24 resultados para Monosyllabic Circumflexion


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This PhD thesis examines a phenomenon known as Monosyllabic Circumflexion (MC, hereafter) from a historical linguistics / phonological point of view. MC denotes a Lithuanian or Balto-Slavic phenomenon according to which long vowels and diphthongs in monosyllabic words exhibit a circumflex tone instead of the expected acute tone.  It is observed in the following four categories: I. 3rd person future forms of monosyllabic stems (e.g., šõks ― šókti `to jump;' vy͂s ― výti `to drive') II. reflexes of PIE root nouns (e.g., Latv. gùovs `cow;' Lith. šuõ `dog') III. prepositions/adverbs (e.g., nuõ `from' ~  nùotaka `bride;' vė͂l `again' ~ Latv. vêl `still, yet,' tė͂ (permissive particle) < *teh1) IV. pronominal forms (e.g., tuõ ~ gerúoju `the good (m.~sg.~instr.),' tie͂ ~ tíeji `id. (pl.nom)'). The unexpected circumflex tone in these categories is problematic and important for the solution of a Balto-Slavic accentological question on the etymological background of acute and non-acute tones. The aim of this thesis is to partially contribute to the solution of this problem by establishing the existence of MC and its relative chronology. The first category, the 3rd person future forms, provides a substantial number of examples and counterexamples. The examination of them has revealed the fact that the counterexamples constitute a morpho-semantic group of verbs whose future stems underwent considerable morphological changes in the prehistory, hence not exhibiting MC. This shows that the regular tonal reflex of the 3rd person future forms of monosyllabic acute stem must be circumflex, allowing for the establishment of MC as a regular phonological process, although this category does not provide much information on the relative chronology of MC. The second category, the reflexes of Proto-Indo-European root nouns, gives an important clue as to where MC is located in the relative chronology of Balto-Slavic sound changes. Next, there is a discussion of whether the results of the examinations of the first two categories can be maintained for the data of the third and fourth categories, which show an irregular distribution of the acute and circumflex tones in monosyllabic forms. It is shown that various morphological factors, such as homonymic clashes within the paradigms for pronouns, can explain why some monosyllabic forms have acute tone. Also, the linguistic feature of West Aukštaitian dialects of Lithuanian that tend to preserve the results of MC is revealed. These dialects are known to have played an important role in the formation of standard Lithuanian. In this way, the monosyllabic forms with unexpected circumflex tone in Lithuanian are explained as a combination of MC in the Proto-Balto-Slavic time and the dialectal tendency of West Aukštaitian dialects of Lithuanian.


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This paper discusses speech intelligibilty of hearing impaired children.


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[EN] In this paper I offer a new edition of the Euskera manuscript, written by the bascologist J.F. Aizkibel in 1856. The preliminary study focuses on a survey of the sources extensively used by Aizkibel, which are mainly two: Schleicher's Die Sprachen Europas (1850 [1852]) and Champollion-Figeac's Égypte ancienne (1840). Moreover, the comparison with the sources reveals us that Aizkibel intended to adapt Schleicher’s and Champollion-Figeac's analyses to attest that Basque was originally a very ancient monosyllabic language, and that it was spoken by cultured people. Some other linguistic ideas of Aizkibel are also discussed.


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El método de encuesta es un método de investigación de naturaleza lingüística y buena parte de las líneas de investigación elaboradas acerca de este método parecen haber obviado en buena medida esta característica. La relegación de la naturaleza lingüística del método de encuesta ha comportado un importante nivel de reificación de los elementos que se consideran implicados en él. Nos referimos fundamentalmente a las preguntas, a los entrevistadores y entrevistadoras, a las respuestas, a las personas encuestadas y a los propios instrumentos de las técnicas de investigación. Esta reificación ha transformado dichos elementos, en elementos objetivables y manipulables, y en cierta forma, desnudos de su principal característica: su significado y dimensión lingüística. Las repercusiones de este enfoque del método de encuesta han sido varias, entre ellas podemos destacar, por ejemplo, la reducción de lo lingüístico en los cuestionarios a meros enunciados casi métricos de preguntas, y la reducción de las respuestas a tan sólo marcas en diversas casillas. Este enfoque también ha propiciado que la figura del/de la entrevistador/a se convierta, por definición, en una fuente de sesgo, principalmente por sus características sociodemográficas, negándole una participación lingüística de interacción social en el método de encuesta. Igualmente, bajo esta perspectiva, la forma conversacional de la entrevista ha relegado a los cuestionarios a un mero intercambio de interrogaciones y monosílabos, o a un simple intercambio de papeles, olvidando precisamente que ni la entrevista es una conversación, ni los cuestionarios son elementos neutros en relación a la interacción lingüística de las personas implicadas en una situación de encuesta. Las hipótesis formuladas proponen en líneas generales, la recuperación de la naturaleza lingüística del método de encuesta, no tanto porque este método funcione a través de la palabra oral o escrita, como porque el lenguaje comporta una elaboración de significados compartidos en función de los mucho elementos que lo dimensionalizan. Entre estos elementos hemos destacado, en relación al método de encuesta, la propia situación de interacción condicionada por la técnica de investigación que se utilice (cuestionario autoadministrado, cuestionario entrevistado, entrevista), la persona encuestada, el/la interlocutor/a con el que la persona entra en contacto y con el que desarrol1ará la encuesta y el objeto sobre el cual va a ser preguntada la persona encuestada. En definitiva se trata de recuperar la importancia del contexto comunicativo y del "otro" simbólico en el proceso de obtención de información a través del método de encuesta. De forma más concreta las hipótesis tratan de poner de manifiesto la incidencia del objeto de interlocución, no tanto sobre los contenidos, sino sobre los procesos implicados en la interlocución. Igualmente las hipótesis sugieren que el modo de administración tiene efectos sobre los contenidos de respuesta, ya que los modos de administración son, en realidad, elementos contextuales de interlocución. Finalmente, las hipótesis tratan de otro elemento, el entrevistador o la entrevistadora sugiriendo que las interacciones de género, con sus puestas en juego de estereotipos, representaciones y prácticas tienen incidencia sobre los contenidos discursivos en función del contexto de interlocución y de la relevancia del tema. En este trabajo se han desarrollado dos investigaciones. En la primera investigación hemos tratado del tema del cuerpo y en la segunda de la educación. Se eligió el tema del cuerpo porque las hipótesis proponen la relevancia del contenido de interlocución en relación a la interacción comunicativa entre géneros, y consideramos que es una temática relativamente amenazante, ya que en la representación de lo público y lo privado pertenece más al dominio de lo privado que de lo público. La segunda investigación aborda el tema de la educación en contraste con la primera, es decir, su discurso pertenece al orden de lo público, de lo no amenazante y su interlocución está menos condicionada por las interacciones de género. Los resultados de las investigaciones nos permiten afirmar que la forma de administración no sólo es un medio de interrogación sino un contexto de interlocución, y que si bien el sexo como variable independiente tiene pocos efectos, el género está relacionado con los contenidos discursivos que se evidencian en la interlocución si existe una vinculación entre tema y contexto de género


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Models of normal word production are well specified about the effects of frequency of linguistic stimuli on lexical access, but are less clear regarding the same effects on later stages of word production, particularly word articulation. In aphasia, this lack of specificity of down-stream frequency effects is even more noticeable because there is relatively limited amount of data on the time course of frequency effects for this population. This study begins to fill this gap by comparing the effects of variation of word frequency (lexical, whole word) and bigram frequency (sub-lexical, within word) on word production abilities in ten normal speakers and eight mild–moderate individuals with aphasia. In an immediate repetition paradigm, participants repeated single monosyllabic words in which word frequency (high or low) was crossed with bigram frequency (high or low). Indices for mapping the time course for these effects included reaction time (RT) for linguistic processing and motor preparation, and word duration (WD) for speech motor performance (word articulation time). The results indicated that individuals with aphasia had significantly longer RT and WD compared to normal speakers. RT showed a significant main effect only for word frequency (i.e., high-frequency words had shorter RT). WD showed significant main effects of word and bigram frequency; however, contrary to our expectations, high-frequency items had longer WD. Further investigation of WD revealed that independent of the influence of word and bigram frequency, vowel type (tense or lax) had the expected effect on WD. Moreover, individuals with aphasia differed from control speakers in their ability to implement tense vowel duration, even though they could produce an appropriate distinction between tense and lax vowels. The results highlight the importance of using temporal measures to identify subtle deficits in linguistic and speech motor processing in aphasia, the crucial role of phonetic characteristics of stimuli set in studying speech production and the need for the language production models to account more explicitly for word articulation.


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To investigate the neural network of overt speech production, eventrelated fMRI was performed in 9 young healthy adult volunteers. A clustered image acquisition technique was chosen to minimize speechrelated movement artifacts. Functional images were acquired during the production of oral movements and of speech of increasing complexity (isolated vowel as well as monosyllabic and trisyllabic utterances). This imaging technique and behavioral task enabled depiction of the articulo-phonologic network of speech production from the supplementary motor area at the cranial end to the red nucleus at the caudal end. Speaking a single vowel and performing simple oral movements involved very similar activation of the corticaland subcortical motor systems. More complex, polysyllabic utterances were associated with additional activation in the bilateral cerebellum,reflecting increased demand on speech motor control, and additional activation in the bilateral temporal cortex, reflecting the stronger involvement of phonologic processing.


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Open-set word and sentence speech-perception test scores are commonly used as a measure of hearing abilities in children and adults using cochlear implants and/or hearing aids. These tests are usually presented auditorily with a verbal response. In the case of children, scores are typically lower and more variable than for adults with hearing impairments using similar devices. It is difficult to interpret children's speech-perception scores without considering the effects of lexical knowledge and speech-production abilities on their responses. This study postulated a simple mathematical model to describe the effects of hearing, lexical knowledge, and speech production on the perception test scores for monosyllabic words by children with impaired hearing. Thirty-three primary-school children with impaired hearing, fitted with hearing aids and/or cochlear implants, were evaluated using speech-perception, reading-aloud, speech-production, and language measures. These various measures were incorporated in the mathematical model, which revealed that performance in an open-set word-perception test in the auditory-alone mode is strongly dependent on residual hearing levels, lexical knowledge, and speech-production abilities. Further applications of the model provided an estimate of the effect of each component on the overall speech-perception score for each child.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of hearing protection devices (HPDs) on the understanding of speech in young adults with normal hearing, both in a silent situation and in the presence of ambient noise. The experimental research was carried out with the following variables: five different conditions of HPD use (without protectors, with two earplugs and with two earmuffs); a type of noise (pink noise); 4 test levels (60, 70, 80 and 90 dB[A]); 6 signal/noise ratios (without noise, + 5, + 10, zero, - 5 and - 10 dB); 5 repetitions for each case, totalling 600 tests with 10 monosyllables in each one. The variable measure was the percentage of correctly heard words (monosyllabic) in the test. The results revealed that, at the lowest levels (60 and 70 dB), the protectors reduced the intelligibility of speech (compared to the tests without protectors) while, in the presence of ambient noise levels of 80 and 90 dB and unfavourable signal/noise ratios (0, -5 and -10 dB), the HPDs improved the intelligibility. A comparison of the effectiveness of earplugs versus earmuffs showed that the former offer greater efficiency in respect to the recognition of speech, providing a 30% improvement over situations in which no protection is used. As might be expected, this study confirmed that the protectors' influence on speech intelligibility is related directly to the spectral curve of the protector's attenuation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sustained attention and vigilance are processeses that characterize attention, and are essential for the development of certain abilities Aim: a prospective study to propose a simple, easy and quick behavioral tool to support the assessment of sustained auditory attention. Material and methods: volunteer children aged between 6 and 11 years (139 female and 141 male) were selected. The test was named Sustained Auditory Attention Ability Test, and is based on the Continuous Performance Test. It consist of a binaural and diotic presentation of a list of 100 monosyllabic words in which a target monosyllable is included 20 times. This list was presented six times with no breaks. The test was carried out in a soundproofed room, using a CD player attached to a two-channel audiometer at 50 dBSL during 9 minutes. The test resulted in a total score and a vigilance decrement. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between genders, but a significant difference was found between ages. Conclusion: The proposed test had no discomfort for the participants, and was shown to be extremely promising to assess the sustained auditory attention ability in children. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.


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Estudos têm demonstrado que o ensino explícito de discriminações de sílaba promove a emergência da leitura das sílabas de ensino, das sílabas com recombinação das letras das sílabas de ensino e a leitura de palavras formadas pelas sílabas de ensino e recombinadas. As pesquisas sobre leitura recombinativa em inglês têm demonstrado a emergência de leitura de novas palavras formadas pela recombinação de onset e rime. A presente pesquisa investigou se o ensino de leitura de palavras monossilábicas com recombinação de onset e rime pode promover a leitura de novas palavras em inglês, impressas em braille e alfabeto romano impressas em relevo. Três adultas cegas participaram do estudo que compreendeu três etapas. A Etapa I compreendeu um préteste, três sequências de ensino gradual de discriminações condicionais de palavras simples, intercaladas com fases de teste de leitura textual das palavras de ensino e recombinadas. Na Etapa Ic era aplicado um teste de discriminações condicionais entre palavra impressa em braille e palavra do alfabeto romano impressa em relevo. Nas Etapas II e III eram aplicados testes de leitura textual das palavras recombinadas simples (Etapa II) e compostas (Etapa III) e nomeação dos objetos correspondentes. Após esse teste, eram testadas as relações entre palavras ditadas e objetos (AB), palavras ditadas e palavras impressas (AC, AD), objetos e palavras impressas (BC, BD) e palavras impressas e objetos (CB, DB), que documentam a leitura com compreensão. Caso as relações AB não ocorressem, eram ensinadas. Após o teste das relações de equivalência BC, CB, BD e DB eram verificados os desempenhos de cópia e ditado. Nas Etapas Ia, IIa e IIIa, as palavras eram impressas em Braille; nas Etapas Ib, IIb e IIIb, em alfabeto romano em relevo. Todas as participantes alcançaram prontamente os critérios em todas ou na maioria das fases de ensino e teste. Todas as participantes apresentaram a leitura textual e com compreensão de quase todas as palavras simples recombinadas e compostas, impressas em braille e do alfabeto romano em relevo. Os resultados mostram a emergência de leitura recombinativa após o ensino de discriminações condicionais de palavras monossílabas formadas por onset e rime.


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PURPOSE: to evaluate and compare the fluency between the familial and the sporadic persistent developmental stuttering, characterizing the typology and the frequency of the disfluencies, the speech rate and the severity of the stuttering. METHOD: 40 participants aged from 6 to 42 years old, divided in two groups with twenty participants in each one: Familial Persistent Developmental Stuttering and Sporadic Persistent Developmental Stuttering. The procedures used were: clinical and familial history, assessment of fluency and Stuttering Severity Instrument. RESULTS: there were no statistically significant differences between the groups regarding the frequency of stuttering like disfluencies, the flow of syllables and words per minute and the severity of stuttering. It was noted a tendency of the group with familial stuttering to show a bigger variability of the severity of stuttering, going from mild to very severe, whereas in the group with sporadic stuttering, the severity varied from mild to severe. CONCLUSION: this study represents the first effort to the characterization of the speech fluency profile of the subgroups of people who stutter, namely familial persistent developmental stuttering and sporadic persistent developmental stuttering. It is possible to conclude that the speech fluency profile of people who stutter, independently of the familial history, is similar. It is noteworthy that the occurrence of some stuttering-like disfluencies, monosyllabic word repetition, block and intrusion were different between groups.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper aims to make a study on secondary stress and stress of monosyllabic words in Archaic Portuguese. With regard to secondary stress, our intention is to demonstrate its limits of occurrence. And about monosyllabic words, the aim is to analyse its stress attribution and the possibility of those words assume prominences in the linguistic level demonstrating or not its prosodic independence. The data will be collected by means of a new methodology in the study of the prosody of dead language. This methodology is based on the observation of coincidences and non-coincidences of musical prominences of poetic texts with musical notation, and linguistic prominences.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Introduction: In recent years, the benefits associated with the use of cochlear implants (CIs), especially with regard to speech perception, have proven to surpass those produced by the use of hearing aids, making CIs a highly efficient resource for patients with severe/profound hearing loss. However, few studies so far have assessed the satisfaction of adult users of CIs. Objective: To analyze the relationship between the level of speech perception and degree of satisfaction of adult users of CI. Method: This was a prospective cross-sectional study conducted in the Audiological Research Center (CPA) of the Hospital of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of São Paulo (HRAC/USP), in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 12 users of CIs with pre-lingual or post-lingual hearing loss participated in this study. The following tools were used in the assessment: a questionnaire, "Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life" (SADL), culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese, as well as its relationship with the speech perception results; a speech perception test under quiet conditions; and the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT)Brazil under free field conditions. Results: The participants in the study were on the whole satisfied with their devices, and the degree of satisfaction correlated positively with the ability to perceive monosyllabic words under quiet conditions. The satisfaction did not correlate with the level of speech perception in noisy environments. Conclusion: Assessments of satisfaction may help professionals to predict what other factors, in addition to speech perception, may contribute to the satisfaction of CI users in order to reorganize the intervention process to improve the users' quality of life.