180 resultados para Moinho de bolas


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work, was studied the formation of a composite of the refractory metal niobium with copper, through the process of high-energy milling and liquid phase sintering. The HEM can be used to synthesize composite powders with high homogeneity and fine size particle distribution. It may also produce the solid solubility in immiscible systems such as Nb-Cu, or extend the solubility of systems with limited solubility. Therefore, in the immiscible system Cu-Nb, the high-energy milling was successfully used to obtain the composite powder particles. Initially, the formation of composite particles during the HEM and the effect of preparation technique on the microstructure of the material was evaluated. Four loads of Nb and Cu powders containing 20%wt Cu were synthesized by MAE in a planetary type ball mill under different periods of grinding. The influence of grinding time on the metal particles is evaluated during the process by the withdrawal of samples at intermediate times of milling. After compaction under different forces, the samples were sintered in a vacuum furnace. The liquid phase sintering of these samples prepared by HEM produced a homogeneous and fine grained. The composite particles forming the sintered samples are the addition of a hard phase (Nb) with a high melting point, and a ductile phase (Cu) with low melting point and high thermal and electrical conductivities. Based on these properties, the Nb-Cu system is a potential material for many applications, such as electrical contacts, welding electrodes, coils for generating high magnetic fields, heat sinks and microwave absorbers, which are coupled to electronic devices. The characterization techniques used in this study, were laser granulometry, used to evaluate the homogeneity and particle size, and the X-ray diffraction, in the phase identification and to analyze the crystalline structure of the powders during milling. The morphology and dispersion of the phases in the composite powder particles, as well the microstructures of the sintered samples, were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Subsequently, the sintered samples are evaluated for density and densification. And finally, they were characterized by techniques of measuring the electrical conductivity and microhardness, whose properties are analyzed as a function of the parameters for obtaining the composite


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The standardization of the bovine skin thickness in the leather industry generates a residue known as wet-blue . At the end of twentieth century, the brazilian industry discarded about 131 thousand tons of this residue in nature, provoking a great environmental liability. In this paper is presented the analyses of the termophysical properties, thermal and volumetric expansion performance of a composite of vegetable resin of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) with load of industrial residue of leather "wet-blue", for application as thermal isolation material of warm surfaces. There were considered four percentile levels of residue load in the proportions in mass of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%, added to the expansible resin of castor oil plant in two configurations: sawed leather and crushed leather in a smaller particle (powder) by grinding in a mill of balls. Twenty-one proof bodies were produced for termophysical properties analysis (three for each configuration) and four proof bodies for rehearsals of thermal acting. Analyses of thermal acting were done in test cameras. The results of the rehearsals were compared to those obtained considering the castor oil plant foam without residue addition. A small reduction of the thermal conductivity of the composite was observed in the proportion of 10% of leather residue in both configurations. Regarding thermal conductivity, calorific capacity and diffusivity, it was verified that the proposed composite showed very close values to the commercial insulating materials (glass wool, rock wool, EPS). It was still demonstrated the technical viability of the use of composite as insulating thermal for systems of low potency. The composite presented larger volumetric expansion with 15% of sawed residue of leather.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Processo de fabricação de selador endodôntico rápido e produto obtido formado por clinquer, inicialmente na forma de pelotas, e transformado em pó utilizando-se almofariz e pistilo ou moinho de bolas, sendo que, posteriormente o pó é peneirado, utilizando-se peneiras de mesh variando entre 200 e 400, de maneira que o pó de sulfato de bário ou de óxido de bismuto também passam pelo mesmo processo, de forma que, após o processo de pulverização e controle de tamanho de partículas, adiciona-se o radiopacificador ao pó clinquer na proporção que pode variar entre 10% a 30% em massa, sendo que, na preparação da emulsão, o carboximetil celulose (CMC) é misturado em água destilada na proporção para cada 100ml de água pode-se proporcionar entre 200 e 800 mg de CMC...


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The search for new methods of manufacture of glass-ceramics with controlled porosity and permeability is interesting of the industrial and commercial point of view, and a challenge of great complexity. Porous glass-ceramics produced by sintering and crystallization of glasses can find applications, for example, as filters, materials with bactericidal properties, bio-implants, as catalytic and enzymes supports, among others. An alternative and low cost method of ceramic manufacture reaching different levels of porosity, for diverse purposes, is the conformation assisted by addition of starch, known as consolidation with starch. The objective of this project is to study the process of conformation with starch for making porous glass-ceramics from a commercial glass in the system Na2O-CaO-SiO2, whose kinetics of sintering by viscous flow and surface crystallization are known. The method of conformation with starches is innovative for glass-ceramics and its development opens the way for obtaining a new class of materials. We found a possible route for the production of porous compacts of glass particles, from the powder preparation to the removal of starch. It was observed that a glass powder obtained by dry milling in a ball mill with alumina balls for 24 h, afterwards mixed with water in an eccentric ball mill for 2 h, without the addition of a deflocculant, and subsequently mixed with starch also in an eccentric ball mill for 5 min resulted in slurries stable against sedimentation


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Técnicas analíticas empregadas para a quantificação do teor de lignina em plantas forrageiras, atualmente em uso, são questionáveis quanto às suas acurácias. O método lignina detergente ácido (LDA), que é um dos métodos mais utilizado em Ciência Animal e Agronomia, apresenta algumas falhas, particularmente devido à parcial solubilização da lignina durante a preparação da fibra em detergente ácido (FDA). A lignina Klason (LK), outro método muito usado, apresenta o inconveniente de mensurar a proteína da parede celular como sendo lignina. Em ambos os procedimentos recomenda-se também mensurar cinzas nos resíduos de lignina. A quantificação da concentração de lignina pelo método espectrofotométrico lignina brometo de acetila (LBA) vem ganhando interesse de pesquisadores no Brasil e no exterior. Nesta metodologia, a lignina da planta contida na preparação parede celular (PC) é solubilizada numa solução a 25% de brometo de acetila em ácido acético e a absorbância mensurada é com luz UV a 280 nm. O valor da absorbância é inserido numa equação de regressão e a concentração de lignina é obtida. Para que esta técnica analítica seja mais aceita pelos pesquisadores, ela deve ser, obviamente, convincente e atrativa. O presente trabalho analisou alguns parâmetros relacionados à LBA em 7 gramíneas e 6 leguminosas, em dois estádios de maturidade. Dentre as diferentes temperaturas de pré-secagem, os resultados indicaram que os procedimentos de 55°C com ventilação e liofilização podem ser utilizados com a mesma eficácia. As temperaturas de 55°C sem ventilação e 80°C sem ventilação não são recomendadas, pois aumentaram os valores de FDA e LDA, possivelmente devido ao surgimento de artefatos de técnica como os compostos de Maillard. No método LBA os valores menores das amostras de leguminosas chamaram a atenção e colocaram em questão se a lignina destas plantas seria menos solúvel no reagente brometo de acetila. Dentre algumas alterações na metodologia da técnica LBA, a utilização do moinho de bolas (para diminuir o tamanho particular) nas amostras de PC não mostrou efeito; a hipótese era melhorar a solubilização da lignina usando partículas menores. O uso de um ultrasonicador, que aumenta a vibração das moléculas e assim, facilitaria a solubilização da lignina no reagente brometo de acetila, melhorou a solubilização da lignina em cerca de 10%, tanto nas gramíneas como nas leguminosas. Foi acoplado um ensaio biológico como referência, a degradabilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS); e como a lignina está intimamente associada à estrutura fibrosa da parede celular, também foi feito um ensaio de degradabilidade in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro (DIVFDN). Os resultados confirmaram o efeito da maturidade, reduzindo a degradabilidade nas plantas mais maduras, e que o teor de lignina de leguminosas é realmente inferior ao de gramíneas. Os resultados de degradabilidade apresentaram coeficientes de correlação mais elevados com o método LBA, quando foi empregada a técnica do ultrasom; o método LK mostrou os menores coeficientes. Também testou-se, com sucesso, a utilização da FDN, como preparação fibrosa, ao invés de PC. A razão é simples: enquanto que a FDN é amplamente conhecida, a preparação PC não o é. Inquestionável que esta manobra facilitará substancialmente a divulgação desse método, tornando-a mais aceitável pela comunidade científica


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There is great difficulty in forming a composite refractory metal niobium with copper. This is due to the fact that Nb-Cu system is almost mutually immiscible and may be neglected solubility between them. These properties hinder or prevent obtaining homogeneous and high-density structures, conventionally prepared. This study aims to analyze the use of high-energy milling process (MAE) to implement these natural difficulties, with regard to the densification of the sintered bodies. The MAE and the press were used in the preparation of powders, to obtain a fine and homogeneous distribution of the grain size. Four loads Nb and Cu powders containing 15% by weight of Cu were then milled for MAE in a planetary type ball mill under various milling times and speeds. The results obtained by MAE were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), according to the parameters of time and grinding speed. The samples were compacted under pressure of 200 MPa, were then sintered in liquid phase in a vacuum furnace at temperatures of 1100 ° C / 60 min and 1200 ° C / 60 min. Then it was used to characterize diffraction of X-rays to identify the phases. The microstructures of the sintered samples were observed and evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Vickers Microhardness tests were performed, obtaining higher values for the sintered bodies in the largest of the post milling times and the larger grinding speeds. It was found that the liquid phase sintering of the samples that were processed by MAE produced at the end of a homogeneous and densified structure in 77,4% relative to the value of the theoretical density of the composite


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In this work, was studied the formation of a composite of the refractory metal niobium with copper, through the process of high-energy milling and liquid phase sintering. The HEM can be used to synthesize composite powders with high homogeneity and fine size particle distribution. It may also produce the solid solubility in immiscible systems such as Nb-Cu, or extend the solubility of systems with limited solubility. Therefore, in the immiscible system Cu-Nb, the high-energy milling was successfully used to obtain the composite powder particles. Initially, the formation of composite particles during the HEM and the effect of preparation technique on the microstructure of the material was evaluated. Four loads of Nb and Cu powders containing 20%wt Cu were synthesized by MAE in a planetary type ball mill under different periods of grinding. The influence of grinding time on the metal particles is evaluated during the process by the withdrawal of samples at intermediate times of milling. After compaction under different forces, the samples were sintered in a vacuum furnace. The liquid phase sintering of these samples prepared by HEM produced a homogeneous and fine grained. The composite particles forming the sintered samples are the addition of a hard phase (Nb) with a high melting point, and a ductile phase (Cu) with low melting point and high thermal and electrical conductivities. Based on these properties, the Nb-Cu system is a potential material for many applications, such as electrical contacts, welding electrodes, coils for generating high magnetic fields, heat sinks and microwave absorbers, which are coupled to electronic devices. The characterization techniques used in this study, were laser granulometry, used to evaluate the homogeneity and particle size, and the X-ray diffraction, in the phase identification and to analyze the crystalline structure of the powders during milling. The morphology and dispersion of the phases in the composite powder particles, as well the microstructures of the sintered samples, were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Subsequently, the sintered samples are evaluated for density and densification. And finally, they were characterized by techniques of measuring the electrical conductivity and microhardness, whose properties are analyzed as a function of the parameters for obtaining the composite


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Starch is the main polysaccharide found in cereals, composed by amylose and amylopectin. Corn is the principal source of starches worldwide. Starches treatment, through physical, chemical and/or biological methods, can improve the applications range. Acid modification in alcoholic solution promotes minimally degradation in the granule. Ball mill is one physical method poorly explored. The aim was to treat the starches using HCl 0.5 mol L-1 for 1 hour in 100 ml of aqueous, ethanol or methanol solutions with subsequent ball milling processes. One sample was selected as native sample. The four others, one native sample and three acid modified samples, were treated by physical process with the oscillating ball mill. The DTG-60H equipment was used for the TG and DTA analysis. The TG curves showed three mass losses related to dehydration, decomposition and oxidation. The native sample without physical modification showed major resistance to total degradation. This occurs because the physical modification cleaves hydrogen bonds, leaving a weakened granule. The TGDTA results showed that the mass loss in the 2nd event was minor in the hydrolyzed samples compared with native samples. The acid modification can provide starch higher resistance to degradation up to 340 °C. These results showed that chemical and physical treatment changed the thermal behaviors of the starches.


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A partir de um vasto trabalho de pesquisa de campo no seio de uma rede de praticas culturais jovens marginalizadas especialmente na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, embora não somente nela, circulando entre a piXação, as Torcidas Organizadas, os Bailes Funk de Corredor e as turmas de Bate-Bolas uma espécie de constelação maldita das ruas , emergiram materiais empíricos como expressões, gestos, narrativas, etnografias, objetos, fotos e vídeos. Pois bem, nesta tese de doutoramento, sugiro a potência de tais cotidianos na performatização, mais ou menos inconsciente, de resistências às categorias tradicionais da epistemologia moderna, tais como a consciência, a boa razão, o risco zero, a vida bem calculada, enfim, todo o apanágio do reino da humanidade esclarecida. Dou especial atenção também, aos desafios que essas estéticas lançam às amarras gramaticais da linguagem que, repousada sobre sua estrutura designativa, privilegiou um sistema interpretativo de representação e lançou a noção de presença à marginalidade de nossa subjetividade. Para tanto, entendo esses cotidianos como vidas que, fazendo bom uso de seus enigmas, balançam a dinastia do pensamento dirigido. Nessa tarefa, então, de esmiuçar esses choques epistemológicos, sugiro aproximações entre essas produções éticasestéticas jovens e as noções de presença em Gumbrecht, de inconsciente coletivo em Jung, de cogito em Foucault, de dispêndio em Bataille, do gaio saber em Nietzsche, de communitas em Turner, de sentido do não-sentido em Castoriadis, assim como de algumas contribuições de Maffesoli, Heidegger, Blanchot, entre outros


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Esta dissertação aborda a manifestação contemporânea das turmas de bate-bolas do carnaval do Rio de Janeiro. As turmas de bate-bolas podem ser compreendidas como grupos de foliões que se fantasiam e se comportam de maneiras peculiares. Em relação à visibilidade que outras manifestações carnavalescas alcançam como é o caso, por exemplo, do desfile das escolas de samba pode-se considerar que há poucos estudos voltados para os bate-bolas. Dentre os estudos sobre os bate-bolas, percebe-se uma predominância da compreensão do conceito de cultura popular como o campo da tradição, da pureza e da autonomia cultural, em relação à cultura de massa. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem diferente da convencional, entendendo a manifestação das turmas de bate-bolas contemporâneas pelas suas transformações e diferenças. Para isto, baseia-se nos pressupostos dos Estudos Culturais, que constituem uma disciplina para a qual a impureza cultural é o critério fundamental de estudo da cultura popular, que é vista como uma arena de disputa de significados simbólicos. De forma a aplicar estes preceitos à situação atual das turmas de bate-bolas, este trabalho analisa as diferentes maneiras pelas quais os fantasiados formulam as suas visões particulares da brincadeira, especialmente através das configurações de elementos materiais e de elementos performáticos associados a diferentes tipos de comportamentos relacionados aos bate-bolas contemporâneos.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: evaluación y dinamización de espacios e instalaciones