974 resultados para Monreal, Francisco , O. Cist.


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Se refiere al memorial elevado a la Reina Regente contra la versión ofrecida por Marcos Roig del Consejo de S.M. acerca del prendimiento por parte de Pedro Sala del confesor de la monjas del Convento de Zaidia Francisco Monreal el dia 10 de mayo de 1688


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Lacunarity as a means of quantifying textural properties of spatial distributions suggests a classification into three main classes of the most abundant soils that cover 92% of Europe. Soils with a well-defined self-similar structure of the linear class are related to widespread spatial patterns that are nondominant but ubiquitous at continental scale. Fractal techniques have been increasingly and successfully applied to identify and describe spatial patterns in natural sciences. However, objects with the same fractal dimension can show very different optical properties because of their spatial arrangement. This work focuses primary attention on the geometrical structure of the geographical patterns of soils in Europe. We made use of the European Soil Database to estimate lacunarity indexes of the most abundant soils that cover 92% of the surface of Europe and investigated textural properties of their spatial distribution. We observed three main classes corresponding to three different patterns that displayed the graphs of lacunarity functions, that is, linear, convex, and mixed. They correspond respectively to homogeneous or self-similar, heterogeneous or clustered and those in which behavior can change at different ranges of scales. Finally, we discuss the pedological implications of that classification.


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Soil tomography and morphological functions built over Minkowski functionals were used to describe the impact on pore structure of two soil management practices in a Mediterranean vineyard. Soil structure controls important physical and biological processes in soil–plant–microbial systems. Those processes are dominated by the geometry of soil pore structure, and a correct model of this geometry is critical for understanding them. Soil tomography has been shown to provide rich three-dimensional digital information on soil pore geometry. Recently, mathematical morphological techniques have been proposed as powerful tools to analyze and quantify the geometrical features of porous media. Minkowski functionals and morphological functions built over Minkowski functionals provide computationally efficient means to measure four fundamental geometrical features of three-dimensional geometrical objects, that is, volume, boundary surface, mean boundary surface curvature, and connectivity. We used the threshold and the dilation and erosion of three-dimensional images to generate morphological functions and explore the evolution of Minkowski functionals as the threshold and as the degree of dilation and erosion changes. We analyzed the three-dimensional geometry of soil pore space with X-ray computed tomography (CT) of intact soil columns from a Spanish Mediterranean vineyard by using two different management practices (conventional tillage versus permanent cover crop of resident vegetation). Our results suggested that morphological functions built over Minkowski functionals provide promising tools to characterize soil macropore structure and that the evolution of morphological features with dilation and erosion is more informative as an indicator of structure than moving threshold for both soil managements studied.


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Important physical and biological processes in soil-plant-microbial systems are dominated by the geometry of soil pore space, and a correct model of this geometry is critical for understanding them. We analyze the geometry of soil pore space with the X-ray computed tomography (CT) of intact soil columns. We present here some preliminary results of our investigation on Minkowski functionals of parallel sets to characterize soil structure. We also show how the evolution of Minkowski morphological measurements of parallel sets may help to characterize the influence of conventional tillage and permanent cover crop of resident vegetation on soil structure in a Spanish Mediterranean vineyard.


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The study of soil structure, i.e., the pores, is of vital importance in different fields of science and technology. Total pore volume (porosity), pore surface, pore connectivity and pore size distribution are some (probably the most important) of the geometric measurements of pore space. The technology of X-ray computed tomography allows us to obtain 3D images of the inside of a soil sample enabling study of the pores without disturbing the samples. In this work we performed a set of geometrical measures, some of them from mathematical morphology, to assess and quantify any possible difference that tillage may have caused on the soil. We compared samples from tilled soil with samples from a soil with natural vegetation taken in a very close area. Our results show that the main differences between these two groups of samples are total surface area and pore connectivity per unit pore volume.


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Soil structure plays an important role in flow and transport phenomena, and a quantitative characterization of the spatial heterogeneity of the pore space geometry is beneficial for prediction of soil physical properties. Morphological features such as pore-size distribution, pore space volume or pore?solid surface can be altered by different soil management practices. Irregularity of these features and their changes can be described using fractal geometry. In this study, we focus primarily on the characterization of soil pore space as a 3D geometrical shape by fractal analysis and on the ability of fractal dimensions to differentiate between two a priori different soil structures. We analyze X-ray computed tomography (CT) images of soils samples from two nearby areas with contrasting management practices. Within these two different soil systems, samples were collected from three depths. Fractal dimensions of the pore-size distributions were different depending on soil use and averaged values also differed at each depth. Fractal dimensions of the volume and surface of the pore space were lower in the tilled soil than in the natural soil but their standard deviations were higher in the former as compared to the latter. Also, it was observed that soil use was a factor that had a statistically significant effect on fractal parameters. Fractal parameters provide useful complementary information about changes in soil structure due to changes in soil management. Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0218348X14400118?queryID=%24%7BresultBean.queryID%7D&


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During the last few decades, new imaging techniques like X-ray computed tomography have made available rich and detailed information of the spatial arrangement of soil constituents, usually referred to as soil structure. Mathematical morphology provides a plethora of mathematical techniques to analyze and parameterize the geometry of soil structure. They provide a guide to design the process from image analysis to the generation of synthetic models of soil structure in order to investigate key features of flow and transport phenomena in soil. In this work, we explore the ability of morphological functions built over Minkowski functionals with parallel sets of the pore space to characterize and quantify pore space geometry of columns of intact soil. These morphological functions seem to discriminate the effects on soil pore space geometry of contrasting management practices in a Mediterranean vineyard, and they provide the first step toward identifying the statistical significance of the observed differences.


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Aggregates provide physical microenvironments for microorganisms, the vital actors of soil systems, and thus play a major role as both, an arena and a product of soil carbon stabilization and dynamics. The surface of an aggregate is what enables exchange of the materials and air and water fluxes between aggregate exterior and interior regions. We made use of 3D images from X-ray CT of aggregates and mathematical morphology to provide an exhaustive quantitative description of soil aggregate morphology that includes both intra-aggregate pore space structure and aggregate surface features. First, the evolution of Minkowski functionals (i.e. volume, boundary surface, curvature and connectivity) for successive dilations of the solid part of aggregates was investigated to quantify its 3D geometrical features. Second, the inner pore space was considered as the object of interest. We devised procedures (a) to define the ends of the accessible pores that are connected to the aggregate surface and (b) to separate accessible and inaccessible porosity. Geometrical Minkowski functionals of the intra-aggregate pore space provide the exhaustive characterization of the inner structure of the aggregates. Aggregates collected from two different soil treatments were analyzed to explore the utility of these morphological tools in capturing the impact on their morphology of two different soil managements, i.e. conventional tillage management, and native succession vegetation treatment. The quantitative tools of mathematical morphology distinguished differences in patterns of aggregate structure associated to the different soil managements.


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The state of the practice in safety has advanced rapidly in recent years with the emergence of new tools and processes for improving selection of the most cost-effective safety countermeasures. However, many challenges prevent fair and objective comparisons of countermeasures applied across safety disciplines (e.g. engineering, emergency services, and behavioral measures). These countermeasures operate at different spatial scales, are funded often by different financial sources and agencies, and have associated costs and benefits that are difficult to estimate. This research proposes a methodology by which both behavioral and engineering safety investments are considered and compared in a specific local context. The methodology involves a multi-stage process that enables the analyst to select countermeasures that yield high benefits to costs, are targeted for a particular project, and that may involve costs and benefits that accrue over varying spatial and temporal scales. The methodology is illustrated using a case study from the Geary Boulevard Corridor in San Francisco, California. The case study illustrates that: 1) The methodology enables the identification and assessment of a wide range of safety investment types at the project level; 2) The nature of crash histories lend themselves to the selection of both behavioral and engineering investments, requiring cooperation across agencies; and 3) The results of the cost-benefit analysis are highly sensitive to cost and benefit assumptions, and thus listing and justification of all assumptions is required. It is recommended that a sensitivity analyses be conducted when there is large uncertainty surrounding cost and benefit assumptions.


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"This paper analyzes how expenditures of the city of San Francisco were altered in response to changes in municipal labor costs over the period 1945 through 1976. A hybrid of the "demands" and the "organizational" models of budgeting is used to measure the budgetary response to changes in the relative prices of labor inputs. Descriptive and econometric evidence reveals significant adjustments both among and within departments in reaction to changes in relative labor costs. The empirical evidence demonstrates that the city's budgetary process is guided by simple allocative rules modified by price-responsive adjustments."


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El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en la comunidad de Pacora del municipio de San Francisco Libre a 17 km al noroeste del empalme de la carretera San Francisco Libre- Managua, localizada geográficamente a losl2° 29' 54" latitud norte y los 86° 16' 54" longitud oeste. Se tomaron en consideración 4 fincas para el establecimiento del ensayo. El objetivo general del experimento fue identificar el grado de propagación de seis especies forrajeras arbustivas nativas de la comunidad de Pacora bajo la modalidad de estacas. Primero se realizó un sondeo para obtener información sobre las especies forrajeras arbustivas de la zona. El trabajo tuvo una duración de 92 días, realizando conteos y mediciones de los rebrotes a Jos 22, 44, 63, 80 y 92 días de establecido el ensayo. Se evaluaron seis especies (madero negro, genízaro, tigüilote, jocote, jícaro y muanda) y dos sustrato: tierra de rio + estiércol de caballo (S1) y tierra de 1 lugar (S2) para un total de 12 combinaciones. Las variables estudiadas fueron: porcentaje de prendimiento, porcentaje de sobrevivencia de las estacas; número de rebrotes por estacas y longitud de los rebrotes. Se empleó un modelo aditivo lineal bifactorial; para la interpretación del sondeo se hizo un análisis de frecuencia, las variables porcentaje de prendimiento y porcentaje de sobrevivencia se analizaron a través de sus fórmulas y realizando la desviación a través de su fórmula, en los datos procesados para las variables número y longitud de los rebrotes se utilizó el programa estadístico SAS, haciendo uso también de la transformación de x para su posterior análisis, se hizo la separación de medias por medio de Tukey. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que existen una gran diversidad de árboles de utilización forrajera de los cuales el productor puede valerse como una alternativa para la alimentación animal; de las especies evaluadas el madero negro obtuvo los mayores porcentajes de prendimiento con 35% (S1) y 52.5% (S2). Para el porcentaje de sobrevivencia el jocote obtuvo los mayores valores con 46.42% (S l) y 66.5% (S2). La mayor cantidad de rebrotes y longitud de los rebrotes lo presentó el madero negro con un promedio de 5.89 rebrotes / estaca y 2.32 cm/ longitud / rebrote respectivamente


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La presente investigación se realizó en base alos objetivos asignados: Realizar mediante palpaciones rectales un diagnóstico reproductivo de los hatos bovinos de doble propósito del municipio de cuapa-chontales y así determinar por comarcas el intervalo parto-concepción, intervalo parto-parto y diagnóstico reproductivo por eso se propuso este trabajo investigativo que lleva por título “Diagnóstico reproductivo de las fincas bovinas en el municipio de san francisco de cuapa-chontales “se realizó en el periodo comprendido de septiembre 2009 a marzo de 2010, el cual se basó en establecer el diagnóstico reproductivos mediante la palpación rectal en cada una de las vacas, incluyendo ganado parido y vacas horras de cada hato de los productores, la cantidad de productor para realizar este trabajo investigativo fue de 21 productor asociados a una cooperativa llamada La unión de dicho municipio. Las variables evaluadas fueron intervalo parto-concepción: con un índice de mayor de 150 días, intervalo parto-parto: con índice de 17 meses. El diagnóstico reproductivo total fue de 48.5% de vacas gestadas, el 45.1% de vacas vacías y 6.4 % de vacas servidas. Este trabajo investigativo se realizo en un periodo de seis meses mediante la estadía en el municipio de la investigación ,los datos recopilados se obtuvieron mediante formatos utilizados para cada productor ,dentro de ellos tenemos: inventarios de las fincas y diagnóstico reproductivo de cada fincas de los productores.Los resultados que obtuvimos de los productores hacia nosotros fueron satisfactorios para efectuar el trabajo investigativo y además pudimos recolectar toda la información que necesitábamos.


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Durante la época de postrera 2003, en la comunidad de Pacora, municipio de San Francisco Libre, departamento de Managua, se realizó una investigación con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de insecticidas biológicos y botánicos, en combinación con diferentes asocios de cultivos, para conocer su efecto sobre Spodoptera frigiperda J. L. Smith , y sus enemigos naturales y el rendimiento de grano en los tratamientos. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: 1. Dipel (Bacillus Thuringiensis Berliner) en combinación con el monocultivo de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench.) en, 2. Dipel en combinación con el asocio de maíz (Zea mays L.) y sorgo, 3. Neem (Azadirachta indica) en combinación con el monocultivo de sorgo, 4. Neem en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo, 5.Testigo (agua) en combinación con el monocultivo de sorgo, 6.Testigo (agua) en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo. Se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorio (DCA), con cinco repeticiones por tratamiento. Se muestreo semanalmente para evaluar la incidencia de plagas e insectos benéficos., el tratamiento que obtuvo el menor porcentaje de plantas dañadas por S. frugiperda, fue el tratamiento Neem en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo, la mayor presencia de insectos benéficos se encontró en los tratamientos en cultivos asociados no siendo así en los tratamientos en monocultivos, siendo los tratamientos Neem en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo, Dipel en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo y Testigo en combinación con el cultivo asociado de maíz y sorgo, los que presentaron las mayores poblaciones de insecto benéficos. Los mejores rendimientos se obtuvieron en los tratamientos en cultivos asociados en comparación con los tratamientos en monocultivos. Siendo el tratamiento Neem en combinación con el cultivo asociado de maíz y sorgo el que obtuvo el mayor rendimiento de grano con 1051 Kg. /ha.