972 resultados para Molybdenum Enzymes


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The crystal structure of the xanthine oxidase-related molybdenum-iron protein aldehyde oxido-reductase from the sulfate reducing anaerobic Gram-negative bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas (Mop) was analyzed in its desulfo-, sulfo-, oxidized, reduced, and alcohol-bound forms at 1.8-A resolution. In the sulfo-form the molybdenum molybdopterin cytosine dinucleotide cofactor has a dithiolene-bound fac-[Mo, = O, = S, ---(OH2)] substructure. Bound inhibitory isopropanol in the inner compartment of the substrate binding tunnel is a model for the Michaelis complex of the reaction with aldehydes (H-C = O,-R). The reaction is proposed to proceed by transfer of the molybdenum-bound water molecule as OH- after proton transfer to Glu-869 to the carbonyl carbon of the substrate in concert with hydride transfer to the sulfido group to generate [MoIV, = O, -SH, ---(O-C = O, -R)). Dissociation of the carboxylic acid product may be facilitated by transient binding of Glu-869 to the molybdenum. The metal-bound water is replenished from a chain of internal water molecules. A second alcohol binding site in the spacious outer compartment may cause the strong substrate inhibition observed. This compartment is the putative binding site of large inhibitors of xanthine oxidase.


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Dimethylsulfide (DMS) dehydrogenase catalyses the oxidation of DMS to dimethylsulfoxide. The purified enzyme has three subunits of Mr = 94, 38 and 32 kDa and has an optical spectrum dominated by a b-type cytochrome. The metal ion and nucleotide analysis revealed 0.5 g-atom Mo, 9.8 g-atom Fe and 1.96 mol GMP per tool of enzyme. Taken together, these data indicate that DMS dehydrogenase contains a bis(MGD)Mo cofactor. A comparison of the Nterminal amino acid sequence of DMS dehydrogenase revealed that the Mo-containing ct-subunit was most closely related to the c~-subunits of nitrate reductase (NarG) and selenate reductase (SerA). Similarly, the [~-subunit of DMS dehydrogenase was most closely related to the [3-subunits of nitrate reductase (NarH) and selenate reductase (SerB). Variable temperature X-band EPR spectra (120-2K) of 'as isolated' DMS dehydrogenase showed resonances arising from multiple redox centres, Mo(V), [3Fe-4S] +, [4Fe-4S] ÷. A pH dependent EPR study of the Mo(V) centre in lH20 and 2H20 reveals the presence of three Mo(V) species in equilibrium, Mo(V)-OH2, Mo(V)-X and Mo(V)-OH. Between pH6 and 8.2 the dominant species is Mo(V)-OH2 and Mo(V)-X is a minor component. X is probably the anion, chloride. Comparison of the rhombicity and anisotropy parameters for the Mo(V) species in DMS dehydrogenase with other Mo(V) centres in metalloproteins showed that it was most similar to the low pH nitrite spectrum of E. coli nitrate reductase (NarGHI). The spin Hamiltonian parameters (2.0158, 1.8870, 1.8620) for the [4Fe-4S] + cluster suggests the presence of histidine (N) coordination to iron in this cluster. It is suggested that this unusual [Fe-S] cluster may be associated with a histidine-cysteine rich sequence at the N-terminus of the ct-subunit of DMS dehydrogenase.


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A finite difference method for simulating voltammograms of electrochemically driven enzyme catalysis is presented. The method enables any enzyme mechanism to be simulated. The finite difference equations can be represented as a matrix equation containing a nonlinear sparse matrix. This equation has been solved using the software package Mathematica. Our focus is on the use of cyclic voltammetry since this is the most commonly employed electrochemical method used to elucidate mechanisms. The use of cyclic voltammetry to obtain data from systems obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics is discussed, and we then verify our observations on the Michaelis-Menten system using the finite difference simulation. Finally, we demonstrate how the method can be used to obtain mechanistic information on a real redox enzyme system, the complex bacterial molybdoenzyme xanthine dehydrogenase.


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Crystals of purified heterodimeric sulfite dehydrogenase from Starkeya novella have been grown using vapour diffusion. X-ray diffraction data have been collected from crystals of the native protein at lambda=1.0 Angstrom and close to the iron absorption edge at lambda=1.737 Angstrom. The crystals belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2, with unit-cell parameters a=97.5, b=92.5, c=55.9 Angstrom. Native data have been recorded to 1.8 Angstrom resolution and Fe-edge data to 2.5 Angstrom.


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Variable-frequency pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance studies of the molybdenum(V) center of sulfite dehydrogenase (SDH) clearly show couplings from nearby exchangeable protons that are assigned to a (MoOHn)-O-v group. The hyperfine parameters for these exchangeable protons of SDH are the same at both low and high pH and similar to those for the high-pH forms of sulfite oxidases (SOs) from eukaryotes. The SDH proton parameters are distinctly different from the low-pH forms of chicken and human so.


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Sulfite-oxidizing molybdoenzymes convert the highly reactive and therefore toxic sulfite to sulfate and have been identified in insects, animals, plants, and bacteria. Although the well studied enzymes from higher animals serve to detoxify sulfite that arises from the catabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, the bacterial enzymes have a central role in converting sulfite formed during dissimilatory oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds. Here we describe the structure of the Starkeya novella sulfite dehydrogenase, a heterodimeric complex of the catalytic molybdopterin subunit and a c-type cytochrome subunit, that reveals the molecular mechanism of intramolecular electron transfer in sulfite-oxidizing enzymes. The close approach of the two redox centers in the protein complex (Mo-Fe distance 16.6 angstrom) allows for rapid electron transfer via tunnelling or aided by the protein environment. The high resolution structure of the complex has allowed the identification of potential through-bond pathways for electron transfer including a direct link via Arg-55A and/or an aromatic-mediated pathway. A potential site of electron transfer to an external acceptor cytochrome c was also identified on the SorB subunit on the opposite side to the interaction with the catalytic SorA subunit.


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AIMS: Increases in inflammatory markers, hepatic enzymes and physical inactivity are associated with the development of the metabolic syndrome (MetS). We examined whether inflammatory markers and hepatic enzymes are correlated with traditional risk factors for MetS and studied the effects of resistance training (RT) on these emerging risk factors in individuals with a high number of metabolic risk factors (HiMF, 2.9 +/- 0.8) and those with a low number of metabolic risk factors (LoMF, 0.5 +/- 0.5). METHODS: Twenty-eight men and 27 women aged 50.8 +/- 6.5 years (mean +/- sd) participated in the study. Participants were randomized to four groups, HiMF training (HiMFT), HiMF control (HiMFC), LoMF training (LoMFT) and LoMF control (LoMFC). Before and after 10 weeks of RT [3 days/week, seven exercises, three sets with intensity gradually increased from 40-50% of one repetition maximum (1RM) to 75-85% of 1RM], blood samples were obtained for the measurement of pro-inflammatory cytokines, C-reactive protein (CRP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). RESULTS: At baseline, HiMF had higher interleukin-6 (33.9%), CRP (57.1%), GGT (45.2%) and ALT (40.6%) levels, compared with LoMF (all P < 0.05). CRP, GGT and ALT correlated with the number of risk factors (r = 0.48, 0.51 and 0.57, respectively, all P < 0.01) and with other anthropometric and clinical measures (r range from 0.26 to 0.60, P < 0.05). RT did not significantly alter inflammatory markers or hepatic enzymes (all P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: HiMF was associated with increased inflammatory markers and hepatic enzyme concentrations. RT did not reduce inflammatory markers and hepatic enzymes in individuals with HiMF.


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An investigation of the electrical and hydrogen sensing properties of a novel Schottky diode based on a nanostructured lanthanum oxide-molybdenum oxide compound is presented herein. Molybdenum oxide (MoO3) nanoplatelets were grown on SiC substrates via thermal evaporation which was then subsequently coated with lanthanum oxide (La2O3) by RF sputtering. The current-voltage characteristics and hydrogen sensing performance (change in barrier height and sensitivity as well as the dynamic response) were examined from 25 to 300°C. At 180°C, a voltage shift of 2.23V was measured from the sensor while exposed to 1% hydrogen gas under a 100 μA constant reverse bias current. The results indicate that the presence of a La2O3 thin layer substantially improves the hydrogen sensitivity of the MoO3 nanoplatelets.


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Migraine is a common debilitating primary headache disorder with significant mental, physical and social health implications. The brain neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; serotonin) is involved in nociceptive pathways and has been implicated in the pathophysiology of migraine. With few genetic studies investigating biosynthetic and metabolic enzymes governing the rate of 5-HT activity and their relationship to migraine, it was the objective of this study to assess genetic variants within the human tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) and monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) genes in migraine susceptibility. This objective was undertaken using a high-throughput DNA pooling experimental design, which proved to be a very accurate, sensitive and specific method of estimating allele frequencies for single nucleotide polymorphism, insertion deletion and variable number tandem repeat loci. Application of DNA pooling to a wide array of genetic loci provides greater scope in the assessment of population-based genetic association study designs. Despite the application of this high-throughput genotyping method, negative results from the two-stage DNA pooling design used to screen loci within the TPH, AADC and MAOA genes did not support their role in migraine susceptibility.


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Asthma is chronic inflammatory disease of the lower airways that is both, genetically inherited and environmentally influenced. This project investigated how molecular mechanisms known to be influenced both genetically and environmentally, contribute to the onset of asthma.