977 resultados para Moisture Diffusivity


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The binary diffusivities of water in low molecular weight sugars; fructose, sucrose and a high molecular weight carbohydrate; maltodextrin (DE 11) and the effective diffusivities of water in mixtures of these sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose) and maltodextrin (DE 11) were determined using a simplified procedure based on the Regular Regime Approach. The effective diffusivity of these mixtures exhibited both the concentration and molecular weight dependence. Surface stickiness was observed in all samples during desorption, with fructose exhibiting the highest and maltodextrin the lowest. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract The present study aimed at investigating the influences of drying air temperature and flow rate on energy parameters and dehydration behaviour of apple slices. For this purpose, apple slices were dried in a convective dryer at air temperatures of 50, 60 and 70 °C, and air velocities of 1, 1.5 and 2 m s–1. Dehydration rate increased as the air temperature and flow rate increased from 50 to 70 °C and 1 to 2 m s–1, respectively. The effective moisture diffusivity was determined to be in the range of 6.75×10–10-1.28×10–9 m2 s–1. Results of data analysis showed that the maximum energy consumption (23.94 kW h) belonged to 50 °C and 2 m s–1 and the minimum (13.89 kW h) belonged to 70 °C and 1 m s–1 treatment. Energy efficiency values were in the range of 2.87-9.11%. Moreover, the results indicated that any increment in the air temperature increases thermal and drying efficiencies while any increment in the air flow rate decreases both of them.


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Celery (Apium graveolens L. var. secalinum Alef) leaves with 50±0.07 g weight and 91.75±0.15% humidity (~11.21 db) were dried using 8 different microwave power densities ranging between 1.8-20 W g-1, until the humidity fell down to 8.95±0.23% (~0.1 db). Microwave drying processes were completed between 5.5 and 77 min depending on the microwave power densities. In this study, measured values were compared with predicted values obtained from twenty thin layer drying theoretical, semi-empirical and empirical equations with a new thin layer drying equation. Within applied microwave power density; models whose coefficient and correlation (R²) values are highest were chosen as the best models. Weibull distribution model gave the most suitable predictions at all power density. At increasing microwave power densities, the effective moisture diffusivity values ranged from 1.595 10-10 to 6.377 10-12 m2 s-1. The activation energy was calculated using an exponential expression based on Arrhenius equation. The linear relationship between the drying rate constant and effective moisture diffusivity gave the best fit.


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The thin-layer drying behaviour of bananas in a beat pump dehumidifier dryer was examined. Four pre-treatments (blanching, chilling, freezing and combined blanching and freezing) were applied to the bananas, which were dried at 50 degreesC with an air velocity of 3.1 m s(-1) and with the relative humidity of the inlet air of 10-35%. Three drying models, the simple model, the two-term exponential model and the Page model were examined. All models were evaluated using three statistical measures, correlation coefficient, root means square error, and mean absolute percent error. Moisture diffusivity was calculated based on the diffusion equation for an infinite cylindrical shape using the slope method. The rate of drying was higher for the pre-treatments involving freezing. The sample which was blanched only did not show any improvement in drying rate. In fact, a longer drying time resulted due to water absorption during blanching. There was no change in the rate for the chilled sample compared with the control. While all models closely fitted the drying data, the simple model showed greatest deviation from the experimental results. The two-term exponential model was found to be the best model for describing the drying curves of bananas because its parameters represent better the physical characteristics of the drying process. Moisture diffusivities of bananas were in the range 4.3-13.2 x 10(-10) m(2)s(-1). (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The drying of grapefruit seeds, by-products from grapefruit processing, was studied at 40, 50, 60 and 70°C and at three air velocities, 0.6, 1.0 and 1.4 m s-1. Sorption isotherms of grapefruit seeds were obtained at each temperature by the static method using saturated salt solutions. The Henderson model adequately described the sorption isotherms, over the entire temperature range. Drying rates indicated that the drying of grapefruit seeds took place under the falling rate period. Effective moisture diffusivity in grapefruit seeds ranged from 4.36 × 10-10 to 6.82 × 10-10 m2 s-1. The temperature dependence of the effective diffusivity followed an Arrhenius relationship, and the activation energies were 12.23, 11.29 and 11.79 kJ mol-1 for dried grapefruit seeds under air velocities of 0.6, 1.0 and 1.4 m s-1, respectively. Three thin-layer models were used to predict the drying curves, Page, Lewis, and Henderson-Pabis model. The Page model presented the best fit for all drying air temperatures and velocities studied.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Solutions of fructose, maltodextrin (DE 5), and their mixtures at the ratios of 20:80, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40, and 80:20 were gelled with 1% agar-agar and dried under convective-conductive drying conditions. The thin slabs were maintained at isothermal drying condition of 30 and 50 degrees C. Yamamoto's simplified method based on regular regime approach was used to calculate the (effective) moisture diffusivity. Both the drying rates and the moisture diffusivity exhibited strong concentration dependence. The concentration dependence was stronger in the case of fructose and fructose rich solutions. Both the moisture diffusivity and drying rates of the mixture solutions were enhanced due to plasticization of fructose on maltodextrin, which is explained through free volume theory.


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Fresh persimmon has a high moisture content (about 85% wet basis) making it highly perishable and requiring adequate drying conditions to obtain an acceptable dehydrated product. Drying kinetics of persimmon cv. Rama Forte was studied in a fixed bed dryer at temperatures ranging from 50 to 80 degreesC and air velocity of 0.8 m/s. Shrinkage during drying was described by a linear correlation with respect to water content. Evaluation of effective diffusivity as a function of moisture content, with undergoing shrinkage during drying was based on Fourier series solution of Fick's diffusion equation. Effective diffusivity values at moisture contents between 0.09 - 4.23 kg water/kg dry matter were found to be in the range of 2.6 x 10(-10) m(2)/s to 5.4 x 10(-10) m(2)/s, and its dependence on air drying temperature was represented by an Arrhenius type equation. Activation energy increased with decreasing water content in persimmons.


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This article reports on modified chitosan as an alternative substance for protecting loss of volatile compounds during freeze drying. Moisture sorption isotherms of freeze-dried D-limonene emulsions in modified chitosan were determined at 15, 25, and 35 degrees C. The data were adjusted to the GAB model. Maltodextrin was used in a parallel experiment. Flavor released from microcapsules was measured. The monolayer humidity, the sorption heat, the diffusivity coefficients, and the surface area of freeze-dried D-limonene emulsions were determined.


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Deterioration of concrete or reinforcing steel through excessive contaminant concentration is often the result of repeated wetting and drying cycles. At each cycle, the absorption of water carries new contaminants into the unsaturated concrete. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is used with large concrete samples to observe the shape of the wetting profile during a simple one-dimensional wetting process. The absorption of water by dry concrete is modelled by a nonlinear diffusion equation with the unsaturated hydraulic diffusivity being a strongly nonlinear function of the moisture content. Exponential and power functions are used for the hydraulic diffusivity and corresponding solutions of the diffusion equation adequately predict the shape of the experimental wetting profile. The shape parameters, describing the wetting profile, vary little between different blends and are relatively insensitive to subsequent re-wetting experiments allowing universal parameters to be suggested for these concretes.


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The thermal properties of plums (Prunus domestica) and prunes were investigated in the moisture content of 14.2-80.4% (wet basis) near room temperature (approximately 28 degrees C). The apparent density of the fruits increased from 1042.9 to 1460.0 kg/m(3), and the bulk density increased from 706.6 to 897.5 kg/m(3) as the plums were dried, following classical empirical models as a function of moisture content. It was found that specific heat, effective thermal diffusivity, and effective thermal conductivity of the prunes increased with the moisture content of the samples, which can be represented by using different empirical models.


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One-dimensional drying of a porous building material is modelled as a nonlinear diffusion process. The most difficult case of strong surface drying when an internal drying front is created is treated in particular. Simple analytical formulae for the drying front and moisture profiles during second stage drying are obtained when the hydraulic diffusivity is known. The analysis demonstrates the origin of the constant drying front speed observed elsewhere experimentally. Application of the formulae is illustrated for an exponential diffusivity and applied to the drying of a fired clay brick.


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The purpose of this work was to experimentally investigate the thermal diffusivity of four different gray cast iron alloys, regularly used to produce brake disks for automotive vehicles. Thermal diffusivity measurements were performed at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 600 A degrees C. The influence of the thermal conductivity on the thermomechanical fatigue life is also briefly presented. The measurements were sensitive to the influence of the carbon equivalent and alloying elements, such as molybdenum, copper and chromium. Molybdenum, unlike copper, lowered the thermal diffusivity of the gray cast iron, and alloy E (without molybdenum), besides presenting a relatively low carbon equivalent content and an increase in the values of the thermal diffusivity, presented the best performance during the thermomechanical fatigue. The molybdenum present in alloys B and C did not fulfill the expectations of providing the best thermomechanical fatigue behavior. Consequently, its elimination in the gray cast iron alloy for this application will result in a significant economy.


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This work examines the sources of moisture affecting the semi-arid Brazilian Northeast (NEB) during its pre-rainy and rainy season (JFMAM) through a Lagrangian diagnosis method. The FLEXPART model identifies the humidity contributions to the moisture budget over a region through the continuous computation of changes in the specific humidity along back or forward trajectories up to 10 days period. The numerical experiments were done for the period that spans between 2000 and 2004 and results were aggregated on a monthly basis. Results show that besides a minor local recycling component, the vast majority of moisture reaching NEB area is originated in the south Atlantic basin and that the nearby wet Amazon basin bears almost no impact. Moreover, although the maximum precipitation in the ""Poligono das Secas'' region (PS) occurs in March and the maximum precipitation associated with air parcels emanating from the South Atlantic towards PS is observed along January to March, the highest moisture contribution from this oceanic region occurs slightly later (April). A dynamical analysis suggests that the maximum precipitation observed in the PS sector does not coincide with the maximum moisture supply probably due to the combined effect of the Walker and Hadley cells in inhibiting the rising motions over the region in the months following April.