15 resultados para Monocotylidae
This study continues the collection of data on the anterior adhesive areas and secretions of monopisthocotylean monogenean (flatworm) parasites and begins an investigation of their phylogenetic usefulness. Here, two species of parasitic worms from an elasmobranch, Troglocephalus rhinobatidis (Monocotylidae: Dasybatotreminae) and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis (Monocotylidae: Heterocotylinae), are compared and contrasted. It has been suggested in recent literature that these two taxa are more closely related than is currently recognised. Our data support this view. Both species have multiple apertures on the ventral anterior margin through which adhesive is secreted. Two types of secretion exit from multiple adjacent duct endings terminating in each aperture: rod-shaped (S1) and spherical-shaped (S2) bodies. S1 bodies of both species show nano-banding of similar size and are membrane bound. Ultrastructure of the glands, ducts, duct endings and secreted adhesive is similar for both species, but aperture shape differs. Away from the adhesive areas, tegumental inclusions are found to differ between the two species and another, apparently non-adhesive, secretion is found in N. rhinobatidis.
Dendromonocotyle colorni sp. n. (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) is described from the dorsal skin surface of two specimens of Himantura uarnak (Forsskal) kept at the Eilat Underwater Observatory in Israel. Dendromonocotyle colorni is distinguished from the other eight species in the genus by the morphology of the terminal papillar sclerite on the haptor, the distal portion of the male copulatory organ and the morphology of the vagina. The development of the male copulatory organ is detailed for D. colorni and the adaptations of species of Dendromonocotyle to life on the dorsal skin surface of rays are discussed. Dendromonocotyle octodiscus Hargis, 1955 was identified from the dorsal skin surface of the southern stingray Dasyatis americana Hildebrand et Schroeder off Bimini, Bahamas and represents a new host record.
The current classification of the Monocotylidae (Monogenea) is based on a phylogeny generated from morphological characters. The present study tests the morphological phylogenetic hypothesis using molecular methods. Sequences from domains C2 and D1 and the partial domains C1 and D2 from the 28S rDNA gene for 26 species of monocotylids from six of the seven subfamilies were used. Trees were generated using maximum parsimony, neighbour joining and maximum likelihood algorithms. The maximum parsimony tree, with branches showing less than 70% bootstrap support collapsed, had a topology identical to that obtained using the maximum likelihood analysis. The neighbour joining tree, with branches showing less than 70% support collapsed. differed only in its placement of Heterocotyle capricornensis as the sister group to the Decacotylinae clade. The molecular tree largely supports the subfamilies established using morphological characters. Differences are primarily how the subfamilies are related to each other. The monophyly of the Calicotylinae and Merizocotylinae and their sister group relationship is supported by high bootstrap values in all three methods, but relationships within the Merizocotylinae are unclear. Merizocotyle is paraphyletic and our data suggest that Mycteronastes and Thaumatocotyle, which were synonymized with Merizocotyle after the morphological cladistic analysis, should perhaps be resurrected as valid genera. The monophyly of the Monocotylinae and Decacotylinae is also supported by high bootstrap values. The Decacotylinae, which was considered previously to be the sister group to the Calicotylinae plus Merizocotylinae, is grouped in an unresolved polychotomy with the Monocotylinae and members of the Heterocotylinae. According to our molecular data, the Heterocotylinae is paraphyletic. Molecular data support a sister group relationship between Troglocephalus rhinobatidis and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis to the exclusion of the other species of Neoheterocotyle and recognition of Troglocephalus renders Neoheterocotyle,le paraphyletic. We propose Troglocephalus incertae sedis. An updated classification and full species list of the Monocotylidae is provided. (C) 2001 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Experimental infections were used to track the fate of the dorsal sensilla of Merizocotyle icopae (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from nasal tissue of the shovelnose ray, Rhinobatos typus (Rhinobatidae). Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that 3 types of uniciliate dorsal sensilla exist at different times in the development of the monogenean. Type 1 sensilla have little or no invagination where the cilium exits the distal end of the dendrite and possess a ring of epidermis surrounding the cilium distal to the invagination. Type 2 sensilla have a deep invagination where the cilium exits the dendrite. Type 3 sensilla can be distinguished from the other types by the shape of the dendrite. The larvae have predominantly Type I dorsal sensilla, most of which are lost approximately 24 h after infection and a few Type 2 sensilla, which are retained. Additional Type 2 sensilla (termed Adult Type 2 sensilla), which are slightly different morphologically from the Type 2 sensilla of the larvae, form in later stages of development. Numerous Type 3 sensilla are unique to the dorsal surface of adults. Loss of all Type I sensilla upon attachment to the host, R. typus, suggests that these may be chemo- or mechanoreceptors responsible for host location by the swimming infective larvae. Type 2 sensilla appear to be important in the larvae, juveniles, and adults whereas the modality mediated by Type 3 is specific to adults. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The monogeneans Decacotyle lymmae and D. tetrakordyle (Monocotylidae: Decacotylinae), from gills of the dasyatid stingrays Taeniura lymma and Pastinachus sephen, respectively, have a single aperture for adhesive secretion on each side of the anterior ventrolateral region. Rod-shaped bodies (S1) and electron-dense spherical secretion (S2) exit through specialised ducts opening adjacent to one another within these apertures. The S1 bodies are 230 +/- 11 nm wide and greater than or equal to4 mum long in D. lymmae and 240 +/- 9 nm wide and greater than or equal to3.3 mum long in D. tetrakordyle. The S2 bodies have a diameter of 88 +/- 7 nm in D. lymmae and 65 +/- 6 nm in D. tetrakordyle. The apertures are unusual in being extremely small (internal diameter, 3-5 mum). Each aperture has a slit-like surface opening as small as 160 nm wide, surrounded by muscle fibres indicating that they may be opened and closed. The aperture is also surrounded and underlain by muscle fibres that may aid in secretion from, or even eversion of, the tissue within the aperture. Sensilla/cilia are also found within the apertures. Additional secretions from anteromedian and anterolateral glands (body glands), each containing granular secretions, occur in profusion and exit anteriorly and posteriorly to the position of the apertures, through duct openings in the general body tegument. These granular secretions do not appear to be associated with anterior adhesion. Both species show similarities in aperture, underlying tissue, sense organ, and secretion detail, in accordance with findings from other monogenean genera, and which supports the importance of such data for phylogenetic studies.
The anterior adhesive mechanism was studied for Merizocotyle icopae (Monogenea: Monocotylidae). Adult anterior apertures can open and close. In addition, duct endings terminating within the apertures are everted or retracted depending on the stage of attachment. Adhesive in adults is synthesized from all 3 secretory types (rod-shaped, small and large spheroidal bodies) found within anterior apertures. All exit together and undergo mixing to produce the adhesive matrix, a process that depletes duct contents. A greater number of ducts carrying rod-shaped bodies is depleted than ducts containing spheroidal bodies which changes the ratio of secretory types present on detachment. Detachment involves elongation of duct endings and secretion of additional matrix as the worm pulls away from the substrate. The change in secretory type ratio putatively modifies the properties of the secreted matrix enabling detachment. Only after detachment do ducts refill. During attachment, individual secretory bodies undergo morphological changes. The larval and adult adhesive matrix differs. Anterior adhesive in oncomiracidia does not show fibres with banding whereas banded fibres comprise a large part of adult adhesive. The data Suggest that this is the result of adult spheroidal secretions modifying the way in which the adult adhesive matrix forms.
The anterior adhesion and detachment mechanisms observed for Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis and Troglocephalus rhinobatidis (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) appear similar to those observed for the two other monopisthocotylean monogenean species with anterior apertures for which published data are available. This supports the theory that monogeneans with apertures may utilise a common mechanism. Adult anterior apertures can open and close and duct endings can evert during the adhesion phase and retract during detachment and searching behaviour. The adhesive is comprised of two secretory types, rod-shaped and spheroidal bodies, found within anterior apertures. These exit together and undergo mixing to produce the adhesive matrix in which elongate membranes from rod-shaped bodies are seen intermixed with a granular electron-dense matrix. The morphology of the adhesive matrix differs from that found for some other monogenean taxa. Anterior detachment by these monocotylids appears to involve a depletion of rod-shaped bodies in ducts and mechanical withdrawal of the anterior end.
The anterior adhesive system of the oncomiracidium and adult of Merizocotyle icopae (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) were compared. The oncomiracidium has one ventrally placed aperture on either side of the head near the anterior extremity. In the adult, there are three ventrally placed apertures on either side of the head region. Both systems have three types of electron-dense secretory bodies opening into each aperture. A rod-shaped secretion (S1) and a small electron dense ovoid secretion (S2) are common to larvae and adults. The third secretion type differs: in adults, it is a large, spherical (S3) type but in larvae, it is an ovoid (S4) body. S4 bodies do occur in adults, but appear to be secreted as a general body secretion. An additional anteromedian secretion (S5) is also present in the oncomiracidium, but is not secreted into the anterior apertures. Homology and function of secretions are discussed.
Partial large subunit 28S rDNA sequences were obtained for specimens of Calicotyle (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from eight different host species distributed worldwide to test the validity of some species and to address the question of host-specificity in others. Sequences obtained for Calicotyle specimens identified as C. kroyeri based on morphological methods from the type-host Raja radiata (Rajidae) and an additional host R. clavata, both from the North Sea, were identical. However, 'C. kroyeri' from the cloaca of R. naevus from Tunisia, Raja sp. A from Tasmania and R. radula from Tunisia differed from C. kroyeri from R. radiata by five (0.51%), 21 (2.13%) and 39 (3.96%) base pairs, respectively, over 984 sites. Therefore, it is likely that the specimens from Raja sp. A, R. radula and perhaps even from R. naevus are not C. kroyeri. Molecular results determined that the calicotylines from the cloaca of Urolophus cruciatus and U. paucimaculatus (Urolophidae) from southern Tasmania identified previously as C. urolophi are indeed identical. Large subunit 28S rDNA sequences of C. palombi and C. stossichi collected from the cloaca and rectal gland, respectively of Mustelus mustelus (Triakidae) from the coast of Tunisia differ sufficiently for these calicotylines to be considered separate and valid species. Our results indicate that some species of Calicotyle are not strictly host-specific, but that C. kroyeri may not be as widely distributed in rajids as was believed previously. Calicotyle specimens from rajids must be re-examined critically to determine whether there are morphological differences indicative of specific differences that may have been overlooked previously.
Euzetia occultum n. g., n. sp. (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) is described from the gills of the Australian cownose ray Rhinoptera neglecta Ogilby collected in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Euzetia has one central and ten peripheral loculi, which is similar to species in Decacotyle Young, 1967. However Euzetia is distinguished from other genera in the family by the presence of an additional loculus on either side of the central loculus. Because Euzetia does not fit into any of the six existing subfamilies in the Monocotylidae Taschenberg, 1879, as currently recognised, we propose the Euzetiinae n. subf. to accommodate the new genus. Euzetia occultum is described and illustrated fully. This is the first published record of a monocotylid from a species of Rhinoptera Cuvier.
Secreted anterior adhesives, used for temporary attachment to epithelial surfaces of fishes (skin and gills) by some monogenean (platyhelminth) parasites have been partially characterised. Adhesive is composed of protein. Amino acid composition has been determined for seven monopisthocotylean monogeneans. Six of these belong to the Monocotylidae and one species, Entobdella soleae (van Beneden et Hesse, 1864) Johnston, 1929, is a member of the Capsalidae. Histochemistry shows that the adhesive does not contain polysaccharides, including acid mucins, or lipids. The adhesive before secretion and in its secreted form contains no dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa). Secreted adhesive is highly insoluble, but has a soft consistency and is mechanically removable from glass surfaces. Generally there are high levels of glycine and alanine, low levels of tyrosine and methionine, and histidine is often absent. However, amino acid content varies between species, the biggest differences evident when the monocotylid monogeneans were compared with E. soleae. Monogenean adhesive shows similarity in amino acid profile with adhesives from starfish, limpets and barnacles. However, there are some differences in individual amino acids in the temporary adhesive secretions of, on the one hand, the monogeneans and, on the other hand, the starfish and limpets. These differences may reflect the fact that monogeneans, unlike starfish and barnacles, attach to living tissue (tissue adhesion). A method of extracting unsecreted adhesive was investigated for use in further characterisation studies on monogenean glues.
The presence of four Monogenoidea parasitic on marine fishes from the central Peruvian coast is recorded. One of them, Anoplocotyloides chorrillensis (Monocotylidae) described from the gills of Rhinobatos planiceps (Rhinobatidae) is considered a new species. The three other species are: Caballerocotyla autralis Oliva, 1986 (Capsalidae); Callorhynchocotyle marplatensis Suriano & Incorvaia, 1982 (Hexabothriidae) and Anoplocotyloides papillatus (Doran, 1953) (Monocotylidae) parasitic on Sarda chiliensis chiliensis (Scombridae), Callorhinchus callorhinchus (Callorhinchidae) and Rhinobatos planiceps (Rhinobatidae) respectively.
Phylogenetic relationships within the Capsalidae (Monogenea) were examined Using large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences from 17 capsalid species (representing 7 genera, 5 subfamilies), 2 outgroup taxa (Monocotylidae) plus Udonella caligorum (Udonellidae). Trees were constructed using maximum likelihood, minimum evolution and maximum parsimony algorithms. An initial tree, generated from sequences 315 bases long, Suggests that Capsalinae, Encotyllabinae, Entobdellinae and Trochopodinae are monophyletic, but that Benedeniinae is paraphyletic. Analyses indicate that Neobenedenia, currently in the Benedeniinae, should perhaps be placed in 2 separate subfamily. An additional analysis was made which omitted 3 capsalid taxa (for which only short sequences were available) and all outgroup taxa because of alignment difficulties. Sequence length increased to 693 bases and good branch support was achieved. The Benedeniinae was again paraphyletic. Higher-level classification of the Capsalidae, evolution of the Entobdellinae and issues of species identity in Neobenedenia are discussed.