1000 resultados para Monde imaginal


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Scénarios d’aveuglement dans la littérature d’Orhan Pamuk, d’Ernesto Sábato, et de José Saramago analyse trois œuvres importantes de trois auteurs contemporains : Mon nom est Rouge d’Orhan Pamuk ; « Rapport sur les aveugles » du roman Héros et tombes d’Ernesto Sábato ; et L’aveuglement de José Saramago. Malgré leurs différences, ces romans ont des points communs évidents, synthétisés dans la figure de l’aveuglement. Cette figure signale l’avènement, dans les textes, d’un régime de connaissance alternatif, centré moins sur le primat de la raison et du visuel que sur une nouvelle capacité cognitive, basée sur une logique spéciale du destin. L’aveuglement s’ouvre également sur une nouvelle compréhension de l’histoire, grâce à une capacité du récit de fiction qui passe par le point de fuite de la cécité. Pour Pamuk, l’aveuglement est le couronnement paradoxal d’une vision du monde, gravement mise en crise à la fin du XVIe siècle par le perspectivisme et le réalisme de la Renaissance, la voie d’entrée vers un monde imaginal qui n’est plus accessible à l’imaginaire occidental. Pour Sábato, il représente la variante renversée d’une quête de l’absolu qui passe par les antres de l’inceste, de l’enfer et du crime, tandis que le monde décrit par Saramago est un monde qui sombre sur la pente de la déchéance, en suivant une logique implacable. Il est l’équivalent de plusieurs formes de cécité qui menacent le monde contemporain, comme le fondamentalisme religieux, l’homogénéité préconisée par la société de masse, l’exclusion raciale, l’oppression idéologique. La thèse se divise en trois parties, La violente beauté du monde, Un mythe hérétique de la caverne et Une épidémie à cause inconnue, chacune d’entre elles analysant l’œuvre d’un auteur, mais établissant également des liens avec les autres chapitres. L’approche adoptée est interdisciplinaire, un croisement entre études littéraires, philosophie et histoire de l’art. Dans leur quête de nouveaux concepts et de nouvelles formes de pensée qui s’écartent du modèle rationnel dominant de la modernité, les trois auteurs partent de la présupposition que regarder les choses n’est pas du tout l’équivalent de voir les choses. Ils tentent d’articuler une logique du voir qui ressemble plutôt à la vision et à la clairvoyance qu’à la conformité logique. La figure de l’aveuglement sert de tremplin vers le monde imaginal (Pamuk), la pensée magique (Sábato) et la vision dystopique (Saramago) – des espaces ontologiquement différents où les auteurs mènent leurs attaques contre la rationnalité à tout prix. C’est précisément ces espaces que nous avons choisi d’explorer dans les trois romans. Nous soutenons également que ces trois textes proposent un nouveau régime de « connaissance » qui met en question les règles de pensée héritées de la Renaissance et surtout des Lumières, qui constituent un discours dominant dans la culture visuelle et philosophique moderne.


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1. When freshly eclosed females of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata (Lep.) are isolated, only about 50% of them build nests and lay eggs thereby suggesting a pre-imaginal biasing of caste. 2. Wasps that lay eggs take a very variable amount of time after eclosion to start doing so. 3. Females eclosing from nests where larvae are fed at a relatively higher rate are more likely to become egg-layers and are likely to take less time after eclosion to begin to lay eggs. 4. Thus, both forms of pre-imaginal biasing of caste, namely, differences in egg laying capacity and differences in the time taken to attain reproductive maturity, appear to be influenced by larval nutrition.


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Caste is usually thought to be determined entirely in the adult stage in most primitively eusocial wasps and bees. A pre-imaginal caste bias has however been recently discovered in the primitively eusocial waspRopalidia marginata. This study also suggested that reigning queens and possibly other adults may influence the production of new queens and implied at least partial support to the parental manipulation or sub-fertility hypothesis for the evolution of insect sociality. The interest of these results prompted an attempt at their reconfirmation. Complete reconfirmation has now been obtained using data from an independent experiment and two additional methods of data analysis. We therefore conclude that caste is at least partly determined prior to eclosion in the primitively eusocial waspRopalidia marginata which lacks morphological differentiation between egg-layers and non-egg-layers.


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Fecha: 29-10-1969 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 8-8 / Nº de pág.: 4 (mecanografiadas)


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Este é o tomo III da Coleção Voyages, relations et mémoires originaux pour servir a l'histoire de la découverte de l'Amerique, da editora Ternaux-Compans. Embora o prefácio do editor francês afirme ser esta a primeira versão francesa do famoso livro de Staden so o Brasil, J.C. Rodrigues fala de uma edição francesa em Amsterdã, de 1714, se, contudo, fornecer detalhes. Mesmo sendo esta a segunda tradução francesa, é também rara. Narra a odisséia vivida pelo autor durante nove meses como prisioneiro dos Tupinambás, fonte de consulta importante sobre o período inicial de nossa história. Staden descreve, além das experiências de seu cativeiro, suas viagens ao Brasil, desde os portos de origem. Preocupa-se em citar os nomes das pessoas, com quem lidou em diversas circunstâncias. é a primeira publicação sobre os índios brasileiros e, ainda hoje, na opinião de Borba de Moraes "constitui uma das mais valiosas fontes da etnologia em geral e da tupinologia especialmente".


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In this paper, a novel algorithm for removing facial makeup disturbances as a face detection preprocess based on high dimensional imaginal geometry is proposed. After simulation and practical application experiments, the algorithm is theoretically analyzed. Its apparent effect of removing facial makeup and the advantages of face detection with this pre-process over face detection without it are discussed. Furthermore, in our experiments with color images, the proposed algorithm even gives some surprises.


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BACKGROUND: Insulin and ecdysone are the key extrinsic regulators of growth for the wing imaginal disks of insects. In vitro tissue culture studies have shown that these two growth regulators act synergistically: either factor alone stimulates only limited growth, but together they stimulate disks to grow at a rate identical to that observed in situ. It is generally thought that insulin signaling links growth to nutrition, and that starvation stops growth because it inhibits insulin secretion. At the end of larval life feeding stops but the disks continue to grow, so at that time disk growth has become uncoupled from nutrition. We sought to determine at exactly what point in development this uncoupling occurs. METHODOLOGY: Growth and cell proliferation in the wing imaginal disks and hemolymph carbohydrate concentrations were measured at various stages in the last larval instar under experimental conditions of starvation, ligation, rescue, and hormone treatment. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we show that in the last larval instar of M. sexta, the uncoupling of nutrition and growth occurs as the larva passes the critical weight. Before this time, starvation causes a decline in hemolymph glucose and trehalose and a cessation of wing imaginal disks growth, which can be rescued by injections of trehalose. After the critical weight the trehalose response to starvation disappears, and the expression of insulin becomes decoupled from nutrition. After the critical weight the wing disks loose their sensitivity to repression by juvenile hormone, and factors from the abdomen, but not the brain, are required to drive continued growth. CONCLUSIONS: During the last larval instar imaginal disk growth becomes decoupled from somatic growth at the time that the endocrine events of metamorphosis are initiated. These regulatory changes ensure that disk growth continues uninterrupted when the nutritive and endocrine signals undergo the drastic changes associated with metamorphosis.


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Sketches and photographs are a familiar tool of the traveller-writer, who commonly draws on them when transforming experience into a textual narrative. The verbal thus displaces the visual — the latter retained, if at all, as mere illustration — in ways that echo James Heffernan's definition of ekphrasis as the ‘verbal description of visual representation’. Yet Nicolas Bouvier's 1963 travel narrative L'Usage du monde challenges conventional conceptions of ekphrasis. Juxtaposing the stark ink drawings of Thierry Vernet — Bouvier's travelling companion — with Bouvier's textual narrative, L'Usage du monde shifts representation away from a hierarchical relationship between verbal and visual; it offers instead an account of other cultures that is grounded in polyphony and exchange. This article applies Bouvier's own image of travel as a mosaic to the dual narrative form (or ‘iconotext’, to use Michael Nerlich's term) in order to consider a range of fluid relationships between Bouvier's text and Vernet's drawings. In examining these relationships of amplification, reduction, and absence, the article argues that the plurality of the narrative prompts a rethinking of conventional, binary paradigms of intercultural contact. Ultimately, the iconotextual nature of L'Usage du monde can be interpreted as a metaphor for the processes of cultural translation and transculturation that are central to Bouvier's travelling ethos.


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The aim of this paper is to corn pare two technological dystopias: Emile Souvestre's Le Monde tel qu'il sera (1846) and Cordwainer Smith's "Alpha Ralpha Boulevard" (1961). Both texts present dystopian societies experienced by many of its inhabitants as being the best of possible worlds. The above authors question the massive use of technology, worry about what technology can do to human beings, how it can dehumanize them. They reveal serious social and moral concerns regarding the less privileged. These are excluded from the benefits of"Utopia" while making it possible. Both authors are childs of.. their time: they live in a period of national pride, they can see the shadows behind the luminous, the dangers resulting from human beings playing God with nature and humanity. Also, they are innovators: Souvestre announces dystopian science fiction and Smith renews with the genre announcing the New Wave movement in Anglo-American science fiction.


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Fundação Millennium bcp