138 resultados para Momo festivities


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Current analysis deals with memoirs of Carnivals celebrated by Negroes in the city of São Paulo during the 1920s and 1930s. The narrative tries to investigate the trajectory of the Afro-Brazilian group and the spaces used to express its performances during the festivities dedicated to Momo throughout the city of São Paulo, which was still characterized by wealthy people that controlled its several sections. Several discussions are endeavored to perceive the spaces fabricated by the group and its strategy to get together and celebrate Carnival (officially or non-officially). The form and meanings of playful art represented by such festivities are also highlighted.


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The discussion of this paper focuses on the search for demarcation of the Momo merriments in the city of São Paulo between 1960 and 1964, aiming to apprehend their specific traits at that juncture. It is known that the Brazilian Carnival, and in its sphere the São Paulo City one, has been steadily becoming enshrined in profile by popular segments. However, in that decade onset such festivities were going through certain peculiarities because it was a period characterized by many changes. The city of São Paulo, particularly, was experiencing an accelerated process of urbanization and consequent massification, as well as a moment of significant expansion of the cultural industry and mass communication means. Were the Momo revels immune to this process? What was the profile of these amusements in the city?


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[eus] Azken urteetako teknologia berrien iraultza dela eta, haur eta gazte literaturak bere forma aldatu du, ikus-entzunezko euskarrietara moldatuz, hartzaile haurrei erakargarriago eta ulergarriago suertatzearren. Adibide moduan Momo eleberria hartuta, bere moldaketa zinematografikorako erabili diren estrategiak aztertu dira eta bi adierazpen-euskarrien tramak konparatu dira. Analisi honen bidez frogatu ahal izan da moldaketa mota hauek, hain zuzen, jatorrizko lanaren sinplifikazioa inplikatzen dutela; hala ere, ez da arrazoi nahikoa hauek alde batera uzteko edo mesprezatzeko eta hezkuntza-baliabide posible gisa baztertzeko.


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El proyecto realizado trata fundamentalmente de la recogida de información sobre las principales fiestas y fechas del calendario anglosajón, y posterior presentación en forma de página web para su utilización en todos los niveles educativos en que se imparte idioma. Se han podido conocer algunas fiestas y costumbres de la cultura anglosajona y se han entendido y enriquecido los conocimientos de la lengua extranjera. Se han conocido el vocabulario y las expresiones propias de cada una de esas fiestas. Se han consultado e interpretado distintas fuentes: enciclopedias, textos, revistas en lengua inglesa, internet, etc. Se han captado y contrastado las diferencias y/o semejanzas entre la cultura extranjera y su propia cultura en lo que se refiere a fiestas y costumbres relativizando las propias creencias culturales. Se han apreciado y valorado las costumbres distintas a las nuestras para descubrir la propia identidad y enriquecerla. Se han despertado el interés, curiosidad, respeto y tolerancia por otras culturas y otras maneras de entender la vida. Se han publicado el calendario en la intranet del centro y en la web del centro, para que pueda ser consultado por todo el personal del centro como medio para obtener o ampliar información sobre este tema. El grado de implicación de los alumnos en esta actividad, ha sido bastante elevado y se puede valorar positivamente.


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Resumen tomado de la web del Departamento de Educación


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This is a case report of macrosomia, obesity, macrocephaly and ocular abnormalities (MOMO syndrome) associated with autism. Studies on genetic or environmental syndromes associated with autism can provide genetic markers or uncover relevant events, and are very important for the definition of autism subgroups in future molecular research.


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We describe 2 unrelated patients, a boy and a girl, with an overgrowth syndrome and the following common characteristics: macrocrania, obesity, ocular abnormalities (retinal coloboma and nystagmus), downward slant of palpebral fissures, mental retardation, and delayed bone maturation. Both cases are of sporadic occurrence with no consanguinity between the parents. We suggest that this syndrome is due to a new autosomal dominant mutation and propose to designate it with the acronym of ''MOMO syndrome'' (Macrosomia, Obesity, Macrocrania, Ocular anomalities).


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Heidelberg, Univ. Diss. , 1908


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The main aim of the study is to create a many-sided view of dancing in Roman Egypt (1st - early 4th centuries AD) and especially of the dancers who earned their living by dancing as hired performers. Even though dancers and other performers played a central part in many kinds of festivities throughout the ancient world, research on ancient professional dancers is rare and tends to rest on the ancient literature, which reflects the opinions of the elite. Documentary written sources (i.e., papyri, ostraka) the core of the present study are mentioned rather superficially, easily resulting in a stereotypical view of the dancers. This study will balance the picture of professional dancers in antiquity and of ancient dancing in a more general sense. The second aim characterizes this study as basic research: to provide a corpus of written sources from Greco-Roman Egypt on dancing and to discuss pictorial sources contemporary with the texts. The study also takes into account the theoretical discussion that centres on dancing as a nonverbal communicative mode. Dancers are seen as significant conveyors of social and cultural matters. This study shows that dancers were hired to perform especially in religious contexts, where the local associations on the village level also played an important part as the employers of the performers. These performers had a better standard of living in economic terms than the average hired worker, and dancers were better paid than other performers. In the Egyptian villages and towns, where the dancers performed and lived, the dancers do not seem to have been marginal because they were professionals or because of some ethnic or social background. However, their possible marginality may have occurred for reasons related to the practicalities of their profession (e.g., the itinerant life style). The oriental background of performers was a literary topos reflecting partly the situation in the centres of the empire, especially Rome, where many performers were of other than Roman origin. The connection of dancing, prostitution and slavery reflects the essential link between dance, body and gender: dancers are equated with such professions or socio-legal statuses where the body is the focus of attention, a commodity and a source of sensual pleasure; this dimension is clearly observable in ancient literature. According to the Egyptian documentary sources, there is no watertight evidence that professional dancers would have been engaged in prostitution and very little, if any, evidence that the disapproval of the professional dancers expressed by the ancient authors was shared by the Egyptians. From the 4th century onwards the dancers almost disappear from the documentary sources, reflecting the political and religious changes in the Mediterranean east.