405 resultados para Monastic dominion


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En "Estructura y dinámica del dominio de Santo Toribio de Liébana (siglos XIII-XVI)" se trata de explicar las características diferenciales que presenta un dominio monástico del área septentrional de la Península Ibérica. En la primera parte, siglo XIII y principios del siglo XIV, se considera que la pobreza material que ostenta el cenobio, observable en el escaso volumen de la renta y en las sucesivas enajenaciones de bienes efectuadas por sectores jerarquizados locales, es el resultado de la dispar consolidación de las estructuras feudales en el espacio. Frente a áreas cercanas al emplazamiento del monasterio en donde el señor limita la movilidad campesina y extrae excedentes elevados y estables, existen otras, consideradas como la "periferia" del dominio, en donde la pervivencia del ejercicio del derecho de retorno limitaba seriamente la consolidación de la propiedad dominical señorial. En dichas áreas, la estabilización de los derechos de propiedad del señor sólo se concretó a partir de la conformación de estructuras coercitivas de poder a nivel local que anularon el ejercicio efectivo del retorno familiar. En la segunda parte, siglos XIV-XVI, se analizan las estrategias específicas que permitieron el incremento del volumen de la renta en el largo plazo. Frente a las tesis que sostienen una temprana parcelación de la reserva y una conmutación de las prestaciones de trabajo, se observa aquí, por el contrario, el aumento de su extensión en los siglos finales de la Edad Media. Al mismo tiempo se detecta un proceso de parcelación de las tenencias campesinas, impulsado por el señor, que propiciaba un incremento de los fuegos sobre los que recaían las exacciones. Ambos aspectos, apropiación señorializada del espacio y aumento de la tasa de la renta, fueron el resultado del ejercicio efectivo de la coacción política.


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En "Estructura y dinámica del dominio de Santo Toribio de Liébana (siglos XIII-XVI)" se trata de explicar las características diferenciales que presenta un dominio monástico del área septentrional de la Península Ibérica. En la primera parte, siglo XIII y principios del siglo XIV, se considera que la pobreza material que ostenta el cenobio, observable en el escaso volumen de la renta y en las sucesivas enajenaciones de bienes efectuadas por sectores jerarquizados locales, es el resultado de la dispar consolidación de las estructuras feudales en el espacio. Frente a áreas cercanas al emplazamiento del monasterio en donde el señor limita la movilidad campesina y extrae excedentes elevados y estables, existen otras, consideradas como la "periferia" del dominio, en donde la pervivencia del ejercicio del derecho de retorno limitaba seriamente la consolidación de la propiedad dominical señorial. En dichas áreas, la estabilización de los derechos de propiedad del señor sólo se concretó a partir de la conformación de estructuras coercitivas de poder a nivel local que anularon el ejercicio efectivo del retorno familiar. En la segunda parte, siglos XIV-XVI, se analizan las estrategias específicas que permitieron el incremento del volumen de la renta en el largo plazo. Frente a las tesis que sostienen una temprana parcelación de la reserva y una conmutación de las prestaciones de trabajo, se observa aquí, por el contrario, el aumento de su extensión en los siglos finales de la Edad Media. Al mismo tiempo se detecta un proceso de parcelación de las tenencias campesinas, impulsado por el señor, que propiciaba un incremento de los fuegos sobre los que recaían las exacciones. Ambos aspectos, apropiación señorializada del espacio y aumento de la tasa de la renta, fueron el resultado del ejercicio efectivo de la coacción política.


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En "Estructura y dinámica del dominio de Santo Toribio de Liébana (siglos XIII-XVI)" se trata de explicar las características diferenciales que presenta un dominio monástico del área septentrional de la Península Ibérica. En la primera parte, siglo XIII y principios del siglo XIV, se considera que la pobreza material que ostenta el cenobio, observable en el escaso volumen de la renta y en las sucesivas enajenaciones de bienes efectuadas por sectores jerarquizados locales, es el resultado de la dispar consolidación de las estructuras feudales en el espacio. Frente a áreas cercanas al emplazamiento del monasterio en donde el señor limita la movilidad campesina y extrae excedentes elevados y estables, existen otras, consideradas como la "periferia" del dominio, en donde la pervivencia del ejercicio del derecho de retorno limitaba seriamente la consolidación de la propiedad dominical señorial. En dichas áreas, la estabilización de los derechos de propiedad del señor sólo se concretó a partir de la conformación de estructuras coercitivas de poder a nivel local que anularon el ejercicio efectivo del retorno familiar. En la segunda parte, siglos XIV-XVI, se analizan las estrategias específicas que permitieron el incremento del volumen de la renta en el largo plazo. Frente a las tesis que sostienen una temprana parcelación de la reserva y una conmutación de las prestaciones de trabajo, se observa aquí, por el contrario, el aumento de su extensión en los siglos finales de la Edad Media. Al mismo tiempo se detecta un proceso de parcelación de las tenencias campesinas, impulsado por el señor, que propiciaba un incremento de los fuegos sobre los que recaían las exacciones. Ambos aspectos, apropiación señorializada del espacio y aumento de la tasa de la renta, fueron el resultado del ejercicio efectivo de la coacción política.


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Since 1997 the Finnish Jabal Haroun Project (FJHP) has studied the ruins of the monastery and pilgrimage complex (Gr. oikos) of Aaron located on a plateau of the Mountain of Prophet Aaron, Jabal an-Nabi Harûn, ca. 5 km to the south-west of the UNESCO World Heritage site of Petra in Jordan. The state of conservation and the damaging processes affecting the stone structures of the site are studied in this M.A. thesis. The chapel was chosen as an example, as it represents the phasing and building materials of the entire site. The aim of this work is to act as a preliminary study with regards to the planning of long-term conservation at the site. The research is empirical in nature. The condition of the stones in the chapel walls was mapped using the Illustrated Glossary on Stone Deterioration, by the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Stone. This glossary combines several standards and systems of damage mapping used in the field. Climatic conditions (temperature and RH %) were monitored for one year (9/2005-8/2006) using a HOBO Microstation datalogger. The measurements were compared with contemporary measurements from the nearest weather station in Wadi Musa. Salts in the stones were studied by taking samples from the stone surfaces by scraping and with the “Paper Pulp”-method; with a poultice of wet cellulose fiber (Arbocel BC1000) and analyzing what main types of salts were to be found in the samples. The climatic conditions on the mountain were expected to be rapidly changing and to differ clearly from conditions in the neighboring areas. The rapid changes were confirmed, but the values did not differ as much as expected from those nearby: the 12 months monitored had average temperatures and were somewhat drier than average. Earlier research in the area has shown that the geological properties of the stone material influence its deterioration. The damage mapping showed clearly, that salts are also a major reason for stone weathering. The salt samples contained several salt combinations, whose behavior in the extremely unstable climatic conditions is difficult to predict. Detailed mapping and regular monitoring of especially the structures, that are going remain exposed, is recommended in this work.


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Evolutionary biology is above all concerned with the way life on earth and its setting change over time. The problem posed by Daily and Ehrlich, of how humans, the myriads of organisms that humans carry around in their bodies and the stage on which they interact have been changing over time, may then be viewed as one of the concerns of this discipline.


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Evolutionary biology is above all concerned with the way life on earth and its setting change over time. The problem posed by Daily and Ehrlich, of how humans, the myriads of organisms that humans carry around in their bodies and the stage on which they interact have been changing over time, may then be viewed as one of the concerns of this discipline.


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This thesis creates a multi-faceted archaeological context for early Irish monasticism, so as to ‘rematerialise’ a phenomenon that has been neglected by recent archaeological scholarship. Following revision of earlier models of the early Irish Church, archaeologists are now faced with redefining monasticism and distinguishing it from other diverse forms of Christian lifestyle. This research addresses this challenge, exploring the ways in which material limits can be set on the monastic phenomenon. The evidence for early Irish monasticism does not always conform to modern expectations of its character, and monastic space must be examined as culturally unique in its own right - though this thesis demonstrates that early Irish monasticism was by no means as unorthodox in its contemporary European setting as has previously been suggested. The research is informed by theories of the body, habitus and space, drawing on a wide body of archaeological, religious, sociological and anthropological thought. The data-set comprises evidences gathered through field-survey, reassessment of archaeological scholarship, historical research and cartographic research, enabling consideration of the ways in which early Irish monastics engaged with their environments. A sample of thirty-one early Irish ecclesiastical sites plus Iona forms the basis for discussion of the location and layout of monastic space, the ways in which monastics used buildings and space in their daily lives, the relationship of monasticism and material culture, the setting of mental and physical limits on monastic space and monastic bodies, and the variety of monastic lifestyles that pertained in early medieval Ireland. The study then examines the Christian landscapes of two case-studies in mid-Western Ireland in order to illustrate how monasticism functioned on the ground in these areas. As this research shows, the material complexities of early Irish monastic life are capable of archaeological definition in terms of both communal and personal lived experience.


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The advertisements are for weed chains and unit chains for tires. Weed and unit chains were designed for use on muddy roads, snow, ice, wet pavement, and sand for single and dual solid truck tires. The Dominion Chain Co., Limited of Niagara Falls, Ontario began operation in 1914. The plant was located at 800 Bender Hill and in 1963 it employed between 250 and 500 people.


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This unidentified African Canadian man is photographed at the Dominion Photo Studio, located at 388 Queen St. West in Toronto. The photographer's name is not known. No date is provided, however, the Dominion Studio is listed as operating from 1893-1894. The reverse of the card displays the Dominion Photo Studio stamp in gold lettering (image also attached). The gentleman in this cabinet card is possibly a relative of the Sloman - Bell family, who settled in the London and St. Catharines areas of Ontario. This cabinet card was among the family memorabilia in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines. Relatives of the Sloman - Bell family include former African American slaves who came to Canada.The Dominion Portait Co. is listed as operating from 1893-1894 in Toronto. There is an additional listing for the Dominion Portrait Co. (Gourlay and Clark props.) for 1894. Source: Phillips, Glen C. The Ontario photographers list (1851-1900). Sarnia: Iron Gate Publishing Co., 1990. "Cabinet card photographs were first introduced in 1866. They were initially employed for landscapes rather than portraitures. Cabinet cards replaced Carte de visite photographs as the popular mode of photography. Cabinet cards became the standard for photographic portraits in 1870. Cabinet cards experienced their peak in popularity in the 1880's. Cabinet cards were still being produced in the United States until the early 1900's and continued to be produced in Europe even longer. The best way to describe a cabinet card is that it is a thin photograph that is mounted on a card that measures 4 1/4″ by 6 1/2″. Cabinet cards frequently have artistic logos and information on the bottom or the reverse of the card which advertised the photographer or the photography studio's services." Source: http://cabinetcardgallery.wordpress.com/category/cabinet-card-history/


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Business directory for Canada and Newfoundland for the year 1899


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Issued in aid of war relief and charity.