12 resultados para Monoacylglycerols


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An exhaustive analysis of the crystallisation behaviour of palm oil was performed using low-resolution magnetic pulsed nuclear resonance, differential scanning calorimetry, polarised light microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The aim of this study was to characterise the changes induced in the crystallisation of palm oil by the addition of two different levels of tripalmitin and two different types of monoacylglycerols. The addition of monoacylglycerols led to the formation of a large number of crystallisation nuclei without changing the final solids content, accelerating the process of crystal formation, leading to the formation of smaller crystals than those found in the refined palm oil. Higher levels of tripalmitin produced crystals with larger dimensions, reducing the induction period and resulted in a higher level of solids at the end of the crystallisation period. The addition of monoacylglycerols and tripalmitin induced the formation of a polymorphic beta-form. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Knowledge of the major effects governing desorption/ionization efficiency is required for the development and application of ambient mass spectrometry. Although all triacylglycerols (TAG) have the same favorable protonation and cationization sites, their desorption/ionization efficiencies can vary dramatically during easy ambient sonic-spray ionization because of structural differences in the carbon chain. To quantify this somewhat surprising and drastic effect, we have performed a systematic investigation of desorption/ionization efficiencies as a function of unsaturation and length for TAG as well as for diacylglycerols, monoacylglycerols and several phospholipids (PL). Affinities for Na(+) as a function of unsaturation level have also been assayed via comprehensive metadynamics calculations to understand the influence of this phenomenon on the ionization efficiency. The results suggest that dipole-dipole interactions within a carbon chain tuned by unsaturation sites govern ionization efficiency of TAG and PL.


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The aim of this study was the glycerolysis of babassu oil catalyzed by immobilized lipase from Burkholderia cepacia, in a continuous packed-bed reactor. The best reaction conditions were previously established in batchwise via response surface methodology as a function of glycerol-to-oil molar ratio and reaction temperature. The reactor operated continuously for 22 days at 50 A degrees C, and during the first 6 days, no significant decrease on the initial lipase activity was observed. Monoglycerides concentration was in the range from 25 to 33 wt.%. Subsequently, a progressive decrease in the activity was detected, and an inactivation profile described by Arrhenius model estimated values of 50 days and 1.37 x 10(-2) h(-1), for the half-life and deactivation coefficient, respectively.


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This paper discusses the levels of degradation of some co- and byproducts of the food chain intended for feed uses. As the first part of a research project, 'Feeding Fats Safety', financed by the sixth Framework Programme-EC, a total of 123 samples were collected from 10 European countries, corresponding to fat co- and byproducts such as animal fats, fish oils, acid oils from refining, recycled cooking oils, and other. Several composition and degradation parameters (moisture, acid value, diacylglycerols and monoacylglycerols, peroxides, secondary oxidation products, polymers of triacylglycerols, fatty acid composition, tocopherols, and tocotrienols) were evaluated. These findings led to the conclusion that some fat by- and coproducts, such as fish oils, lecithins, and acid oils, show poor, nonstandardized quality and that production processes need to be greatly improved. Conclusions are also put forward about the applicability and utility of each analytical parameter for characterization and quality control.


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Mabea fistulifera (Euphorbiaceae)is a pioneer plant species with seeds dispersed by the ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Since the ants are attracted to the seeds to use its elaiosome as a source of energy, we investigated its composition. The elaiosomes from 13,000 seeds were extracted with a methanol:chloroform mixture (2:1 v/v) and yielded 22% of a residue. This residue was fractionated by column chromatography and its composition determined by infrared spectroscopy and chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The elaiosome lipids are constituted mainly by free fatty acids, triacylglycerols and minor quantities of monoacylglycerols or diacylglycerols.


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Omega-3 enriched partial acylglycerols are beneficial for human health. The aim of this study was to obtain monoacylglycerols (MAG) and diacylglycerols (DAG) by means of glycerolysis of fish oil catalyzed by a lipase from Rhizomucor miehei in the presence of food grade surfactants (Tween 65, 80 or 85). Glycerolysis was successful in the reaction media for all the tested surfactants, showing their potential for use as additives in such a system. The best results, however, were obtained for the reaction medium in the absence of surfactant whose peroxide value was the lowest after glycerolysis.


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Biodiesel production has increased over the last decade because of the benefits associated with this fuel, including renewability, domestic feedstock, lower toxicity, and biodegradability. From 2008, the use of beef tallow as a feedstock for biodiesel production in Brazil has increased in significance, representing the second largest source of biodiesel, after soybeans. However, the performance of biodiesel in cold weather conditions is worse than diesel because of deposition of insoluble at low temperatures, accelerating the plugging of fuel filters and injectors of the vehicle engine. Studies have been conducted on beef tallow biodiesel, mostly related to the properties of thermal and oxidative stability. However, few studies have described the nature of the precipitate formed and its influence on product quality. Research suggests that the cause of deposition is related to the nature of saturated esters and monoacylglycerols as inducing agents. This study monitored the levels of mono-, diand triacylglycerols, the oxidation stability and the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) in beef tallow biodiesel samples from two commercial producers in Brazil for a period of twelve months. Filtered precipitates were analyzed by comparative techniques of GCFID, HPLC-UV/VIS, HPLC-MS-IT-TOF and TG to verify the nature, using monopalmitin and monostearin as reference standards. The formation of precipitate reduced the levels of monoacylglycerols in the beef tallow biodiesel. GC-FID and LCMS- IT-TOF results confirmed the nature of the deposit as saturated monoacylglycerols, predominantly monostearin and monopalmitin as the second major component. Moreover the TG analysis of the residue indicated similar thermal decomposition of the reference standards. The precipitate did not affect the oxidation stability of beef tallow biodiesel and the CFPP characteristic of blends up B60. However, the presence of iron reduced significantly the oxidation stability of biodiesel


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Biodiesel production has increased over the last decade because of the benefits associated with this fuel, including renewability, domestic feedstock, lower toxicity, and biodegradability. From 2008, the use of beef tallow as a feedstock for biodiesel production in Brazil has increased in significance, representing the second largest source of biodiesel, after soybeans. However, the performance of biodiesel in cold weather conditions is worse than diesel because of deposition of insoluble at low temperatures, accelerating the plugging of fuel filters and injectors of the vehicle engine. Studies have been conducted on beef tallow biodiesel, mostly related to the properties of thermal and oxidative stability. However, few studies have described the nature of the precipitate formed and its influence on product quality. Research suggests that the cause of deposition is related to the nature of saturated esters and monoacylglycerols as inducing agents. This study monitored the levels of mono-, diand triacylglycerols, the oxidation stability and the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) in beef tallow biodiesel samples from two commercial producers in Brazil for a period of twelve months. Filtered precipitates were analyzed by comparative techniques of GCFID, HPLC-UV/VIS, HPLC-MS-IT-TOF and TG to verify the nature, using monopalmitin and monostearin as reference standards. The formation of precipitate reduced the levels of monoacylglycerols in the beef tallow biodiesel. GC-FID and LCMS- IT-TOF results confirmed the nature of the deposit as saturated monoacylglycerols, predominantly monostearin and monopalmitin as the second major component. Moreover the TG analysis of the residue indicated similar thermal decomposition of the reference standards. The precipitate did not affect the oxidation stability of beef tallow biodiesel and the CFPP characteristic of blends up B60. However, the presence of iron reduced significantly the oxidation stability of biodiesel


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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No presente trabalho estudou-se a produção de ésteres etílicos de ácido graxo de Ricinus communis L. através da tranesterificação alcalina do óleo de mamona com etanol. Esta metodologia foi adotada para determinar as melhores condições para a produção de biodiesel a partir de óleo de mamona usando o mínimo de operações unitárias com benefícios do ponto de vista econômico e de produção de efluentes. Para a obtenção dos ésteres etílicos através do processo de transesterificação (etapa 1) utilizou-se como catalisador 1% de NaOH com etanol em uma razão molar de 6:1 seguido da adição de ácido sulfúrico. Após, a reação de esterificação (etapa 2) dos ácidos graxos contidos no biodiesel foi realizada visando reduzir o índice de acidez da amostra, ficando em torno de 2 mg de KOH/g. A quebra in situ dos sabões (provenientes da reação paralela de saponificação do triglicerídeo) pela adição de ácido sulfúrico ao meio reacional foi bem sucedida melhorando a separação dos FAEEs do glicerol. O processo em duas etapas transesterificação/esterificação apresentou boa conversão para os ésteres etílicos, diminuindo o índice de acidez e atingindo as especificações para glicerina total e livre. O biodiesel proveniente do óleo de mamona foi composto de 90,6% ácido ricinoléico (C18:1, OH), 3,2% ácido oléico (C18:1), 4,5% ácido linoléico (C18:2), 0,7% ácido esteárico (C18:0), 1,0% ácido palmítico (C16:0), triacilgliceróis (TGs, 0%), diacilgliceróis (DGs, 0,37%) monoacilgliceróis (MGs, 0,46%) e glicerol livre (0,25%) após o processo em duas etapas transesterificação/esterificação. O processo em duas etapas foi muito importante para determinar a integralidade da reação no rendimento do produto. Os resultados demonstram que o procedimento desenvolvido para a produção de FAEEs em escala de laboratório pode ser escalonado para uma planta piloto.


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A utilização do óleo de mamona como matéria-prima para produção de biodiesel mostra-se inviável na combustão interna do motor devido sua natureza química incomum que lhe confere especificações acima do permitido nas especificações técnicas da legislação nacional brasileira. Desta forma, a blenda com óleo de arroz refinado (OM:OA) qualifica o biodiesel atendendo a legislação nacional, além de corrigir a elevada acidez do óleo bruto de mamona prejudicial ao processo de transesterificação homogênea básica. No presente estudo realizou-se a produção de biodiesel etílico em escala piloto a partir de blendas de óleo bruto de mamona e óleo refinado de arroz em dois processos: o primeiro processo adotando a mistura direta dos dois óleos e o segundo processo pela esterificação antecipada do óleo bruto de mamona. Ambos os processos foram aplicados visando tanto definir os critérios de processo (acidez inicial) quanto o cumprimento das especificações técnicas (viscosidade e densidade). A produção em escala piloto (200 litros/batelada) foi realizada na Usina Demonstrativa para Produção de Biodiesel – BIOSUL (Edital FINEP, 2005) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG utilizando em ambos os processos transesterificação, com hidróxido de sódio, e esterificação com ácido sulfúrico. Os processos apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, sendo o processo de mistura direta (Processo A) o que obteve melhores rendimentos (94,04%, blenda 20:80) enquanto que o processo de pré- esterificação (Processo B) foi aquele que proporcionou a maior fração de óleo de mamona na blenda (80,36%, 33:67). Os resultados para o Processo A de glicerol livre, monoacilgliceróis, diacilgliceróis, triacilgliceróis e de glicerol total foram, respectivamente, de 1,322 %, 6,092 %, 1,000 %, 0,884 e 3,152%. Neste estudo foi comprovada a viabilidade do processamento, em batelada, de blendas dos óleos de mamona e arroz. O óleo de mamona bruto pode ser utilizado em até 30% produzindo biodiesel dentro da legislação, verificando-se assim a viabilidade do uso da mamona na produção de biocombustíveis.


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Deep-fat frying is susceptible to induce the formation of undesirable products as lipid oxidation products and acrylamide in fried foods. Plantain chips produced by small-scale producers are sold to consumers without any control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of plantain chips from local producers in relation to production process parameters and oils, and to identify the limiting factors for the production of acrylamide in plantain chips. Samples of frying oils and plantain chips prepared with either palm olein or soybean oil were collected from 10 producers in Yaoundé. Quality parameters determined in this study were: fatty acid composition of the oils, determined by gas chromatography (GC) of free acid methyl ester; trans fatty acids, determined by Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy; Tocopherols and tocotrienols as markers of nutritional quality were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in isocratic mode. Free fatty acids and acylglycerols as markers of lipid hydrolysis were analyzed by GC of trimethylsilyl derivatives of glycerides. Conjugated dienes, Anisidine value and viscosity as markers of lipid oxidation and thermal decomposition of the oils; acrylamide which is formed through Maillard reaction and identified as a toxic compound in various fried products. Asparagine content of the raw fresh plantain powder was also determined. Fatty acid composition of palm oleins was stable within a day of intermittent frying. In soybean oils, about 57% and 62.5% of linoleic and linolenic acids were lost but trans fatty acids were not detected. Soybean oils were partly hydrolysed leading to the formation of free fatty acids, monoacylglycerols and diacylglycerols. In both oils, tocopherols and tocotrienols contents decreased significantly by about 50%. Anisidine value (AV) and polymers contents increased slightly in fried palm oleins while conjugated hydroperoxides, AV and polymers greatly increased in soybean oils. Acrylamide was not detected in the chips. This is explained by the absence of asparagine in the raw plantains, the other acrylamide precursors being present. This study shows that the plantain chips prepared at the small-scale level in Yaounde with palm olein are of good quality regarding oxidation and hydrolysis parameters and the absence of acrylamide. In contrast, oxidation developed with soybean oil whose usage for frying should be questioned. Considering that asparagine is the limiting factor for the formation of acrylamide in plantain chips, its content depending on several factors such as production parameters and maturity stage should be explored.