24 resultados para Monstrosity


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In the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, Australia’s relationship with its Asian neighbours has been the subject of ongoing aesthetic, cultural and political contestations. As Alison Richards has noted, Australia’s colonial legacy, its Asia-Pacific location, and its ‘white’ self-perception have always made Australia’s relations with Asia fraught. In the latter part of the twentieth century, the paradoxes inherent in Australia’s relationships with and within the Asian region became a dominant theme in debates about nation, nationhood and identity, and prompted a shift in the construction of ‘Asianness’ on Australian stages. On the one hand, anxiety about the multicultural policy of the 1970s and 1980s, and then Prime Minister Paul Keating’s push for greater economic, cultural and artistic exchange with Asia via policies such as the Creative Nation Cultural Policy (1994), saw large numbers of Australians latch on to the reactionary, racist politics of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party. As Jacqueline Lo has argued, in this period Asian-Australians were frequently represented as an unassimilable Other, a threat to Australia’s ‘white’ identity, and to individual Australians’ jobs and opportunities. On the other hand, during the same period, a desire to counter the racism in Australian culture, and develop a ‘voice’ that would distinguish Australian cultural products from European theatrical traditions, combined with the new opportunities for cross-cultural exchange that came with the Creative Nation Cultural Policy to produce what Helen Gilbert and Jacqueline Lo have characterised as an Asian turn in Australian theatre...


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William Hope Hodgson has generally been understood as the author of several atmospheric sea-horror stories and two powerful but flawed horror science fiction novels. There has been no substantial study analysing the historical and cultural context of his fiction or its place in the Gothic, horror, and science fiction literary traditions. Through analysing the theme of borderlands, this thesis contextualises Hodgson’s novels and short stories within these traditions and within late Victorian cultural discourse. Liminal other world realms, boundaries of corporeal monstrosity, and the imagined future of the world form key elements of Hodgson’s fiction, reflecting the currents of anxiety and optimism characterising fin-de-siècle British society. Hodgson’s early career as a sailor and his interest in body-building and physical culture colour his fiction. Fin-de-siècle discourses of evolution, entropy, spiritualism, psychical research, and the occult also influence his ideas. In The House on the Borderland (1908) and The Night Land (1912), the known world brushes against other forms of reality, exposing humanity to incomprehensible horrors. In The Ghost Pirates (1909), the sea forms a liminal region on the borderland of materiality and immateriality in which other world encounters can take place. In The Night Land and The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig’ (1907), evolution gives rise to strange monstrous forms existing on the borderlines of species and identity. In Hodgson’s science fiction—The House on the Borderland and The Night Land—the future of the earth forms a temporal borderland of human existence shaped by fin-de-siècle fears of entropy and the heat-death of the sun. Alongside the work of other writers such as H. G. Wells and Arthur Machen, Hodgson’s four novels respond to the borderland discourses of the fin de siècle, better enabling us to understand the Gothic literature of the period as well as Hodgson’s position as a writer who offers a unique imaginative perspective on his contemporary culture.


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The narrative of Rosemary’s Baby hinges on a central hesitation between pregnancy induced madness and the existence of Satanism. Accordingly, the monstrous element is embodied in both the real and the supernatural: Rosemary’s husband Guy (John Cassavetes) is responsible for her victimisation through rape in either explanation. However, I will argue that the inherent ambiguity of the plot makes it difficult to place him as such a figure typical to the archetypal horror binaries of normality/monster, human/inhuman. By displacing generic convention the film complicates the issue of monstrosity, whilst simultaneously offering the possibility for the depiction of female experience of marriage to be at the centre of the narrative, for the real to be possibly of more significance than the supernatural. Previous writing has tended to concentrate on Rosemary and her pregnancy, so through detailed consideration of Cassavetes’ performance and its placement in the mise-en-scène this focus on Guy aims to demonstrate that he changes almost as much as Rosemary does. The chapter will focus on the film’s depiction of rape, during Rosemary’s nightmare and after it, in order to demonstrate how the notion of performance reveals Guy’s monstrousness and the difficulties this represents in our engagement with him.


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Resumen: A simple vista, la zoología monstruosa podría verse como una fauna de carácter real, en oposición a otros seres que evidencian su monstruosidad. Sin embargo, bajo ese manto aparente de realismo, se esconde el principio mágico que ha movido a esos animales a un desplazamiento de la más pura realidad a la otredad monstruosa, sea a causa de la metamorfosis, de las profecías o de cualquier otro elemento que no se corresponda directamente con su naturaleza animal, sino que provenga de un principio exterior —la magia— o interior —su propia naturaleza monstruosa/prodigiosa—. Es el caso de los leones del Palmerín de Olivia (Salamanca, Juan de Porras, 1511), que debe enfrentar el héroe en tierras de moros


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo mostrar como a literatura gótica pode ser atemporal, subvertendo as mentes e conceitos de seus leitores. Partindo do contexto histórico e cultural em que The Monk se inseriu, esse trabalho visa levantar as questões e elementos tão fortemente reprimidos em nossa sociedade desde o final do século XVIII, como as idéias de mal, abjeção e expressão do eu, em um diálogo permanente com a teoria de Michel Foucault, David Punter, Julia Kristeva, entre outros. Desta forma, a análise do romance se dá paralelamente a uma crítica social, visto que a obra gótica tem por um de seus fins denunciar e deslocar a realidade social. Em última instância, será feita a análise algumas personagens do romance e sua respectiva importância na obra


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O presente trabalho consiste na análise crítica de normatizações e legislações referentes a sujeitos transexuais e travestis, no território brasileiro, contabilizando sessenta e um documentos, compreendidos entre 1997 e março de 2014. Ademais de podermos pensar o dispositivo da transexualidade que aparece como uma tentativa de docilizar corpos não-binários, domesticar sexualidades através da sua nomeação e reconhecimento social, reconhecimento este construído por um diagnóstico de transtorno de identidade de gênero. Que além de patologizar e psiquiatrizar vivências não normativas, destitui o sujeito trans* da autonomia sobre seu corpo, deslegitima sua identidade e o violenta de várias formas, até fixá-lo em padrões merecedores de políticas e direitos. A análise dos documentos apontou como conteúdo dois elementos centrais: uso do nome social e normas técnicas de patologização. Os discursos variam e ao mesmo tempo se assemelham, mostrando incongruências internas e reproduções errôneas (mas podemos falar em originalidade? E serão erros mesmo?). Dessa forma, criam-se alguns Frankensteins que podem ser potências, podem produzir anulações ou zonas de monstruosidade. Seja como abjeto, monstros ou ciborgues, as identidades trans* tencionam constantemente fronteiras e dialogam com o anômalo e as subjetividades nômades ao mesmo tempo em que oscilam entre discursos e figurações normatizadoras


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O trabalho tem por objetivo descrever como o discurso em torno das deformidades é resultante de um processo, iniciado no século XIX, que deslocou o fenômeno da monstruosidade dos registros das aberrações descritas moral ou religiosamente para o campo da Biologia. A hipótese é a de que houve uma apropriação médica da monstruosidade guiada principalmente por três vetores: desenvolvimento da Teratologia como ciência; mudança das sensibilidades e o surgimento do sentimento de compaixão, estimulado em grande parte pela literatura do século XIX; e o aumento do número de pessoas deficientes, em decorrência da Primeira e da Segunda Guerras Mundiais, que levou a uma mudança na forma como as sociedades lidavam com um corpo marcado pela deformidade. Tanto a Teratologia, como a literatura foram operadores importantes no processo de conscientização sobre a humanidade dos monstros. É justamente essa transição de uma categoria social de monstro para a categoria social de portador de deformidade, construída pelo saber médico, que o trabalho pretende investigar.


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Using two examples of literary monsters, the Creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818), and Grendel’s Mother in Beowulf, this thesis demonstrates the bearing fictional identities have on “real” bodies, through an examination of two further literary texts, David Henry Hwang’s play, M. Butterfly (1986) and J. M. Coetzee’s novel, Disgrace (1999). Western definitions of Being have historically divided body and mind, favouring the mind as formative of subjective experience and denigrating the body as secondary and impure. This thesis demonstrates that this mind/body binary is symptomatic of the masculine ontological imperative to disown the body and its effects on Being, simultaneously ridding itself of the feminine it believes is its irrational opposite. Using recent feminist reviews of the canon, which emphasise the body’s importance to ontology and demonstrate the conceptual association between the feminine and the corporeal, this thesis links performative identity practices to theories of monstrosity, explaining how fictional qualities adhere to monstrous bodies by proposing a new theoretical category, the “monstrative.” The monstrative is a performative force that makes the Other into a living sign of Otherness; however, unlike earlier theories of Othering, the monstrative accounts for the Other’s being other to herself. This thesis also attempts to read the misrepresented body of the Other as a possible site for more empowered identity performances, where the monstrous “I” is interpreted as a potentially positive model for identity practice, through the conceptualisation of identity as a process of Becoming rather than Being. The transferal from a noun to a verb not only emphasises the performativity of identity, but also suggests fluidity and multiplicity in identity practice, which always already indicates a monstrosity at work. Thus, while monstrative acts constitute bodies as monstrous, Becoming-monster is an empathetic response to the Other’s monstrosity.


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In this paper I look at texts from the Romantic Period which strategically employ elements of the Gothic genre in what I describe as a `marginal` relationship with the Gothic canon. My intention is both to explore the way the boundaries of the genre might be extended, and to cast fresh light on some of the texts discussed, specifically in relation to the ways in which the `monstrous` is perceived and portrayed as villainy. In the first half of the paper, using Burke’s Philosophical Enquiry on the Sublime and the Beautiful as a starting point, I consider Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, Godwin’s Caleb Williams, Radcliffe’s The Italian, and Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell as all in various ways examples of `marginal Gothic` that present evil doing as monstrous aberrations, also noting the contemporary reception of Beckford’s Vathek, praised in 1786 for its `accuracy and credibility`. In addition, I suggest that Wordsworth’s `Tintern Abbey` and Book VI of The Prelude provide evidence of marginal, but significant, Gothic influence that references Radcliffe’s and Burke’s explorations of a terror of the unknown. In the second half of the paper I focus on Scott’s Guy Mannering, or The Astrologer (1815) as an important example of a `marginal` Gothic novel. Scott’s reference to Vathek at a key point in his plot suggests that he had read Beckford’s novel as entirely `Gothic`. This discussion incorporates a comparison between Mannering’s youthful enthusiasm for astrological divination, and themes to be found in Shelley’s Frankenstein, notably with respect to the nature of Victor Frankenstein’s response to `old` and `new` science and medicine, and to the creation and control of Gothic monstrosity. In these and in other instances, it will be argued that the `marginal Gothic` of Scott’s novel may be read as a precursor to Shelley’s work. [From the Author]


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L’œuvre de Nelly Arcan s’inscrit dans un pan de la littérature contemporaine accueillant les monstres comme figures de la transgression qui, par leur é-normité, interrogent la norme dont ils s’écartent. Ces êtres à la fois fascinants et inquiétants hantent la littérature depuis les récits fondateurs de la mythologie antique. Arcan, à l’instar de plusieurs femmes auteurs, recourt au procédé de la réécriture de plusieurs grands mythes grecs dans Folle (2004) et À ciel ouvert (2007). Dans les deux récits, elle met en scène des personnages en fuite qui, face à leur destin néfaste, se métamorphosent en femmes-monstres et en hommes-monstres. Les personnages masculins empruntent des traits à Jason, Narcisse et Pygmalion, mais sont, par leur déviance sexuelle et leur propension à la domination, beaucoup plus monstrueux que leurs modèles antiques. Contaminées par la monstruosité des hommes qu’elles aiment jusqu’à l’annihilation de soi, les protagonistes des deux récits affichent certains traits de Médée, de Méduse et des Amazones, tirant parti de la puissance de ces figures nocives pour donner une leçon aux personnages masculins. Elles acquièrent ainsi de nouveau leur statut de sujet. Dans ce mémoire, il s’agira, par le biais de la mythocritique, des théories de la réécriture et de l’effet-personnage, d’étudier les causes, le processus et les effets du « devenir-monstre » des personnages féminins et d’examiner la reconfiguration de mythes antiques par Arcan. En s’intéressant à la greffe des mythes antiques sur les personnages arcaniens, au déplacement et au renversement des mythèmes caractéristiques des figures prédécesseures, cette recherche espère montrer comment Nelly Arcan dissèque les relations de couple qui mènent au « devenir-monstre » des partenaires. Il ressortira de cette analyse une vision apocalyptique du vivre ensemble, entre hommes et femmes, qui rejoue l’ancienne « guerre des sexes » que l’on croyait terminée.


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Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a rare and fatal congenital anomaly, primarily observed in ruminants, presenting fetus with dorsiflexion of the vertebral column, exposure of thoracic and visceral organs, and scoliosis. A caesarian was performed on a Dorper sheep on a farm in Botucatu-SP and according to the general characteristics and findings observed in the necropsy of the fetus it was an SR case. The radiography indicated a marked ventro-dorsal deviation of the thoracolumbar column segment and deformity of the ribs. On the computed tomography the integrity of the bones and organs were detected, except for the absence of a lumbar vertebra. No data were available in the literature for SR diagnosis in sheep by image, so radiographic and tomographic exams of the fetus were done.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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La tesi mira a ridefinire lo statuto del personaggio nell’ambito del self-conscious novel postmoderno, alla luce delle più recenti tendenze narratologiche, con particolare riferimento all’unnatural narratology. Per poter presentare un modello scientificamente valido si è fatto ricorso alla comparazione della produzione letteraria di due macro-aree: quella britannica e quella slava (Russia - Unione Sovietica - e Polonia). Come figura di mediazione tra queste due culture si pone senza dubbio Vladimir V. Nabokov, cardine e personalità di spicco della ricerca. Tra le analisi testuali proposte sono stati presi in considerazione i seguenti autori: Julian Barnes, Vladimir Nabokov, Daniil Charms, Konstantin Vaginov, Andrej Bitov, Saša Sokolov, Bruno Schulz e Tadeusz Kantor.