer beliebigen Stelle desPhasendiagramms. Der Fehler ist kontrollierbar undunabhängig von der Art der Unterteilung.